paradiseofgrace द्वारा

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1464, the War of the Roses has been raging for nine long years. Two royal houses, Lancaster and York, fight f... अधिक



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paradiseofgrace द्वारा

A couple of days later, my grandmother arranged a marriage between my aunt and a Duke. She was not much older than me. I didn't understand why my grandmother did that but that's what happens when you have a title I guess.

« Look at my little sister, Katherine, with her sulky new husband. » said the Queen holding her baby

At the end of the ceremony, my mother gave me my little sister to walk out with the King. Passing by the guest, I couldn't ignore the expressions on some people's face.

« Who would have thought so happy an occasion would have made so many so miserable ? » I said to my grandmother

« Lord Warwick isn't even here. » she said agreeing « So much the better. »

I kept up with the Queen so I could be next to her with her baby. At the same time, Richard approached and bowed to them before smiling at me and looking at my sister I was holding.

« Congratulations, Your Grace, on your first York princess. » he said looking at my mother

« She is not a boy though, so you have no heir. » said Edward's mother passing by with George.

She hated my mother, our entire family even. She was evil.

« Oh my Mother, the Queen, shall have many more, Duchess Cecily. » I spatted out, not being able to keep my words in my mouth

She was surprised, not expecting me to speak I imagined. Richard fainted a laugh, also surprised but amused I would stand up for my family in front of his mother.

« And the next one shall be a boy. » continued my mother

At the same time we heard was sounded like a bell outside. The Queen asked Edward what it was but this one was already gone outside to see what was happening. She then took my arm and we followed. My eyes opened widely when I saw King Henry, hands tight behind his back, on the horse next to Lord Warwick, outside the castle. Everyone was as shocked as I was.

« My Lords. » began Warwick still on his horse « Our one time King Henry, and now, our prisoner. He was roaming the fields of Northumberland but I have ridden out and captured him. »

« And you have brought him in ! » cheered Edward already close to them

The sound of a sword captured all our attention.

« No, Richard ! » said Anthony

Richard was going to run to the old King before my uncle and other guards stopped him.

« Then let us take vengeance for our father he murdered. » screamed this last one

Edward took his face in his hands with authority « You will not ! He is an anointed king. » I could see Richard breathing heavily « And how should we be any better if we match him in his butchery ? » Richard dropped the sword, his lips pressed, keeping his eyes on Henry while Edward turned to us, his people « He is a traitor and an enemy to my rule. But God has brought him to us to show that my reign is just and true. » He walked to his cousin « We shall keep cousin Henry in the Tower apartments and show him a mercy that he denied our father. Go in God, cousin. »

Richard got taken back inside and Edward went to hug Lord Warwick for bringing the traitor to him. My grandmother, pressed her hand on my back to make me go back inside as well, my sister still in my arms. Lord Warwick didn't do this for nothing, he wanted something in return, we knew it. I went to put my sister to sleep and went back to the banquet that was organized for my aunt. All of this almost made me forget the marriage. On my way there I heard Lord Warwick's voice.

« That is the only thing that I'm asking for, Your Grace. » he said « Your brothers for my daughters. Two arranged marriages who shall suit everybody. »

My heart skipped a beat and I knew well why. Out of selfishness I didn't want Richard to be promised to Anne but I knew I would never have him anyway. He was his brother, a noble, and I was his wife's daughter from a past marriage. What would be in it for them ?

« It is a lot to ask for, Warwick. » answered the King « But after what you did today, I am ready to think about it. »

I took a deep breath and decided to leave quickly before they could see me. Listening behind doors will get me in big trouble someday. I needed to stop doing that. Going back to the banquet felt really strange but I needed to be there and behave, not drink like last time. At least not as much. I passed Richard and I heard him calling my name but I decided to ignore him, not wanting to talk to him at the moment. I went right to get myself a drink. I couldn't even get it to my lips that my mother snatched it from my hand.

« Mother. » I muttered

« Drinking again, Grace ? »

« I ... It's a banquet, right ? »

« What's wrong ? »

She was my mother, I couldn't hid anything from her but what would I tell her anyway ? She would just be as confused as I am.

« Elizabeth. »

I turned to see the King coming to us « Edward, there you are. » She looked at me « This conversation is not over. »

I gave her a little smile and walked away. In a corner of the room, I was still keeping an eye on them. I knew my mother would ask him what Warwick asked for and that she wouldn't be happy with what was happening. Things looked heated between them for a second and then he calmed down and kissed her making her smile. And that's how I knew the marriages would not happen, at least not right now. I looked around and found another glass. I smiled and brought it to my lips before taking a sip.


Later that night, I was wandering my way to the stables. I believed it was a usual thing for me to have the need to ride when I had a little too much to drink. I was upset, I was. I didn't want Edward's brothers to marry the Warwick's sisters. Actually, I didn't want Richard to marry Anne if I was being completely honest with myself, but what could I do. The decision was the King's. Nothing of what I would want or say mattered.

I wandered my hand on the old swords that were disposed in the stables. My grandfather taught me how to fight properly when my mother wasn't looking. He said it was important for a Lady to know how to defend herself because a man wasn't going to be around every single time. He was right. I didn't like to play the damsel in distress. It didn't have a good look on me. I put my hand around one and took it off the wall. Cutting the air with it. It felt heavy but I felt powerful.

« I don't think it is the best thing to let a woman hold a sword when she is filled with wine. »

I jumped of surprise and turned around to see Richard, sneaking on me again.

« You have to stop surprising me like that. » I said smiling « And how would you know if I was indeed ''filled with wine'' ? »

He laughed « I was at the same banquet. »

I agitated the swords his way « So you're spying on me, huh ? »

He put a finger on my sword, giving me a challenging look « And what if I was ? »

I stepped forward, closer to him « Would you tell on me ? »

« I wouldn't dare. » he answered « Especially not when you are holding a sword on me. »

I laughed « Do you feel threaten, my Lord ? »

He put a hand on his sword, keeping eye contact « Should I ? »

I attended to hit him with my sword but he got his own out, stopping me. I smiled, happy to finally have an opponent. He smiled too, stepped back and tried to hit me too. I was stopping every movement he was making on me. He stepped back again and tried to get me one more time, I stopped him and made him lose advantage by blocking his sword on the ground. We were close to each other, our chest going up and down because of the physical effort.

I got closer to his face « The city is going to crumble if you fight like this in battle. »

He smiled, got closer to my lips and I hit him in the stomach with my elbow, making him step back.

« You almost fight like a real soldier. » he said

« I am every inch of a soldier. »

He laughed « A not so tall soldier then. »

We fought again, and he did the same trick I did before by blocking my sword with his. We looked at each other, deeply in the eyes and the sound of his sword going up on mine made me shake a little. With the top of his, he started to pull my dress up gently. I would like to say that I didn't let my guard down at this moment but I did and he pressed on my weapon to make me swirl, pulling my back against his chest and stopping any movement I could make by putting his arm around my shoulders and his sword pressed on my neck.

« First rule, my Lady. » he whispered in my ear, making me tremble « Never let your guard down. » I moved to make him let go but his grip became tighter on me « In a battle, you would already be defeated. »

Was I ? I put my hand on the one he was using to hold the sword and started caressing his fingers, his royal ring, and made my way under his sleeve, gently.

« I believe Anne Neville doesn't know how to fight like that. » I whispered gently

I tighten my grip around his wrist saying that and I could hear his heavy breathing in my ear and feel it on my neck. His chest beating faster and faster. I put my head back on his chest, arching my back and in a sudden movement, pushed his arm, grabbed his sword and turned to face him, two swords pointing in his direction. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. He took a deep breath and put his hand on his face, smiling. I gave him back the swords

« I will see you at supper, my Lord. » I said before I bowed to him, and left the stables.


I got outside the castle, where my mother and grandmother were, looking down at the entrance where Lord Warwick was, getting ready to leave.

I got between them « What are we looking at exactly ? » I asked

« The King has chosen Burgundy and Warwick's secret deal with France is over. » answered my Mother « The King's sister, Margaret, is to marry Charles of Burgundy. »

I felt an instant relief that now that he was promised I won't have to marry him anymore « So Warwick is escorting Margaret to her wedding in Burgundy ? » I asked to be sure

« Yes ! » answered my grandmother « Now he won't get his hand in France. » She looked at my mother « And you must have sons to protect yourself from Warwick.

It was now a necessity for her to have a baby boy. What we didn't know was that the future wouldn't be as easy as that. 

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