The Deletion Process

By AbyssalHeart

2.1K 26 6

So this is finally it, the endgame. My ultimate, the final project I will ever bring into fruition with my ow... More

Nightmare Or Reality
A Fortress Against The World
The Spectral Persona
Meeting The Fallen Creator
Have We Already Lost
Divide And Conquer
The First Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Roses
Lorekeeper Of Souls
The Arctic-Dread Forest
The Second Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Ice
Lorekeeper Of Origins
The Infernal Wastelands
The Third Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Sunlight
Lorekeeper Of Reality
The Silent Graveyard
The Fourth Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Shadows
Lorekeeper Of Endings
Inevitable Defeat
The Final Battle
Hopes, Dreams, And A Thousand Voices
The Fate Of AbyssalHeart

The Binary Void

36 0 0
By AbyssalHeart

I opened my eyes to a black canvas all around me and the others. The only different color being the green zero and ones that floated aimlessly around this barren land. So this is The Binary Void huh? I can see a light in the distance, that must be where AbyssalHeart is located.

Spectral Persona: Lets get moving everyone.

We all gathered together and began to make our way to the light source.

Screen 1: Um... hello? Did I get this thing working? It's says it's filming, but how do I get it to...

What the hell? A screen just appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Is that AbyssalHeart in the real world? His persona really is similar to his actually real life appearance. His hair is much longer in real life, and his voice is higher pitched. He looks much younger so maybe it's a past recording?

Screen 1: There we go! Got it working finally! Oh wait um... He-hello everyone, my name is ZeroMech as you all know. I just wanted to record this video to say thank you all so much for showing support for my first ever story I Awaken! You know, I'll be honest when I first started writing it I was only expecting it to be a four maybe five parter series. I never could've imagined it blowing up into a seventeen part full pledged story. Also the reads! Never in a million years did I think I'd be able to make something that would reach twenty-four THOUSAND reads in like three months! And I have all of you to thank for that! If it wasn't for your support and kind words of encouragement, I don't think I would be making this video. In all seriousness though, I have each and every one of you lovely people to thank for showing so much support and love for my story it really does mean a lot. I've had quite a tumble recently in my life, and you guys have helped me rise from that fall. Thank you all for everything. Be on the lookout for two new stories coming soon, this is ZeroMech... PEACE!

The screen went black and faded away. I look over to Hellgonix and Echis. Both of them are smiling as if reminiscing about old memories with their creator.

Screen 2: Alright we go live in 3... 2... 1...

Another screen appeared, this time Abyssal or Zero looks more grown up. His voice has become deeper and his hair has gotten shorter.

Screen 2: Hello everyone, this is ZeroMech_Online! I'm happy to announce that we have just hit ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND reads on I Awaken! Woohoo! *pops confetti cannon* I can't believe this story has grown so much in less than a year of me being on this platform! As always I have you awesome people to thank for that. Oh before I forget, my other two new stories Old Bonds and Killers Remorse have been completed and fully published! I'm making this video as a thank you for all the support you've shown on I Awaken... but also want to apologize...

Apologize? What would he have to apologize for? If this is a younger version of him then this would've been recorded long before Remnants Antidote or The Deletion Process.

Screen 2: I owe an apology to the two users I publicly called out for criticisms they were giving to I Awakens storyline. I will not be mentioning their names again as to prevent their identities from being revealed. I will also be removing their names from the board in order to stop the witch-hunt. If you two are hearing this now I want to say that I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you two. It was never my intention to make you two scapegoats for abuse. As a creator I need to hold myself above using my powers for things like witch-hunting. I hope you accept this apology and to my devoted followers I ask you, please lay down your arms. Do not harm or slander these people. At the end of the day, they were doing what readers do, and that is critic. We should not attack others for stating their opinions which they are entitled to. I will be hosting a banquet at Haven_Zero as an apology gift to these two users who were the victims of my command of assault. I will try my best to improve myself as a human being and a creator from now on. This is ZeroMech_Online, signing out.

The screen went black and faded away.

Hellgonix: He beat himself up for months on ends from that event. Even after he had made amends with the two users, he still never forgave himself for it.

Echis: We tried to convince him not to be so hard on himself. But he just wouldn't listen.

Screen 3: Is everything good to go? How's the audio everyone, alright?

Another screen has appeared. Abyssal in this one looks much older. His hair is cut in a military form, and his voice has become noticeably deeper.

Screen 3: How's it going you awesome mofos, it's AbyssalHeart here in the flesh. So guess whose in high school now, this guy baby! As for the hair, I've enrolled in a junior military unit at my school. As such have had to adjust my hair to their standards. I'm happy to announce that I have released the two hundred thousand read celebration for I Awaken! Resurrection is a new remastered and rewritten version of I Awaken. This one will be much more Grimm, no pun intended and have a much darker and serious vibe to it. Once again I can't thank you all enough for the support you all have shown me over the last two years I've been on this platform. I'm so grateful for each one of you and in all honesty I never thought I'd do this well in a million years. Again it's all thanks to you lovely people for sticking next to me throughout it all. I can never thank you all enough for all the smiles, love, support and patience you've shown me. I've got more stories planned in the future so stay tuned! This is AbyssalHeart... LATER!

The screen turned black and faded away

Noble: I remember first reading through Resurrection. While I'm not the biggest fan of the sad endings, Abyssal had truly made a great story from it. Shame Remnants Antidote brought the downfa-

Screen 4: Turn on you stupid piece of shit!

Another screen had appeared. Abyssal looked exhausted this time. Heavy bags under his eyes and his slumped over position giving this away.

Screen 4: OKAY! OKAY! I'VE HEARD YOUR GODDAMN DEMANDS! JESUS CHRIST CAN I JUST REST FOR A FUCKING MINUTE?! Are none of my stories entertaining or interesting to you? Is there really no other creator you can torment with your demands?! Why is it me you all come after?! Why is it me you all beat down to the goddamn ground when I don't make what you want?! Well fucking SORRY Remnants Antidote isn't going in the direction YOU want it to! But hey guess the duck what?! IT'S MY STORY AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT WITH IT! I AM THE GODDAMN CREATOR OF ALL OF THESE STORIES! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, THEN LEAVE! I can't fucking do this anymore... I'm so sick of making what someone wants only for another to start shitting all over it. LEAVE. ME. ALONE!

The screen shattered this time into a million glass shard like particles. I look over to Echis and Hellgonix both in fear and sorrow at seeing the sudden change in their creator.

Screen 5: Is this what you fuckers wanted...

Jesus Christ. Abyssal was sitting in his chair, his whole upper body covered in scars and bruise marks. What the hell did he do to himself?

Screen 5: Here you all go, this is what happens when I don't deliver what you all wanted. The few in the dark came in and did this to me. But I bet that makes you all happy... I bet you all love seeing me in pain and beat up like this. However, I bet some of you want more than this. I bet some of you want to see me to fucking disappear. The few in the dark certainly want to. Well don't worry, soon this will all be over, soon you'll never hear or see me again. The Deletion Process, my final project... my escape from this hell I created...

The screen shattered just as the previous one did.

Echis: Goddamnit Abyssal... why didn't you just tell us...

Noble: Jesus... I had no clue it had gotten that bad...

Hellgonix: Neither did I...

Grimm Weiss: I don't think any of us did. He hid this side of him well from us, at least until recently.

Spectral Persona: Then lets go stop The Deletion Process right now. Let's go save him, before it's too late.

The other nodded and we continued walking until we passed through the light.

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