Metanoia [Ushijima x reader]


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Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life Ushijima x Reader fanfic Story sta... More

Chapter 1 : Near death experience, I think
Chapter 2 : Sorry, I think
Chapter 4 : Pole of Destiny
Chapter 5 : A Fateful Night
Chapter 6 : Dream?
Chapter 7 : Prelude to Interhigh
Chapter 8 : All Things Lost
Chapter 9 : In Her Eyes
Chapter 10 : Misunderstandings
Chapter 11 : Now... what?
Chapter 12 : Behind Oikawa's Eyes
Chapter 13 : The Volley of the Balls: The Fellows of the Ace
Chapter 14 : The Long Week Begins...
Chapter 15 : The First Ripple
Chapter 16 : Side Effects
Chapter 17 : Sometimes it's okay to ask for help
Chapter 18 : It Felt Soft
Chapter 19 : A Change in Perspective
Chapter 20 : Start of Something New
Chapter 21 : Opening Act: The Cat in the Box
Chapter 22 : Two Steps Behind
Omake 1: Locker Room Shenanigans: A Classy Conversation
Chapter 23 : Tangential Thoughts
Chapter 24 : Coffee, Candy, and.. Clouds?
Chapter 25 : Boy Friend's House Visit

Chapter 26 : Summer Rain

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A/N: A summary (in meme form) of my relationship with you guys, the readers

I've probably said everything I want to say in regards to myself on my profile and I'm sorry since I overestimated my ability to be able to update... (made an estimated time of update that says last week but I only got to posting it now lol sorry hehehe)

Enjoy the new chapter! ^^

And as per usual, long fic ahead! (longer than the previous ones ✌('ω'))


"How did this happen?"

You emptily stared into the water you had scooped into your hands.

This isn't right.

This is a dream.

It has to be.

You splashed yourself with the warm bath water to clear your thoughts as you try to take in again where you were exactly. The bath was just as you had expected, large and not overly luxurious with its traditional wooden design. Clear, tranquil, and warm; you allowed yourself to be immersed deeper until the water was just below your ears. Save for the rhythmic fall of the rain outside, everything seemed a lot quieter now. You closed your eyes and submerged yourself for a few seconds, in another attempt to try to clear your thoughts.

This isn't right.

This is a dream.

It has to be.

There was just absolutely no way these series of good events would happen to you in the span of one night.

Rising back again, you stretched your arms up high until you could hear that gratifying snap of your bones. Everything felt perfect. You felt peaceful. As if you were in a dream.


This isn't right.

This is a dream.

It has to be.

There was just absolutely no way these series of good events would happen to you in the span of one night.

In that moment, as if to remind you that this was indeed reality, you heard a voice call out to you just beyond the door.

"I'll be leaving your yukata and towel by the door. I've already put your clothes in the wash so you don't have to worry about what you'll be wearing tomorrow for school. Come out for dinner once you've finished; I hope you're not a picky-eater."

"N-No, I'm mostly fine with anything. Thank you for everything Mrs. Ushijima."

"No need to be so formal, dear. Just call me Utami or Mom, whichever is fine with you. Now, don't stay too long okay?"

"Yes, U-Utami-san..."

'Seriously...' you ask yourself in your mind, ' did this happen?!'


"Do you want to stay over at my house?"

Wet, cold, and mentally exhausted; all you could muster in response to Ushijima's question was a short, dumb sound of confusion. He didn't even give you time to properly get your thoughts together before he was guiding you by the hand to his house. Then again, you weren't sure if 'house' would be the proper term to describe the massive traditionally-styled residence of the Ushijima family. If anything, you think it would be an insult to all the people who poured their blood, sweat, and tears into making and managing it. It was expansive; the length of the residence practically running from one end of the street to the other.

Now protected under the safety of their main entrance's awning and light, you realized just how much of a mess you looked. Suddenly self-conscious with your appearance, you tried to fix your hair into something that didn't look like it would fit into a horror film. As much as you looked forward to the day Ushijima would introduce you to his family, you wish that you could've appeared before them when you were more presentable and not like some wet sewer rat.

"What are you doing?" Ushijima asked, noticing how much your hands were flailing over yourself.

"I... I just... I-I'm a mess and I... I-I don't think I can... T-This is just..." Desperate to fix yourself to a somewhat presentable appearance, you couldn't even muster enough focus to properly answer Ushijima's question.

Watching your continuous flailing, Ushijima sighs before taking hold of your hand.

"You look fine. I like you as you are so I'm sure mother will too."

You are not fine though.

If anything, your mind blacked out from there. When you finally found your sanity, you were neck-deep in water.

"I really need to calm down. It's not like anything will happen..."


"'It's not like anything will happen...' my ass! How did this happen?!"

You look up at him in silent panic. The desire to move or look away was lost along with the last of your two brain cells. Eyes wide and heart racing, you swallowed the lump in your throat in an attempt to calm your nerves but it wasn't working. It took a great deal of strain to avert your eyes. Hand tightly gripping unto the futon below you, your unvoiced question was answered.

"This room is actually a connection to my bedroom," he said, "...I think mother made a mistake. Do you want to switch to the other room?"


That was the correct answer any sane and normal person would say in this situation. It was just one word of affirmation. That was all you had to do. Just tell him that one word and Ushijima would help you move your futon to the guest room and the two of you would finally enjoy a good night's sleep. Even a nod would have sufficed.

Then again, there was rarely a time where your thought process was along the lines of sane and normal.

"Do you want me to?"

He was silent. The intensity of his contemplative stare shot through your body like bullets made out of ice. You wondered the reason behind it when realization finally dawns on you.

"What the hell did I just say?!"

Blood shot up to your head. The not-so-innocent words that left your mouth hung heavily in the air rendering the two of you speechless. Paralyzed with both fear and panic, you were neither able to find the strength to explain your words nor were you able to return Ushijima's gaze.

The silence that enveloped the two of you felt like poison against your skin. His stare was piercing and his silence scared you. What was usually the haven you both shared in quiet walks home and breaks became this intangible garden of thorns that continue to prick and drain the life out of your soul.

A flash of lightning and had you not looked away, you could've seen the deep red that painted the entirety of Ushijima's face. The rose-colored blush runs as far as to the tips of his ears to the junction that connects his neck and shoulders. Ushijima suppressed a smile, or at least he tried to. Never in his life did he think that something could be so difficult to do. Instinctively, he raised a hand to cover the lower half of his face and regarded your balled-up form with a deep longing he didn't know he could feel.

How long had it been since he was this close with you? To be engaged in a conversation that didn't have anything to do with the club or volleyball? How long had it been since he last held you? Kissed you?

It had been far too long for his liking.

Ushijima wanted nothing more than to feel your smaller form against him, timidly looking up with that bright smile of yours as you call out to him. Ushijima's hand slid back down and he found himself reaching out for you.

But, he stopped before he could even take that first step forward. Reminded by the reason behind his forced indifference and avoidance towards you, Ushijima retracted his hand. Though he remained hurt, that didn't change how he felt about you. If anything, he wished to be closer.

"Yes..." he said, "...I want you here if that's alright with you."

His voice that broke through the silence was akin to the roar of thunder in a quiet night. Eyes locking onto his taller form, you watched his figure as he wished you a good night's rest before retreating to his room. The two of your futons separated only by the thin room divider/ door.

Finding your voice, you wished him a good night before settling into the futon. You lay in bed distracted, unable to find the peace one needs in order to lull themselves to sleep. Your heart beat rang loudly. The intensity of the beat felt like it was going to pound through your chest. You shifted to the side, hoping to find a good position that could silence the repetitive thumping that echoed through your ears.

It was a pointless and exhausting hour-long endeavor.

Unable to find your peace, you went back to facing the ceiling. In the silence of the room, you were left to dwell in your thoughts. The loneliness you felt the past few days began to creep back inside of you.

Looking back, it was probably what motivated you into doing what would have been an uncharacteristic move from you.

"Are you still awake?" you asked in a barely audible whisper. You stared longingly at the thin wall that divided the two of you, as if by doing so would allow you to look past it.

Seconds passed and you released a sad sigh. Of course he wouldn't answer. Ushijima was probably deep in sleep right now, having kept him awake way past his usual time of sleep. Had he remained awake, you doubt he could've heard you through the sound of rain.

"I am..."

Apparently, he did hear you.

"Can I see you?" you asked, shifting under your covers so that you were facing the divider.

You didn't think that Ushijima was going to humor your request. However, the rattling sound of the wooden door being slid open proved you wrong. With his long arms, Ushijima didn't even have to push himself off of the futon for him to reach the door and slide it open.

Your eyes making contact, your lips formed into a small smile.


Ushijima blinked. "Hello..." he said, voice laced with a slight tinge of amusement at the sudden greeting.

The two of you remained like that for a while, finding comfort in the silence of your sleep-deprived states. An unspeakable tension wafted in the air around you but it was different from the one before. It felt both warm and cold; comforting and disconcerting. The tension was both soothing and burning, as if any minute you just know that you'd break into tears as your heart throbbed and ached to reach out to the man beyond the wall.

The dark clouds that were hindering the light of the moon were slowly dissipating as the storm peters up for a bit. Call it fate or wishful thinking, but it was as if somebody was trying to get this moment the two of you shared be just right, as you were finally able to get a clear look at his face. His countenance to those who didn't know him was impassive (as were his usual expressions). But you saw beyond that. Hurt, longing, and loneliness swirled deeply in his eyes and you felt your heart ache at the fact that you were the one who caused him such grief. The sadness he tried to hide was like a mirror to your own feelings and you lost control. Tears spilled like waterfall at the corner of your eyes.

"I miss you..."

You watched with tear-stricken face as Ushijima's impassive expression crumbled. Although you were sure he didn't look as pitiful as you did.

"I miss you too," Ushijima said as he regarded you with a softer expression. You continued to cry even as he pushed himself off his futon. He moved so that he was closer to you, sitting in between the two rooms as he fully slid the door open.

With an outstretched hand, he reached for you. "Come here..." he said.

You were more than eager to oblige.

You sat beside him. Hands intertwined and shoulders pressed heavily against each other, you revelled in the warmth that ceaselessly covered you inside and out.

"What happened?" Ushijima asked.

You didn't need to be a genius to figure out what he was pertaining to. Holding unto him like a lifeline, you told him everything. From your long friendship with Oikawa to the reasoning behind your actions, you made sure to explain everything as direct to the point as you can since that was the best way for Ushijima to understand.

You just lost nationals then. The pain and frustrations of losing the match was all too fresh that you were driven to both desperation and pettiness. Two qualities that you knew Ushijima disliked. The slight twitch of his eye when he realized your reasoning was a testament to his dislike for it.

In your eagerness to clear up all misunderstandings, you had lost count on the number of times you apologized to Ushijima. The ace pinching your hand with every apology you uttered in order to remind you to stop and keep things in moderation.

The storm calmed completely by the time you were finished, seemingly giving you the silence you needed as you observed Ushijima in his contemplative state with unabashed eyes, feeling more than anxious to what type of response Ushijima would give you. Then again, at this point you were willing to take whatever emotion or words he would throw at you. You knew for a fact that you were clearly in the wrong and although it hurts to admit, you wouldn't even be surprised if he broke up with you.

You flinched when he opened his mouth to speak. Just what was he going to say? Will he get mad? Is he disappointed in you? Will he break up with you?

"I see..."


Well, that was anticlimactic.

Ushijima's blasé response to your lengthy explanation felt unusually refreshing that all the emotions you had bottled up for god knows how long just seemed to disappear. The heavy tension weighing on your shoulders were lifted up and you found yourself barely holding back your laughter.

"What an Ushijima-like response..." you giggled.

He watched you while you laughed freely. Although he couldn't quite place what got you so happy, Ushijima revelled in the sound of your laughter and allowed a small smile to form on his lips. There were a lot of things that confused him in this relationship and honestly, he despised this uncertainty but one thing he knows for sure was that the uncertainties and confusion he keeps feeling vanish whenever he sees that you're happy. This unusual yet welcome source of peace and comfort seem to amplify when he knows that he was the one to make you smile.

Ushijima placed a gentle hand over your head. "You'll wake mother if you don't keep your voice down," he said.

"Ah!" You placed a hand over your mouth before whispering, "Sorry..."

A much more comforting silence than before enveloped the room. Finally freed from the unbearable tension weighing on your shoulders and the many thoughts that clouded your mind, you felt your eyelids drop from time to time. Despite the strong urge to push yourself back to sleep, there was still one thing you had to confirm with him before calling it a night.

"A-Am I..." At Ushijima's urging, you looked up at him. "Am I forgiven?"

Returning your gaze, Ushijima regarded you silently before answering. "Not yet."

Wait what?

Your eyelids suddenly stopped drooping. You shot up wide awake. Taken aback by his answer, you darted yourself away from him by pushing your cheek off of his shoulder. You looked at him with mouth slightly agape and trembling as this was definitely not what you expected how this would all turn out. Well, not to this degree. Confusion, panic, and fear melded together once more and you knew you would've cried then and there had it not been for Ushijima's reassuring squeeze on your hand.

Emboldened by the gesture and determined to earn his forgiveness, you moved even closer to him. Placing your chin over his shoulder and holding onto his arm for dear life, you looked up at him with desperate pleading eyes.

"What do I have to do?"

Going by the way his eyes seemed to sparkle with mirth; you knew you were going in the right direction.

"Say my name."

You regarded him with a confused expression but obliged nonetheless. "U-Ushi..." But you stopped yourself when you saw how his eyebrow twitched and how his lips are slightly forming a scowl.

"My first name." Ushijima said before gently pulling you to sit in front of him.

You felt your heart leap to your throat. The intense pressure of your heart beat resonating throughout your body and all you could do was blush at the thought that maybe he could hear it. However, this felt different for some reason. It wasn't like those times when you were riddled by fear or when you were flushed with panic and embarrassment. It was more urgent and reassuring. The beating pressure pushed out the syllables that would have usually been lost to you.

"W-Wakatoshi..." you said softly.

You felt heat rise to your cheeks as time passed. Each passing second that allowed you to see the shift in Ushijima's expression drowning you in relief and an overflowing abundance of love for the man who had you trapped in his arms.

You watched as his eyes softened to a loving gaze, his lips unable to control themselves as they form into a small smile. As moonlight streamed into the room, you saw how his pupils dilated. Pitch black engulfing dark-olive with every passing second that he regards you with a gentleness that was starting to be too much for you to handle. It took everything you had in you not to lose grasp of your sanity.

Too lost in thought, you flinched when Ushijima's hand caressed your cheek endearingly, his large hand gentle as it cradles your head.

"May I kiss you?"

You whimpered when he asked, as if you were a small animal in the presence of a much larger predator.

"I can't?" Ushijima asked and your heart made flips at the sight. You didn't even know this man was capable of making such an adorable puppy dog face. Fainting was far from your worries as every action Ushijima was doing was bound to give you a heart attack.

"N-No... I mean, yes! Wait, I mean... I mean no, yes! U-ummm... p-please... i-if you... uh... don't m-mind..." you stuttered as you tried to look away from him in embarrassment.

Earning your consent, Ushijima heaved a sigh of relief before pulling you closer to him until you were practically sitting on his lap. Your eyes darted all over the place as Ushijima's hands dragged itself from your arms down to the small of your lower back.

You didn't dare move or breathe while Ushijima lead you closer and closer to him. The fluidity and tender way he manoeuvred you to fit him only served to accelerate your beating heart. When he was close enough that you began to feel his breath on you, your body went rigid. The hairs on your arms stood to attention when a shudder violently tore through your spine.

Ushijima breathed a small chuckle as the reaction was not lost to him. You could feel heat from your hands that were on his shoulders. The rising anticipation of what was to come made your body tingle and your breathing shallow. It was a welcome dizziness that had you reeling further and further into him.

His left hand was careful in its ascent from your back to your cheek. Each touch burning your skin and pushing you deeper into a void where all you could think about was him. The soft pitter-patter of the rain as it began to pick up back again acting as your only anchor in order to remain grounded to the real world.

Ushijima leaned down, forehead resting against yours as he studied your eyes with breathless passion. Warm breath ghosted over each other's skin. The intensity of your emotions fluttering your eyes shut and all you could do was emit a small gasp when Ushijima finally leaned in and kissed you.

A chill ran down your spine as your lips pressed against each other's. This was different than all the other times that you kissed him. Gone were the innocence and the naivety and it was replaced by an intense and almost demanding press of his lips against yours. His lips that tasted of cool mint was such a contrast compared to the passion that he was determined to pass to you.

As if his kiss wasn't dizzying enough, Ushijima gently ran his hand over your back with feather-like touches. The action made you whimper against him and soon the two of you broke apart for air.

You were breathless, panting heavily as you gathered some much needed oxygen while your forehead remained pressed against his.

"Say my name." Ushijima's voice gritty and a few octaves lower as he spoke. You were grateful that you weren't the only one who was this affected.

"Wakatoshi." you softly replied.

Again, without so much as a warning, he kissed you. His kiss this time lacked the intense spark than earlier. It was soft and chaste. The quick peck to your lips, however, was enough to envelope your body with overflowing warmth. Had it not been for the hand tightly holding unto you, you would've dropped against him like melted putty.

"One more time." he said. His breath feeling as warm as your already heated skin when he uttered those words.

Your throat was starting to run dry but you were more than eager to oblige.

"Wakatoshi," you whispered.

Ushijima held you firmly against him, gently trailing light kisses from your cheek up to your forehead. You felt light-headed, any more than this and you swear you were going to lose consciousness.

Going by Ushijima's next word, you concluded that making you faint was definitely his end goal.


You felt your heart beat accelerate. The tender way he uttered your first name resonated deeply in you. It was akin to a loving prayer one would make to a god, the devotion his voice carried tore through you. You could do nothing else but cry. It was too much. Everything he did for you was too much and you feared that you would never be enough for him.

As if he could read your thoughts, Ushijima urged you closer. His thumb wiped away at continuously flowing tears before he pressed a light kiss at the corner of your eyes.

"I missed you, (F/n)."

Thoroughly overwhelmed, you let out a small laugh.

Carefully, you pressed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose.

"I missed you too, Wakatoshi," you smiled.

--- (The next day...)

The sun was bright out when you and Ushijima set off for school from the Ushijima mansion residence. His mother's send-off was quite interesting, to say the least. From the moment you met Ushijima, you've always thought that his parents would be somewhat like him not only in appearance but also in behaviour but Ushijima's mother greatly proved you wrong. Despite sharing the same natural glare formation of their eyes, Ushijima Utami had a personality that was friendly, outspoken, and elegant. And if you were to be a bit bold, she was actually quite bubbly.

You can just imagine the look on your face when she opened the gates to their home and welcomed you with such open adoration. Fawning and doting over you and providing you with everything that you needed during your stay (she didn't stop even when she was sending the two of you off to school). It was overwhelming, yes, but you welcomed her kindness, nevertheless.

"I wonder what it would feel like if Ushi-Wakatoshi-kun fawned over me like that too..." you thought longingly when all of a sudden you remembered the things that transpired the night prior. (Don't think too much into it, you did not do the deed).

A gentle squeeze on your hand and you were pushed out of your thoughts. Looking up at the man beside you, you were unable to hide the blush that was beginning to color your cheeks.

"Something on your mind?"

Reminded of your thought process earlier, you were quick to look away. "N-N-No... n-not really..."

"I see..."

The two of you walked in silence the rest of the way there. It surprised you that during the whole trip, Wakatoshi never let go of your hand. It had been a sort of an unspoken rule that the two of you will not be doing any displays of affection in public (again, the kisses the two of you did were done when the two of you were sure you were alone). But for whatever reason, Wakatoshi seemed adamant in not letting you go despite often reminding him that the two of you were getting close to school. Before you knew it, the two of you were already within school grounds heading toward the gymnasium.

"Will you be heading over to the faculty first? Should I come with you?"

"No, it's fine. It's one of the places I know how to get to."

Although he was silent, you can tell by the way he looked at you that he greatly doubted your skill to properly navigate yourself from the vbc's gymnasium to the faculty room. You would've been hurt had you not already accepted the fact that you had the navigation skills of a pea-brained goldfish.

"I've been there many times already, I swear I know how to get there on my own!" you whined, "Really, I'll be fine..."

The hesitation was clear but after a few seconds of contemplation, Ushijima finally relented. "Fine. I won't be able to help if you get lost so just get a teacher or a student to lead you back here."

"Wow, you really have no faith in me do you?"

"In you, I do. In your skills to navigate, I don't."

If you're wondering, yes it took everything in you not to squeal at the fact that Ushijima just said he has faith in you.

"Then, I'll be going."





Looking at him sceptically, you directed your attention to your hand that remained tightly held in his much larger one. You wiggled your fingers off of him and repeatedly tried shaking him off but to no avail. Confused by this, you looked up at him, "you know... I kind of need my other hand with me for me to leave..."

Absolutely unfazed with what's happening, Ushijima responded monotonously: "I'm aware," he said.

"So... you should, I don't know, maybe let go of me..."

He knows. It was clear in his eyes that he definitely understands what you're trying to say but for some reason, Wakatoshi refused to let go. Although you have come to a point where you can decipher certain gazes and slight actions from him, trying to understand what he wanted when he was in this form of contemplation remains difficult for you. Looking back, that's probably how you failed to notice the rising negative emotions Ushijima had when the two of you fought. But that's resolved now and dwelling on an already-resolved fight would be bad for the both of you.

"Should I just ask?" you thought to yourself.

Although you were quite confident in deciphering Ushijima's thoughts and actions, the previous fight the two of you had made you realize that communication between the two of you could really do some improving. Despite having settled into this somewhat comfortable compromise of understanding and trying-to-understand through small actions, limited words, and keen observation; it was clearly not an ideal relationship for two teens who can barely understand their own selves. (Ah, the woes of puberty...)

As difficult as it is for the both you, establishing a good line of communication as lovers – not as team mates or the like – was what the two of you needed.

Making up your mind to take the lead, you redirected Ushijima's attention to you by squeezing his hand. "If there's something bothering you, please tell me. Is there something you want to do? Or do you just not want me to get lost?"

Regarding you silently, you felt relieved that Ushijima seemed to understand what you were trying to attempt. There was no denying the unease and discomfort that he was feeling judging by the way he reacted but at least he seemed determined to go along with you. In fact, it almost made you giggle how he seemed disgruntled at the fact that you took the lead before he could, Ushijima's competitiveness knows no bounds apparently.


"Yes?" you asked, urging him on as you took a step closer towards him.


Tilting your head, you smiled up at him. "You can tell me anything... what is it?"

You have never seen Ushijima so bothered at such a close distance. Discomfort, annoyance, determination, and confusion all mumbled into one expression to a face of near-impassiveness. You didn't think that such a thing could be possible but here you were.

"I must've put him on the spot..." you thought, worried. "We can always try next time, I guess. And we're basically in public despite the early time."

You looked up at him after deciding to give him a break and reassuring him that the two of you can try next time when you found yourself unable to relay your thoughts to him.

He kissed you.

His lips brushed yours. It was gentle in spite of his eagerness, innocent despite your experience with each other. As if he were holding fragile glass that could break with the slightest touch, tenderly and almost like treading his hands through a cloud, he cradled you with extreme care.

Soft lips pulled away and you found your own trying not to let go, then whining when he got out of reach.

"Don't take too long," he said with the smallest of smiles while he lets go of your hand.

Thoughts came into focus. Like being released from a spell, you exhaled shakily, surprised at how long you had held your breath from such a brief moment of contact.

"You're not going?" Ushijima asks. "You can tell me if there's something bothering you."

You did not miss the hint of amusement in his tone of voice when he said that.

Mildly peeved, you looked up at him. This man! This supposedly impassive and emotionless man! He knew exactly what he did to you, you could tell it in the way his eyes sparkled with mirth and the way his posture seemed to settle to that of comfort, pride, and confidence.

"Must you really..." you pout at him. "If you just said you wanted to k-k-... to do that! You could've just told me! I can't believe you!"

"Actually doing it seems easier."

You couldn't exactly argue with that.


"I know. That's why I don't want you to take too long so we'll have the time."

"You're talking about talking right? Not... well, that."

"Yes," Ushijima said before gently holding your hand once more, "unless you'd rather do that."

You went red all over from Ushijima's not-so-innocent remark. Where does he even learn these things? Tendou?! It has to be him! It didn't even take a second and you've already decided to smack that red headed middle blocker when you get the chance.

Stuttering and repeatedly fumbling over your words, you flailed your arms wildly to pull your hand away from him. Thankfully, he obliged this time. "D-D-D-D-D-Don't joke a-about t-things like that!" you stammered. "I-I'll see you later!"

Ushijima quietly watched as you ran (yes, he finally acknowledges that you can run now). When you were out of sight, Ushijima headed for the gymnasium behind him. The doors were obviously locked but since he was often the earliest one to arrive (at least after you do) and the last one to leave, Ushijima had a spare key to the gymnasium for himself.

The sound of the door being unlocked thudded loudly in the silence of the early morning. He placed his hand on the handle before coming to a pause. Standing just outside of the entrance with his indoor shoes on his other hand, Ushijima took a glance behind him.

"You can come out now," he said.

A brief moment of silence and seconds after a familiar flaming red hair popped out from the corner. With his signature grin, Tendou smiled brightly at Ushijima. "Arara~ you found out!" the middle blocker noted in a cheery and teasing voice before ambling his way towards the ace. Not too far behind him, Ushijima could see Shirabu walking behind the lankier teen.

From Tendou's knowing and teasing smirk and Shirabu's flushed face, it was safe to say that the two saw everything that happened earlier.

"Wa-Ka-To-Shi-Kun!" Tendou sang as he neared Ushijima. "I see you and (F/n)-chan finally made up! Congrats~" the middle blocker cheered while wildly applauding his hands. "I must say, though..." Tendou grinned, "I never took you to be so bold! Or maybe I should've expected such daringness from our miracle ace~ As expected of you, Wakatoshi-kun!"

"Thank you?" Ushijima responded monotonously.

"You don't have to thank him for that, Ushijima-san..." Shirabu noted.

"But I am curious..." crossing his arm over the other, Tendou tilted his head to one side as he asked: "since when did you found out that we were there? Don't tell me it was before the kiss~?!"

"Why must you try to overcomplicate things?" Shirabu quickly interjected, "Obviously Ushijima-san found out after, there's no way he would go through with it if he knew we were there from the start."

"Well, that's true~" Tendou sighed. "Still, a guy can hope, right?"

Before Shirabu could mutter out a response, Ushijima spoke up. "Tendou's not wrong."

The two went silent. No longer continuing with their back-and-forth exchange of words, they shifted their attention away from each other and towards the ace. Surely, they must've heard wrong. The idea of Ushijima doing something like that on purpose with a clear knowledge of people being present was something unheard of and out of character. Yes, they were keenly aware of Ushijima's dislike of PDA and no, they did not find out about this by stalking them... (Bf/n) already did that way before they planned to.

Exchanging looks, Tendou was the first to speak up: "Uh... what did you just say?"

"I knew the two of you were there from the start," Ushijima said.

Their reactions happened instantly.

Eyes wide and mouth agape, Shirabu was rendered speechless at the reality that his most respected senior would pull off such a brazen stunt like that in broad daylight. A complete contrast to his junior's reaction, Tendou had a huge open-mouthed smile on his face as he cheered. In his defense, his reaction was mild for a self-proclaimed fan of the Shiratorizawa power couple (or so he liked to tea- er, call the two of you).

Paying no mind to their reactions, Ushijima continued on silently. Sliding the metal doors open and putting on his indoor volleyball shoes, Ushijima quickly set off to setting up the court with Shirabu and Tendou following along behind him in their still speechless (Shirabu) and giddy (Tendou) states.

As Ushijima slid the storage room doors open, he paused once more. Peering over his shoulder, he fixed his two team mates with a serious gaze.

"Don't tell (F/n)," he said.

--- (later that day...)

Hurriedly, you ran. The basket of dirty bibs tightly held by both hands as you rushed towards the laundry room to get them washed. You've lost count on the number of times you've been running back and forth from the gymnasium to the laundry room. It was tiring, indeed, but it still could never compare to the strain the players were currently experiencing with their newly-enhanced training regime.

The National Inter-High competition is now over and the third-year players were no longer going to be a part of the team. For the upcoming Spring High, the team had to move forward. Especially with the new starting line-up of regulars, everyone had to work double the effort to make up for the loss of their experienced seniors and any past strategies that involved them. Honestly, you felt bad that during these times of trying to adapt into a new regime and team, you came and disrupted Ushijima's focus with your lover's quarrel. Not to mention, the upcoming final exams. Clearly, the fight happened at a very bad time. You could only be thankful that at least it was resolved before the summer training camp.

The dirty bibs now on spin in the wash, you loaded your basket with freshly-dried towels and made your way back to the gymnasium. "Speaking of the training camp..." you thought to yourself. There were only a few days left before the exams and the start of summer vacation but neither Coach Washijou nor Coach Akira have made any announcement in regards to that matter. The usual Shiratorizawa summer training camp (according to the third-years) was actually no different from the Golden Week one. That is, doing the usual practice here at school with everyone staying at the dorms while the two coaches would invite nearby colleges to practice with the team. However, the announcement in regards to who the team will be facing for practice matches was usually made a week before exams and until now, neither Coach has shared any news regarding it.

"I wonder if some colleges cancelled like last time?" you pondered while handing some fresh towels to a few players who came out of the gym to... well, puke their guts out.

"Don't these things usually happen during camp?" Yunohama heaved as he reached for the fresh towel you were handing him.

"The new regimen is quite intense..." you noted with a shrug, "Do you want me to get you some water? An energy drink maybe?"

Yunohama mustered a weak smile. "I'll recover soon so it's okay. Thanks for this," he said while motioning towards the towel.

You smiled and gave him a few pats on the back, "hang in there. We'll need your serves for the actual match, you know!"

"You're really putting the pressure on me now?" Yunohama chuckled.

"It's to get you fired up!" you hollered before entering the gymnasium.

Setting the basket down on one corner of the gym, you grabbed a few towels and made a quick round handing towels from one player to another. With summer approaching, it was clear to see that the rise in temperature was starting to get to the players. And with two of the gymnasium's air conditioners going haywire, the heat was getting more and more unbearable by the minute. Hence, your repetitive back and forth from the gym to the laundry room. Never had you washed so much dirty and sweaty bibs, shirts, and towels in your whole life.

"This won't do..." you muttered as you were finally able to settle yourself down beside Coach Washijou.

"They're more exhausted than usual due to the heat and we're not even at the peak of summer yet..." Coach Akira sighed in approval as he neared the two of you. It was clear to see that everyone was sweating more than usual. Even Tendou, who didn't sweat much, has already changed his shirt three times in the past two hours. Not only that but the heat was making the players more agitated, their focus becoming shaky the more they practice in this type of weather. And to think that just yesterday the rain was pouring like there would be no tomorrow.

"I've already called for someone to come in for repairs but everyone in our area and in this school too seems to be suffering from faulty air conditioning so it'll be a while before they get here," Coach Washijou said in annoyance while fanning himself with a paper fan.

"At least it got broken only recently, final exams are in a few days so this will be the last practice the team will have before summer starts. Will the repairs make it for the training camp?" You asked.

"I doubt that it will. Since a lot of people are calling for them, it would also mean that repair companies might have shortages on certain parts too. We can't be sure if we'll get the air conditioning fixed even if they do come in to inspect it," Coach Akira sighed.

"Then," you pulled your phone out of your pocket and immediately went to your brother's contact info, "should I ask brother to arrange for a gym for us to use for the summer? I'm sure a lot of alumni would be more than happy to help!"

The two coaches exchanged a look before Coach Akira started chuckling. "I like your eagerness but that won't be necessary."

"Oh! So Coach has already arranged for a different gym?"

Looking away, Coach Akira responded with a light shrug, "Well, you could say that," he said.

This was new. It wasn't like Coach Akira to be all dodgy with answering your questions. For as long as you've known him, despite his usual strict attitude in regards to training the players, he was quite an easy person to approach for discussing trouble and concerns about the club. You could only infer that the coaches had something special planned for the upcoming summer camp. At this thought, your excitement shot through the roof.

"What's with that look?" Coach Washijou asked.

You hummed, "just feeling excited, is all. I look forward to whatever the coaches have planned!"

"When we haven't even said anything?" Coach Akira laughed. "Well, it definitely is something you should look forward to."

"Can I get a hint?"

"Depends," Coach Akira smiled, "do you prefer the mountains or the beach?"


The whistle blew and signalled the end of the match and thankfully, the end of the team's practice inside a rising inferno. From where you sat, it was easy to see the relief that came over the players' faces after hearing its sound. Even the losing team had small smiles on their faces. Practicing in this sort of heat was definitely too much even for the powerhouse team.

As the match ended, you quickly got to work as not even a couple of seconds when the whistle was blown did the boys started stripping off of their heavily-drenched shirts. You were thankful (and a bit disappointed) that at least Ushijima continued to keep his shirt on. With the help of a few of the first years, you handed everyone clean shirts, towels, and their bottled drinks. When that was over, you went and got the basket of dirty clothes and towels and made your last trip towards the laundry room. By this time, your legs were barely holding you up from all the running you did but you pushed on.

"They're having a much harder time than I am, I need to help as much as I can," you said to yourself as you willed yourself through the pain. "There's also the coaches announcement later so I need to finish this quickl-"

"Do you need some help?"

You yelled in surprise at Ushijima's sudden appearance, your heart nearly ripping itself out of your chest at the surprise. Note to self, try not to get too lost in thought.

"U-Ushi-Wakatoshi-kun! Y-You surprised me!" You shakily breathed out. Your hand practically going white with the harsh grip you had on the basket's handles.


You chuckled lightly, "no, it's my fault for getting too lost in thought..." Fixing your grip on the basket handle, you smiled as you watched Ushijima grabbed a few towels and shirts that got flung out of the basket. "But are you sure it's okay for you to be here? You won't be doing self-practice?"

"The coaches advised against it since finals are coming up soon," he said as he walked alongside you towards the laundry room. "Shall I carry that for you?"

"I haven't been studying as much lately so I'm a bit worried..." you shrugged, "and no thanks, I'm used to carrying this much already."

"Aren't you tired?"

"That's supposed to be my line, you know?" you giggled. "Ah! By the way..."

Ushijima glanced over at you as he pushed the door to the laundry room open. "Do you know what the coaches have planned for the training camp? Apparently, it won't be in school..."

Ushijima thought for a while before shaking his head in the negative. "Nothing comes to mind but it'd be a nice experience to practice at a different location. It'd be better if it were somewhere cooler."

You hummed in agreement while loading the dirty laundry in the wash, a big smile plastered on your face as you did so. Could anyone blame you though? Ushijima was talking a lot more than usual. Usually conversations like this were a tad one-sided. That is, you talking and Ushijima responding with simple motions of his head or sometimes curt one-liners like: yes, no, and maybe; with the occasional: Is that so or I see. So yes, you were over-the-moon happy at this very moment.

"You're smiling..." Ushijima noted. "Are you that excited for the camp?"

Of course, Ushijima being a bit chattier than usual doesn't change the fact that he's still dense. (Like reader is one to talk)

You chuckled, "Well, yes but I'm also really happy that we're talking like this. You must think it's weird but I'm getting all giddy just from talking with you."

"But I also feel happy talking with you, does that also make me weird?"

Needless to say, your already exhausted legs finally gave in.


By the time you and Ushijima returned (which was a while since you refused to be carried by an exhausted Ushijima back to the gym), the equipment had already been set aside and everyone was starting to huddle up for the after practice announcements by the coach. You were thankful that neither of you were late and only Tendou seemed to notice your absence. If Tendou noticing was even something you should be thankful about.

"Everyone, gather!" Soekawa, the current vice-captain, said as he hollered over the teammates to gather in front of the two coaches.

"Everyone, good work today..." Coach Akira started, "It was difficult for everyone to practice in these conditions but you all worked hard and we were able to finish our last practice before your final exams starts. I'm sure you all know that, although our club gets priority and special privileges from time to time, anyone who gets a failing grade in the exams will not be excused from taking supplementary lessons!"

At this, quite a few of the players shuddered and groaned.

"You are all students before you are players, so be sure to take your studies seriously and not fail. Especially you! Tendou!"


"You barely passed your English and Mathematics midterms so don't get too relaxed now. The same goes for all of you, understood?"

"Yes!" Everyone said.

"Good!" Coach Akira nodded in approval. "Now as for the next order of business, the summer training camp. As per tradition, the training camp is normally held here at campus with some guest schools/ colleges being invited over to play but this time, we'll be doing something different. Coach Washijou..." Coach Akira turned to the head coach.

"The summer training camp will be conducted near Yunohama Beach at Yamagata Prefecture. We'll be sharing an inn with the swimming club so be sure to not cause any trouble for the other club or for the owners while we're there."

Everyone was speechless. Unable to discern whether they were hearing right or if even their hearing got impaired due to the heat. Thankfully, Tendou confirmed their suspicions with a loud cheer.


On that night, everyone swore that they were going to pass their finals exams no matter what it takes.







They did.


One of them just barely.


A/N: It was Tendou.


Note: The house/ mansion in the picture within the story is the Chitanda Residence from Hyouka. ^^

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