Beast master of Seton academy...

By BBsala

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Forced to leave his old pack behind at Darwin academy because, they won't allow humans, and what mite happen... More

Pack (rewriting text in progress)
chapter 1: strange wolf girl
Chapter 2: tell off a zedrea
chapter 3: the pack expaned
Chapter 4: reunions
Chapter 5:shanagins ( extra added content)
Chapter 6: the sports festival part 1
Chapter 7: sports festival part 2
Chapter8: two kings
Chapter 9: investigation
Chapter 10: are you a boy or girl
Chapter 11: clients
Update for story
Chapter 13: panda problems ( posted after Rip Bell)
RIP Bell 2016-2020

Chapter 12: new member

729 5 0
By BBsala


In the principal office a new student was being applied to seton academy, she was a human looking teenage girl, she had a slender form and blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders. Her was the same as Chase, 5 feet and 6 inch's, she looked to be of European descended with blue eyes, she was 16 years old and wearing a orange t-shirt, blue shorts and black combat shoes, her name is Ayla.

Standing in front of her was the principal and Gigas Terano " so you wish to come to our academy" the T. rex said to her calmly.

" yes, I've heard about your school allows any animals including human, I've always had a fascination for animals and want so expand my knowledge and tech it to others,"  she said smiling and the teachers smiled at her, she will be perfect.

The next day the Ayla started her first day at seton academy, wearing the girls uniform and a small belt holding a hunting knife on the left of her waste. As she was walking, she took notice of all the different animals of shapes and sizes " I'm finally here, seton academy, I wonder who I meet" suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts when she saw a small honey badger girl getting thrown towards a giant wolf girl feet the wolf girl had long pink hair and wearied a different uniform along with the rest of the males wolves with her, Ayla was shocked a such violence and saw three teenage male bears being that threw the young girl and it seemed she wasn't the only one, she quickly turned to see if the girl was alright and saw that one male wolves were checking on her and glared at the three bears.
The three bears prepared for battle and Ayla then search in her school bag quickly and pulled out a sling.

One of the bears charged at the wolves but they moved out of his charge and in circled him, the bear was wonder who was going to attack first when suddenly he felt something hard hit him in the back of the head, he looked over his shoulder and saw Ayla with her sling and a face filled with determination. The bear got angry charged at her knocking away two wolves in his way, Ayla managed sidestep out of the way while at the same time jump on his back and holding to his fur tightly. Getting the bear even more angry trying to shake her off. Ayla was scared but she didn't show it and managed to steer the bear and make him crash into the wall of the school building effectively making him feel dizzy and then unconscious falling to ground face first.

Ayla jumped off the bear showing a small smile, then heard a loud crack sound and turned to see that the giant wolf girl slammed the two other bears into wall with their heads stuck inside said wall.

" these beasts never learn" the giant wolf girl said just after she slammed the bear head into the wall And turned to Ayla " I saw how you fought, while I appreciate the help there was no need, we are strong pack and you should be more careful" she said to Ayla with little pride then turned to the honey badger girl " are okey" she asked with concern but the honey badger smiled happy " yeah I'm fine" and just like that the wolves started to leave but the wolf girl stop for and moment and turned back to Ayla " human, I can see your new here if you want join a pack go to the pack that lead by Chase Hunter, he's human like you and you skills that would be useful" she said then started walking away.

Ayla was left surprised "humans are here, I thought they became rare with the low birth rates in recent years" she was left to think, maybe she could join them she was human, some what.

(Time skip)

After saying good by the honey badger who's named she learned was Teru Anamitsu and was going to try and join the wolf pack that helped her, Ayla wished her good luck and went to find the club she could join.

So the next day she made up her mind and would try and join the club which she learned was the interspecies social club which really surprised her, from what she heard this club as one of two clubs that had different species as members with the other club being the cooking club which was be her second option if she can't join the interspecies social club.
As she was walking to school she saw a human with brown her wearing the school uniform about her age with a small wolf girl and the giant pick wolf with her pack from yesterday.
suddenly Teru jump in front of them and then started standing on her hands and Unleash a gas from her butt.

The stink  immediately took effect, both the little wolf girl and the human boy we grabbing their noses and screamed a little in disgust of the smell. Ayla ran to the honey Badger, confused why Teru did that. She looked at the wolves with the giant wolf and starring at Teru with fear. she stopped and turned to the giant wolf and Ayla flinched at the sight,

She immediately grab Teru by the head and said in a deep dark voice " what do you think your doing" she then lifted her up the air as she was holding Teru and Slammed her into the ground creating a giant crater.

" TO MY SISTER" she finished slamming her into the ground, the shock wave was so great that the wolves,Jin and Ayla were caught in the cross fire and leaving most of them laying on the ground from the blast. Ayla was the first to get up and rub the back of her head, she looked at the crater and Saw Teru hoping up and down happily yelling " pain so this what it feels like. Suddenly footsteps could be heard from behind Ayla looked over her shoulder and saw other human boy at her age with A giant Cave bear with black fur and had a large scar on his right eye, Ayla immediately had flashback of a certain shaman that her ancestor who when she was little girl and the man named was Creb , from what could remember in her memories that the Shaman spirt totem was a cave bear, the strongest spirt in the clan that adopted her ancestor. and the spirt name what was it, she could remember correctly, it was on the tip of her tongue. Ayla was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the human boy speak " ok I was walking to school after having sleep in, I'm not a morning person that much, the next this I know I hear what sounds like a giant explosion and now a crater is in the middle of the school entrance".
He said causally and saw the mess that Ferryal had created and he saw Ferryal wagging her tail happily patting Teru head, which Ayla confused her as she was distracted by Chase and Ursa.

" hey Ranka it everything alright what happened" Chase said to her looking at the damaged, including Jin was still on the ground form the shock wave. Ranka looked up and saw Chase and Ursa at the edge of the crater and smiled at them " Onee-chan finally understands, she letting the honey Badger into her pack" she said. That didn't answer Chase question but it surprised them both, Ursa the most. The cave bear then slide down the crater edge and walked up to Ferryal, she was a little flustered, he never got up this close before. Ursa looked at Teru for a few seconds then showed eyes of approval and looked at Ferryal smiling " you made a good choice letting her join, honey badgers are quite strong in defence and take punch and not even flinch" and panted her on the shoulder and picked up Jin from the ground " come on human you don't what be late for class" Ursa Said to him while carrying him over his shoulder, mush to Jin protest " let me go you dumb beast" he yelled but he didn't listen and claimed out of the crater.
Ferryal was stiff, her head down so nobody could see her red hot face, " he likes that I let her in" she screaming in delight of her crush praise.

Meanwhile Ayla looked at the human boy could walking next to The cave bear still carrying a upset Jin. He had the eyes that remind her of a leader, but who was he, what was his name. She looked at the little pink hair wolf who was staring to climb out. Ayla walk up to her still a little sore from the shock wave and asked " excuse me, but who's the human boy who's walking with the Cave bear? " the wolf notice her and smiled and said  " oh that's Chase he's  the leader of the interspecies social club". That was Chase, the leader of the club, the one was planning of joining, he had a carefree attitude, but there was something about him that drawn her to him, she didn't know what it was but felt...familiar. The feeling my her spine tingle and her brain with curiosity. She needed more time to think it over. Ayla then looked at the injured wolves from Ferryal rage, and remembered she left medical gear back at her dorm. Lucky she knew another way and quickly ran into the forest, remembering the right plants to treat the miner wounds before the could get worse. As this was going on Chase looked at Ayla with interest, she was using smiler methods his used, he need to learn about her more later, and Chase started heading to class.

Classes were over and it was almost time for bed so When she got to her dorm room, she decided she need advice and moved to a duffle bag and pulled out a amulet made of wood, the amulet was the showed the shape of a cave lion, one of the strongest totems and the spirt her ancestor had. Once she went to sleep she entered the spirt world and with her was the biggest cave lion that world walking on all fours in shoulder length he was 1.3 meters. As she walked through the forest of the spirt world, her totem guiding her they came across something or someone. A few feet away from them was a  women who looked to be in her twenties, she had long thick dark blond hair, her eyes large, grey blue colour, she was sitting near was fire, with a Cave behind her and a bow leaning against the entrance. She saw them and signed to come over, they complied immediately, Ayla knew this women she would help when times get tough her name of Ayla the one who serve the mother or the women who hunts.

When they got to close to her Ayle crimson asked her ancestor her first question that came to mind " what are you doing here Ayla, I only came here to talk to the spirts about a simple choice" she said to her ancestor. She just smiled and said " no my child, choice you make will effect your life, that I why I have come to help guide you to the right path and hopefully tell you a little about that human boy" . Ayle crimson knew who she meant, Chase hunter. but you why was he what was so special about him that made feel a sense of familiarity, her ancestor could read her easily and said " the boy Chase it boy ordinary human, he is a descendant of a great warrior of our kind, Takkar the beast master" the woman paused letting the girl sink in the information and she looked at her ancestor " so he has cro magnon blood in his veins, that why I felt a familiarity with him" Ayla said thinking she Finally got it, then she heard her ancestor laughing. She looked at her confused, what did she say that was so funny then stopped and said smiling
" may darling, that's part of it, Takkar like me, changed the way we humans as a species evolved, with his power to tame the beasts intensity, his tribe prospered and even used captured members of enemy tribes to used them to teach them their methods of survival" she explained through the inter dream.

Timeskip/ the next day

After learning more about Takkar by her ancestor Ayla had made up her mind, she was going to join Chase pack, he and her were alike, while she herself was a cro Magnon, Chase was only part, due to his homo sapien family. so she fine the club and ask if she can join. when she finally found the clubroom, she opened to door and saw a long table which was just four tables pushed together in the middle of the room with four chairs on each side.

( remember this from chapter 8 this what I'm trying describe)
On the left side of the table was a male Smilodon, with Chase and on the right was a female Cave lion with long blonde hair with her legs crossed, and it seemed she had just walked into a meeting of sorts.
" so even after, He sent you to the infirmary after he fought you, and you still want to join my pack" Chase said to the cave lion as if trying to make sense of the x-men movies timeline.( yes I'm putting that joke in there, and no I don't hate x men)
" as long as tiger is in it I'm in" she said seductively look at The Smilodon, who looked embarrassed and looked away to hide his blush.
Chase but didn't know what to think about this with his pack mate problem then he Noticed Ayla at the entrance and did his best to leave this situation " oh hello have you come here for a opponent or to join" he said her smiling at her and Ayla closed the door behind her. "Yes I very much like to join, but I see you In the middle of something" she said about to leave when Chase said
" no, no it's fine, Nobutoshi can finish this and I talk with you now, we can used the therapy room, nobody suing right now so it will be the perfect place" he said to her and lead her to the therapy  room, and lucky nobody was inside. They both sate on opposite sides of the table, " so you wish to join my club" Chase said starting the conversation " yes, I was hesitant at first then I when I heard about your heritage from my ancestor I knew who I should join" Ayla said smiling but stopped when she looked at Chase face, and Ayla was worried for second at what she saw.

" how much do you know" he said seriously and Ayla flinched a little and decided to answer truthfully " only that your ancestor Takkar like my ancestor Alya changed the way humans progressed as a species and that you have cro magnon in your blood "
she said fearing for her life. Chase closed his eyes and they softened and he took breath in then out " sorry I panicked their, I was afraid that my pack was in danger" he said now more calm " you see only three members in my pack know about my heritage and you knowing out of the blue set off a few alarm bells" he explained. Ayla was confused, why would not tell his other pack mates did he not trust them, but before she could ask him that question Chase beat her to it" before you ask why don't tell the others" Chase paused for a moment and put his head down " it's because I'm afraid of what they will think of me" he admitted. " what do you mean" she asked him curiously, Chase sighed and explain his dream, his self guilt for being human and worrying that his pack will hate him for his heritage. After he finished explaining Ayla understand Chase a little. she like Chase, had anxieties for what people thought of her and her heritage, she smiled and said " Chase their your friends, you shouldn't hides things like that from them, and how do know they will hate you after you tell them" Chase looked into her eye and looked shocked and scared " I know but, in just to afraid, just so afraid" he said shaking a little, Ayla didn't know what she was doing in the moment but she placed her right on Chase check " you've been with them right, what makes you think telling them will change anything" smiling at him Chase blushed a little when did she look pretty, wait where did that come from. Shaking his head and fighting off the blush, he chuckled a little
" it's funny, here Clients come to take about their problems, and here I'm talking to a new member giving me life Advice huh".
Ayla thought about and it was kinda funny, " alright when the time it right I'll tell the rest of pack wait did she that right" Ayla smiled then remembered what he just said " wait Did you just say new member" she said surprised.

" yep I've seen enough welcome to pack" Chase said getting up and smiling " when classes end I introduce you to whole pack" he said. Ayla was left stunned not moving from her chair, Chase looked confused " hey you ok" Ayla snapped out of her thoughts " yes, yes I'm fine" she said smiling getting out of her chair and leaving. Ayla agreed not tell anybody about Chase heritage, but she was allowed to tell others of her own.

Time skip

" everyone I like to introduce you to our new pack mates " Chase said standing next to Ayla and Cave lion Leone. Leone smiled and waved at the pack and Ayla looked at the other pack members and one caught her a eye and she didn't know how to feel. One of the members was female Cave hyena and she was looking at Ayla suspiciously " you blond human" Maia said walking up to Ayla and circling around her " you look like a human" she said a she sniffed Ayla " but you don't smell different" she said looking at her, " that because I'm a cro magnon" she said honestly and other pack members looked surprised.
" a cro magnon, that's why you smell similar to Chase" Ursa said " Correct, cro magnon where early modern human  that lived during the ice age, they were quite tall for their time and could use projectile weapons such as throwing spears, they were also really smart compared to Neanderthals " Chase said,  then pointed to Leone " this is Leone she also asked to join" he said introducing the cave lion " wakes up" she said care-freely smiling. Chase watched as they got to know the new pack members he was contemplating " I'm such a hypocrite, she right, their my friends they won't change what they think of me...but what about everybody else, the students here" chase frowned and left to his dorm to think.

The end
I'm back and I'm not going to lie I kinda been lazy lately, you see  recently I went to my grandma and grandpa house who I haven't see in mouths with COVID 19 happening, and this chapter took me weeks because I was trying really hard to this right, I haven't finished books of earths children, I look up some of the stuff on the wiki so I could get the details right, I can see the chapter we'll probably be not that good and I'm sorry.

In other news I posted a new story a Akame ga kill and hellsing ultimate fanfic the first chapter already up but I haven't figured out when I'm do more chapters with what happening in my life. Anyways have a good day and no flaming and give good feedback 

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