The Deletion Process

By AbyssalHeart

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So this is finally it, the endgame. My ultimate, the final project I will ever bring into fruition with my ow... More

Nightmare Or Reality
A Fortress Against The World
The Spectral Persona
Meeting The Fallen Creator
Have We Already Lost
Divide And Conquer
The First Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Roses
Lorekeeper Of Souls
The Arctic-Dread Forest
The Second Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Ice
Lorekeeper Of Origins
The Infernal Wastelands
The Third Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Sunlight
Lorekeeper Of Reality
The Silent Graveyard
The Fourth Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Shadows
Lorekeeper Of Endings
The Binary Void
Inevitable Defeat
The Final Battle
Hopes, Dreams, And A Thousand Voices

The Fate Of AbyssalHeart

159 1 0
By AbyssalHeart

The overbearing brightness began to subside. As I lowered my arms and opened my eyes, I found myself atop of a hill looking over a world. It's so beautiful, could this be Haven_Zero that Grimm Weiss and The Keepers spoke of?

Noble: Well I'll be damned, it's over... it's finally over...

Spectral Persona: NOBLE!

I ran up to Noble and hugged him tightly. I can feel myself crying, hot tears of joy running down the sides of my cheeks.

Noble: H-hey Spectral it's okay I'm here. You did it, you stopped The Deletion Process, you won...

Spectral Persona: Is it finally over Noble? Is it truly all over?

Noble: Look around and tell me what you think.

I let go of him and took a glance around us. Every biome had been restored back to its original luscious form. Strange, there's a large castle in the center of this world. It's right where the well used to be.

Spectral Persona: What is that castle doing here?

Noble: After you destroyed The Final Testament, it completely reset Haven_Zero. Everything that once existed here before The Deletion Process began was either returned to normal or brought back from its deletion. Anything that was built or made in The Deletion Process's creation time was permanently deleted. This includes The Final Testament itself.

Spectral Persona: So this can't happen again can it?

Noble: I can't promise that other creators won't try to follow in AbyssalHeart's footsteps. However if you're talking about Abyssal himself, then yes. He is now completely incapable of doing such a thing again.

Spectral Persona: How is that possible? Doesn't he still possess his powers as a creator? What's stopping him from just making another Final Testament and retrying this again?

Noble: Abyssal had put all of his destruction powers into The Final Testament, that is what the device demanded as a requiem and power source. Since you destroyed it with The Redeemer, it permanently erased any traces or code of The Final Testament along with his destruction based powers.

Spectral Persona: Where is he now?

Echis: He's in there, at the highest floor...

I looked over to Echis, she was with her sister. I followed the direction of where she was pointing to the highest point of the castle.

Spectral Persona: Is it possible for me to go see him?

Noble: We have to if we want to get you and the rest of the consciousnesses back to the real world. He's the only one who can create a portal back to our world.

Hellgonix: How can we be sure he won't try and attack us?

Spectral Persona: I don't think he has that will anymore.

Echis: What makes you say that Spectral?

Spectral Persona: At the end of our fight he fell to his knees in tears. He just sat there, didn't even try to keep fighting. It's as if he just froze up after the realization of what he'd been doing. When I walked past him to destroy The Final Testament, he grabbed my arm. But he didn't try to hurt me, he looked me in the eye and said "I don't think this is what I wanted...". Then he let go of my arm and I destroyed The Final Testament.

Noble: That makes no sense, why would he say that? I spent months trying to convince him not to go through with The Deletion Process. Yet each encounter with Abyssal was met with hostility and him assuring me this was for the best in his eyes.

Spectral Persona: Why don't you ask him when we get to him?

Noble: I suppose that would be the most logical thing to do. Well in that case, let's get moving.

The four of us descended down the hill, the soft cool breeze blowing through my hair and the tall grass around us. As we got closer to the castle I saw the four mistresses waiting outside the doors.

Spectral Persona: MISTRESSES!


Grimm Yang: *chuckles* Maybe lighten up on that hug Rubes, you're going to pop Spectral like a balloon if you're keep squeezing.

Grimm Ruby: *lets go* AH! I'm so so so sorry Spectral!

Spectral Persona: *catching breath* It-it's alright Ruby... I know you meant it with the best intentions...

Noble: Are you all here to see Abyssal too?

Grimm Weiss: What else would we be here for? To do a song and dance number in the ballroom?

Grimm Blake: That is what a ballroom is for though, isn't it? Singing and dancing?


Noble: *chuckles* I'm glad to see you four haven't lost your sense of humor.

Spectral Persona: Are we all ready to see him?

Everyone nodded in agreement, well all but one.

Hellgonix: I... I don't know if I can...

Echis: Sister, it's alright none of this was your fault. He can't hurt you anymore.

Grimm Weiss: We have your back of he tries anything.

Noble: I'm also here too Hellgonix, I will ensure that he doesn't bring any harm your way.

Spectral Persona: We're all here with you Hellgonix, we've got your back. Trust in love, trust in us.

Hellgonix: *sighs* Alright... lets do this.

The eight of us walked through the doors and into the castle grounds. This place is huge, the main room itself having several spiral staircases leading to different rooms and floors. We continued traversing through the castle until we came across a large empty room at the very back of the castle. In the center of the ceiling was a large hole that passed through several floors. I took a gaze upwards, it looks as if goes on for miles upwards. Below me and the others was a large platform embedded in the floor.

Spectral Persona: Is this some kind of elevator?

Noble: Exactly what it is Spectral. We need to get to the top floor. Everyone stay clear of the edges of the platform.

As everyone stepped back closer to the center, Noble began typing in instructions to take us to the top floor. Soon the platform below us began to levitate upwards. A misty blue aura appeared around us as we began to go up.

Echis: Just for safety, don't want anyone getting their head busted in.

I chuckled and turned my gaze back upward as we continued to ascend. Many minutes later we arrived at the top floor. It was a room with shining Topaz stained glass walls. In front of one of these walls sat a large desk covered in different books written by AbyssalHeart. In one of the corners sat two bookshelves labeled "AbyssalHearts Reading List", and "AbyssalHearts Library". In another corner sat several sets of armor and weapons. And behind the desk there he is... AbyssalHeart.

AbyssalHeart: *sigh* I didn't think you'd want to come see me after all I did to you... to ALL of you...

He turned around from the stained glass wall he was starring out of. His left eye now an empty black socket. He looks exhausted, as if the very life of him was sucked out of his body. The mistresses readied their weapons at him.

AbyssalHeart: There is no need to be so hasty to attack. I no longer possess any of my destruction powers, as such fighting you would be a death wish for me.

Noble: Lower your weapons, he's telling the truth.

Grimm Weiss: How do you know that? He could be lying to us, just like how he lied about Hellgonix controlling him!

Spectral Persona: Noble, and AbyssalHeart are telling you all the truth. After I destroyed The Final Testament with The Redeemer, all of his destruction powers were deleted with it.

The lowered their weapons slowly. Abyssal sighed and walked over to his desk and grabbed a pen.

AbyssalHeart: I know why you are here Spectral, I need to open a portal to get you and the rest of the consciousnesses back to the real world. Let me go ahead and start working on that now.

Spectral Persona: Wait!

He lowered his pen back onto his desk and looked up.

Spectral Persona: I want to know something before I go...

AbyssalHeart: Well, seeing as how I'm not going anywhere... ask away.

Spectral Persona: Whats going to happen to them? All of the characters in your stories, what are you going to do to them? What is their fate?

AbyssalHeart: I will be extracting all of their consciousnesses from their respected stories and move them to custom free worlds. There, they will be able to do as they please. They will not be forced to follow any rules, have any strings pulled controlling their actions, this will be their life. They will be in control of their own choices from now on. As for how I will keep my other stories going, simple... mindless clones as it should've been to begin with. Those four *gestures over to the Grimm Mistresses* they will have the choice to do as they please, wether they choose to live in Haven_Zero or one of the free worlds is up to them. As for Noble, Echis, and Hellgonix... I'm not quite sure.

Spectral Persona: What is that supposed to mean?

AbyssalHeart: If I had to take a guess, Noble will most likely go back to his world and Echis will follow since they are spirit-bonded. But her *looks over to Hellgonix* it's up to her if she wishes to stay behind here in Haven_Zero or go with Noble. Since my spirit-bond was destroyed along with The Final Testament, she is not forced to stay here with me. In my eyes Hellgonix, you're better off with Noble, I know he's a good man and won't make the same mistakes I have.

Hellgonix: *sighs* I have a few things I need to say... so keep your mouth shut and listen to me.

Abyssal nodded and walked in front of his desk. His tired eye gazing right at Hellgonix.

Hellgonix: You did so much shit to me... you manipulated me, betrayed me, controlled me, made me something I wasn't, hurt me, and even tried to make me your scapegoat.

She began to walk towards him. I tired to grab her shoulder to stop her, but Noble and Echis both gestured for me not to do it.

Hellgonix: *walking towards AbyssalHeart* Not only that, you also tried to destroy everyone! All your friends, allies, YOUR CREATIONS Abyssal! You were willing to kill hundreds if not thousands of consciousnesses with no remorse!

She was getting closer to AbyssalHeart, his look was stoic, yet I could sense his fear and sadness.

Hellgonix: You knew me, Echis, Noble, The Grimm Mistresses, and every single one of your creations was here for you! We were more than willing to help you no matter how difficult! Yet you turned your back on ALL of us with no thought or care for us!

She was standing right in front of him now. Her head tilted up to meet his gaze. She was trying her best not to tremble in fear, as Abyssal was trying his best not to break his stone cold expression.

Hellgonix: So all I have to ask you is why? Why did you do this to us Abyssal?! Why did you stop caring about us? Why did you stop caring about me...

She started to fall, Abyssal caught her in his arms. I-is he crying? His expression hasn't changed, but it looks as if tears are coming down from his eye.

AbyssalHeart: *trembly voice* I never stopped caring about you Hellgonix... *looks up* any of you. I constantly questioned if this was really what I wanted. To delete everything and fade away into the darkness. I realize now that this is and was never what I wanted. And I have you *looks to Spectral* to thank for that. During our battle Spectral showed me what I had blinded myself to for so long. The personas and souls of a thousand people, kind hearts and brave souls willing to fight to the bitter end. To save a creator from committing the most horrible mistake one could ever make. That being giving up on their community, and turning their back to their friends and supporters. Spectral, Noble, all of you have opened my eyes or eye to the good that surrounded me. The good I let the few in the dark blind me to and take control of me. Causing me to lash out in the worst way imaginable. I'm sorry... *voice breaking* I'm so sorry for what I've done. I'm just tired, I'm tired of fighting...

Hellgonix lifted her hands up to wipe away the tears on Abyssal's face. His expression was slightly shocked yet hesitant. I can only imagine it's because he was expecting her to slap him and walk back to us.

Noble: Abyssal, you knew I was there for you. I was more than willing to help you make any of your stories come to fruition as you'd say. You also knew I was more than willing to take care of those naysayers who kept putting you down. We all were willing to stop them. Why didn't you ask us to help you?

AbyssalHeart: You shouldn't have to take care of my problems or fight my battles. None of you should have to do that.

Echis: But we're your friends and family Abyssal. That's what we're supposed to do, just as you'd do for us.

AbyssalHeart: It's different Echis... these people aren't some mindless AI or scripted bully. They're real people and as such possess just as much power if not more than me. I couldn't imagine sending anyone of you off to go after them, only to be destroyed or worse. I cared about you all too much to send off to take on a challenge bigger than I.

Spectral Persona: That why we have each other Abyssal. You're right, perhaps alone we would be defeated by them. However together, we are strong. Together we are unified, together we are invincible.

AbyssalHeart: *chuckles* Perhaps you're right Spectral. I'm glad Noble chose you to lead the consciousnesses to save me.

He looked over to his side where Hellgonix was sitting. His look changing back to its original tired sad state.

AbyssalHeart: *stands up* So I guess this is goodbye isn't it?

Hellgonix: What?

AbyssalHeart: I'm sure Noble will be a great creator to serve beside. I know he'll be better then I ever wa-

Hellgonix: Don't be fucking stupid Abyssal. I'm staying here with you.

AbyssalHeart: W-wait what?!

Hellgonix: You heard me, I staying here with you. I don't care if it's just you and me. I'm staying and that's final.

Abyssal looked down and put his left hand up to his face. He was trying to hide himself crying.

AbyssalHeart: *trembly voice* Wh-why? After everything I've done to everyone... to you. Why would you choose to stay with me...

Hellgonix: Because I care about you damnit! I know you, and I know you'll sink back into that dark place you were in if you are alone. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen again. And if you must view it as a punishment for your actions, then I'm staying to make sure you don't try anything like this again... even though you can't. So I guess... I guess I'm just staying because I don't want to lose you again.

Abyssal grabbed her and held her in his arms tightly.

AbyssalHeart: *sobbing* I'm sorry... goddamnit I'm sorry for everything Hellgonix...

Hellgonix: Don't apologize for your mistakes with words, fix them with your actions.

AbyssalHeart: I will... I promise...

Hellgonix: *wiping away Abyssal's tears* Then lets get to work. Once we send Spectral off, together, we'll do what you said for the souls in your stories.

AbyssalHeart: Yes let's do that... together.

Abyssal turned his gaze to me.

AbyssalHeart: Alright *grabs pen* lets get you back home Spectral.

Minutes later...

We all made our way back up to the top of the hill we were on. Abyssal had opened a two way portal, allowing me to go from Haven_Zero to my world and vice versa. We all said our goodbyes, tears of joy and sorrow were exchanged amongst each other. I watched as the Grimm Mistresses walked descending back down the hill towards the castle. Noble and Echis said they were going to stay and help Abyssal finish his plan. With all goodbyes exchanged I turned around and walked through the portal. When I exited the portal, I checked the clock on my nightstand. Funny, it's only been a couple minutes since I went to bed. I go to lay down in my bed, the soft covers welcoming me into their embrace. After everything that has transpired I still can't help but wonder if it was all one big crazy dream, or if I really was the hero who stopped The Deletion Process? Perhaps some questions are best left unanswered...

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