Swan Song || The Lost Boys...

بواسطة InterstellarTombs

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❝ I lost you in the silence, bleeding through the walls; a sorrow came that ceased to leave ... المزيد

Prologue - Vendum ( Turning )
Chapter I ~ ᚠ ( Fehu ) New Beginnings
Chapter II ~ ᚢ ( Uruz ) Endurance & Change
Chapter III ~ ᚦ ( Thurisaz ) Resistance & Reluctance
Chapter IV ~ ᚨ (Ansuz) The Silence & The Speech
Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part I - The Journey & The Traveller
Chapter V ~ ᚱ ( Raido ) Part II - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes...
Chapter VI ~ ᚲ ( Kenaz ) Revelations & Light
Chapter VII ~ ᚷ ( Gebo ) Part I - The Curse & The Blessing
Chapter VII ~ ᚷ ( Gebo ) Part II - The Wolf & The Lamb
Chapter VIII ~ ᚹ ( Wunjo ) Part I - [Un]fulfilled Desires & A Fiery Dawn
Chapter VIII ~ ᚹ ( Wunjo ) Part II - [Un]fulfilled Desires & A Fiery Dawn
Chapter IX ~ ᚺ ( Hagalaz ) Part I - Through Trial & Tears...
Chapter IX ~ ᚺ (Hagalaz) Part II - Through Trial & Tears...
Chapter X ~ ᚾ ( Nauthiz ) Part I - As Within, So Without...
Chapter X ~ ᚾ ( Nauthiz ) Part II - As Within, So Without...
Chapter XI ~ i ( Isa ) Part I - Frozen Among The Flames
Chapter XI ~ i ( Isa ) Part II - Frozen Among The Flames
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part I - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part II - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part III - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XII ~ ᛃ ( Jera ) Part IV - Drink The Wine, Taste The Blood
Chapter XIII ~ ᛇ (Eihwaz) Part II - Pale Tortured Blue
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part I - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ (Perthro) Part II - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part III - Uprise
Chapter XIV ~ ᛈ ( Perthro ) Part IV - Uprise
Chapter XV ~ ᛉ (Algiz) Part I - Crossing Bridges...
Chapter XV ~ ᛉ (Algiz) Part II - ...To Reach Unknown Shores
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part I - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part II - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part III - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part IV - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part I - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part II - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part III - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVII ~ ᛏ (Tiwaz) Part IV - Demonized & Demoralized
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part I - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part II - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part III - Cursed Be The Truth...
Chapter XIX ~ As We Fall Asleep; Our Souls - Entwined...
Update II: Good News
Final Update: New Story
Writer's Note

Chapter XIII ~ ᛇ ( Eihwaz ) Part I - Pale Tortured Blue

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بواسطة InterstellarTombs


“ I don't think they are truly evil.
               They are just... so lost... "


I had become awfully quiet since Dwayne's sudden departure, trying to draw in as little attention as possible while sitting on the Victorian inspired canopy bed & staring at the wine glass between my fingers, occasionally peering up only to see what the other three vampires were doing.

Marko & Paul were currently busy playing catch with an old battered football, or rather a more fast-paced & far less rule-bound version of it, dancing around the water fountain & laughing like the carefree spirits they were. I found it hard to believe that these two were capable of transforming into bloodthirsty beasts at the mere snap of a finger…

David on the other hand showed little to no interest in joining their game, simply relaxing in his wheelchair like a king on his throne with a wine glass in one & a cigarette in the other hand. Every now & then he glanced in my direction, catching my own intrigued yet at the same time nervous look which seemed to amuse him greatly.
He hadn't spoken a single word since our kiss; a kiss I could still taste on my lips as well as in every single breath of mine. I hadn't said anything either, despite dozens of questions circulating through my head, the true motivation behind his kiss being one of them.
That, & obviously the motivation behind his invitation…

David took another sip from his wine, his cold blue eyes traveling along the brim of his glass & over to me, a faint smirk tugging at his lips.
Placing the now emptied glass on a small boat-shaped table beside him the vampire arose from his wheelchair, humming softly while beginning to strip off his long black coat.
I actually watched him the entire time, oddly captivated by the sight of him allowing the ebony fabric to slide down his arms & looking unnecessarily graceful while doing so, almost like a snake that was slowly shedding its skin.

The attire underneath was rather simple; just a black skin-tight shirt that highlighted his athletic yet still well built arms & chest. On the inside of his left wrist I thought I spotted what looked like a small tattoo the shape of a snake, but his glove covered it completely once he lifted his hand to take a draw from his cigarette.

He caught me staring, much to my dismay, & I finally broke eye contact with him. Mildly aroused I brought my glass up to my lips only to realise that it was already empty, dropping a soft sigh into the bowl before placing the glass on top of a tiny wooden dresser next to the bed, at last feeling the first subtle wave of fatigue roll over me.

I shook my head as if to shake off the sleepiness that way, stretching my arms & moving around on the bed to avoid getting even more tired. This was undoubtedly the wine's doing; red wine always made me sleepy, & Merlot Noir in particular. Not to mention that the events & all the turmoil from the past few hours had taken their toll on me, along with the severe lack of sleep from the previous night.
Perhaps coming here hadn't been that much of a great idea after all…


" Ow!! "
I peered down to find the football Paul & Marko had been playing with in my lap after striking my forehead from a rather unfortunate angle, literally knocking the sleepiness right out of me.
" Hey! "

" Uh-oh! "
Paul exclaimed as I looked over & immediately pointed at Marko, his face guilt-ridden & his eyes wide.

" It was him! He did it on purpose, I saw it! "

" Don't even try, bonehead. She ain't gonna fall for that!
Unlike you she has a brain & knows how to use it ~ "
Marko replied, making his way around the water fountain.

Paul shook his head.
" Don't believe him, little flower ~
he's guilty as charged!  "

" Yeah?
Do you have proof for that? "
I asked while spinning the ball between my palms, one brow arched at the frizzy-maned bloodsucker.

He paused for a brief moment, his front teeth pinching his bottom lip before he crooked a smile. He already knew that I had seen through him.

" Drat…
Guess ya got me, little flower ~ You are good! "

" No, Paul. You are just bad at lying. "

I tossed Marko the football with a subtle wink, mostly because I wanted to come off as polite.
During the past few hours the two of them had in fact been acting way more civilized towards me, much to my own surprise, & even though I was still somewhat skeptical I was at least no longer in a constant state of internal tension & fear around them.

If only I could say the same thing about David…

" Hey, precious ~ you wanna join us? "
I looked up to see Marko arch a brow at me, resting his shoulder against the bedpost.
" You could replace Dwayne as the third player! "

" Hell yeah, you absolutely could! Maybe you're even a way better pitcher than he is too!
I mean… it wouldn't surprise me to be honest ~ "
Paul rubbed his jaw with a vicious grin.
" ~ given your… iron fist & fiery attitude. "

" You were literally asking for it & you know it…  "
My still sore & slightly bruised fist flared up at the memory of me punching both David & Paul in order to get away from them, the for the most part unpleasant images of my first encounter with Paul quickly flooding my mind.

His brazen laugh drew my way.
" Other than that little unfortunate mishap we had a pretty magical date that night, wouldn't you agree? "

" Shut up, Paul.
I'm not going to 'play' with you ~ "

" Oooh boy, I love it when you say my name like that ~ "
Ignoring my loud eye roll he flopped down onto the couch, facing me while playing throw & catch with himself.
" Can you do it again, please? Just for good ol' Paul? "

" Ignore him ~ "
Marko replied, smacking the back of Paul's head before taking a seat right next to him.
" He tends to be obnoxious when he's around pretty girls… & sometimes even around pretty guys…

and basically any other time! "

I felt a smile stretch across my face.
" I will keep that in mind if I ever feel the urge to punch him again… "

Although Marko's attitude towards me had significantly changed in the past few hours & he seemed much more laid-back than when we had entered the cave I still found him darting a curious, sometimes voluptuous glance at my shoulder, admittedly making me feel uncomfortable.
I checked the band-aid for possible leaks at least every two minutes, feeling the area around for moisture of any kind, but all seemed well.

Could he actually smell the blood underneath all those layers of mull & tape?

" How is your shoulder doing? "
I flinched at Marko's voice, or rather at the question.

" It's… alright, I guess. Dwayne took care of the wound & it doesn't hurt as much anymore, so I assume it's already healing…"
I covered the band-aid with an open palm, rubbing it carefully. A dull prickle was all I got in response to my touch, it wasn't even painful.

I looked up into Marko's eyes & immediately noticed a faint twinkle, however it'd vanish before I could examine it any further.
" Although not nearly as fast as that of a vampire… "

" It comes in quite handy ~ "
Paul responded before throwing the football into the fountain where it got stuck between two dilapidated sculptures.
" ~ especially when they try to resist & put up a fight while you're taking 'em out... "

My eyes narrowed.
" ...what do you mean, 'taking them out' ? "

" Uh… Forget about it, little flower! "
Paying no attention to my troubled expression the tall blonde leaped over the couch to sit on top of the backrest, tossing me a cocky smile & reaching for the wine bottle no one had bothered to touch since the first serve.

" Never tried one of these before…
Quite the fancy stuff, huh? Although I don't know what's so fancy about grape juice that burns ~ "
He opened the bottle to smell on it.

" Yup… Smells like a huge waste of good grapes to me…
But hey, fancy stuff for fancy people! And if you like this stuff there's probably a reason for it, so… Cheers! "

He was just about to take the first sip right out of the bottle when I raised my voice.
" Wait. You don't wanna drink this straight from the bottle like a troglodyte ~ "

" Why not? "

" Because that's not how us 'fancy people' consume wine in this day & age. "

I arose from the bed to grab my wine glass & approached him, catching a quick glimpse of David who had gone back to sitting in his wheelchair & eyeing the three of us in utter silence.

" Rule number one: let the wine breathe ~ "
Without even asking for it I snatched the bottle from his hand to fill the bowl of the glass up to the middle, almost feeling the two young vampires puzzled gazes upon me.

" Now, rule number two: let the wine dance… "
I stated, swirling the sublime deep ruby liquid clockwise until its vanilla-flavoured aroma filled the air.
In front of me I heard Paul sniffing & giggling while inching closer.

" And last but not least, rule number three…
First appreciate the scent, then the taste ~ "
With a careful smile I handed Paul the glass, mirroring what I assumed was befuddlement in his eyes.

He lifted the glass at the fire, attempting to swirl the wine as I had suggested but adding way more momentum than necessary & spilling most of it in the process.
I leaped aside to escape the generous sprinkling but unfortunately wasn't fast enough, the dark red liquid leaving a thin but conspicuous trail on my snow-white dress.

" Oopsie. "

I glared at Paul & drew in a sharp breath.
All the vampire did in response was smile, mostly in amusement.

" Sorry, little flower ~
Want me to try again? "

" No, please, no! Just drink it, you caveman… "

My eyes wandered past an amused & thus unapologetically laughing Marko toward David who hadn't moved an inch since he had removed his coat, the corners of his mouth curling up into the faintest smirk.
A cloud of smoke arose around his figure, paling as it passed the fire bowl. Was it actually getting darker in the cave or was that just my sleepiness messing with my mind?

" Damn, girl! Now this is a treat that's hard to beat! "
Paul next to me had already emptied his glass in only one big gulp, grinning as he grabbed the bottle to refill it right away & pass it on to Marko.
" Check this out, bud!
Buuut….  let it breathe & dance first. Remember that we are fancy people tonight! "

" As fancy as a grain of sand in the desert ~ "
I mumbled, trying to squeeze my way past the taller one when I noticed his arm slip around my hips & drag me right back again, Paul's Cheshire cat-like smile inches away from my face as he leaned down to rest his chin on my shoulder.

" Uh-uh!
Where do you think you're goin', little fancy flower?
Seducing me with fancy words & fancy wine only to turn me down again?
I don't think so ~ "

He pulled me deeper into his chest to give me a gentle hug; one I would have certainly appreciated if the two of us were closer, but in my eyes he was still a stranger, & a rather obnoxious & immature one at that.

" You wanna catch the 'iron fist' again? Then keep it up. I dare you ~ "

His breath struck my ear & I thought he was about to throw a tantrum yet again when he, contrary to past experiences, released me with a chuckle, although not without ruffling my hair in a playful manner.
" Nah ~ maybe next time. Can't afford having my jaw dislocated by a girl twice in just one week! "

We locked eyes as I peered up, almost as if to ensure he wasn't about to do something shady again, & for the first time since our paths had crossed I smiled in response; not the kind of smile to express disdain or even pity, but a genuinely kind one. Perhaps the wine had influenced him one way or another, it honestly was hard to tell, but right now he came across as fairly reasonable, almost sweet.
Furthermore, his smile actually cheered me up. And I was currently in dire need of something uplifting…

" Glad to see you learned your lesson. "

" Uh, precious? "
Marko's voice shattered mine & Paul's moment, my eyes shifting to where the younger one was sitting with the wine glass still in his hand, eyeing my purse next to the couch.
" There's either a giant bumblebee caught in your bag or someone's calling you because damn, it won't stop buzzing. "

" Oh… "
I exclaimed, about to reach for my purse when Marko leaped forward & grabbed it before I could, groaning as he lifted it into the air.

" Hell, that's heavy! You got bricks in there? "

" Sort of. Would you please give me that? "

" Haaang on ~ "
He reached inside the purse without a care in the world, feeling around for a bit until he discovered my phone - most likely at the very bottom - & pulled it out, a devilish grin on his lips.
" Let's see what kinda madman calls precious little Lily in the middle of the night! "

" Marko. Give me the phone! "
I jumped around the couch to snatch the phone from his grasp, but he was ridiculously fast.
" Now! "

" Huh… That name looks familiar ~ "
His eyes danced across the screen, & seconds later so did his fingers.

I heaved a sigh to express my annoyance.
" This is none of your business! Now give me the phone, Marko!
I will not say it a third time! "

" Wait. It says… 'Kjetil-Eivind is calling'!
What a weird name…
Hey! Isn't he the guy who basically messed up your —"

Another hand emerged from the darkness right before my eyes, shooting forward like a spear to pull the phone from Marko's fingers with such precision that neither he nor I were able to react.

I quickly realized that it was David's hand, his intimidating figure now standing right beside me, with his gloved digits wrapped around my phone & his watchful eyes planted on me.

" It seems the past is calling you, Lily. "

I almost choked on my own words when I saw the eerie smile that conquered his features.
" David… Hand me the phone. "

" So you can silence the past & run away from it again?
I don't think so, my dear… "

The phone continued to vibrate & buzz in his hand, the vampire's cold blue eyes eagerly dancing across the screen before traveling back to me in anticipation of some kind of reaction on my part, but I managed to stay grounded.

He was testing me once again; his expression revealed all of his twisted intentions right away.

" What I do & what I do not do is my decision & mine only."

I slowly extended my hand despite David showing little to no intention of returning my phone anytime soon, brave enough to take a step closer, but he didn't seem to care for either of those gestures.

" I see ~ "
He whispered in a degrading fashion, smiling down at the brightly illuminated screen.

" Then how about I answer the past for you? "

A tremor shook my body.
" You wouldn't dare, David. "

"Are you willing to risk it? "

" David, please. Don't… "

The buzzing stopped from one second to the next & an immediate silence befell the four of us, a silence unlike any other, filled to the brim with nerve-wracking tension.

I sighed in relief, although only internally, the disquiet caused by the short but intense fallout still very present in my eyes & sitting in every single bone.

David chuckled.
" Looks like your prayers have been answered ~ "
He placed the phone in my hand without losing another word, reaching out to grab the wine bottle & refill his own glass.

" You want a refill too, Lily? "

My still in mild shock widened eyes drew past him over to Marko who had gone dead silent, sipping his wine while exchanging inquiring side glances with Paul. I could have sworn I heard Marko whisper a breathy Sorry about the phone! at me, but at this point I didn't even care much anymore anyway.
I knew what I needed to do next.

" I want to go home. "

There was a brief pause that threatened to add even more tension to an already uncomfortable situation, one I attempted to escape by snatching my purse from Marko's lap & slipping my phone back inside without even caring to check it; my priority was a totally different one right now.

" Now. "

" I know you do, Lily ~ "

David's voice cut the tension like a knife in spite of its velvet-like sound, the leather from his glove squeaking against the stem of the wine glass when he brought it up to his lips.
" Your thoughts give you away. "

I nearly bit my tongue at the derisive remark.
" Stay out of my thoughts! "

" Oh, how I wish I could ~
But now that Dwayne's consciousness has practically merged with yours it's impossible not to hear whatever that little voice inside your head has to say… "

Taking in the wine's aroma & swirling it around before consuming it yet again he faced me with a weak shrug as if to appear apologetic, but the reek of hypocrisy was much too obtrusive to go unnoticed.

" Your mind is no more, no less than a stage lit by dozens of blinding spotlights…

We are just here & enjoy the show. "

I felt a draft in the back of my neck when Paul crept closer, pausing right behind me & bending down to whisper into my ear.
" You know, little flower… We don't mind if you'd stay h— "

" Forget it. "
I immediately responded without even letting him finish his sentence.
" I want to go home NOW. Show me how to get out of here & I'll be gone! "

David's pale lips curled up into a smile.
" But you still have so many questions, Lily…
I can feel them weighing you down day in, day out."

" I don't even care anymore, David. This is too much for me, & you have crossed multiple lines already.

Burying your snout in my past & using what happened in it against me is one thing, but hurting Dwayne & repeatedly trying to tear the two of us apart only affirms what a despicable, soulless excuse of a bloodthirsty being you are.

We are done here. I am done with you! "

Ignoring David's ridicule-ridden grin I spun around, facing Marko & Paul with a much calmer expression.
" I'm sorry, guys… It was nice meeting the two of you & getting to know you a little better.

You... really weren't as bad as I thought… "

I saw a faint smile tug at the corner of Paul's lip but he seemed reluctant to smile, much like Marko who merely replied with a weak nod before he drowned in his wine glass again.

Paul heaved a sigh with his lips barely parted, running a hand through his frizzy blonde mane.
" Hope to see ya again soon, little flower. "

" I wouldn't count on it. "

Eager to make those my final words in an already awkward conversation I turned away from them, allowing David to catch my gaze one more time since I still needed some information from him.

" How do I get out of this cave without having to fly up that stupid cliff? "

" Behind the fountain next to the mirror is a short tunnel that will lead you to the outer edge of the cliff, the 'original' entrance to the cave. From there all you need to do is cross the small wooden bridge & a set of stairs to reach the top of the cliff.

It's marked with several signs, you can not miss it ~ "

I was surprised by his willingness to share that information with me, furthermore, without me having to beg for it, since the fear of him holding me captive had admittedly crossed my mind & paralyzed me for a brief moment.

I weakly nodded & prepared to depart when a gloved hand grabbed me by the collar & pulled me back, firmly yet gently, right into an all too familiar chest.
The scent of wine entered my nose, a voice the colour of winter my ear.

" Don't forget what I told you, Lily.
Resentment & anger consume even the kindest hearts…& bring out the worst in every single one of us.

No one is immune to it.
               You are no exception ~ "

David's breath tickled the back of my neck, causing me to shudder in his grasp.

" Sometimes the best thing you can do is embrace it.  "

" Are you done?! "
I hissed, no less irked than a snake being driven into a corner.

" I am. But you are not ~ "
He let go of me at last, his long leathery digits sliding across my shoulder & down my back before they retracted. I turned around to look into his eyes, shaking my head in disbelief.

" You & Dwayne share the same fate, & yet you have absolutely nothing in common. "

" That means? "

" He keeps fighting the monster within to protect his human half. You have already given in & become that monster. "

A sneering & somewhat pitying laugh echoed throughout the cave.

" It is beyond sweet that you believe there's a difference between being human & being a monster, Lily. "

He'd get one last cold, venomous glare from me before I pulled away completely, grazing Paul & Marko with my eyes to capture their bewilderment & for a second I actually expected them to say something, perhaps once again ask me to stay, but their silence remained deafening.

Not even five seconds later I was already squeezing my way through the tunnel & heading outside as fast as I could, the sound of roaring waves & feral winds soon drowning out David's relentless laughter as well as his final words:

" Make sure the night doesn't swallow you. "


Here I was now, back at the cliff. The same cliff I had spent my first night in Santa Carla at, all tangled up in the spiderweb that was my past & beyond eager to break free from it once & for all. To release, to forgive, to erase the stains of time; to burn old bridges so that the temptation to cross them could never take hold of me again.

Here I was, back at the starting point, & although ahead in time not at all in a better, more advanced place in matters of the soul. I felt the ghosts of the past tug at my heart, I heard their voices in my head make demands on me; demands I was neither ready nor willing to face after everything I had been through.
Needless to say getting back in contact with Kjetil was one of them; furthermore, the desire to find out why he wanted to speak to me again after nearly two years of being nothing more than a distant memory.

A memory I cherished & loved as much as I despised it.

Clutching my purse I paced up & down the cliff like a guard, giving my tired eyes time to adjust to the darkness around me while the occasional arm of light from the lighthouse extending in my direction helped me orientate myself.

I looked left to find the few little dots of light that gave away Santa Carla's location a handful of miles down the coast, the pitch-black horizon behind it leaping forward each time the light cone drifted away again as if to devour me.
I truly wasn't fond of the darkness, at least not a seemingly impenetrable darkness such as this one that swallowed entire shapes & silhouettes. I couldn't even make out the line where the ocean merged with the night sky, that's how awfully dark it was.

A chill ran down my spine as an icy breeze blew across the cliff, sweeping away the gradually dissipating shrouds of mist & clearing my vision at least a little.
I flung my arms around my own body, peering left & right, towards the end of the cliff & back again as if I was expecting someone to come & pick me up, but obviously that didn't happen. No one knew that I was here, the three bloodsuckers were in the sanctities of their cave & Dwayne could be literally anywhere at this point; I wouldn't be able to remotely guess his current whereabouts even if I wanted to.

I really should have thought this through…

For the first time since my arrival at the top of the cliff I turned around to look at the small piece of woodland the five of us had crossed on our way here, squinting my eyes to make out anything, but only the cone from the lighthouse helped me see.

Similar to a reptile's tongue did the light beam sweep across the landscapes, revealing everything that slumbered underneath night's dark cloak for the split of a second.

The dunes farther to the left, the rocky slopes to the right.

The dry, trodden grass under my feet & the trees several feet away from me.

The huge stag with a massive pair of antlers that he wore like a crown, silently emerging from the woods with its head turned in my direction, eyes wide with curiosity.

I held my breath as astonishment took over, the sight literally rendering me speechless & causing me to stare back at the creature despite the cone of light drifting away again, the darkness in front of me now dense as matter.

This couldn't possibly be the same stag I had seen in the forest two days ago & in my backyard the night after, could it?
And if so, what was he doing out here?

As I stood there waiting for the light to return an eerie whistle from above caught my attention, a sound similar to a sword repeatedly cutting air at an enormous speed, but all I saw was a black clouded sky upon gazing up.

My eyes traveled back towards the woods & the light illuminated the area once more, the stag's majestic silhouette flashing up for a moment so short that I caught only a glimpse of it, barely realizing that it's eyes were now fixed on the sky too.

Could it be that the strange noise confused him as well?

" What are you doing up here..? "
I asked, although obviously not expecting an answer.
What I got however was the same whistle from earlier, this time even louder & so close that I startled, once again facing the darkness above. A shiver ran down my spine & I took a couple of steps away from the edge of the cliff, almost tripping over my own feet in the process.

My heart started to pound aggressively, my palms turned clammy, & from one second to the next every fiber of my being suddenly ached to run, fast & far.

The beam of blinding light swept in again, piercing the night & revealing a large, human-like shadow that plunged out of the sky & towards the ground, its long arms spread & ready to grab me right where I stood.

And that's when I heard a familiar voice from the direction of the trees, filling me with great relief as well as an overwhelming sense of dread.

" Run, Lily!! "


I didn't even wait for the light to circle back but immediately darted forward as if a horde of hungry lions were after me & aimed for the trees, the sound of hooves echoing across the area when the stag in front of me took off as well, startled by the noise & the shadow in the sky.

More light brushed across the land & I saw the stag vanish among the trees while I was still too far away to even remotely consider myself safe, always tempted to peer behind & check how close the strange entity was yet much too terrified to actually do so.
From the direction of the trees I heard branches crack & leaves rustle & I assumed it was the stag, but then the noises grew louder.

This wasn't something disappearing in the woods -
something was currently coming out of the woods!

Everything drowned in total blackness again for an uncomfortable few seconds before the cone from the lighthouse returned & literally set the area alight, my eyes widening when I spotted Dwayne in his vampire form emerge from between the trees like a rabid wolf, ripping entire shrubs out of the ground & splitting thick branches with his bare hands to reach the cliff faster.

His amber eyes locked with mine for the split of a second & he reached the cliff at last, darting past me while shouting Hide! before he was swallowed by the darkness & I by the trees, literally diving into one of the bushes.
The wound on my shoulder flared up & screamed in pain while all I did was bite down onto my bottom lip, afraid that making any more noises would give away my location.

I stumbled deeper into the dark maze of trees until not even the light from the lighthouse could reach me any longer & slowed down while violently gasping for air, my fingertips reaching for the band-aid to make sure it was still in place; the pain was mind-numbing & despite not feeling any moisture around the area yet I could tell with certainty that the gash underneath had reopened.

" Shit… "

I leaned against a tree & stared into the blackness that expanded before my eyes, ears perked up to catch the sound of two distorted male voices spitting profanity & hate at each other in between muffled growls. Every now & then I heard a loud thud like something heavy was being tossed to the ground, & after merely a few seconds that somehow felt like an eternity a bloodcurdling scream drew my way, freezing & fading before it could reach me.

What followed was unsettling silence & another beam of light that swept in, with only a handful of glistening fragments to reach me through the tapestry of swaying leaves.

I held my breath, shivering.

" Dwayne..? "

I hesitated for a moment, gathering some courage to call his name again, this time only a little louder.

" Dwayne?? "

From up in the treetops I heard branches cracking & breaking as something plunged toward the earth right behind me, a strong arm shooting around my waist before I could even comprehend what was going on.
However the shock didn't last long as I recognized the scent right away, despite it being accompanied by the overwhelming aroma of fresh warm blood.

It was Dwayne, panting heavily as he dragged me into his chest.

" Dwayne, what happened?!
Who or what was that?? Was it David or one of the others..?! "

He gently spun me around & cupped my face, my eyes drifting up to meet his but it was much too dark to see anything; all I could make out was his silhouette.

" No… It was not! But we have to get away from here. Now!  "

His palms felt moist & unnaturally warm against my cheeks & for a second I thought it was only his sweat when the powerful smell of salt & iron flooded my nose, making me feel nauseated.

" You… you are bleeding, Dwayne! Or is this ---  "

" We don't have time for this now, Lily!
We need to go! "

Without waiting for my response he scooped me up & ascended with me in his arms, pulling me deep into his chest to shield my face from the branches as he broke through the treetops & flew into the night, making a beeline for the abandoned prison.


Little Writer's Note:

Shoutout to an absolutely sweet person & phenomenal writer @ Entangler who's currently working on one of the best Stand By Me fanfictions I've ever read, so if you have a soft spot for clever storytelling, a beautifully deep plot & are a thrill-aficionado in general I highly recommend you give her story a read ~ 🌹

Right this way→ https://my.w.tt/B6h7rsbhE9

Blessings & love,
              Lilyora ~

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