The Forgotten Soldier (Doom x...

By ReaperTheDeadly

120K 1.5K 823

my Y/N L/N, and the end of me. I'm all alone, no backup, no allies, just pure death an... More

Welcome to Mars
The Missing Scientist
Unknown Enemies
Slight delay
good news
The Darkness
The Darkness Pt 2
The Chamber
The Plan
The Fight
The Spider
The Spider Pt 2/Argent Tower
Welcome to Hell
not sure what to say
just asking
Christmas Special (Short)
Welcome to Hell PT 2
It happened again
Welcome to Hell PT 3
Back to Mars
Argent Facility (destroyed)
Darkest Secrets Revealed
Death of a Soldier
Rise of a Sentinel
Rise of a Sentinel PT 2
new look
The End?
Bigger Evil
Bigger Evil PT 2
One Man Army
The Fall of a Soldier
Tortured and Escaped
Indestructible PT 2/ Darkest Secrets Revealed PT 2
Indestructible PT 3
300(+1) followers
The Final Round
The Final Round PT 3 (Finale)

The Final Round PT 2

1K 15 3
By ReaperTheDeadly

Y/n's POV:

I'm on my to finish this once and for all... And hopefully... Hopefully, I can be right back home.
After I got done with the demon hordes, I stood back up and cleaned my sword a bit. Still a few blood stains on it, but nothing too major.

I slowly made my way to the Argent Tower... Again, probably my fifth time going through that place. As I know now that it leads to the main Source of Argent Energy... Hell itself.

I can't stand Hell, nobody can at least. As I made my way to the entrance, then again what entrance? I had to jump across this pipe-like bridge and I saw a small hatch, I kicked it down and jumped down from it. And I saw the ray again, shooting it into the sky.

Y/n:*sighs* I really hope I can finish this... I had hoped that the Slayer would've been with me at least.

As I was about to climb, a random red portal. And I never thought I would ever.... EVER... See "him" again

??: Well well well, if it isn't Y/n. You... Were always weak, you were never one of us. Always too slow, always too sick...

Y/n: what? You're all talk, but you lack the evidence of showing off your "skills"

??:*chuckles* says the man.... Who lost your family and now... You're about lose your life. We will meet again later in life, Kill him *walks through portal*

I saw him go through the portal once again, but demons started to run out of the portal towards me. I readied my sword and shield, luckily my shotgun is still on my back.
{Two Hours Later} (yup, I know... Sorry)

As I finally climbed at the top, I took a deep breath and slowly made my way towards the Argent Energy. And everything... Faded to white
(Location: ??)

Y/n: Oh God!!

I started to realize that I'm falling out of the sky, as I landed on the ground. I fell face flat in the puddle of blood. And I couldn't help but feel disgusted, because I can almost taste in.

Y/n: yuck, oh God... This is... Ewww... *Widen eyes* Holy... Shit

Y/n: oh my God, so the stories are real.... Hell's Champion, killed by Slayer himself....

I couldn't even believe my own eyes, the stories of Hell kept in these "Slayer's Testaments"? I looked straight ahead and ran towards the skull. As I stopped at the entrance of the Titan's Skull, I looked down and saw how deep it was. And yeah, it was a pretty deep fall. Seems like it anyway.

Y/n:*takes a deep breath* ok Sentinel... Your time is now

I stretched a bit, cracked my bones a bit and took a good picture of me and Ahri one last time.... I stared at the picture at a good couple minutes at it.

Y/n:*clears throat* let's do this *jumps down*
Part 3 (finale) coming soon

(I know it's the worst way of ending this part, but the next part. Which is definitely the Finale of this story. But I'll make the next part the longest one, and even newer enemies from Doom 3. Anyways, goodnight and have a blessed day and peace out)

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