The Deletion Process

By AbyssalHeart

2.1K 26 6

So this is finally it, the endgame. My ultimate, the final project I will ever bring into fruition with my ow... More

Nightmare Or Reality
A Fortress Against The World
The Spectral Persona
Meeting The Fallen Creator
Have We Already Lost
Divide And Conquer
The First Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Roses
Lorekeeper Of Souls
The Second Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Ice
Lorekeeper Of Origins
The Infernal Wastelands
The Third Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Sunlight
Lorekeeper Of Reality
The Silent Graveyard
The Fourth Tower
Grimm Mistress Of Shadows
Lorekeeper Of Endings
The Binary Void
Inevitable Defeat
The Final Battle
Hopes, Dreams, And A Thousand Voices
The Fate Of AbyssalHeart

The Arctic-Dread Forest

37 0 0
By AbyssalHeart

We've made it to the entrance of The Arctic-Dread Forest sooner than I thought. Thankfully Grimm Ruby has her super speed, otherwise we probably wouldn't have made it here before it was deleted. The harsh winds and snow are already sending chills down my spine. It's so weird the ground were on right now is a simple prairie with green grass

Spectral Persona: Alright Ruby what's the plan?

Grimm Ruby: We've only got one shot at getting to the tower, if we get lost in there well... you know.

Spectral Persona: Yeah you're right. I'd say we just book it but this forest is so dense. How the hell are we supposed to get to the tower?

Grimm Ruby: I can go in there for a short period of time alone to clear a path, but judging by the conditions I probably wouldn't be in any condition to travel through there.

Spectral Persona: Wait!

Grimm Ruby: What is it Spectral?

Spectral Persona: I remember a spell Noble cast to melt the chains that held us captive back in the tower at The Condemned Jungle... what was it... Zenyok Callit NOTAGAX!

Just like that, a ball of fire emitted from my hands! Haha I did it!

Spectral Persona: Ruby if you grab some wood on the way out I could make a fire to warm you back up!

Grimm Ruby: That's a good idea on paper Spectral, but again the weather could be more damaging than something a fire could fix.

Spectral Persona: It's worth a shot isn't it? If by some chance I can't help you in theory I could use this spell to power through the forest to the tower.

Grimm Ruby: What if Hellgonix shows back up? Do you think that you can handle her by yourself?

Spectral Persona: I'll try my best. Last time I saw her, she was almost buried alive in the tower. If I can insert the rune before she shows up I think I can end her right then and there. Remember there is still every possibility that you'll make it back out of the forest with just needing to be warmed up by the fire.

Grimm Ruby: *sigh* Alright, I trust you Spectral... let's do this!

She dashed past me at lightning speed. I watched in awe as she dashed deeper into the forest cutting down tree after tree. A few minutes later she reappeared right in front of me. She's shivering like crazy, but it doesn't look like she's sustained any frostbite or infection.

Grimm Ruby: *shivering* W-we ha-have a c-cle-clear path to-to th-the towe-wer now...

Spectral Persona: *creating fire* Nice, how do you feel? Are you in any pain, does anything hurt?

Grimm Ruby: N-no-ope j-just co-cold, re-rea-really cold...

Spectral Persona: *ignites fire* Well come on over, the fire won't bite. It might burn you though.

Grimm Ruby: *rolls her eyes* Hah h-hah...

We sat around the fire for several minutes in silence, the only noise accompanying us were the crackling fire and howling winds of the forest.

Grimm Ruby: Alright I'm feeling a lot better now. Are you ready to get going Spectral?

Spectral Persona: Yeah, let's get going.

She grabbed me by the hand and we began to make our way to the tower.

Grimm Ruby: Are you feeling alright?

Spectral Persona: Yeah, why do you ask?

Grimm Ruby: You've been silent ever since we saw that Soulkeeper person, and haven't really been as talkative compared to before.

Spectral Persona: Right I don't know, I've just been trying to process that information. It doesn't add up you know? I can only imagine I'll be even more confused when we meet the next one.

Grimm Ruby: I see what you mean, I'm sure Noble will be able to explain everything when this is all over.

Spectral Persona: I hope he can.

Grimm Ruby: We're almost there, brace yourself.

Spectral Persona: Wait wh-


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