Safe and sound

By Galaxybluefire

17.4K 498 215

Will is depressed and is abused by his father. He doesn't really talk to anyone in school. The only time he i... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Capter 7

1.2K 37 24
By Galaxybluefire

-=+=- kiinqtonq's POV -=+=-
"Will, ready to go to work?" Graser asked, glomping my back. I laughed awkwardly.
"About that..." I trailed off. I knew I was forgetting something! I forgot to tell graser I wasn't going. "I have detention so I can't come." My voice went quieter as I said each word. Graser slid off my back. He looked so sad!
"Oh..." Gosh! Don't say it in that voice! He started walking towards the exit. His back looked so sad! I sigh, catching up with graser.
"Hey bud, if you want I can stay over tonight?" I said, not sure. Graser instantly brightened up.
"Really?!" He beamed.
"Yeah." I answered instantly. He hugged me. Sometimes he acts like such a 5 year old.
"Okay! Come pick me up from work!" He said, running down the hallway. I smiled waving. When he turned the corner, my smile instantly dropped. Well, father probably wouldn't even notice that I was gone. It's not the first time I did this, so it should be fine. I sighed, now detention...
-=+=- bayani's POV -=+=-
I grumbled, throwing myself in the seat. Gosh! I get detention just because I was late to class! So unfair! I pull out my homework and start doing that. If I'm going to be here for an hour my as well get work done. I hear a gasp, so I look up to see will. "What are you doing here?" We both asked. We just stare at each other, not sure who was going to talk first. "Um, I was late to class..." I said lamely. He nodded, sitting next to me.
"Same." He mumbled, pulling out a book.
"What are you reading?" I ask. He looks at the cover.
"Divergent." He stated simply. I nodded. Well, this is awkward! I tapped my finger against the desk. I don't really like silence. I went back to my homework. I groaned in frustration. What does this even mean?! "I'm guessing math isn't your favorite subject?" I look at will. I chuckle.
"No, not really." I mean who's favorite class is math? He scooted his chair next to mine. I blushed a bit over how close we are.
"This is what you do." Will said, showing me how to do the problem. After several minutes of will teaching me what to do I finally got it. I gasped in shock. He looked at me in confusion, and worry. "What's wrong?"
"I have never thought I would say this, but I understand things in math!" I said, beaming. He giggled a bit. He looked down, writing out how to do the next part. He's really smart. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. What's that? I bent down a bit trying to get a closer look. There was a red mark on wills neck. I sat up a bit. What? Does he have a girlfriend or something? No, that wasn't a hickey. Then what was it?
"-ani! Bayani!" Will shouted, waving his hand in my face. I looked at him confused.
"Huh?" I asked, confused.
"I was calling you and you weren't answering. Is there something wrong?" He asked, worry clearly in his voice. I shook my head no.
"Sorry, I just zoned out." I mumbled. He looked at me for a second before sighing.
"Let's forget about math for a bit." I nodded. I wasn't really paying that much attention. I was still thinking of that mark, it looked more like a bruise. What happened?
Hey will..." I asked hesitantly. He cocked his head in confusion. I took a deep breath. "What's that bruise on your neck?" I asked. He looked confused, but then it quickly changed. He looked terrified! His skin paled and he put his hand on his neck to cover the bruise. Will scooted away quickly. "Will? What happened?" I asked. I was expecting him to say something like he fell or something work related happened. But that obviously wasn't the case. Something bad happened. But what was it? Is he getting bullied?
"N-nothing." He muttered, turning away from me.
"Are you sure?" I asked, my voice going quiet. He nodded slightly. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He whipped his head towards me, glaring.
"What do you mean I can tell you anything? I don't even know you!" He said, venom dripping from his voice. My eyes widened in shock. I opened my mouth to say something, but then the bell rang. He jumped up and stormed off. I sat there for a few second, processing what just happened. Something happened to will, and it's something serious! I honestly hope it was just something like a box fell on him at work and not something like bullying. I grabbed my stuff and headed outside.

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