Pushing Up Daisies


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Daisies Kim, a so-so American singer, never intends to leave her drug-addicted father in America alone. Howev... More

Chapter 1 : After We Fell Apart for Years
Chapter 2 : Until We Might Meet Again
Chapter 3 : The Begining - We Belong Together
Chapter 4 : Could You Pursue My Dream?
Chapter 5 : Band-Aid 10.10
Chapter 6 : Tokyo Is Calling
Chapter 7 : Confession
Chapter 8 : I Can See the End as It Begins, My One Condition Is...
Chapter 9 : I Get Drunk on Jealousy
Chapter 10 : You already Know I Can't Choose You
Chapter 11 : Parents never Leave their Kids
Chapter 13 : The Ring
Chapter 14 : Am I in Love with You or Am I in Love with the Feeling?
Chapter 15 : America Is Calling
Chapter 16 : Who the Fuck is That Guy?
Chapter 17 : Takes Me Home, Lights are Off, He's Takin Off his Clothes.
Chapter 18 : Your Heart Is for Takeaway
Chapter 19 : I Saw Something
Chapter 20 : Souvenir
Chapter 21 : Things Will Never Be the Same
Chapter 22 : You Weren't Mine to Lose
Chapter 23 : There Is No Home for You Anymore
Chapter 24 : They Are the Hunters, We Are the Foxes
Chapter 25 : We Never Go Out of Style
Chapter 26 : Band-Aids Don't Fix the Bullet Holes
Chapter 27 : It's probably Better Off this Way
Chapter 28 : I've Been Having a Hard Time Adjusting
Chapter 29 : I Didn't Know If You'd Care If I Came Back
Chapter 30 : That's the kind of Heartbreak, Time Could Never Mend
Chapter 31 : The Past Serves the Present
Chapter 32 : We're so Sad, We Paint the Town Blue
Chapter 33 : IF YOU
Chapter 34 : I Take This Magnetic Force of a Man to Be My Lover
Chapter 35 : FLOWER ROAD [THE END]

Chapter 12 : What about Your Stuff Will Be Here?

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"Daisies! Dinner is ready."

"Coming, Daddy." I quickly put down a pen on a note paper, leaning my guitar against the armchair, and dash to the stairs. A few seconds later I run back to move the guitar onto the bed instead. Dad had worked two shifts for a week to get this for me, so don't let him down seeing it has even a scratch.

My dad has been obsessed in the kitchen when I reach downstairs. He's holding a full pan and then slides the leftover on plates.

"Watch your step. The fifth one isn't fixed yet," Dad calls out from the kitchen, and it's too late. My foot accidentally drops into a wood of a staircase.

I scream. "Dad!"

Dad scurries to me. And when he sees me being blind one leg in the wood, there's a colorless face of him that I clearly see.

"Daisies. Are you hurting?" He seems more threatened than me, lifting me up then deposits me on the last stair step.

"No," I honestly reply, even if my leg obviously has a few scratches. "It's okay, Daddy. I just need it." I give him a look.

He starts to laugh awkwardly but still unable to hide a concerned look. "Sure." then digs a plaster from his pocket before kneeling down in front of me.

"You never change, Daisies," he coldly says, bending his face down while sticking a plaster on my leg. I narrow my eyes. "You never stand on your own feet. You always make my life such a fucked up. Why were you born?"

"Dad...You're okay?"

His tone obviously sounds so cold. I try to seek to watch his face, but he keeps bending his head too down beside my leg.

"If I didn't have you, my life would've been better and so picturesque. I could have kept studying until I got B.A. or even Ph. fucking D. I could have had a perfect job and a lot of money. And one day...I could have married and had cool kids. I could've had a perfect life like a movie, Daisies," he splashes the coldest tone of speech than I've ever heard. I hardly try to look down to catch his look.

"Dad..." Tears sliding down my face. "Look up, please. I'm scared."

"You're such a parasite, Daisies. Drop the whole future I was supposed to have into pieces. Why were you born? Why were you born? Why were you born!?" He raises his voice up and keeps repeating the last words with his tears dropping down on my leg.

"Dad. Please stop." I'm about to lift my leg up from him. And he quickly catches it, squeezing badly. I try to pull it up, but his energy is too strong.

Suddenly, he stops repeating the words, but still not lets me go. I'm completely so excited. He's never been so cruel like this before.

His other hand putting some silver dazzling thing from his pocket before Dad slowly looks up. And when his face turns to me directly, it's not Dad. It's Bogum's face. He stares at me grinning like an evil.

I hate it.

"Bona ya. Shall you call me uppa?" His smile is so disgusting and it's completely scaring me as hell.

I'm fearfully staring at his evil terrifying grin, pulling my leg out from him so badly when he's not letting me to do so. I try to make a word but my mouth turns perfectly numb. Groaning extremely inside to speak like a deaf person.

"Mhm hmmm." That's all that came out of me.

"Don't be scared, Bona ya. Your father is here. Call me uppa. Uppa. Uppa."

I bloody want to yell 'Don't call me that name.' as hell, but all the words I manage to say have dyed inside my throat already.

"Call ma uppa!" he yells horribly. "Call me!"

Fucking no way! I try to kick him or anything to run away from this shit, but it feels like being able to paralysis. I can't move every part of me, I keep groaning inside.

Then he draws his hand with a dazzling thing that like a silver flower steel in the air and then stabs it into my leg. And that makes me realize that it's a daisy pin that he plugging. It's my daisy pin...coving with my blood. Bogum bursts into horrible laughter like a creepy evil. So scary and pretty wild.

I attempt to scream and move away but I can't. I can't even a bit except staying still. All I can do is watching the evil unplugged the pin and stabbing my leg with it rapidly and rapidly with a grinning horrifying demon.

"Daisies. Wake up. Wake up!" the familiar voice half-shouts, shaking my shoulders. The least I want to do is make a word, but I'm paralyzed for a while—extremely want to cry out loud or even open my eyes, but I cannot even move any inches.

"Daisies! Open your eyes. It's just a dream. Wake up!"

The same voice—sounds more worried and louder this time, yells again. And that makes me finally open my eyes screaming loudly.

"It's okay, Daisies. It's okay. It was just a dream." I glance at the one; who cupping my face with a pitying look.

"Oppa?" That's the first and last word I want to say in my life. I immediately bury myself in his arms. "It was so real," I breathlessly say.

"It was just a dream, baby. You woke up now." The favorite touching rubs my hair comfortingly.
I'm about to say something else to describe how horrible dream I had, but I'm seemingly unable to win the whining. Still groaning inside my chest after unable to spit any word.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. You don't have to speak. I understand." You do? "Take a deep breath, Daisies...In...and out. In...and out," he says, breathing with me simultaneously and slowly. He keeps repeating counting each breath with me for a while until I feel a little mellow out and able to pull myself together.

"That's right. In...and out." He softly places my head back to a pillow, looking through my eyes, repeating the words until I can breathe properly.

"I need a water," I half-say.

GD kisses my forehead. "Sure, I'll be right back." He turns on the nightstand's lamp and scurries out of his room.
It's been three days ago since I've locked myself with GD in his apartment after went out of the hospital. I still haven't had the conversation with Mom or him or even anyone for actually. But I'm glad GD had a talk with my mom for me instead. He firmly engaged with her that he will satisfactorily take care of me, and he also told her that he will take me to meet her when I'm actually ready.

All these past three days that I have stuck with GD. He has taken me pretty well. And I genuinely appreciate it, though I inadvertently make him have to cancel almost all of his works to stay with me. I know it looks kind of selfish, but I literally don't want anyone right now. All I want is him and him and him. I just know that having him around makes me feel safe and sound—and that's what I suppose to be in the middle of this hardest time of mine.

Less than a minute, GD finally comes back with a glass of water.

"Here." He supports my back while I'm drinking, and I have all glass in once.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"It's the least I can do, Dais." He grins. "You sure you're okay? Wanna talk about your dream?" I shake my head for the answer. The both answers, actually. I'm not okay, nor do want to talk about that horrible dream. He stares at me a bit worried then nods for understanding. I slightly cup his cheeks and kiss him softly at his sweet lips.

He has an impressive look before turning off the lamp, lying down back onto the bed next to me, and opens his two arms. I nonchalantly smile before joining his embrace eventually.

"I always stay with you, okay? Don't be afraid of anything," he says above my head, through the darkness.

"Saranghae," I quietly whisper. Not wishing he would have heard it. Just wanted to say, that's all. We're hugging in the bed—in the safest place I now know. And before he falls asleep I hear him saying back, "I love you."

* * *

He's sleeping while locking me in his arms, and I have stayed awake. I can't go back to sleep. I just don't want to dream anymore.

It's something that feels like when you wanted silence to be able to think. But when you actually had it, it's still coming to you—even in just a dream. And I can't stop recapping that wildest dream I just currently had in my head.

I gradually tear GD's hands out from me before quietly take off from his bedroom through the darkness. I don't know where I'm going or even what I'm looking for. I just know that I have to distract myself—not going back to sleep. That's all I've got in my head.

The fact that I start touring all of the rooms in GD's apartment on the fourth floor of this penthouse instead. And all I'm entering in each room is like a mock gallery one that I should probably know. Keeping touring, finding something to be obsessed with until the sun goes up. And then I finally found the room that kind of belongs to me.

The studio room.

I didn't learn GD has a home studio before. Why didn't he make music in home instead of his label, by the way?

"Alright." I pick up one of his cool-looking guitars and sit on a chair nearby.

This night sucks already. Let's write it into a song.


I spring myself sitting up onto the bed after swept the empty cushion. Where's she? The toilet, the living room, or the kitchen—all have no sight of Daisies.

Panicked as I am now, I then feel literally relief since I start hearing the sound of guitar comes down the hallway.

"Thank, God. Phew." Daisies flinches a little as I slam the studio door open. Finally find out that she still exists—strumming a guitar on a chair over there. "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry. Did I wake you? I thought there's a soundproof." Her face looks guilty.

"It is soundproof," I assure her, kneeling down in front of her. "I just woke up because I couldn't find you. Why are you doing here? Isn't it too late?"

"I cannot sleep," she admits, pressing her lips together.

I slightly put a guitar out from her before put it down on the floor.

Perhaps this should be a moment.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask, squeezing her hands. Our eye contact occurs. She inhales and exhales deeply. "Just remind yourself, I'll be there every time you're down, okay? Don't keep every details you've learned to yourself just because you think it's absurd to let anyone else know. For me, all about you matters. I promise, Daisies."

She's staring down at our palms as if she's processing words to expose them out. I can tell I'm genuinely glad she's joining my hands and rubbing them kindly. I know she has extremely been needing me lately. She doesn't really trust anyone anymore since found out the thing that it is completely too hard to handle for a little lonely girl like her. She chose me to be the one to hold on when she's actually got no one left—well, at least she still has a brother.

I still can't believe all the things that T.O.P hyung has told me. The fact that Daisies and Hyung are biological siblings makes me fucking shocked. What a small world.

By the way, this is still too much for her to encounter everything at once. She deserved to know this whole truth at the right place and at the right time, especially when her mom is actually ready. Not to find out like this. In the meantime, it's also my fault to not make it clear that even though we're not together, she has no problem living here. It's my fault that I let her go, to let her meet the lies that she's been kept apart for her whole life. And she's now called me to be by her side, and I bet I will always be with her as long as she asks for. Or even she won't let me to, I'll still be there—just in case when she turns around and finds no one, at least she'd have me.

"I had a nightmare," she finally says. "A really nightmare."

"What kind of nightmare, baby?" I gently tuck her hair behind her ear, another hand still joining hers.

"It's him and my dad. Well, I don't know I should call him that name, though." I gently hold her cheek and wipe her tears. "It was Dad spitting all of the truth against me. He was telling about all the things that I had dropped his future into pieces. He also said I'm a parasite." She stares at me with bloodshot eyes and holds my hand tighter.

"It was just a dream, Daisies. You were too stressed and that's why you had a dream. I can tell he never blames about the past on you because you're his daughter. And he loves you. That's why he's chosen you over everything."

"But what if he knew that he's not my dad. What if he recognized that all over twenty years he's raised someone else's kid. Is he gonna regret that he's wasted time for nothing?"

"Hey. Hey. Don't snap yourself out just yet." I try to comfort her. "It's gonna be alright. He won't really regret anything about you. He does everything for you because he loves you. That's all."

She seems too much hurt. Seeing her cries and gets pains inside her heart, those are the last thing in the world that I really want to see.

"He...well, he did spit about why the hell I was born. And I know if I wasn't born in the first place, Dad would've had an extremely great life he could have gotten. Plus, he wouldn't have been addicted just because he reached the dead-end about being incapable to afford whatever to take freaking care of me."

I fucking want to say something more to cheer her up. But deep down I can't decline. It's true.

She swallows hardly, then puts her hands out from mine to gesture me about her nightmare. "And in the dream. He...that guy. His face was replaced by Dad's. He looked up grinning like an evil, shouting me to call him uppa. Rapidly. I wanted to run away or move or anything but I couldn't at all. And he held my leg. And the pin, you know. The daisy pin." Please don't be. "He plugged. He plugged it into my leg. Rapidly, rapidly. And I couldn't run away no matter how much I wanted."

"Dais." Fuck. I sort of ran out of words. She lowers her face into her hands, and it fucking breaks my heart to see her being deep down like this. I swallow then gently grip her hands. Her eyes are terribly bloodshot. "Dais, listen to me. I know it was so cruel and I really understand you. But you should know...you can't run away every times you're scared. You keep escaping from whatever makes you feel uncomfortable and it's absolutely not right,"
I'm forcing my eyes to catch hers. I know it's hard to say this, but this is absolutely what I suppose to do. "If you keep running away, you have to run away for the rest of your life. And do you think you can do it forever? You can't, baby. All you have to do and need to do is face it. You have to face the problem you meet and fight for yourself. That's what the bravest Daisies is supposed to do,"
She's weak but I can tell she's processing about what I said. I hold her face then give her a soft kiss.

"Please, take the Daisies girl back to yourself. My Daisies who never gives up and runs away."

"What if it's so hard to fight from my own?"

"I'll fight with you. No matter how hard it is. I'm always with you. Like a daisy needs butterfly."

There's a long pause from her before she finally nods with tears.

"It happened, baby. Everything happens for reasons. No one can change the past. And flashback and thinking about what-ifs are what the losers do, and you're definitely not any kind." She immediately looks up. "From now on you don't need any plasters anymore if you're brave enough to not get pains. And when you can't bear by your own self, just let me know. I'll help bearing it with you."



"Uh...oh, hey." T.O.P swiftly jumps from a couch in his living room. We all have no idea where our hands are supposed to be around our bodies. He's definitely awkward as I am. Our eyes seem hard to lock to others. I inhale deeply before closing his door and walk into him.

"Can I have a word?"

He nods. "Sure."

Scratching the back of his neck, he moves himself to lean his hips against the head of the couch. Shit. I didn't expect it's going to be so uncomfortable like this.

"It's okay. I understand. I'm glad you came to see me. I thought you weren't seeing me ever again." He begins to say first.

A cheerful smile grows over his handsome face.

"It totally blew my mind for a while. I'm sorry," I confess.

"Don't be sorry. It's absolutely not your fault, Bon—." He stops himself. "Sorry. It's still typical for me."

"It's okay. You can call me that." I beam for him. Hope he wouldn't think I came to be mean for him, though. "Look. I'm sorry I took so long and let you wait." He shakes his head and reaches my wrist, and I willingly let him. "It was so hard to me, and I know it is to you, too."

He nervously chuckles. "Yeah. It really was." Then squeezes my wrist softly.

I force a grin, place my palm on the back of his hand. "By the way, I wanted to thank you for that day. You were so easy to me, and I can't blow it off and not ever talk to you about this. I don't want you to think that I didn't want to get related with you in any kind. But in my opinion, what she said may be not all the truth."

"What do you mean, not all the truth?" His eyebrows knit.

"I don't quite fill me in about anything right now, and I'm also not talking with Mom yet. I just know as much as you do. But it's still hard to believe that we're related. I'm just afraid that maybe either he nor my dad are my actual father."

"Bona." He is about to cut me off, and I hold my hand up.

"I know. I know. But you know, after what happened. It totally drives me nuts. How come I can be his kid, though?" Here we go again. Tears start to gather around the corner of my eyes. There were dried-eyes; not crying easily, but I'm not anymore since the gate has opened.

He pulls his hand out from mine then holds my shoulders to stare straight at him just like that night while we were standing in the rain. "Listen, Bona. I admit that I freaked out when I knew this. But after a little while, I am not anymore. You are my little sister. And I don't need to make sure with any DNA confirmed thing, because looking into your eyes, I knew it's you...my daisy little girl."


I inadvertently drop the bottom lip open as tears sliding down my cheeks. "How could you know that name?"

"I felt something about your pin. And I did see what my mom and dad reacted about it with you that night, and also when I saw it personally in your room that you left it when you moved out." He did see me having some words with his parents at that night party? "I wasn't sure much then, but after your mom spat everything out. Then...everything clicked—your Korean name, your mom lied everyone as your aunt. Or even when I used to see your dad."

"You saw my dad?"

"Sort of. It was ages ago and I don't quite catch up that much. But I can remember, I used to meet him sometimes when I was with my dad as he was teaching in America."

I'm stunned, completely.

"This pin has filled me in almost everything."

"How come? I don't really get it." I really don't.

"Well." He claps his thighs. "It's been ages but I could remember that I was there when Dylan got a pin." The way he mentions the name got me goosebumps. "It seems like the reason why you got the secret name."

What a freaking small word. There's a lot of brand-new information again, processing in my head hardly.

"Wow." The word falls from my lips.

He nervously chuckles. "Pretty shocked, huh?"

"Massively." Still being stunned, but eyes still running down of sad tears. He sweeps them out for me with his thumb while I'm still lost in my mind.

"Look. I am telling you. I don't regret for this thing except the way you're suffering. I am really proud of knowing that I even have a sibling, especially you."

"Please don't. I couldn't be more crying." The more his pretty serious and sincere show up on his face, the more I unstoppably cry. Why is he so easy and gentle like this? "How about if I wasn't?" Even if I now want to.

He just shakes his head as the answer. "It couldn't be. Even if our blood ain't get involved in any kind. You're still my little sister, daisy girl, anyway. That's all I know."

I bend to drop tears down so that I won't feel like having a too wet face. I am about to bend for a moment to catch myself up, but there's non-stop crying I am now. I can't even stand up straight.

Then T.O.P comfortingly pulls me into his warm hug.

"Stop crying. You're making me feel you don't want to get related with me," he teases. I laugh, burying tears on his shoulder.

"I'm not," I say. "There's the best thing I ever got from this. I always thought I would be alone after my dad's not here anymore."

"You're not alone here. You have us. Just let yourself know this place is not just a rent-free penthouse for you anymore. This is now your home. I'm your family and you can depend on me every damn time from now on, okay?" He playfully shakes my shoulder, and I nod as sniffing.

There is something like a lot going on. But throughout the whole dark time, there's a light dazzling shining through. And T.O.P is one of the people who gives me a light.

"Thank you so much," I say and he comfortingly pats my back.

"Can we go inside then? We're dying here, Hyung." Someone yells through behind the door, and I realize then—it is Seungri's voice.

"Hyung. Bona. Ignore him. Just take your time. I'll keep his mouth shut." If I'm not wrong, I think this is Youngbae shouting.
Then I hear Seungri groaning from the outside, including the sound of Jiyong and Daesong claiming something to make him stop making noises. And that makes me and T.O.P burst into laughter with tears.

"There's everybody," I laugh, wiping face with my sleeves.

"Yes." T.O.P chuckles before teasingly shouting, "We're done. Come in and let me kill you."

Then the boys immediately slam the door open and pull themselves into T.O.P's apartment. Seungri is running into us for the first one, along with Youngbae, Daesong, and of course GD; who is wearing a cool look, shoving hands in his pockets like he always enjoys doing. Ever since this seemingly is his cool culture.

"I still cannot believe you two are siblings!" Seungri excitedly shouts.

"Really?" Daesong lowers his voice in sarcasm. "And who the hell just said that there's gonna be rougher to get in touch with Bona, hmm?"

Seungri frowns, and GD clears his throat loudly, as if asking the attention towards him.

"Sore throat, huh?" Youngbae lifts his chin towards him, and GD gives him a sarcastic smirk.

"Bona ya." Seungri turns to me with a smile ear to ear, and I beam back to him. "Don't be misunderstanding about I didn't come to take a look on you while you were living with Jiyong hyung. I very much wished I could but either Jiyong hyung or T.O.P hyung never let me do that."

"You're lucky enough. I let you came here," GD snaps then gives me an air-kissing which you might have already known it goes like his cool style.

"How's thing, Bona ya? Any better?" Youngbae nods toward me.

I smile. "Couldn't be happier than this."


"Don't steal my scene, Hyung! I'm supposed to be the lead," Seungri growls before gets bullied from his bandmates like the way he always does. But don't worry, it's the very truly softest and absolutely cutest bully that I've ever seen.

Though they're having an argument together, they're still speaking English despite of they don't even have to. I now can't make any words to describe how grateful I am as seeing them talking English to each other habitually while they're with me so that I'm able to understand them and not get an uncomfortable feeling.

As watching them, all of the sudden I surprisingly flinch when GD pulls my shoulder into his chest. He gives a soft kiss on my hair as looking at his boys, and I wrap my arms around his waist.

And we're no longer hugging one another for even a second. As T.O.P glances at me and GD, he immediately shouts to separate both of us.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Stay back from my sister." He pulls me off of GD.

"Hyung? Seriously?" GD frowns. "What about three days she's lived with me?"

"That doesn't count. Your gold time is over," my brother announces, linking my shoulders. I laugh and GD starts scowling.

"Haha. Time to be grounded, Bona," Youngbae teases and I mouth 'Absolutely' to him.

"Aye. Does that mean you have to get back to your room?" Daesong innocently asks.

"Yes, and yes," T.O.P quickly answers, still gazing at GD.

"Whatever." GD rolls his eyes, throwing his hands in the air.

"Our poor Bona. GD's Ahjumma always serves the best food ever. From now on you ought to get downstairs to get her instead," Daesong teasingly muses.

"Oh. It's fine. I have to get down there everyday, anyway. T.O.P doesn't have a maid like GD," I tell him.

In the distance, GD swiftly waves his hands and gestures for me in particular behind Seungri. For an instant, I immediately cover my big mouth. Shit!

"Shit." Daesong is almost the last person who just thought this through.

"What? What? What?" Seungri begins. He turns to me with a look. "What that means, you have gotta get downstairs to Jiyong hyung's everyday?"

"Nothing." I suspiciously shake my head.

Seungri gazes at the rest of us with his puzzled look, and everybody looks absolutely suspicious. No one dares catch his gaze.

"Don't tell me you were living with T.O.P hyung?" He points between me and T.O.P.

Shit. Can I have my words back?

I glance at T.O.P as an emergency help, and he rolls his eyes.

"So what? Bona is my sister," T.O.P challenges.

"Nooo! You weren't even knowing about this. Why didn't you even tell me?"

"And if you could've known, what would you do?" Youngbae scoffs. "Hanging around the fifth floor everyday?"

"Noo." Seungri nervously rubs his neck before finally gets realizing it. "Wait. Did you guys know about this? Jiyong hyung, you did know too?" He points at his bandmates one by one, and of course everybody looks away from him.

"How could you do that to me? Why am I the last one who knows all about this?" Seungri growls. "And how long she's lived here and I didn't even notice?"

"Dude. Too far. How dramatic you are," GD scolds him.

"Hyung. This is important for me. At least we might've had parties together or made songs here with her."

"When did you become an active songwriter, dickhead?" Youngbae satirizes.

Then Seungri holds his hands up towards me, as if gesturing to ask for a short break. And then he begins to argue with his bandmates in Korea Language. Later on, he is no longer making a big scene anymore which he should have known.

GD nods toward Youngbae, and then they knowingly begin to carry Seungri to get out of the room. I laugh so hard until I just realize that my eyes got completely dried for the very first time throughout these days.

* * *

"What are you doing?" GD asks. I leave my eyes from my suitcase that laying on the bed and look up at him, standing at the doorframe of his room.

I grin. "Get back to my room. I'm kind of feeling better now," I say, zipping the suitcase before deposit it on the floor and tag it along with me as walking into GD.

"Thank you so so much for these few days, Oppa. I couldn't have been any better if you wouldn't be here with me," I say and he keeps looking down at my suitcase.

"You know you could stay here until you really feel better."

"I am," I admit. "I'll be back here in a minute, just let me move this back to my room upstairs first." I kiss his cheek and then pull the suitcase along with me, and GD holds on its handle.


He looks up to me, swallowing suspiciously and charismatically. "Well...er..." He hesitates. I wait for him in silence. "What about your stuff will be here?"

"What?" I echo my word again, confused.

"You heard me." He looks away, rubbing his neck.

"Yes, I did hear you but I don't get it."

He sighs. "I mean—unless you wanna leave your stuff here. Got it?"

"What?" And now he frowns, rolling his eyes. "What's your point? Are you asking me about living together?"

"Yessss!" he scoffs, seems a little bit irritated.

"You have no idea we're still not talking about our relationship yet, have you?" I tease, despite of the fact we basically are even already.

"C'mon, Dais." His hand leans against the wall beside my head, and another one throws in the air, irritably like a pleading boy. "What about a few days ago that we've been through together? Are you trying to break up with me again?" he muses.

I half giggle. "Of course not. And, to correct your claim, we did split up, not just me. I asked you to stop and you agreed. You stood me up, remember?" How can I hide a smile on my face now?

His face is totally priceless—dropped bottom-lip, knitted eyebrows. Still handsome and gorgeous, anyway.

"What? Are you telling me I was breaking up with you?"

"Sort of." I shrug playfully. "If you didn't walk away, who knew we might've still been together." Yes, I know I sound like a jerk about blaming on him. It wasn't his fault at all. I just want to tease him. The way he bursts into frustration, melts my heart as hell.

"Daisies, please. Oh, God." I grip his temples, sighs heavily.

And I burst out laughing while confessing to him. "Haha. I was just messing with you." And I immediately wrap my hands around his neck before he might actually be angry with me.

"You're such a little devil," he groans and wraps my waist.

"Can we make it up again?"

I throw my head backwards, stare at him thoughtfully. "Let's make it clear at the first time. This is not a fling?"

"Not ever since the first times for sure," he reassures me firmly. "Plus, you don't have home but here. This is now your new home. I bet you can't go anywhere."

I push his chest away gently, frown. "Are you trying to claim me?"

"Sort. Of."

I swear to Lord the way he's raising his eyebrow as teases me, I have no any wonder why he's so hot among every girl. He's so badly terrific.

"I hate you," I say. That's all the worst lie I ever say.

"So get your bag back here then." He pulls the suitcase from my back to his side.

"Wait. I didn't say yes or anything yet."

He frowns again. "Daisies. I'll be quite honest. I fucking can't live without you, especially while knowing that you're still around me. And I'm not begging you to stay with me because of having jealousy on Seungri. I want you to live with me because I love you. That's all, okay?" he spits as still being grumpy.

I laugh, feel my shoulders shaking.

"Please at least let's get back together." He folds his lips together like a child asking his mom for a candy. Mentally, I'm melting by now.

I tease him by looking away from him and making a cheeky face. I know it's kind of absurd to do this. But the way he's grumpily pleading me like this, is the best thing I've ever adored him.

"Fine!" He walks to the living room, keeps murmuring to himself. "If you can't sleep alone at night, don't ever come knocking on my door, though."

I laugh with my arms shaking as following him. "What do mean, knocking on your door? We are not living in the same room?"

"Of course we're gonna sleep in the sam—." He immediately stops himself, turning around. "What did you mean exactly?"

"If you give me a room that there is no you, I'd rather stay with T.O.P as the same." I raise an eyebrow playfully. A pleasant smile finally arrives back on his face.

"So you mean..."

"Yes! Let's live together, babe," I shout as we're opening our arms and running to each other.

We're hugging for a while until GD separates and stares at me a bit seriously. "Hang on. First things first, did you just basically call me babe?"

Shit. I just realize I haven't actually called him that before.

"No. I didn't." I step back and my legs hit the sofa behind me.

"Yes, you did. I heard it with my two ears." He excitedly smiles, stepping toward me.

I keep declining and step over on the sofa since there's no room left for me to take another step backwards.

"Say that again."

"No!" I take another step backwards until my back hits the wall behind the sofa. "Why do you keep asking me to call you so many names, huh?"

"Why? I love it. Let's say it again." He seems even incapable to stop smiling and even pacing into me.


There's a dirty smirk he makes. "Fine. Where's your bag of Care Bears? I'll go get them and throw them all away?"

"Hey!" My voice swiftly gets a bit louder. "Are you trying to claim me with all of my stuff?"

He shrugs unenthusiastically and turns to walk away.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll say it. I'll say it," I yell, jumping from the sofa to catch him.

"Your Care Bears bag is in your old room, right?" he shouts from down the hallway. Why does he walk so fast like this?

"Babe. Babe. Babe," I rapidly yell, running to him.

"What? I didn't hear you," he says, gesturing deaf as stops at the front door.


"Sorry, Miss. I quite can't catch up about what you say," he says, cupping a palm behind his ear. I pull his wrist, drawing him back to stay away from the door as far as I can. He then swiftly jumps out and runs away from me to the other room while both of us still chuckling.

"Babe. I'm saying!" I say as running after him.


"Babe. Baby. Oppa. I love you! Do you hear me yet? Aaaagh!" I shout while we keep chasing around room by room with the full of ecstatic laughers.

The familiar laughters that we are not ever enough, especially the way we laugh together.

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