The Age of Daenerys Targaryen

By ImperatorTiberSeptim

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Peace has finally returned to Westeros, but the neighboring continent of Essos is far from calm. In many plac... More

Part 1: Resurrection
Part 2: A hot bath
Part 3: The wisdom of a dragon
Part 4: The slaves of R'hllor
Part 5: News from Westeros
Part 6: The prince is riding
Part 7: Grief
Part 8: Like a phoenix from the ashes
Part 9: Birth of an empire
Part 10: Imperial Majesty
Part 11: Shall we begin?
Part 12: Tyrion
Part 13: Sansa
Part 14: Jon
Part 15: Mhysa's return
Part 16: A short victorious war
Part 17: The Small Council
Part 18: Good and bad surprises
Part 19: R'hllor save the Empress
Part 20: The meeting at the lumber mill
Part 21: The League of Free Cities
Part 22: The greatest city that ever was and ever will be
Part 23: The fall of Braavos
Part 24: Before the storm
Part 25: Guilt and failure
Part 26: World War
Part 27: Allies
Part 28: Gendry Baratheon
Part 29: Lys
Part 30: Preparations
Part 31: Volon Therys
Part 32: Small mercies
Part 33: The Empress sends her regards
Part 34: Lunch at Winterfell
Part 35: Pentos
Part 36: Rebellion
Teil 37: Tyrosh
Part 38: Out of control
Part 39: The grace of the Empress
Part 40: Under control
Part 41: Daarion
Part 42: An exhausting council meeting
Part 44: The decision is near
Part 45: Fear of love
Part 46: These Imperials are crazy
Part 47: The Alliance war council
Part 48: Pasha
Part 49: Ar Noy
Part 50: Skirmish
Part 51: Hold the line
Part 52: The Iron Fist
Part 53: The Mother of All Battles
Teil 54: After the battle
Part 55: A guest in the Imperial Palace
Part 56: Breakfast with the Empress
Part 57: Eastwatch
Part 58: The exiled samurai
Part 59: Brothers
Part 60: The shadow of the dragon
Part 61: A gesture of goodwill
Part 62: The right side of the coin
Part 63: The end of the war
Part 64: Arrival in Braavos
Part 65: Premonitions
Part 66: The house with the red door
Part 67: To the sky
Part 68: Duel in the clouds
Part 69: The first enemy killed
Part 70: Three words
Part 71: Findings
Part 72: The Treaty of Braavos
Part 73: The proposal
Part 74: The flight home
Part 75: Back in the capital
Part 76: News from Essos
Part 77: Lyanna
Part 78: The arrival of the wedding guests
Part 79: The queen of love and beauty
Part 80: United
Part 81: Wedding favors and fireworks
Part 82: The Age of Daenerys Targaryen

Part 43: An unexpected encounter

586 13 4
By ImperatorTiberSeptim

During Daenerys's absence, Doniphos and the State Secretaries had taken care of the affairs of state alone, but now the Empress had a lot of work to do. Decisions that only she could make had to be made and Dany wanted to take her time. In the past, through naivety, impulsiveness, or simply ignorance, she had often made mistakes that had caused others to suffer. Having good intentions wasn't enough to be a good ruler.

Today, for the first time in weeks, Daenerys had an afternoon off. She sat alone on her garden terrace and enjoyed the view of the city and the sea. Rhaegar and Viserys were tutored by the teacher Dany had recruited, and Drogon and the two young dragons went on a foray into the sparsely populated area east of Volantis. Later Dany would practice a bit with Jaqen H'ghar, but now she just enjoyed doing nothing and letting the sun shine on her. The scent of lemon blossoms hung in the air, a smell that reminded Dany of her childhood in Braavos, of the big house with the red door where...

Daenerys couldn't tell what she had warned. A movement in the corner of the eye, so fleeting that it could have been imagination, a barely noticeable draft of air or just her instinct, which had been sharpened by the merciless training with Jaqen H'ghar.

In any case, she suddenly threw herself aside. She saw the striking blade of a dagger, just missing her throat. She quickly rolled away on the ground to gain distance from the attacker.

"You have been trained," stated a woman's cold voice. A voice that somehow sounded familiar to Dany...

The Empress jumped up and looked around for something to use as a weapon. She grabbed a small table and held it in front of her with both hands like a shield. Now she also saw who her attacker was. It was Arya Stark. She wore a tiger cloak uniform.

"You ?!", Daenerys said. "I thought you were dead?"

Arya smiled coldly. "That's what I thought of you too." She tossed her dagger into the air and caught it again casually. "When I heard of your resurrection, I knew that I had to make sure that you no longer burn down cities."

"Wait ...", Dany began, but Arya suddenly made a leap towards her. The Empress threw the table at her and called loudly for help. The Stark dodged the furniture effortlessly and in return flung her dagger at Daenerys. With an evasive role, she managed to just avoid the projectile. She took a handful of earth in her fist and tossed the dirt in the face of her opponent while Arya was drawing a narrow sword.

"Defending yourself won't do you any good", said the other woman, wiping her eyes clear with her hand. "Better get it over with."

The Empress called for help again. She knew that if no one intervened, she would only have a few moments to live. Since she was unarmed, her newly acquired fighting skills against someone like Arya Stark would not help her much.

Arya chased Daenerys across the terrace. When she had almost caught up with the Empress, she suddenly spun around. A figure dressed in a gray robe parried her sword blow with a wooden staff.

"What is a girl doing here?", asked Jaqen H'ghar.

"Go away", said Arya. The Stark girl seemed to know Jaqen, but if she was surprised to see him here, she didn't show it. "I have to kill this so-called Empress before she returns to Westeros and kills my family."

"A man can't let that happen", Jaqen replied calmly. He stood between Dany and Arya. His little green dragon Daarion was sitting in one of the lemon trees and hissing at Arya.

The princess now attacked the Faceless Man directly. Jaqen parried all blows with his staff. Suddenly, so fast that Dany barely noticed, Arya shook a second dagger from her sleeve.

Instead of attacking Jaqen, she aimed past him at Daenerys. The man was able to deflect the projectile with his staff so that it missed the Empress by several meters, but now he was for a moment without cover. Arya took the chance immediately and stabbed with her blade. Jaqen couldn't get out of the way in time and was hit in the left shoulder.

But then the guards were finally there. Four Imperial Guard fighters and a dozen tiger cloaks stormed onto the terrace.

"I want her alive!", Daenerys shouted.

The guards surrounded Arya and attacked her from all sides. Still, the woman managed to wound two of her opponents before being struck down with a club. The Stark princess was immediately tied up. The wounded guards were taken care of by their comrades, while a servant called a doctor.

Daenerys rushed to Jaqen's side. The assassin pressed a hand against his injured shoulder. The gray fabric of his robe turned red.

"I owe you my life", said the Empress. She looked worriedly at the growing blood stain. "Someone will take care of you in a moment."

"It's just a flesh wound", said the redhead.

"It doesn't look like that", Dany said seriously. Meanwhile the paramedics arrived, followed by Kinvara. The High Priestess understood the situation immediately. She gently forced Jaqen to sit on a bench.

"Let's have a look at it", said Kinvara. She slipped Jaqen's robes from his torso. Daenerys saw no reason to look away. Those who had lived with the Dothraki for a while were used to seeing half-naked men.

But what appeared under the blood-stained fabric made both women gasp. Jaqen H'ghar's chest was disfigured with terrible scars - scars from wounds that no human could have survived. The heart had apparently been pierced once with a lance or a spear, and the upper body showed traces of blunt violence everywhere.

The Faceless Man grinned at Daenerys and Kinvara as Daarion perched on his good shoulder. "Yes", he answered the unspoken question. "The man was dead once too."

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