Lotus (Leedo Oneus Fanfiction)

By mimiteh_

6.2K 372 27

He is her bodyguard, aloof and unbothered. She is a spoiled Vice CEO, who hates her family and her Father's... More



189 12 2
By mimiteh_

When I woke up, Leedo wasn't here with me anymore. I got up and checked his room, he was asleep. I left him alone and got myself ready. I got my phone and texted Harin. "My little admirer, come pick me up. We have work to do."

When I stepped outside, Harin came running up to me. "You want to go to work? Are you sure it's okay?"

I rolled my eyes and poked his forehead, "Let's just go." I walked past him and got in the car. He hesitated at first but gave up and got in.

When I got out in front of the company, I was greeted by my employees.  I saw my Vice President Jae, "Yunhee!" He pouted and came running towards me. I giggled and opened my arms, so he could hug me. He ran right into my arms and hugged me tightly. "What are you doing here? Everybody thinks you're on bed rest for some time because of a car accident. They don't know about your memory loss. Anyway, is it okay for you to come even though you don't remember some people?"

"You worry so much. I remember." I patted his back.

Harin heard and came up to us. "You got your memory back?" He whispered. I smiled and nodded. He smiled big and joined Jae and hugged me too.

"Okay, guys I can't breathe." I cried out.

"Sorry." They both responded and let go of me.

We went up to my office and I threw myself on my seat. Jae brought me the paperwork for everything he did while I was away. New partners, new improvements, and more money.

"Jae, I just got to say. You are amazing." I put the paperwork down and looked up to him. "I knew you'd be perfect for the job." Jae blushed. He stayed with me all morning, helping me catch up on everything.

"Yunhee!" Both Jae and I looked up towards the door. Leedo comes running in and stands next to me.

"I'm going to make some coffee. I'll make you guys some as well. Very slowly. Will be taking my time." Jae quickly left, leaving me and Leedo alone.

"What are you doing? Let's go home, you need to rest." He grabs my hand and tries to drag me out.

"Leedo, stop it. I'm fine." I pulled him to stop. He stops and looks at me. I look into his eyes and mentally tell him.

"You remember." He comes closer to me. "You remember!" He hugs me and picks me up. He's happy and laughing.

"Okay, okay. Put me down." He does as I say and places me down.

"Why didn't you wake me up? You should have told me earlier." We walk over to the couch and sit down.

"I wanted to surprise you after work, but you got ahead of me." I rolled my eyes.

He reaches over and grabs my hands. "I'm glad you remember. I'm glad you remember me." A tear fell down his face.

'Whoa!" I leaned it closer and wiped his tears away. "I thought you were the tough guy."

He held my hand on his cheek. "Do you know how scared I was when I thought you forgot me? I told myself I'd have you fall for me all over again." He looks at me, "I know you love me. I can feel it." I froze in my spot. He leans and kisses me. This time his kiss was soft and gentle. I don't pull away, I don't want to. I kiss him back with every emotion I have for him.

We pull away and rest our foreheads on each other. He smiles, I try not to smile and look away.

"I brought the coffee." Jae comes in consciously, when he sees us not doing anything, he sighs in relief and walks over to my desk. I get up and sit on my chair.

Leedo scratched the back of his head, "So how about getting rid of Harin and making me your bodyguard?"

I almost choked on my coffee and laughed, "He is not leaving and you'll be my bodyguard with him." I smile.

"No, that doesn't make sense. You just need me." He started whining.

"Listen, Harin is a big asset. Not only does he know his work as a bodyguard, but he has connections and knows more than it seems. I need him here on my side as he needs me to back him up when something goes wrong." I put my cup down, "So no matter what you say, he is not going anywhere. If you don't like it, then go back to Yonghoon."

He makes a sour face, "Fine. But he can't get touchy with you."

"He's my bodyguard, he needs to be," I smirk and get back to work with Jae.

After work, I head to a flower shop. I picked the biggest and prettiest bouquet I saw. After settling them in the car, I drove to the hospital. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. When I walked in, the nurses were shocked to see me. I nodded to them and made my way to my mom's room. When I slid the door open, I saw my uncle rearranging her sheets.

"Samchon." I smiled at him.

"Oh, dear." He comes up to me quickly and hugs me, "What are you doing here?"

I showed him the flowers, "I came to apologize to mom." He looked shocked but then his face eased up. He took the flowers and went to look for a vase, leaving me alone with mom.

I slowly approached her and sat down on a chair next to her. I took her delicate little hand. "Hi, mom. It's me Yunhee. I came to see you. I finally got my memory back." I smiled shyly and felt my eyes water. "Could you ever forgive me? I forgot about you. I forgot my mother, that's unacceptable, unforgivable. I'm sorry." I laid my forehead on her hand, "I'm ashamed to be your daughter." I gasped for air and softly cried.

"I... think... you're... a... wonderful... daughter." 

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