Remember Me || M.C

By 5SOS_Paradise

52.5K 1.8K 141

Life is all about moments, of impact and how they change our lives forever. But what if one day you could no... More

Little Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Eighteen

1.2K 55 2
By 5SOS_Paradise


Just seeing Zac standing there in his tux with his hair slicked back looking handsome brought back many memories that we shared as a couple before I forgot everything. Michael was talking to my brother but I didn’t mind.

“So listen Haley since your back you should come to my office and we can go out for some lunch to catch up more” Zac said smiling

“Yeah sure I would love too and maybe you could help me out with my memory as well” I told him

“Sure how about tomorrow around lunch I’m free than”

“Sounds wonderful” I said; he grabbed my hand getting a pen out writing down his work address then putting the pen back in his jacket.

“I guess I will see you around Haley” Zac said walking off; there was still a spark there for Zac I thought he would have gotten fat and bold but clearly he hasn’t and his a rich CEO man.

 - - -

Later that night I was helping Julia out with the seating charts for the wedding; I was happy my brother moved on from Gwen and married this lovely lady they seemed so in love.

“I don’t know where to put my aunt because my mum can’t stand her and she asked me not to put her at that table” Julia said annoyed

“So listen I was wondering is Zac invited to the wedding”? I said smiling at the thought of Zac, Julia lifted her head up staring at me.

“Yeah your dad invited him for some stupid reason and why do you want to know”? She asked

“Because I still felt that spark between us when I saw him today” I said day dreaming about that handsome man that I was engaged too.

“Um hello Haley have you forgot about Michael, your husband”? She asked clicking fingers in my face; that’s right I keep forgetting about Michael the guy I was actually married too.

“Shit” I said

“Listen Haley, I’m telling you now before you make a big mistake Michael is the right guy for you he treats you how you wanted to be treated unlike Zac just don’t make a mistake like you were about too, years ago” she said getting back to work

“Right sorry” I said looking back at the charting seats; I knew my job was to get my mind off Zac and start see the spark between Michael and I but now that I know Zac still lives her I wanted to see him more.

 - - -

The next morning I walked downstairs wearing one of my strapless dresses grabbing all my things and stuffing them into the bag getting ready to meet up with Zac. I know it was a bad thing to do to see him again but I couldn’t stay away.

“Where are you off too”? I jumped soon turning around seeing Michael walking over to me

“Oh I’m just heading out to catch up with some friends that I saw at the wedding yesterday” I told him

“Oh okay are you alright getting there”? He asked

“Yeah I’m fine Phil’s going to drive me so I’ll see you later” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek running out the door escaping before I got stopped from anyone else.

 - - -

I walked up to his office nerves inside of me just seeing him but also knowing the truth why I broke up with someone like Zac. The doors opened and I walked out saying hello to everyone and some surprised faces seeing me again maybe I did know he was a CEO before I broke up with him. I found his office knocking the door opening he wasn’t busy.

“Come in” he said; I opened the door seeing him on the phone and I shut the door quietly he gave me a smile and said

“I’ll call you back later I’ve got a meeting” he quickly hung the phone up getting out of his seats giving me a hug. “I didn’t think you would come”

“Well it wasn’t easy getting away and I promised I would come see you and if I’m being honest you’ve been on my mind all night”

“You’ve been on my mind as well since I get pretty lonely at nights ever since my girlfriend broke it off with me” He told me

“So listen we can’t go out for lunch because I’m a bit behind but I can get Alexa to bring in some food if you like”?

“That would be great I’ll just have an egg sandwich with a chocolate milkshake” he laughed a bit shaking his head

“Still the same Haley I know and love” he still loved me and that made me so happy. I took a seat near his desk and I had to know how and why I broke up with him.

“So what exactly happen between us”? I asked

“Well Haley you see, you changed I don’t know what happened but you changed you broke up with me in a horrible way and left me heartbroken while you left for Australia and of course met Michael”

“That doesn’t make sense I loved you Zac and I may still do” he lifted his head up getting out of his seat

“Really you still love me”? He asked

“Well yeah I do ever since I saw you yesterday” Zac was making his way towards me smirking and soon leaning in giving me a kiss on the lips, the kiss was amazing but there wasn’t butterflies at all or fireworks but I kept going until I realised it was wrong and cheating. I pulled away from him “I’m sorry Zac that was a mistake and I have to go” I picked my bag up running out of the room.  I ran into the parking lot running towards the car and told Phil to drive. I had to keep this a secret from Michael and everyone else because even though I lost my memory that still counted as cheating. 

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