The Fortune Teller || RYEJI

By zeherezehera

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At a Korean high school, charming and rebellious Ryujin vies for the affections of a shy new student, Yeji. T... More

Chapter 1: Me
Chapter 2: The Fortune Teller
Chapter 3: A Success
Chapter 4: Her Name is Ryujin
Chapter 5: Chou's Cafe
Chapter 6: She Was Hurt
Chapter 7: She Avoided Me
Chapter 8: The Quest
Chapter 9: Jeonju; Do I Really Cheated On Him?
Chapter 10: I Am Her Baby
Chapter 11: Crossword Puzzles
Chapter 12: We Ended
Chapter 13: Is It Actually Unreal?
Chapter 15: Christopher Chan
Chapter 16: Fight With The Teacher
Chapter 17: Finally
Chapter 18: She Wants to Attack
Chapter 19: I Fought with Eunwoo
Chapter 20: What Had Happened?
Chapter 21: The Revenge
Chapter 22: Double Problem
Chapter 23: Eunwoo's Mother
Chapter 24: Visiting Ryujin
Chapter 25: She is My Hero
Chapter 26: Goodbye Ryujin
Chapter 27: The Death
Chapter 28: We Broke Up
Chapter 29: Life Without Ryujin
Chapter 30: We Met After Years
Final Chapter: Blessed
Thank You Note 📝 (MUST READ!!!)

Chapter 14: The Attack

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By zeherezehera

When it was time for a break, Ryujin came to my class and offered to take me to Chou's Cafe. I was adamant about not spending my lunch break with her. I stated that I was too weary to leave class and that I wanted to remain in class. I lied to her, of course. Ryujin, I'm in pain.

After all, we aren't labelled, so I know I shouldn't. We aren't girlfriends, and she isn't courting me either.

"Oh, okay," she said in a disappointed voice.

"Thanks," I said and then she left.

Ryujin is definitely disappointed. And strangely, I immediately felt bad for treating her that way. I also felt guilty because I have judged her on the basis that it is still just an assumption.

'Should I just go to the Chou's Café and confront her about it? It is wiser, Yeji. You obviously don't want to lose your Ryuddaeng.' Quickly I put in the novel I was reading and went straight to the Chou's Cafe.

I walked in the shade of the cloudy sky to meet Ryujin there. At the cafe, I could see that Jisung is having a serious chat with Lia. There are also two other people around them, but I don't know them.

"Where is Ryujin, Chae?" I asked Chaeryeong after I took a seat beside her.

"Ryujin? She is not here yet."

"Okay. I had assumed she had already arrived."

"No, not yet. Perhaps something had arisen. But she normally spends her break here. What's the matter?"

"No, there's nothing."

"Just wait! She'll be coming soon" Jisung shouted as he inhaled the smoke from his cigarette.

"It's fine," I said. "All I want to do now is get back to class."

"Okay, stay safe, Yej. I don't want anything to happen to you since it might cause your Ryuddaeng to go insane." Chaeryeong gave me a wink. When I heard that, I rolled my eyes, but I'm pretty sure I'm a blushing mess.



"Can you please inform her that I came here just now?"

"Okay, Yej."

"Thanks, Chae."

Then I left, and when it rained, I was already in my class. My friends are still in the canteen. It's very quiet in class. There is only me. My one and only me. Sitting on the seat, my head was pillowed on my school bag.

It's drizzling heavily outside. They sounded like they were expressing my melancholy feelings at the moment. My emotions were all over the place at the time.

"Ryujin ... where are you? It's raining." The silence became stronger, overpowering me.

Do you know what that feels like? Suppressed feelings. And, the water that came from my eyes made a small stream on my cheek. The silence in the class is louder than the rain outside.

"Ryuddaeng, I am sorry for avoiding you just now. Just, where are you?"

And, when the rain stopped, my friends gradually entered the classroom. I took the textbook from my bag. I took it randomly and immediately read it, just to pretend that everything is okay.

Hyunjin and Minho greeted me when they took their seat just across mine. The break time has not yet ended, there is still time left for us to make small talk.

It was a quite peaceful break when suddenly we heard a motorbike roar from outside the school fence. The loud and noisy roar of the motorbikes had greeted the students and teachers who came out of their classrooms and whereabouts, including me, wanting to know what was going on. There was a frenzy and panic situation in our school.

Mr. Park shouted to the school's guard, Mr. Kyungho "Close the gate, Kyungho !!!"

"Who are they?" I asked Hyunjin who me is just beside.

"I don't have any idea!"

Mr Park and other teachers ordered all students to enter the class. I also came in and confused on what was going on? All motorcyclists are in their school uniform. Each carried a "Samurai" sword, a type of long sword from Japan commonly that were used by ninjas. They raised their motorbikes and one of them shouted loudly, "Jisung! Get out. Show yourself. Coward!"

They pelted the school with stones. One of them hit the glass of a classroom's window that is located near the gate. Minnie said that they are from another high school's motorcycle gang. They are looking for Jisung.

"Earlier, I saw Jisung at the Chou's Cafe," I said.

"But Lia is there too." I got worried.

I'm getting restless. Where are you, Ryujin? I ran to the door to get out and find Ryujin. I need her right now.

"Yeji!" Soyeon shouted to prevent me from running to leave the classroom.

"No, Yeji!" that particular voice had really prevented me from leaving the class.

I turned around to face Chaeryeong. She gave me a tight smile, trying to assure me that Ryujin is okay.

"Both Ryujin and Lia will be okay." She reassured while caressing my back. I calmed down a bit, leaning to her side.

I tried to call her phone.

"Don't. Maybe they are hiding. Your call could put them in danger." Chaeryeong took my phone out of reach.

I sighed. I know that she is right. I'm getting restless. I was too worried for Ryujin and Lia's safety. I was worried that Ryujin might be beaten up by the gang. Especially when both of Ryujin and Lia are well-known as Jisung's friends in a motorcycle gang. They were still making a ruckus at the school's gate. They were still throwing pebbles and stones towards the school's buildings, yelling Jisung's name.

Shortly thereafter, they left the school's gate. My anxiety level increased as they are headed to the Chou's Café.

"Oh my God! Lia and Ryujin might be there!" I shouted, totally terrified with what might happen towards Ryujin if they could find her.

I'm getting more and more worried. My body feels very weak and couldn't stay still. Why do they attack the school during recess time? Why not when the school had already ended if you're really looking for Jisung? Why must they attack the school and make troubles to his schoolmates that is definitely not involved with anything that could make they mad like that to him?

A few hours later, the police arrived, two trucks at a time, but the assailant were already gone, leaving a jumble of stones and broken window glasses. Several policemen came into the staff room, perhaps to inquire the teachers about the ruckus that had happened before. Eventually, the learning session is stopped, but the teachers advised the students not to go home yet.

I still haven't found that blue-haired girl.

'Where are you, Ryuddaeng?' I know that I will remain anxious until I meet Ryuddaeng in her fine condition. All students in the school immediately discussed the incident about the question earlier.

I was just getting out of the toilet when Ryujin came to meet me beside the library building. My uneasiness immediately disappeared. I'm grateful she survived.

"Where were you?" I asked her anxiously when I was already in front of her.

Her eyes screamed worries.

"Are you ok?" instead of answering, she questioned me back while taking one of my hands, but I brushed it off.

"Where were you?" I asked again, but with a slightly angered tone.

"Somewhere safe."


"Behind the church." She leaned her back against the wall of the library building, maybe trying to rest herself after hiding from the gang.

"What had you done?!" I asked irritably.

"No, I didn't do anything." Ryujin shook her head.

"It was Jisung."

"You are involved too!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Don't play dumb. You are one of Jisung's motorcycle gang!"

"I'll explain it to you! But I swear I am not involved with the commotion before!"

"No need! I'm going to class," I said as I left.

Ryujin followed and walked beside me.

"Where's Lia?" I asked without turning to her.

"Still behind the church." Her tone is quite low, probably is afraid of me lashing at her again.

"Useless gang!" I punched the wall beside me.

She stayed silent. We walked down the hallway. People are still busy discussing what happened. At that time, I felt that Ryujin was the centre of attention of the students. I don't know what they thought. From the front of the school office, I heard Mr Park calling for Ryujin.

"I'll go there first," she said, but I didn't answer.

"I'll send you home later." she added. Then she left.

I immediately continued my walk to the classroom. Chaeryeong asked about Ryujin when I sat down. I shrugged it off.

She told me that earlier, Ryujin met her and asked for me.

"Yes, I met her earlier," I replied.

"What did she said?" Soyeon asked.



"I don't want to discuss about it," I said, tidying up the book to put in my school bag.

Minnie came to join us.

"This is all because of Jisung!" she said.

"What's wrong, hm?" I asked Minnie.

"Yesterday he hit one of the members of the gang!"

"Who were involved with that scene?" I asked her because I suspected Ryujin was also involved with the brawl.

"His friends." Hyunjin answered.


"His motorcycle gang."

"Our schoolmate?"

"No," Chaeryeong replied quickly.

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"Lia told me this morning before the school started." I am relieved. At least I know that Ryujin was not the one who caused the scene to take place just now in our school. Indeed, it was my first time encountering this type of situation.

"Where's that Jisung now?" I asked.

"I don't know," Soyeon shrugged.

"Maybe he had ran away while they were attacking the front gate."

After the police guaranteed that it is safe, the teacher allowed the students to go home. Ryujin couldn't take me home because she had to go to the police station to answer the police's inquiries. That was the day, the day where I was too terrified and anxious on Ryujin's wellbeing.

That night, Ryujin called. She talked about the attack. She explained the real situation and it was exactly what Chaeryeong had said.

"So, what did the police say?" I asked her.

"They say I'm cute."

"I'm serious!!!"

"Oh! They also said not to be too serious."

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes. She chuckled upon seeing my actions as we were having a video call that night.

"You're scary," Ryujin stated, and it made me silent.

"I was too worried," I said.

"Don't worry. I will protect you."

"You are not by my side!"

"Yes, and I am sorry for that." She pouted. HOW CAN SHE BE TOO ANNOYING AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME?!

"I thought you were arrested?"

"By who?"

"The police."

"No. They were taking me to the police station because they want to ask me about the attack."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes," she said.

"Can you please stop involving yourself with the motorcycle gang? You are putting your life at risk. This was the first time I saw an attack by my own eyes, and I swear I don't want and never ever in my life wanting to see and watch that again."

She smiled.

"I couldn't promise you that, because they are my friends, after all. But I will try my best not to be involved in any fights."

"What a good girl you are." I smiled upon hearing her answer. Yes, they are her friends after all.

"I am not that good. But I am also not that bad." She gave me a faint smile.

"I knew it, Ryuddaeng. Just try your best, okay! I am here if you need anything."

"Thank you, Yeddeong. Thank you for not judging me as the others' did. For not sending me nasty faces whenever something happened, even though it is not my fault at all."

"Hey, you the greatest Shin after all."


"Because you are my one and only Ryuddaeng." I winked.

"Please don't wink to me."

"Why? Did it make you to fall for me?"

"No. It make me sick."

"I hate you."

"It makes me sick in love." She laughed; her whiskers could be seen. I really loved it when her whiskers are on display.

"Don't you already have someone that you love?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course." She quickly changed her position, from laying on her bed, to sitting.

"My love is my one and only Yeddeong." I swear I am a blushing mess.

"You know what, Yeddeong? You are so cute when you are flustered like that."

We continued to chat until I felt sleepy. I had yawned for a few times. She giggled every time I yawned.

"Don't you want to end the call, Yeddeong?"

"No. I want to talk with you."

"We can meet tomorrow."

"No. I want to talk with you tonight."

"But you are already sleepy. You need to rest, baby."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then I don't want to meet you tomorrow."

"I hate you."

"But I love you."

"Sweet nothings."

"Oh, really?"


"Then I guess I can tell Heejin that I love her too? Because it is all sweet nothings?"

"Do that and I won't speak to you ever again."

"Okay I won't do that." I smiled.

"Go to sleep, Yeddeong. it is already late."

"Sing for me."

"I don't have a nice voice."

"Like I care."

"It will make you to not able to sleep."


"Because you will keep thinking about me then."

"Then it is not a really big deal. I have been thinking about you for the whole day."

"Oh, really? How sweet of you, Yeddeong." She cooed me while displaying her whiskers to me.

"Anyway, good night, Ryuddaeng. I'm gonna hang up the call."

"Okay, Yeddeong. Good night. Love you."

"Love you too." She gave me a mini heart. She might be the cause of me having a heart attack.

After a few byes, we finally hung up the call.

Before drifting myself into the dreamland, I texted her, asking her to sing for me. She put me on read. I shook my head, laughing with the hesitating Ryujin.

I put the phone beside my pillow when suddenly I got a notification. It is from my Ryuddaeng. I smiled upon seeing the voice recording that she had sent to me.

I played the voice recording. I jumped on the bed when I heard she sang Nobody Like You by ITZY. I swear I am sure that she is one of my fellow Midzys. She had this soothing and calming voice. Her singing is not bad at all like she claimed before. I love her more. I think she knew that anything that is related to ITZY could cheer me up.

After she finished singing, she continued to speak in the voice recording.

"Yeddeong, I am sorry. I am sorry for the fact that I annoyed you. You have to know, Yeddeong, I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't intend to make you feel anxious, getting worried for me. I was also worried. I was totally worried about you while hiding. I told Lia that I have to go and find you. But she didn't allow me to do so. She said that Chaeryeong is there for you. I agreed with Lia. I knew Chaeryeong will do anything to protect you. After all, she is one of my most trusted friends other than Lia. I am so sorry for today, Yeddeong." There were small tears on my cheeks as soon as I heard her words.

"Sleep well, Ryuddaeng. I love you."

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