The Deletion Process

By AbyssalHeart

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So this is finally it, the endgame. My ultimate, the final project I will ever bring into fruition with my ow... More

Nightmare Or Reality
A Fortress Against The World
The Spectral Persona
Meeting The Fallen Creator
Have We Already Lost
Divide And Conquer
The First Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Roses
Lorekeeper Of Souls
The Arctic-Dread Forest
The Second Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Ice
Lorekeeper Of Origins
The Infernal Wastelands
The Third Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Sunlight
Lorekeeper Of Reality
The Silent Graveyard
Grimm Mistress Of Shadows
Lorekeeper Of Endings
The Binary Void
Inevitable Defeat
The Final Battle
Hopes, Dreams, And A Thousand Voices
The Fate Of AbyssalHeart

The Fourth Tower

28 1 0
By AbyssalHeart

I watched as my clone rag-dolled onto the floor of the tower dispersing into shards. Grimm Yang stood at the entrance, her hair going back to its original golden blond look. We entered the tower and began our descent down to the towers beam.

Grimm Yang: Spectral?

Spectral Persona: *turns to Grimm Yang* What good?

Grimm Yang: Um... uh... sorry if I scared you with the way I acted towards your clone earlier. I want you to know I wouldn't actually do that to you if you did that.

Spectral Persona: *chuckles* Don't worry about it Yang, I know you wouldn't hurt me intentionally. And if it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't purposely cut your hair.

Grimm Yang: Hahah... very funny.

We made our way down to the base of the staircase. Just like the last three, a door stood behind us and in front of us a long dimly lit corridor. This time, the light from the room at the end of the corridor glowed a dark purple hue.

Spectral Persona: Keep your weapons at the ready everyone. We need to be ready for whatever is awaiting us in there.

Everyone unsheathed their weapons and carefully traversed down the dark corridor. After a few minute, though it felt like hours, we made it to the beams room. Christ... it's Hellgonix! She's unconscious, oh god is that blood on her clothing her own?! Please for the love of god say it isn't!


Echis began to cry, she can't be dead can she? This isn't fair... she doesn't deserve to die after everything she's been through! AbyssalHeart I swear to god if you killed her I'm going to make sure you fucking burn for th-

Hellgonix: *coughing* Go-god... you're such a crybaby sis...

Echis: SISTER! *hugs Hellgonix*

Hellgonix: O-ow easy Echis...

Echis: *lets go* Oh my god I'm so sorry! I'm just so happy you're alive and here!

Hellgonix: I am too Echis... you wouldn't mind us-using some of yo- *coughs* healing magic on me would you?

Echis: N-no not at all let me get to work now!

Noble: Hellgonix...

Hellgonix: Noble...

Noble: *sigh* I'm sorry about what I said about you earlier. I had no clue you were being controlled by AbyssalHeart...

Hellgonix: *chuckles* Apology accepted Noble.

She turned her gaze to me.

Hellgonix: Been a hot minute hasn't it Spectral?

Spectral Persona: Definitely one way to put it Hellgonix. If you don't mind me asking, how did you get here?

Hellgonix: Right I suppose I do need to explain that. After AbyssalHeart realized that I didn't stop Noble and Echis from escaping to meet up with you guys he came after me. I didn't have any other choice or route of escape, I had to fight my way out or die. And as you can see, I made it out of there alive.

Grimm Ruby: How are you able to tell us all of this without glitching out as you were earlier?

Hellgonix: I struck him in his spirit-bonded eye, breaking the connection between me and him. Now he has no way of controlling me since the link has been broken. I wish there was another option that would have caused him so much pain, but I had no other choice in that situation.

Echis: No one blames you for the choices you made sister. AbyssalHeart our you in an impossible situation that you didn't want to be in.

Noble: You're here with us now and that's all that matters now.

Hellgonix: Agreed Noble. *stands up* Thank you for the healing sis, I'm feeling a lot better now.

Spectral Persona: Hellgonix, think you can run?

Hellgonix: I don't see why not, both my legs still work.

Spectral Persona: Good because I'm about to begin the destruction of this tower.

Hellgonix: Go for it Spectral.

I tossed the rune into the beam, as the last three times have gone, the tower began to rumble with the walls around us shaking. The seven of us took off and burst our way out of the exit. Unlike the last three times, we had time to watch the tower fall apart from the outside.

Hellgonix: Now what?

Noble: Now we head to The Binary Void, and stop AbyssalHeart from completing The Deletion Process.

Spectral Persona: Wait, we still need two things from this region before we go there.

???: And I am one of those two correct?

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