Change of Heart

By Reasonstosmileathome

2.9M 98.4K 151K

"You're lying." Zavier spoke so low that even he barely heard his words himself. "Huh?" He picked up the vol... More

character looks
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
alternate chapter 20

chapter 22

72.6K 2.2K 3.5K
By Reasonstosmileathome

Third Person POV:

"I think there's something up with Isaac and Zavier." Harrison spoke out of the blue, speaking more into the air than to Dillon.

Dillon looked up, giving Harrison a weird look, "Okay..."

"Like... sexual tension." Harrison carried on, catching Dillon's attention now. "Sexual what-?" Dillon glanced over to Isaac and Zavier who were currently talking with Coach. They still stood quite far apart, but as Dillon watched closer, he noticed Zavier sneaking side looks at Isaac.

If Harrison had said nothing, he would've thought nothing of it, but now Harrison had pointed it out, it was all he could notice.

Dillon turned back to Harrison with surprise written all over his face. "Why?" Is all Dillon could say.

"I don't know, but I don't like it." Harrison sighed.

"Well then what do we do?"

Harrison raised a brow at him, "We?" As if they were best friends.

"You're not the biggest fan of Zavier, and neither am I of Isaac. So.. we work together." Dillon kept his eyes on Zavier who was now talking to Isaac, Coach gone.

"I'm not going to get in the way of Isaac's friendships just because of my dislike for a person. That's just selfish." Harrison followed Dillon's stare to see Zavier and Isaac coming towards them.

"Just think about it, okay." Dillon got the last sentence in before Isaac came up to Harrison, making him confused about what to do.

"Are you okay?" Isaac focused his attention on Harrison, noticing the worried look on his face.

"Not with you around." Zavier piped up, earning a glare from Dillon who watched unhappily.

"Fuck off." Isaac sneered at him to which Zavier smiled.

"Someone's getting a bit feisty."

Isaac completely forgot about the fact he had just asked Harrison a question, and instead switched his attention to Zavier. "Don't say that."

"Why not?" Zavier stepped closer to him, leaving Dillon behind.

"You know why." Isaac kept his eyes on him, not daring to look away.

Harrison and Dillon shared a look, then both pulled the boys away from each other. "Uh... Ha ha. We don't need another argument." Or a full blown make out, Harrison thought in his head. "The game's starting, let's go." Harrison quickly dragged Isaac away, not giving him a chance to protest.

He put his focus on the game, but he couldn't deny the fact that Dillon's offer remained in the back of his mind.


Isaac POV:

Half time, and I was exhausted. This team were playing good, but not as good as us. We were 3-2, and as long as we could stop them from scoring, the finals would be ours.

I headed to the right to get my water, spotting Zavier and Dillon in the direction I was going when I was whisked the other way.

"What are you doing?" I looked at Harrison whose eyes darted behind us.

"We're going to get water... right?"

"Yeah... but my water's down there." I objected, attempting to redirect to my original route.

He looked behind me and gently pushed my back, guiding me forwards. "No, I think your water was this way."

"Bu-" I tried to turn around again, but he stopped abruptly, causing me to also stop.

"Look. Your water." True to his word, my water bottle stood on the bench, but I had no recollection of ever putting it there.

I eyed the water bottle suspiciously, but decided nothing of it and used it anyways.

"How are you and Zavier?"

I instantly choked on the water I was drinking and started intensely coughing. Harrison looked at me worriedly then awkwardly rubbed, or tried to rub, my back.

"Thank you. Sorry." I took smaller sips this time, deliberately stalling.

"You and Zavier." He repeated. He kept looking behind for something, or maybe someone.

"Uh, yeah, we're um...just back to normal." I stumbled over my words.

"Even after the fight?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Okay." He dropped the matter, but I still felt wary of his strange behaviour so I decided to do what I always do-

Ignore it.

So far, that method hadn't gotten me very far, but it was definitely the most easy option to take, so I did, and instead switched my focus to the match.


Turns out once again, my method hadn't been that successful. Harrison had been off; looking side to side, not answering my questions properly and bringing up Zavier much more in the conversation than before. Even though we had managed to scrape through with a win in our game, Harrison hadn't said one word about it to me.

"You can tell me what's wrong." I spoke up, ending the silence as we both sat outside on the grass.

He looked up at me, then looked back down, and carried on picking the grass.

"Harrison, what's wrong?" I tried again.

He still ignored me, only looking up to glance behind my shoulder.


This finally caught his attention as he lifted his head up, surprise being evident on his face.

"I'm just tired, sorry. Dillon's snoring has been keeping me up."


Well, half lies.

There was something more, but he seemed hesitant to say.

I'm sure I would've been able to press it out of him, but then a few of our teammates came strolling up to us, Harrison's walls immediately going back up.


They had huge smiles on their faces, and I desperately hoped that the frustration on the inside wouldn't project on the outside, but judging by the smiles that were still on their face, it didn't appear to be obvious.

"Hello." I had the first word, since it seemed like they had just come over here to stand and smile, which I'd rather they not.

"Wasn't that game so good?" Ben, one of the teammates spoke.

If he meant good as in having to do extra time because of a draw, Coach shouting at us in any break we had and just scraping through to the finals, then yes.

The game was so good Ben.

I just nodded; hoping they'd just get to the point and leave Harrison and I alone.

I looked back at Harrison, but he was still playing with the grass, paying no attention to the pleasant visitors.

"Anyways, come to room 3, the whole teams gonna be there tonight."

One reason for me to not go.

"We've invited some people we met at the game and we're just gonna have a small get together."

I peered at Harrison for help- he still didn't reciprocate my glance.

Thanks for that.

I turned my head back to them, their faces expectant, so I shrugged. "Yeah sure."

"Great." He exclaimed as they finally left us alone and walked away, chattering excitedly about the mini party.

"Thanks for the help just then." I grumbled.

"Sorry." But he wasn't sorry, at all.

"I'm gonna go to my room. I'll meet you later." I got up, stretching my legs out.

"You want me to come?"

"Uh no. It's fine." I'd rather not sit in an uncomfortable silence again.

I awkwardly nodded and walked away, digging out my airpods and phone from my pocket. I pressed shuffle, some random shit playing, and walked silently, kicking the rocks under my feet.

All of a sudden, I felt one of my airpods being snatched out of my ear, instantly whizzing around to catch the evil doer;


"Airpod back now." I held out my hand but he kept a hold of it. "I'd rather you not do this now Zavier. Just give them back." I sighed. I was just ready to jump onto a bed and relax.

That's all; Just relax.

"I guess I'll be nice-" Zavier started to speak with what sounded like he was going to give in when his eyes shot upwards, surprise rushing though them.

"Fuck. Fuck." Zavier stuffed the airpod back into my hand then pulled my arm so abruptly that I'm surprised I was able to keep hold of the airpod.

"The fuck are you doing?" I questioned his actions, but he silenced me and put his hand over my mouth.

He pushed me into this tiny alleyway, himself following after. "Look Isaac I'll explain after, just stay quiet please." He looked straight into my eyes and lifted his hood, tightening the strings so the only thing showing was a scrunched up view of his face.

I would've laughed at how silly he looked, if it didn't feel like I was about to get killed.

I was about to ask him to elaborate, when he pulled my hood up, and pushed me against the hard, brick wall, and put his hands by the side of my head, trapping me in.

I tried to gasp for air, feeling so claustrophobic. "Please... move.... off." I gasped out.

"Wait." He whispered, staying still for an extra few seconds before leaning back off me. "Sorry about that."

I immediately stumbled out of the alleyway, getting my breath back.

"Yeah uh, sorry again for that." He scratched the side of his head, his eyes still alert, looking side to side.

"You want to explain?"

"I thought I saw my uncle." Was his weak response as we started to walk again while I kept a bigger distance between us.

Just incase.

"So you decided to hide... and take me with you?"

"Yeah, you know what kind of uncle he is."

"No I really don't, I'm not a part of your family."

Zavier mumbled some unknown words, but eventually answered, "Tom. You've met him before."

"Oh." All memories I had of Tom were not the most pleasant. He was very... outspoken.


"Why'd you run though? You could've just said a simple hi then gone on your way."

Zavier took a big breath before speaking. "With Tom, it's not a simple 'hi'. He would start going on about all the things he's done since he last saw me, then he'd find out I'm doing soccer and come to the games and embarrass me then always be where I am till we head back home."

"Oh. Makes more sense now." I nodded slowly, trying my best to understand his logic.

"Yeah, I actually was going to ask you something. Forgot to ask earlier because of the whole fiasco there."

"What is it?"

"Are you going t-"

"Zavier?" Dillon's voice interrupted Zavier's question, both our heads turning to see him.

With him stood Harrison with a glare on his face.

That's how it stayed; just us standing there, nobody making the first move to say anything.

"Wow. A lovely, friendly reunion." I finally broke the silence, everyone's glare redirecting towards me now. "Alright God, nobody's feeling the humour today." I put my hands up mockingly and started walking back again.

"Wait Isaac." I could hear Harrison's footsteps coming increasingly closer to mine.

Can't wait for another uncomfortable silence.

"What were they saying about the party?"

I put on a forced smile- nothing better than explaining something to someone again who was there when the conversation happened.


Third Person POV:

"You made it. Come on in." Ben opened the door, letting Harrison and Isaac in. They were basically the last people arriving since the room was quite packed.

At once, the smell of booze hit Isaac, making him feel like he had already downed 10 drinks. It's not as if Isaac knew each one of his teammates front and back, but one thing he did know was that this was not a 'small get together' of just their team.

Isaac noticed the room had more space, and it didn't appear to be a bedroom since there were no beds, and it was much bigger than the other rooms he had been in.

"I'll get us some drinks." Harrison disappeared before Isaac could even ask him where he was going.

Now Isaac stood awkwardly, pondering over which social group to interrupt and join. Luckily for him, his decision was cut short by a voice behind him.

"You not been here before?" Isaac turned to see two emerald eyes staring back at him. The girl's porcelain skin contrasted her dark hair, and as she did an obvious forced clearing of her throat, Isaac realised he was staring for too long.

"I- I'm sorry. Who are you?" He felt so rude saying that, but he didn't know why random strangers kept acting like they knew him.

"Blaire. A regular in this room."

"Regular?" Isaac raised his brows, he hadn't heard of any of these parties. "How many 'parties' are there?"

"Basically 1 every day."

"Wait, who are you- wait, fuck, no. I don't mean it in that way. I meant like how are you here?" He still sounded like an idiot. "I'm sorry, I'm wording this so wrong but you get what I'm trying to say, right?"

She nodded, a small smile on her lips, " My dad's job is here since he's the-"

"Oh, is he like the manager or something?"

"Well... technically yeah but-"

"So you live in the hotel? Or do you just come here regularly?" Isaac unknowingly cut in again.

"Both. Depends on how I'm feeling." She shrugged, looking around the room.

Isaac followed her gaze to meet Zavier's eyes, who looked away immediately. In his lap, there was a random girl, attacking his neck with her mouth. He didn't seem too into it; considering the fact that his eyes were travelling around the room.

Isaac turned away from him- feeling a sort of rage towards the girl who had done nothing, but somehow everything, to him.

"You want a drink?" Blaire offered, drawing Isaac's attention away from the girl.

He nodded, following her and wondering where Harrison had vanished to.

In the mini kitchen they walked to, there was still no sign of Harrison.

Isaac watched admiringly as Blaire scooted around the kitchen, mixing drinks like it was second nature.

"You're very good at that." He complimented, earning a smile from her.

"One thing I'm good at then."

Isaac was not expecting that reply, obvious surprise masking his face.

"It was a joke dummy." She passed the cup to him before he could reply. "Take."

He looked at the unknown substance she had mixed, but shrugged anyways and drank it.

Immediately, his throat started to burn and an uncontrollable cough came out, trying to recover from the surprise of the bitterness.

Blaire laughed at the disgusted look on Isaac's face as he went in for another chug.

"Steady on." Her instruction was ignored as he downed the whole cup, slamming it down on the countertop.

"Another one?" She raised a brow at him, sensing the eagerness.

He nodded, already starting to feel the buzzing in his veins.

He wouldn't drink too much, only a few more...


Zavier watched Isaac with beady eyes. He was still by Blaire's side, Zavier couldn't even recall a point where he hadn't seen Isaac with her.

"Let's go." Dillon nudged Zavier's shoulder, who reluctantly teared his eyes away from Isaac who had just been whispering something to Blaire, making her laugh.

"Go where?" He asked absentmindedly, looking again to find Isaac, but he had moved from where Zavier had been watching.

"To the couch." Zavier looked towards the couch to find Blaire and Isaac now sitting there.

If he couldn't have been bothered to go sit down before, he sure was now.

"Alright." Zavier walked with Dillon to the couch, sitting opposite Isaac, and next to the blondie who kept trying to get with him.

"Heyyy baaaabyyyy." She dragged out her words, cringing Zavier deeply, but he put on a forced smile to her. She mistook his polite smile as a smile that meant he wanted her and carried on speaking. "You want me so baddd, don't you?" She whispered, the stench of her warm booze breath fanning his face.

"Could you guys maybe do that somewhere else? Preferably not in our faces." Blaire spoke, allowing Zavier to lean away from the blondie.

Isaac was sure that the anger inside was showing as Zavier raised a brow at him, a smug smile growing on his face.

"And why should we?" Zavier played onto Isaac's envy, leaning back towards blondie.

"Because... because it's weird." Isaac's mind came to a blank trying to think of the words to say.

"How?" Zavier quizzed.

"I don't know." He mumbled defeatedly.

"Just ignore him babyyy." The blondie ran her hand down Zavier's chest, giggling for absolutely no reason.

Isaac abruptly stood up, "I'm going to the toilet."

"But you don't know where it is." Blaire questioned his sudden change in mood.

"I'll find it." Isaac walked, or slightly stomped off, making a smirk emerge on Zavier's face.

"Oh, I've just remembered I forgot something." Zavier shook the blondie off of him, alerting Dillon as well who had been talking to a different group, and hadn't noticed Isaac's dramatic exit.

"But—" Dillon and the blondie started to speak, but Zavier had already walked away, following after Isaac who was stumbling a bit, trying to find the toilet.

Isaac finally found a door that led to a bathroom, and stepped inside, going to shut it when it was stopped by a shoe.

In came Zavier who had a proud aura shining around him.

"Get out." Isaac glared at him. Instead, he made himself more welcome by entering in, and locking the door behind him.

"You keep doing this. Stop." Isaac moved away from the door to avoid being close to Zavier, and leant against the wall.

"Would rather not."

Isaac remembered that he was meant to be mad and immediately hardened up, Zavier noticing this sudden change in mood.

"Why are you mad?"

"Because you're everywhere I go. Everywhere." Isaac groaned, running a hand through his hair. "Every fucking time." He muttered.

"How is that my fault?" Zavier moved closer, but Isaac was too engulfed in a rant bubble to notice.

"I never said tha- Actually, it IS your fault because every time you see me, you decide 'oh yes, this is annoy Isaac time' instead of just being a normal person, and walking past me."

"But that wouldn't be as fun."

"Oh poor you. It's not fun for anyone but you Zavier. And I don't know how you find poking fun at someone amusing." Isaac looked down at the pattern on the carpet, redirecting his glare to it.

"You're quite moody. Is it the drinks?" Zavier smiled, Isaac's words flying right above his head.

Isaac gritted his teeth, but stayed silent.

"You remember what happened last time you went full on moody to me?"

Isaac's head snapped up, but he tried to cover it up with a sarcastic smile, "Would rather not."

"Well I would." Zavier stepped closer, worrying Isaac a bit on how near he had gotten.

"That's good for you." Isaac rolled his eyes, fed up of this dumb situation he had put himself in. He should've just stayed on the couch and endured Zavier touching up that random girl, right in front of him.

"You're thinking hard."

"Yeah, about how you don't know what the meaning of public decency is."

Zavier smiled, making Isaac feel uneasy, "I think you were jealous."

"What? No." Isaac exclaimed, shaking his head. "What was I jealous of then?"

"Of the blondie girl I was with."

Isaac scoffed, looking to the side, "As if."

Zavier grabbed Isaac's chin, and pulled it so Isaac faced him again. Isaac finally let it sink in on the lack of space between the two of them, but still couldn't help his gaze from moving up and down, going from Zavier's eyes to his lips, confirming what Zavier already knew.

"You shouldn't fight the feeling Isaac." Zavier let his thumb slide across Isaac's lips, feeling the softness.

Isaac felt like he was in a daze, and had to use all the self control he had to not shiver under Zavier's touch. 

Zavier started to slowly lean in, his heart racing, craving the feeling of Isaac's lips on his again.

"Isaac!" A single knock was what stopped Zavier from his desire. 

Isaac snapped out of his daze, and pushed Zavier away. "Isaac, you in there?"

"Fuck." Isaac heard Zavier mutter, but he was more focused on Blair not finding out he was in there with Zavier, or he would've noticed the hurt look on Zavier's face.

"Zavier move there, and don't come out till like... I don't know... 2 minutes later." Isaac whispered, getting ready to open the door.

Zavier unenthusiastically nodded his head and moved to the corner, allowing Isaac to unlock the door and open it to see Blaire.

"You took so long. I got worried you'd passed out on your way to finding the toilets."

Isaac forced a smile onto his face, "Yeah... uh- I was fine." He started walking to steer her away from the bathroom.

"You wanna come to my room?" Blaire offered, still totally oblivious to Isaac's flushed cheeks, and the fact he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his rib cage, thinking of how close he had been to getting caught with Zavier.

I mean, what was wrong with him? Zavier was... weird. And Zavier and him didn't mix. At all.

But then how did he keep getting himself in these situations with him? And worst of all, why did his body keep betraying him by liking the feeling of Zavier close to him?

Isaac remembered he hadn't answered her question, and she was still expectant, waiting for one, so he nodded. Her eyes lit up as she give him a wide smile as they walked out the room.

Isaac tried to see if he could spot any sign of Harrison, but he had completely disappeared off the map.

Isaac and Blaire walked in silence to her room. Every time Isaac felt like saying something, he felt like if he started speaking, he would spill everything.

Including the information about Zavier.

He wasn't as drunk anymore, but there was still enough in his system to not be able to control everything he said.

"And we're here." Blaire pulled out her card and zapped it on the door, a green light flashing.

"Cool." Isaac managed to say before they both walked in. As soon as Isaac saw her room, he felt like his jaw dropped.

"This... this is your room?" Her room was massive, with a big king sized bed in the middle. There was another door by the side which Isaac presumed to be the bathroom.

She nodded shyly. Isaac still was trying to take it in; It was like this wasn't a part of the hotel.

"Well come on, don't just stand there gawking." She went and sat on her bed. Isaac moved to join her when he heard his phone start to ring.

"Oh sorry. Let me just see who's calling."

"Alright. Bathrooms there." She pointed to the door Isaac had noticed. "I'll find something to do."

Isaac put a thumbs up and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door and pulling out his phone to see the caller ID as... Zavier?

Isaac hesitantly accepted and put the phone on his ear, unsure of what to expect.

"Hello." Isaac spoke first as usual.

"Where are you?" Isaac presumed Zavier wasn't at the party anymore since he couldn't hear any music or shouting. Just silence.

"With Blaire, why?"

There was a small pause before Zavier responded. "You're joking right?"

"No... Why would I be?" Isaac spoke slowly, racking his brain to find a reason why he wouldn't be.

Isaac started to hear shuffling from the other line, something that sounded like somebody getting out of bed. "Is there somebody there with you?" Isaac couldn't help but ask, desperately hoping it wouldn't be that girl he was with at the party.

"And why would that matter? You're in her room right?" Zavier retorted. Maybe Zavier already knew Blaire, and they weren't on the best of terms. That would explain his moodiness.

"Yeah, but I also don't see why that matters-"

"So you're gonna fuck her?" Isaac winced at Zavier's bluntness. For Zavier, going to the opposite genders room equalled wanting to have sex. Isaac seemed to have a different definition of this. "That's none of your business."

"So that's a yes."

"I never- You're sidetracking, why did you call me? I feel rude for leaving Blaire by herself."

"So you would ra-" Was all Isaac heard before there was a loud bang, like someone tripping over.



Isaac took the phone off his ear to see the call had ended. He rushed out the bathroom, completely forgetting that there was someone waiting for him in the room.

"You're finally back." Blaire smiled, increasing the pile of guilt on top of him.

It's not that he was worried about Zavier, he just didn't want... Zavier to ruin his clothes or something.

Yeah. That made more sense.

"Blaire I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not just trying to ditch you but I think the person I'm sharing a room with may have done something to my side of the room." He half-bluffed, biting his lip nervously, waiting for her reaction. 

Surprisingly, she just smiled, a half one he noticed, one that didn't fully reach her eyes.

But it was better than a glare.

"It's fine, honestly. You go save your room." She joked, but he could sense the shift in mood. He noticed some snacks on the bed, that when she saw him looking, she tried to discreetly move under the covers.

Isaac went to awkwardly leave, but he just couldn't bear to be so impolite. "Are you free tomorrow?" He looked down at the ground, awaiting her response.

"Oh... yeah sure! I can do tomorrow morning at 11:30 . There's this place I know, I can text you the details later." She slightly rambled excitedly.

Isaac looked up, his eyes shining with delight. "Perfect." And with that, he walked out with a huge smile on his face, until he entered back into his room to be met with a mess, and a careless Zavier sitting in the middle of it on his phone.

"Zavier, what the fuck happened here?" Isaac looked around in shock. Clothes were scrambled across the floor, and their comforters were on the floor, Zavier lying on top of them.

"Felt cold." He bluntly responded, not even bothering to look up at Isaac.

Isaac stormed up to Zavier, and dragged him up by the arm. "That doesn't explain the mess. So tell me what the fuck happened here."

"I already did." He shrugged, glancing around at the mess before meeting Isaac's eyes again. "I felt cold so I looked for some warmer clothes, couldn't find any, so I used the comforters."

"But you were lying on top of them." Isaac pointed out.

"Wow. I'm so glad your eyes are working." Isaac rolled his eyes at Zavier's response. In his defence, it was genuine confusion.

"Okay whatever, I don't care anymore about what happened, just as long as you clear it up now." Isaac ordered, pulling out his phone which was now buzzing.

Zavier subtly tried to lean over and see who was texting, but Isaac pulled it away too fast, turning his back to Zavier. Zavier mumbled some curse words, but Isaac ignored him; It was just Zavier wanting attention.

"Why won't you let me see?"

"Because it's my phone, and you're meant to be clearing this mess up." Isaac stepped away from Zavier, sitting on his comforter less bed, a small smile on his face.

"Why are you fucking smiling at your phone like a freak?" Zavier carried on, feeling left out of the bubble Isaac had unconsciously formed. But Isaac ignored him, and carried on typing, not bothering to focus on what Zavier had asked.

Zavier repeated the question again, but still was met with silence. "Oh shit Isaac, I think I left some of your stuff in the toilet. Like deep deep in the toilet." Now this got Isaac's attention.

Isaac dropped his phone on the bed, abruptly standing up. "What do you the toilet?"

Zavier shrugged, looking down to conceal his smile. Isaac rushed to the bathroom, forgetting about his phone and as soon as he did, Zavier grabbed Isaac's phone, reading the texts that Isaac had stupidly forgotten to close.

He only had time to skim the messages, but he was able to decipher from what he read that Isaac and Blaire were technically going on a date, at 11:30 AM at 'Maggie's parlour'.

Zavier heard Isaac coming back into the room, and in a flash, he was back where he was before. Isaac could already feel an off vibe, and was ready to complain about Zavier lying about putting his stuff in the toilet- thank goodness he was lying- but the words never left his mouth as he observed Zavier glaring harshly at the wall.

"Um... are you okay?" Isaac expected at least a bit of recognition for being so kind to ask how he was doing, but he was met with an emotionless stare.

"Absolutely fine Isaac. Absolutely fine." Zavier put on the fakest smile, and began clearing up, leaving Isaac utterly confused.

Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

A/N: THIS CHAPTER IS SO LONG FOR ME. i've written nearly 5000 words which i normally never do. This chapter really said 🎢📈📉📈. Uh yeah also sorry for slow updates cuz obviously school🏫 and stuff  and sorry for all the POV changes but enjoy anyways :) 11/10/20 thank you @depressedb1tchTM for your comments ahahha.

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