Kris x Susie fanfiction - Con...

By darkkris2020

6.6K 159 136

Kris and Susie have become more than friends, since their adventure in the dark world. But every night, Kris... More

Something isn't right
Secret self harm
Something completely new
New friend
To the dark world they go...
What's wrong with them?
Susie's symptoms
Kris goes to Therapy

The next day

966 19 37
By darkkris2020

" Kris! Breakfast is ready!" called out Toriel.

Kris dragged themselves out of bed and breathed in the fresh scent of pancakes. They put on their green and yellow striped shirt, brown pants and tried to fix their hair.

Kris went downstairs to see a plateful of pancakes. They sat down and picked at their food, thinking about last night. Toriel noticed Kris's unusual actions and asked " My child, what's wrong?".

" Well, uh, we should get going"

Toriel drove her car to the school carpark and watched Kris walk into school alone. She smiled " They've grown up so fast".

Toriel went to her class and began the day.

Meanwhile, Kris was walking to the classroom, but before they stepped in, a hand reached out to stop them. Kris looked up to see their friend, Susie.

Susie smiled " H-hey Kris! Let's go inside?".

Kris nodded and they took a seat next to each other. Susie whispered " I stole more chalk so we know".

Kris smiled softly and did a thumbs up gesture. Susie sighed " I wonder when I'll hear you-".

Miss Alphys announced " My c-chalk has gone m-missing again. Can s-".

Susie called out " We'll go miss, Kris and I".

Miss Alphys was shocked at Susie's tone but nodded scaredly " T-thanks Susie and Kris".

The duo quickly exited the room and headed to the closet.

It suddenly got really dark and Kris slowly walked in, followed by Susie.

Once again, the papers collapsed and Kris and Susie fell down.

Minutes later

Susie woke up and found Kris lying on the floor still. She picked them up and walked to Ralsei's house.

Ralsei greeted " Hi Susie- WOAH are they alright?".

Susie nodded " Yeah. They just haven't woke up yet..human thing I guess".

Susie placed Kris on the couch and Ralsei handed Susie some cake.

She grinned " HELL YEAH CAKE!!".

Before Susie could bite, the door banged open revealing a familiar friend.

" Lancer!!" Susie yelled.
" Susie!!" Lancer yelled.

Lancer waved to Ralsei " Hey Toothpaste, what happened to blue person?".

Susie sighed " It's Kris...and they haven't woke yet".

Suddenly as if on cue, rustling was heard and Kris yawned adorably " Hi guys".

Lancer and Ralsei greeted Kris and Susie gave them some cake. Kris shook their head.

Susie questioned " Kris? Why aren't you eating? Oh your not hungry...sure".

Kris looked down for a second and then asked " Ralsei, can I talk to you for a moment?".

Ralsei exclaimed " Sure!". The others left the room.

Kris said " Ralsei, have you ever..felt this weird feeling your heart is warm and your body is tingly. When I'm around Susie- I feel that way".

Ralsei thought for a moment then said " Kris... that's have feelings for Susie".

Kris blushed, making Ralsei giggle " It's ok, I can always help".

Kris thanked him and the others returned. Susie spoke " Hey Kris...wanna go for a walk with Ralsei...Lancer can't go because he has errands as King".

Kris shrugged " Sure".

Susie opened the door for Kris and Ralsei then followed.

Ralsei asked " Wanna hang at the lake? it's literally here!".

Susie nodded with Kris and they sat down on the green grass.

Kris was lost in thought.

They thought about Asriel and all the things they did together. Then Asgore giving them their ' horns'. Even when Sans said one time " I already befriended your mom last night".
Kris didn't like the thought of a goat and skeleton. It was just wrong. Kris suddenly remembered when they covered themself in ketchup and claimed they were bleeding.

" Kris?"

" Kris!"

Kris was snapped out of their train of thought by Susie.

" Kris, you okay there bud, you were kind of just sitting there smiling".

Kris nodded " Mhm".

Susie shrugged and Ralsei brought out some snacks for the two. " Kris you should eat something, you look pretty slim...No offence !!..just wanna make sure your not hungry".

Kris laughed softly and took a cupcake " Better?".

Ralsei smiled at the sight of Kris laughing.

He nodded and layed down. Kris followed and then soon, Susie did too.

" Hey Kris? Can I ask you something?".

Kris replied " Yup".

Susie stammered " I have feelings for you and I know I was so cruel to you and I hurt you and you know but it's ok if you don't feel like that, just wanted to get-".

Kris spoke " Susie. I like you too".

Susie gaped " Really?".

Kris leaned in and proved this by kissing her on the lips. Ralsei silently cheered for the two, the others forgetting he was here.

Kris tasted sweet and salty while Susie tasted some very sweet and savoury. They passionately kissed for a while as Ralsei turned away.

After they withdrew from kissing, Ralsei congratulated the couple.

Susie blushed hard and Kris blushed too.

Ralsei quicky broke the awkwardness and shouted softly " You guys should go home, it's probably end of your school day".

Kris nodded and waved goodbye to Ralsei. Susie just said " Seya".

And they left.

At school

Kris sighed " I better go home before Toriel kills me".

Susie nodded understandingly and they left for hometime.

Kris at home

Kris finished their dinner and went to bed pretty early.

They slowly fell asleep letting darkness wash over them.

4 hours later

Kris tossed and turned. Tears covered their face as the nightmare got worse.

Kris's nightmare

The soul laughed " You'll never break free, Kris, I'm your player and your my toy".
Kris screamed, " I will tear myself free, for Susie, for Ralsei, for everyone".
The soul snorted " Kris. You don't get I do ya? You CAN'T break free".
Kris used all their strength and courage to force themselves out of the dream.

Into reality

Kris cackled " Haha! I did it! Just gotta get away -".
The soul broke free from the cage and into Kris's chest.
Kris screamed " No!".
Then silence. Silence. Silence.
Kris fell asleep, continuing with a dreamless rest.
Awaiting another night possessed another series of nightmares

Another day without Asriel....

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