Tame My Heart... Or Else

By nessie64

10.8M 158K 27K

Liza has always been shy, afraid of being noticed. As a new school year starts though, she is forced to face... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Part 1
Chapter 42 - Part 2
Author's Note + Character Contest Results

Chapter 14

243K 3.9K 551
By nessie64

Heya guys!



Well, something very strange happened a few hours ago. Suddenly, all of my unpublished chapters became available for people to read, and I had to delete them off Wattpad to stop people from reading them. I'm sorry if I sent angry messages, asking why you could read my work, but I was really freaked out. So I'm really, really sorry. I would also like to thank all of the amazing people who gave me advice, and tried to help me. I cannot say how grateful I am! (You guys know who you are!)


To all the people who got a glimpse of Chapter 15, I beg of you not to tell anyone what happens! I don't want to ruin the story for them! Thanks :)

Dedicated to: LiveLoveLaugh39, because she is too amazing and she helped me so much, listened to my problems, and gave me amazing advice! <3


Enjoy <3


Brent P.O.V.

I drove to school the next morning, my normal, easy smirk having no place on my face. I stared straight ahead, not bothering to overtake anyone, my car growling softly in the slow line of cars, angry for being held back. But I was in no mood for games. For the first time in my life, I felt weak, outplayed, and hopeless.

How could she have done this?

One minute, I was in total control, my game play perfect, and everything in place. And the next, I was left gaping on the bench as she stormed away, leaving us all dumbfounded and speechless. Is it possible that she could have beaten us? At our own game?

And had she dared us into another one?

Challenged us?

I knew. I KNEW that nothing was more desirable than something you couldn't have. I had felt it myself when I had first met Lidia. And Liza had just made herself untouchable. She would be the most wanted girl on campus.

How would she survive against more than a hundred boys, all vying for her attention? Of course, they wouldn't want her, they would only want the prize of taking her. None of them really cared for her. They still thought of her as the human. But now she was the hot human, who was off-limits at all costs.

She hadn't realized that she was putting herself up against a bunch of mostly premature werewolves, who were the most violent and uncontrollable of their race. The moment she walked in those school doors this morning, she would be in danger.

I felt my foot push down slightly on the accelerator.

No, Brent, you can't do this. You can't go acting like you are her protector.

Could I be?

What are you talking about? You are the person who has probably caused her the MOST pain, and now you want to go protect her? Get some sense into your head!

But she will get hurt...


Why was everything with her so complicated?

To protect, or to hurt. To be or not to be. That is the question.


I must be going insane... about her?


Just answer the stupid question. What are you going to do?

I made my decision.

The car jumped forward, finally released, as I sped towards school, my eyes turning hard as I trained them on the road.

A new game had begun.


.Liza P.O.V.

Life's weird. That's just the way it is.

So this morning I felt no aversion to going to school. Yesterday, I would have been trembling and shaking at the thought of facing all those students after my rant. But this morning as I stepped out of the car into the parking lot, I didn't mind the stares or even the fact that everyone stopped to look at me as I passed.

I was fine. Perfectly fine.

Which is weird to say at the very least.

I saw my reflection in the double glass doors as I walked into the school, and smiled in approval. My sister had helped me pick out my outfit, and it was perfect, as was everything else she did.

My brown ankle boots had a slight heel, giving me an extra two inches of height. Only white tights covered my legs from the chilly, autumn air, and a short, beige skirt clung to my waist. Under my thigh-length dark brown trench coat, I wore a tight t-shirt saying FIERCE in bright red letters. My brown, leather shoulder bag hung off of my shoulder and bounced against my leg as I walked inside.

Going to my locker, I was startled to see Hailey standing nervously next to it, shifting from foot to foot. She looked up when she saw me approach, and I wasn't surprised when I saw that she had a hopeful expression on her face. But I kept my face expressionless.

"What do you want, Hailey?" I asked quietly, opening my locker and not looking at her.

"I wanted to talk to you." she answered weakly, looking at the floor.

I slammed my locker shut. "I'm listening."

She jogged to catch up with me as I started to walk away. I refused to look at her, knowing those brown eyes would be begging me to forgive her. But I couldn't do that just yet. I mean, she had just pretended to be my friend because some guy told her too. That wasn't something you could forget so easily.

"I'm really sorry about what I did." she spoke quickly, sincerely. "I know it was wrong, but Brent told us too and we couldn't just-" she shook her head. "No, I'm just making excuses for myself. What I did was unforgivable, and I'll understand if you never want to talk to me again, but I just wanted to say that I was sorry. Just so you know."

I stopped and looked at her.

"Do you really mean that?"

She nodded.

"Do you want to be my real friend?"

"I would love too!" she squealed and I couldn't help but smile back. Then I gave her a quick hug, making it her turn to be surprised. But then she hugged me back.

"See you in art class?" I asked as we pulled apart, and she nodded happily. Then she skipped down the corridor to her next class.

Wow, I thought, shaking my head, seems like my little speech had quite an effect.

I started walking towards my math class, and almost got there when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. Assuming it was Wes, I leant into the familiar touch, until I remembered that I was mad at him. I pulled out of the grip and spun around.

Well, it certainly wasn't Wes.

He was only slightly taller than me, and he wore a yellow t-shirt that said If you want me, come get me. It was matched with a pair of jeans and some sport shoes, that were spotlessly white. He had short, brown hair and dull eyes, and an expression that reminded me of the Chesire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, who I had always found creepy.

"Get your hands off me." I hissed, backing away from him. I had no idea who he was, and did not appreciate some random guy touching me.

"Do you really want that sweetie?" he grinned and stepped forwards, until our chests were almost touching.

"Yes I really do." I said, glaring at him. "Now could you please let me get to class?"

"Nope." he said, popping the 'p'. "You're much too hot for me to let you get away." Then he leaned in, as if to kiss me, and I snarled under my breath. What was it with these guys? I stepped away easily and started to walk away, not looking back once.

Pain tore up my arm as he ripped my hand out of sling and started to drag me behind him.

"What are you doing!" I screamed, jolt after jolt of pain going up my arm.

"Getting what I want." he snapped.

I looked desperately for anyone that could help me, but the corridor was mostly empty, except for a few frozen students. One recovered and started to sprint in the other direction, and I prayed the it was to get help. The other students were either too scared or shocked to do anything. Big help they were.

I was just going have to deal with this myself.

Ignoring the pain in my arm, I regained my feet, until I was half-walking behind him. He looked around, as he realized that he wasn't dragging half the weight he should have been. He slowed slightly, trying to think of what to do, and it was all I needed. I jumped up and kicked him in shin, so he fell forward.

But he still wouldn't let go of my arm.

I toppled forwards, landing on top of him. He turned over and flipped us over, until he was hovering a few inches over me, leering at me.

"Oh, so you couldn't wait? We'll just have to finish this now." Then before I could stop him, he started to roughly kiss my neck, slowly making his way upwards. I struggled to stay calm as he came closer and closer to my mouth.

"Get off me right now." I snarled angrily. "Or you're gonna get some serious damage." He didn't acknowledge that I had said anything, so I shrugged and got my good hand ready for a vicious punch. He noticed the movement and pinned both my hands down over my head. I tried to kneed him in the stomach, but he just put more weight on me, making it impossible to move.

I wasn't going to give up just yet.

I started to squirm, trying to get out from under him, while twisting my neck, keeping my mouth away from his. I struggled all I could, but without any of my limbs under my control, I was like a flopping fish, getting nowhere.

Then he was ripped off of me.

I watched him fly across the hallway, until he landed against the wall. He slid down and collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

"Let me help you up." Brent said, not making eye-contact with me as he pulled on my waist until I was standing next to him. I couldn't help but stare at his eyes with admiration. After all, he had just thrown a fully grown guy across the room.

For me.

He looked down at my arm, and shook his head. Holding it carefully in his fingers, he lifted it up into its former position. I could feel his soft fingers through the thin bandage, and felt them caress my skin, sending bursts of flames up my arm. He retied the sling, nimbly knotting the two ends that had snapped together.

"Are you alright?" he asked me, finally meeting my eyes.

"I'm fine." I answered, my voice sounding robotic.

"Good." he said, and then started to walk away, like nothing had happened.

"Brent, wait!" I shouted after him and struggled to keep up. I reached his side and tugged on his jacket, making him come to a halt.

"Thank you." I said, hopefully sounding sincere. "But why would you save me? After everything I said yesterday?"

He looked over my head, out of the window, refusing to answer.

"Answer me!" I ordered, my voice pained. He took at deep breath and looked at me

"I just didn't like anyone hurting you." he said, and I could feel my face starting to light up.

Then he smirked.

"That's my job."

Arghhh! How did he always manage to make me think that there was actually a good side to him? That something inside him felt something for me? It was never going to happen. He was always going to be the same, old Brent - the cruel, manipulating person that I hated so much.

"You know what, I take back my 'thank you'." I spat angrily. "You don't deserve an ounce of my thanks, jerk."

He saluted me, and then walked off, his hands in his pockets.

I glared after him until he was gone. Then I looked to where the guy with the yellow t-shirt was slumped on the floor, and decided to leave him.

Guys just weren't worth it.


There were three other incidents during the day. One guy tried to feel me up sitting next to me in class, the second had pushed me up against a locker as I was going out for lunch, and the third had cornered me behind the building after school.

I hadn't needed Brent's help this time.

I hadn't even wasted time talking.

I had pushed the first guy from his chair and onto the floor. The second had gotten a kick between the legs, and the third had only succeeded in getting several punches in the jaw.

I waited impatiently for my dad to drive up. I wanted to go home, now. I hadn't realized that the guys would take my challenge so literally. Or be so violent trying to accomplish it. I had just meant that guys shouldn't try to get on my good side anymore.

I guess I had just started a new game.

Where I was the prize.

I didn't even know the rules. How far did they need to get with me to win? I shuddered thinking about it. I guess I just wouldn't give them the chance for me to find out.

I felt someone approach me from behind, and I rolled my eyes.

Then I whirled around and whacked the person in the face with my schoolbag. The guy stumbled backwards, holding his nose. Blood started to seep through his fingers, and he turned and ran into the school again. I grimaced, I hadn't wanted to hurt him that much.

But that had to be the fifth time of the day.

This was crazy.

I turned back towards the parking lot and waited impatiently for my dad. Why did he always have to be late? But next week I would be able to bike to school again, so only two more days. I'm sure I could survive that. Hopefully.

Time passed.

The sky slowly turned darker, and soon there were only a few cars left in the parking lot. I was left sitting on the picnic table, my homework already done on my lap, only a streetlight providing any light for me to see, illuminating a circle around me.

My dad was in so much trouble.

I glanced at my phone, which told me that it was seven o'clock. I wanted to text my dad, but I had just realized that I had no credit, which was pretty stupid. I glared at the parking lot, as if by the intensity of my gaze, he would magically appear.

I heard a noise to my right.

I slowly turned my head to where I had heard it, my heart racing, blood pounding in my ears.

Something moved on my left.

My head snapped in that direction.

"Too slow, princess." someone chuckled, and I sighed heavily when I recognized the voice.

"Why can't you ever leave me alone, Brent? Haven't I told you enough times?"

"Not enough." he replied and he stepped into the light of the lamppost. "So, what are you doing here all alone, in the dark?"

I suddenly remembered how Wes had told me never to go outside after dark, and I wished that I had gone in the library to wait.

I decided not to answer, and just rolled my eyes at him and looked away.

"I think your dad forgot to pick you up." he said, leaning against the lamppost.

"No, really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes really." he replied, and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. I cut myself off a second later and scowled at him. Why did he always do this to me?

 "What are you doing here?" I demanded, trying to regain my composure.

He shrugged, his hands in his pockets. "It's a free country. I'm allowed to be where I want."

"True." I sighed, hugging my knees. A cold, night wind picked up around us and I shivered despite myself.  "Could you at least go stand somewhere else? We are enemies, after all."

 He laughed a little. "Who ever said that?"

I frowned. "Well, people do say that actions speak louder than words."

"Nice." he complimented, smiling slightly, almost stopping my pounding heart. I glared at him from over my knees.

We scowled at each other for a few more moments, until I felt that connection starting to draw me in again, and looked away, scowling even harder. Why wouldn't that just go away? No one needed it. No one wanted it. Didn't it get the message?

I looked back at Brent, and wasn't surprised he was smirking.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked, exasperated. He shrugged and looked away. Getting annoyed, I got off of the table and marched towards him. I stopped when I was about a meter away from him, not daring to go any closer. I looked up at his face.

"Don't you understand that no one wants you here?" I asked questionably.

He grinned. "Oh, I beg to differ. Why else would you have come so close?"

I flushed and looked down at my boots. I couldn't think of a good enough comeback. Darn it.

"Whatever." I mumbled, and turned away. I was surprised when I felt something warm enclose my good hand. I looked down at it, and was surprised to see Brent's large, soft hand. I felt an automatic spark go up my body. I tried to ignore it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice soft and trembling.

"Taking you home." he replied simply, and started to pull me over to the parking lot.

"WHAT?" I almost shouted, tugging on his grip.

"Is there something wrong with that? Or do you want to stay outside in the dark for another few hours?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"But you don't even know where I live!" I squeaked, trying to think of more excuses. I would NEVER go with him in a car. All alone. In a small, enclosed space. Where there would no one to stop us, nothing to distract us. I shivered, but not from the cold.

"You'll just tell me where to go."

"What if my dad comes and I'm not here?"

"He would have come a long time ago."

"I won't get in a car with a stranger."

"I'm not a stranger."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"You so are."

He groaned. "You're still coming with me. No excuses." He started to pull me again, and I dug my heels into the ground. I jumped a bit when I heard him growl, and he turned around to face me again.

"I'll just carry you, you know that right?" His face was completely serious.

"Okay! Okay!" I said. I would do ANYTHING not to be in his arms again. It would be too tempting.  Too warm. Too soft. He let go of my hand a bit.

And then I pulled out of his grasp.

"Hey!" he shouted at me, and was going to lunge after me as I ran back to the table.

"I'm just getting my bag!" Grabbing it off the table, I hurried back to where Brent was standing, looking very unhappy. He had crossed his arms, and was tapping his foot just for the effect. I smiled up at him innocently.

"What's wrong?" I asked, keeping my smile sweet.

"Let's just go." he said angrily, and then he grabbed my hand again.

"Hey, what's that for!" I exclaimed, my heart fluttering.

He looked down at me and smirked. "Just so you won't run off again."



"I cannot believe you have this car."

He smirked at me from the driver's seat and accelerated just a bit more, filling the car with angry growling. Wow.

"Show off much?" I asked, trying to look unimpressed. Actually, I wanted to jump up and down on the leather seat and pretty much go crazy. I had never been in such a beautiful, fast, exciting car in my life.

 I had no idea what the car type was, but I'm pretty sure it was very, very expensive.

Rich jerk.

We were nearing my house, and at the speed we were going, it had only been mere minutes. I found myself wanting to stay longer in the very car that I had never even wanted to get into in the first place. Weird.

"Want to go for a short detour?" he asked, wagging his eyebrows at me.

I swear he could read my mind.

"Yes, please!" I said, starting to bounce up and down slightly.

He rolled his eyes at me, but he pushed down the pedal, driving straight past my house with another roar. I sighed happily at the noise and relaxed into the seat, feeling the warmth radiate out from the chair heating that Brent had turned on.

It was just so comfortable.

Brent wound easily through the tight corners, barely braking as we wound higher into the mountains. I looked out of the window and saw trees flashing by at amazing speeds, hypnotizing my tired eyes. I felt my eyelids slowly drift shut as I listened to the calming growl of the engine, and I couldn't get myself to open them again. I snuggled deeper into the seat, sighing again.

And then I was out.


Brent P.O.V.

She was so cute when she slept.

I turned off the engine, cutting off the constant growling from under the bonnet. With a contented sigh, I opened the door and got out, and walked to the other side of the car, the gravel crunching under my shoes. Opening her door softly, I leant over her body and unbuckled her seat belt, smiling as we touched. I gently lifted her up into my arms, careful not to wake her, and kicked the car door closed - it wasn't as important as the person in my arms.

I went in through my back door, hoping no one would catch me. I crept upstairs into my room, wincing as the staircase creaked. Hurrying up the rest of the stairs, I almost ran into my room, using my back to close it again.

Then I went over to my bed and tenderly laid Liza on the covers. She moaned softly in her sleep, and rolled over. I was all ready to back away, but then she realized unconsciously that I was no longer there and her hands reached out. They found the front of my shirt and dragged me closer, so I fell sprawling over her.

Oh no. Too close. I could smell her sweet scent. I could hear her soft, steady breathing. I could feel her skin brushing against mine. It was too much, far too much.

I tried to pull away, but her tight grip on my shirt wouldn't let me move. Wow, she was strong. And this was only when she was asleep. I struggled, and tried to pry her hands off, but everything stopped when she whimpered.

I couldn't leave her.

I got on top of the bed next to her, laying down with my head on the cushions. I was surprised when she snuggled closer, laying her golden head on my chest. But a second later my arms pulled her closer, and I relaxed completely, a small smile still on my lips.

And then I was out.


So... intense or???

Please comment with your predictions and suggestions ;)

Merci for reading <3

P.S. I'll try to upload again this weekend, because I've already written half of Chapter 15! (I was sick at home... I needed SOMETHING to do :P)

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