By Astraeasky

258K 22.1K 17.4K

"You kiss me, I kill you," I muttered darkly, smiling at Taehyung. He looked at me dead in my eyes before ca... More

Chapter 1 || Dark King || Edited
Chapter 2 || Lee Aria || Edited
Chapter 3 ||Pleasure to be your nightmare Mr. Jerk|| Edited
Chapter 4 || Coming for Miss. Brat || Edited
Chapter 6 || Black Rose destiny|| Edited
Chapter 7 || Cupid Aria|| Edited
Chapter 8 || Engagement?|| Edited
Chapter 9 || Marriage|| Edited
Chapter 10 || He is my husband|| Edited
Chapter 11 || His forbidden wife|| Edited
Chapter 12 My Brat || My Girl|| Edited
Chapter 13 || Trojan Kim Taehyung|| Edited
Chapter 14 || First Kiss || Edited
Chapter 15||His Demons|| Edited
Chapter 16 || Kim Taehyung|| Edited
Chapter 17 || Unexpected Guests || Edited
Chapter 18 || In Love with My BRAT
Chapter 19|| Nightmares of love
Chapter 20 || A Date ?
Chapter 21 || My Little Devil
Chapter 22 ||His Possessive Queen
Chapter 23 || Yearning hearts
Chapter 24 || Her realisation
Chapter 25 || A Demon's confession
Chapter 26 || Fragments of memories
Chapter 26|| Fragments of memories part 2
Chapter 27 || Falling into arms where she doesn't belong
Chapter 28 || The arms where she rightfully belongs part 1
Chapter 28 || Arms where she rightfully belongs part 2
Chapter 29 || His fear
Chapter 30 || Answers from the past
Chapter 31 || Yearning for her comfort
Chapter 32 || A Red Morning
Chapter 33 || Who is she?
Chapter 34 || His answers
Chapter 35 || Mornings with him
Chapter 36 || Moans from Laila's room
Chapter 37 || Gifts and glares
Mansion tour with his love
Chapter 38 || I just don't like her
Chapter 39 || Who is the secret admirer?
Chapter 40 || The first argument
My precious treasures
Chapter 41 || Start of miseries
Chapter 42 || Tasting his own medicines
Chapter 43 || Demon or not, she owns his heart
Chapter 44 || We knew our dark destiny
Chapter 45 || Drug overdose
Chapter 46 || I see the bits of him in you
Chapter 47 || I hate hard Taehyung
Chapter 48 || Ruined anniversary surprise
Chapter 49 || His fading light
Chapter 50 || The outburst
Chapter 51 || Her words his oxygen
Chapter 52|| Breaking her by hurting himself
Chapter 53 || She can destroy me and I don't care - 1
Chapter 54 || She can destroy me and I don't care - 2
Chapter 55 || She left - 1
Chapter 56 || She left - 2
Chapter 57 || Jin stabbed
Chapter 58 || Jin stabbed - 2
Chapter 59 || Mafia Queen
Chapter 60 || Mafia Queen
Prologue 2 || Her destroyer
Teaser || COVERS
Her Untamed Stubbornness is OUT
He Knew She Was Trouble When She Walked In
Lucifer's Sanity

Chapter 5 ||She was her? He was Him?|| Edited

5.3K 528 219
By Astraeasky

"I should have appointed you as Mr Excuses head rather than a department head, Mr Sun," I spoke tersely, the timbre of annoyance clear.

"Sir- my apologies," he stuttered out.

"Apologizing for giving you this job?" I prompted my eyes daring him to utter one more word. In all these years of business what I practised was being the only voice heard where ever I was. No cross-talk nor replies would be appreciated in my presence. The only voice to be established when you're in front of me is mine. One voice to rule; one voice of dominance; and one voice to be followed. And the voice should be me.

Unless I wish to hear from you, lose your tongue when you step inside my vision was my maxim.

"Get out!" I ordered with spite. He scurried out of my room.

I slammed the file on my table. Being a devil to my employees isn't new, yet today I acted more outrageously than the devil himself. Yes, I was in my office yelling at my employees for no particular reason.

I heard from the staff, "Boss flies off the handle for the tiniest thing. I need to pay my mother's medical bills!" I restrained from firing the circle of men talking behind my back, because of one reason; their family. They carry the burden of their families.

My mood was sour and all I see was red. I was yelling and behaving reckless but still, I am not gonna fire them all today. I can't run my company firing thousands of my men in a day. You can wonder why I was hitting the ceiling without a reason. The boils of yesterday's lava didn't cease. I wanted to tame the little woman and teach her a lesson. I wanted to know her background.

And my detective couldn't collect information about her at the moment. I mean, I gave him 45 freaking minutes and he couldn't collect it?

Yeah, it was a private party, so no cameras. He inquired me about her name or any other detail that I know about the fireball. Recalling from yesterday's incident the information I could track down about her was that she is a tiny human, having a hella attitude in disguise of a pure face. I can't recall her name being said anywhere. Even her friend who took her away didn't say her name. Did you forget about naming her Ms Brat? My brain interjected.

I rubbed my face harshly and disintegrated my thoughts. Seriously, I am a doomed idiot!

How can I say this to him?
Ms Brat?!

Remember Taehyung! You are seeking her to get your revenge, not a date. My brain tutted.

Date or Revenge! I need to know about her first. Why the hell is he taking so long to find out about her?! Groaned my inner self.

He is the most perspicacious man ever in this field, my brain reasoned.

But why is he taking so long?! My inner self groaned again.

45 minutes isn't enough to investigate a person Taehyung. Man up and reign your feelings, my brain shut my ridiculous thoughts.

I felt simp with the emotions running inside my head. What kind of freaky emotions are they, that doesn't stop the loop of fragments of her blazing eyes and her pretty face?

Not knowing anything about the girl who roasted you, is getting your nerves high isn't it Tae? Mocked my inner self.

Shut up, you moron !!!

Blowing up my thoughts I got a call from the hospital. I almost dropped my phone as my limbs grew stiff like wire when I heard the news the other person said on the line. I drove to the hospital at breakneck speed. Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes. I just prayed nothing should go wrong.


I was cursing at Mr Aldricks. Such a stupid guy! We met just the night before, now why does the hell does he want to meet me again? I got a call from my assistant Gia, saying he wanted to have an appointment with me. Then I bid Aria goodbye after dropping her in the hospital and left towards his office. There stood a tall building. I guess I have reached the place. I parked my car in the driveway and entered.

I said, "Hey I'm Mina Dawson. I have an appointment with Mr Zayn Aldricks," to the receptionist.

She nodded and made a call to him. "You may go now." I knocked and heard a curt come in. I went inside. His cabin was very large and beautiful. He smiled upon looking at me.

I smiled back. "Good morning Miss. Mina." He addressed me using my name, not my surname.


I spoke, "Good morning Mr Aldricks" but addressed him professionally. We are not friends to call like that. And I was not getting very good vibes from him. I admit he is hot and good looking but I must keep my distance from him.

"What for you needed me here?" I questioned him with a calm demeanour though I was burning in anger.

He looked a bit taken aback by my question. "Would you mind explaining your plan again?" he asked me after a moment. I wanted to smack his head, unfortunately, he is my boss. Taking a deep breath, I started explaining my plan again.

I was palpitating when I reached the doors of the private ward of the hospital. Upon receiving the call from the emergency unit I smashed the breaks. I put on my mask and got changed into my hospital robe before I walked into the private ward where Mr Kim was admitted. He was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

"Carry out the critical tests," I instructed my staff.

"Manage the airway, Mr Greg."

"Check for the respiratory rate, Ms Kelly."

"Get me his oxygen saturation report," I instructed as I injected him with some fluids.

Adequate circulation of blood was achieved after the administration of intravenous fluids. His low blood tension was altered. His laboured breathing turned normal. To manage the outcomes, Mr Kim was kept under observation. I heard someone yelling more like threatening the Doctors outside the ward. I disregarded the intrusion as I was plunged deep into my work.

I could sense that the raucous male had caused a hissy-fit when I had a glimpse of the staff inside the ward withering like a leaf. I took in my surroundings and found almost every soul in the ICU except for me scared out of their wits. Foreheads covered with fat sweat trickling down one by one. The malice yelled by the man outside the ICU felt like a brush of a familiar wind. More like a tornado. My mind was trying to pick the right stance on when and where I heard the deep, husky yet supercilious voice. Removing my mask I walked out of the ward and witnessed the commotion. In a distance, I found a guy dressed in a Louis Vuitton suit bawling at the staff ferociously. Around 8 to 12 men held him in a cage. Though his back was facing me my senses were tingling with familiarity when I took steps nearing him. The panic-stricken faces of the Doctors and other staff made me worried.

This shows that the guy there has failed the job of nurses, and attenders of keeping his voice low.

To make the guy understand the dire situation of maintaining silence in a hospital, I rounded the men to face him directly. I was already speaking before I was face to face because he was thundering the entire floor with his wounded roar. A roar that held so many blood-curdling threats like that of a wounded lion charging back at the crowd.

"Excuse me, Sir, you are in a hospital so kindly keep your volume down," I parroted calmly. My face and voice were imbued with serenity and calmness. The floor felt fleeting off my feet when my eyes witness the same arrogant man I met at the party last night.
The same pair of hazel pools, deep and dangerous, like that of the ocean. His chiselled jaw clenched hard and stared at me with a murderous glint. My eyes widened, as I was in utter shock and disbelief.

Shaking off the 12 men holding him like he withered the snow off his coat on a winter morning, he loomed over my petite figure, eyes narrowed. My 5.3 figure did no good in looking at the hulk towering me, already accessing him the dominance card.

"Are you Aria?" A question growled at me, successfully blasting my ears... Well metaphorically. I bit on my lower lip to interdict my clawing tongue from acting wild. Did not his brain knock some sense when I said he should keep his decibel low?
His cognition skills suck like his snappy attitude. Breaching my anger I nodded to affirm his question.

In the spur of the moment, he took hold of my shoulders in his large calloused hands. Gripping them tightly, he yawped, "If you fuxking can't keep track of his health and be on time you fuxking burn your degree and get the hell out of this country. Start some street business where you can walk around late and shxt your work. What for you fuxking receive a paycheck when you fuxking don't do your work right? Who the hell appointed a useless one like you?

His sudden outburst got me off guard. His humiliating and brutal words proved that he was a psychopath on a spree to kill innocent doctors with his unfiltered malicious words. The disdain in his voice when he dared to talk like he freaking own the country.

Though he was making me lose my strings of patience, composing myself I spoke as I pushed his arms away from my shoulder.

"Calm down Mr Mannerless Jerk. Your rotten pea brain doesn't decide my capacity and my efficiency in my profession. Since you are extremely low in IQ you can't comprehend a simple phrase, "Calm Down," I threw my hands and made a quotation, which proves you have impaired the human mind's stability. And I am positive you have mental sickness, hence I'm refraining from filing a case against you. I'll personally suggest you the best psychologist to control your reckless outbursts. You yelling and daunting like a frenzied jerk at our workplace is a nuisance. By the way, you'll get discounts if you are referred by the Country's best Doctor. Dr Lee Aria." I pointed at myself before continuing," Save your paychecks for your therapy. Fuxk off jerk!" I politely riposted with a fake sweet smile. I don't give him a pizza pan that I called him a jerk, nor that I asked him to fuxk off!

"You arrogant woman! I'll be your ruination if --I cut him off by saying, "Stop your nuisance Mister and allow us to do our work. This shxtload mouth of yours has to be sealed if you want us to continue our work. First and finally, I am a Doctor, I know what I should do. Don't you dare give me threats or order like I'm your maid," I rebuked in a stern, yet calm voice.

The below-average IQ moron standing in front of me was making me taste my last sip of patience. His face is painted red as the blood vessels widen, inviting blood flow to his hot head. The venomous glare conveyed his desire to punch me to the ground and summon a grave on it.

Like easily!

Who cares?! I walked back to the ICU along with the other Doctors ignoring his killer's glares. They were shivering and looking at me as if I had grown 2 heads. Why were they scared of a jackass like him? He doesn't even know how to talk to a girl!

Wait, knowing that moron lacks manners, how can I expect him to know how to talk to a girl? Fine! forget it. I got back to my work and was checking Mr Kim's reports. I transferred Mr Kim out of the ICU to the private ward, when I was compromised of his test results. I planned to stay up with him until he woke, as he was under sedation.

I didn't have any other encounter with the jerk who was waiting out. When we shifted Mr Kim, I found him at the other end of the hall talking to some men. Calling the ward boy I instructed him to deliver the message that Mr Kim was stable and under sedation for the time being and is shifted to a normal ward. Mr Kim was none other than my favourite uncle. He is my dad's best pal and I grew up in his arms until I was 5. He owns this hospital and he was the one who offered me this job.

"Who appointed a useless one like you?"

My mind replayed the morning incident. He dared to badmouth my efficiency and my skills in my profession. The most infuriating man with a mouth gifted from the lucifer himself is teaching me about my work? Ridiculous! Taking care of my patient was not his concern.

I was reading the book, "The obsession" written by one of my favourite authors, Nora Roberts. I was rolling my eyes at how corny Xander was. The male lead! I came out of my bubble of fantasy when I felt a hand on his wrist.

"Aria?" He called out for me slowly. Giving me a small smile he asked me to get him water. Helping him to sit up I made him take in a few sips of water and helped him lean back on the pillow.

"How are you feeling now, uncle?" I queried him with a soft smile.

"Great!" He replied, mirroring my smile.

I nodded at the nurse, non-verbally indicating to call my uncle's visitor. Who was he? Was he uncle's son? The tip-top man looked nothing like uncle. My thoughts shattered when the ward door opened.

Speaking of the devil, he entered.

The tall man paddled slowly towards the bed, "Dad." He called out and smiled at him.

Why didn't I think about his extreme concern about him? So, this was the reason behind his lunatic behaviour.

Aish! Stupid Aria.

Uncle Kim spoke, making me come out of my daze," Tae, come here." He patted the bed for him to occupy.

The name felt like a familiar spot in an unknown country. I was harked back in time when I found a few pictures of a little boy giving me his chocolate. In another picture, where he was holding an umbrella over my head and me grinning at him with my missing teeth. The most embarrassing picture of all was him kissing my forehead when I was in deep sleep. Though I can't recall the exact memories I can remember the name of the boy being Tae, as said by my mum when I inquired about the mysterious boy in my childhood photos.

Don't tell me he is Tae who shared his chocolate with me.

The so-called Tae went near their uncle's bed and sat on the chair beside him.

He asked, "How are you feeling, dad ?"

Uncle Kim spoke, "When my Aria is here, I'll always be sound and safe. She'll always take good care of me."

Finally, someone got the assurance. I smiled at him.

Uncle continued, "Aria, meet my son, Kim Taehyung," making my eyes fall out of their sockets.

Uncle spoke again, "Tae, this is Lee Aria, my Personal Doctor and Lee Jun Jae's daughter.

What's going on guys?

Was he the guy he proposed to me?


I did a regular checkup for uncle Kim at his place. He smiled and handed me a chocolate box.

I smiled, "Thank you uncle, you are always the best."

"Anything for my daughter Aria, " uncle replied patting my head.

"Aria, do you love anybody ?" he asked me out of blue.

Muddled with his unexpected query, I replied no, which immediately made him break out into a wide grin making my lips curve upwards too.

Wanting to know the reason behind his question I asked, "What's behind that big grin of yours uncle."

He chortled before he spoke, "It's because I like you so much, and I will be the happiest if you marry my son, Tae. You'll be the best match for him. A perfect mixture of smart, intelligent, beautiful and ideal for him in every other way. Most importantly I can trust you to take care of him, even if I'm not with him. I had even talked to your father about this, he was also okay with it." I was baffled.

He spoke, "Don't worry he will be handsome like his father."

I chuckled at him while replying, "Of course uncle, he should be handsome like his father."


I politely drew back from the conversation, allowing them to have their time. Though that was not necessarily the reason I hated to admit my legs turned to jelly. I slumped into my seat with a thud as I was quacking on my heels. How in the world he is the son of uncle Kim Moon How? Uncle Kim was very sweet, polite, loving and caring. And that jackass was the exact opposite of this. He is an arrogant, spoiled jerk, who is a haughty and a snob. A man who can't spell out a single syllable if they aren't orders or spiteful threats.

Was he the guy in the photo frame!?
The cute, little, handsome boy who made my heart skip its beats every time I looked at the memories of my childhood?

The guy I thought would have grown into a ladies killer with a loving character. Not that I was wrong about his looks but definitely about his character.

The guy in the photo frame grew up into the most infuriating arrogant brute I have ever met. My family, blood hell called me to be his favourite when I was little. They used cringe words like sweetheart/lover and many more. Does he recall our memories of us? He treats me like a pest.

I hope he doesn't remember me, just like I don't remember him.

But he was older than you. He might recall his childhood sweetheart who he first kissed and held his heart on a platter, my heart dreamed like it was drugged.

He might agree to his dad's proposal when he recalls your apple cheeks and angelic orbs! My heart was waving a fantasy.

No way! I will never marry him!

Me, or my dad, will never agree with me marrying a man who has done his major in being the King of A-holes and is a hoity-toity jerk.

KIM FREAKING TAEHYUNG! You have your ways to spoil my day.

Sweat dripping my forehead, I walked into the private floor where only permitted staff were allowed in. "Sir, Mr Kim is admitted to the ICU." One of the Doctors informed me. My eyes creased in anger when I saw a group of Doctors surrounding me.

Not knowing the cause of his sudden health failure, I gritted my teeth at the doctors, "What is the reason behind his sudden downfall of health? Why is he so sick right now?"

"Si-- Sir --, we are-- not monitoring -- -M--Mr. Kim's health records. Except hi-- his Doc--tor Ms Lee -- we are not permitted to--check his records --without-- her consent," the Doctor, stuttered.

"Where is his Doctor now?"

They replied, "She is having her duty in the afternoon so she---- I cut him off growling "Did you inform her about dad? Why is she not here?" I yelled again as all I saw was red. Knowing his personal Doctor isn't here for his aid blows a fuse!

He spoke shivering, "Sir we -- had informed --her already a-nd-- and she- is already inside

I heard someone behind me telling me to calm down. It was the same voice I heard last night. I turned around and I was choking upon seeing her here again. It was the same woman who humiliated me last night at the party. She wants me to be calm when my dad is in danger. I yelled malicious threats with known determination. Her counter-backs knocked back my senses for a second.

The nerve of this woman!

There wasn't even a slight quiver in her voice. Although her voice was serene I could see from her eyes that she was livid. She told me to shut up and walked away from me though I wasn't done with her. I chained my barbarian thoughts of strangling that woman because she was my dad's Doctor. I knocked back from bursting out only for my dad. He was my only family and I silently prayed he should be okay. It was around 8 in the evening when a nurse informed me I could see my dad. My eyes were frantic looking for any discomfort on his face. My mind was mentally taking points to sue this woman if she hadn't treated my dad well. Fortunately, he was back to normal and unfortunately I couldn't punish her. Since she is an employee, I need not worry about punishing the arrogant woman. What was her name by the way? Since she is working in Kim's hospital I can easily access her records. My smug thoughts shattered when my dad revealed the terrifying identity of the woman as, Lee Aria. The bratty woman here is Aria? A Lee?

My mind replayed a scene," Dad who is this girl?" The 17-year-old me asked my dad. I was packing my luggage to leave abroad for my studies. I was taking a few frames of me and my dad and a single frame of me, my dad and mum, as a family. It was then I found a mysterious girl in my photo frame, who grabbed my attention with the way she was looking at me. Damn, why was I grinning like a smitten boy in the picture?

"That's your girl, Aria." He grinned looking up momentarily from his laptop.

"Aria?" I asked quizzically. A faint memory of a little girl appeared in fogs. I did have a childhood crush on a toddler who was 3 to 4 years younger than me. Is she this one?

Oh shxt, why is my heart pounding wildly?!

"Don't you remember your childhood sweetheart? Don't you recall throwing your tantrums to visiting her during weekends? You begged me to take you to uncle Jun Jae's mansion. How can my boy forget his girl?" My dad shook his head after his dramatic explanation.

I recovered from the memory bubble when she excused herself and walked away.

What the hell was that?

She was Aria?

Your Aria! My heart sang.

Just shut up!

Better this be a fantasy!

Taehyung made his dad rest after their small talk and reclined on the couch there with his right hand resting on top of his forehead. He stared mindlessly at the roof, millions of quizzical thoughts orbiting about her. He reminisced spots of cherry that adorned her cheeks when she heard his name. He liked her turning red just hearing his name.

Though girls turning red at his presence or his mere glance isn't new, this fierce woman looked adorable when she turned scarlet red. He talked to himself, "So, Ms Brat I met yesterday was my dad's favourite."

"She is not only his favourite, but she is also your childhood sweetheart too," his heart dazed.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he remembered his dad talking about her whenever they spent time together. He told him that she was a beautiful, innocent, pretty, smart, charming, polite and silent girl.

He thought she was the exact opposite of what he told her. To him, she was a brat with the worst attitude. It would be a blatant lie when he said Aria wasn't good-looking.

His eyes flashed her image. She wore a black turtle neck top with a metallic wool-blend asymmetrical, hem skirt. Her hair was done in a neat french braided ponytail. She wore her flats which made her look extra tiny that the other day she met him.

"I never knew a Doctor could be this ho--- where the hell did that come from?" he scolded himself.

He knew she was indeed the most beautiful one he has ever met, but his ego didn't let him accept. To him, she was looking like a duck, in her white coat.

Well, that is why you were gawking at her like a caveman whenever you laid your eyes on her asked his inner self?

Okay!! I agree she is good-- chuck that man! he thought.

Knowing she was uncle Jun Jae's, daughter astounded him. According to him, his uncle Jun Jae was a very well-mannered man, but his daughter Ms Br-- Aria, he met was the exact opposite of him with a bratty attitude. She disrespected him in front of his staff. His anger for her increased today. He wanted to tame her attitude. He wanted to break her feisty nature. He wanted her to be broken into pieces that she should fear talking to me like this.

But he wondered how?



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