POUND IT! (On hiatus until my...

By MidnightQuill0716

3.6K 212 212

When Marinette's parents get akumatized, she almost lets it slip that she's Ladybug to Chat Noir. Hawk Moth... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Twenty One

97 6 8
By MidnightQuill0716

Strap yourselves in and grab your popcorn because this is one long Marichat fluff chapter. 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 And I know that Marinette has a loft bed, but Marichat!!!!!! Also, I wrote this chapter late at night so bear with me...

"Claws in." Adrien said as he detransformed. He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands, "I've really messed up this time, Plagg."

"Yes you have, Kid." Plagg said as he dug into a wheel of cheese.

"Thanks a lot, Plagg." He sarcastically said, "Now she's gonna hate me for the rest of my life!"

Plagg rolled his eyes, "Humans. So dramatic. I suggest going to her house as Chat Noir. Make her see reason."

Adrien stared at Plagg, "You know, that actually isn't a bad idea, if you're up for it." He asked his Kwami.

"Anything to get you kids together." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." Plagg said, bored , "Let's just go save your lady- I mean Princess." He covered up, "Do you have to have so many nicknames for your crushes?"

"Uh huh." Adrien said, not entirely listening. "Plagg, Claws Out!" He said as he transformed into Chat Noir. He leaped over to Marinette's balcony.


"Hide Tikki!" Marinette hissed as she walked up to her balcony where Chat Noir was. She sat down on her chaise, "'Sup Chat Noir?" She said, her voice emotionless.

Chat frowned and stared into her bluebell eyes, they were red and puffy. Was she crying? "Are you okay Mari?" He sat next to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

Marinette stared at Chat, "Mari? Now you sound just like him!"

Him? Did she really hate him so much that she wouldn't even say his name? He winced, but he had to keep his identity a secret, "Who?" He asked quietly.

"Adrien Agreste. I was supposed to have my first date tonight, and it was with him! But I should've known that he liked Kagami more than me."

"So what's so amazing about Model Boy anyways?" Chat asked cautiously.

"He is not just a model to me! He is kind, brave, smart, and strong!" She looked over at her black umbrella, "I first fell in love with him when he gave me his umbrella. He wanted to become friends with me, even though I accused him of putting gum on my seat. But what I love most about him is how he stands up for others." Chat noticeably blushed. "When Lila was spreading rumors and lies about me, he saw through the lies and stood up for me. When I was in danger, he made sure I didn't get hurt. And recently, when Chloé tried to tease me, he actually stumped her! He chose a girl he had only known for a year, over a girl whom he had known his whole life! Of course, now I know that he only sees me as a-"

"Don't!" Chat interrupted, "You were going to say a friend, weren't you? Well, you're wrong! I'm sure he loves you as much as you do him!"

Marinette backed away from his sudden outburst. "Yeah, I'm sure." She said in the same, unconvinced tone.

"Do you hate him?" Chat asked in a small voice.

"Hate? Adrien? No, I just- I need some time to get over him."

"Then what should we do in the meantime?"

"I've been thinking about redecorating my room. Will you help me?"

"Sure." Chat said as they entered Marinette's room. He looked around. Instead of the countless photos of him and Marinette, there were photos of just her friends and family. His eyes wandered until they landed on the lucky charm photo. He instinctively reached over to his wrist to fiddle with his lucky charm, but it wasn't there. 'Where did it go!?!' He started to panic, 'Did I leave it at the park? Or at home? Or maybe-' He remembered that he was Chat right now, not Adrien. He took a deep breath.

"Are you okay Chat Noir? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Yeah, I'm fine." Chat said, rubbing his empty wrist.

"Good. Now help me put these photos up." She handed him a stack of photos.

Chat growled at the top photo. It was a picture of Marinette sitting in Luka's lap, playing the guitar with Luka's hands over hers, guiding them across the guitar. "Um Princess, who is he?" He stared at the photo in disgust.

"Oh, that's Luka." She said, sort of dreamily.

"And what's your relationship with Luka?" He asked, mocking her dreamy tone.

"Relationship? No, he's just a friend." Marinette blushed slightly.

Chat smiled in relief, he'd never been more happy to hear those four words come out of her mouth. He decided to have a little fun with this, he walked closer to her, "And what do you think of me now?" He whispered in a deep voice.

Marinette turned a deep crimson, "Y-you're j-just a-" Then she smirked, "Hey, don't you mean me-ow?"

"P-Princess, was that a cat pun?" He asked in mock disbelief.

She shrugged, "I learned from the best."

'I think I'm falling in love with you again.' He thought.

"F-falling in l-love with m-me?" She blushed the color of her superhero suit.

Shoot! Had he said that out loud? "S-sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Marinette," He blushed, "I was just singing the lyrics to a song my friend wrote." He rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

"Oh, so you're n-not in l-love with me?" She asked. Was that disappointment on her face?

"Yeah..." He looked at her clock, "Shoot! Nathalie's gonna kill me!"


"Oh um, she's my dad's girlfriend. You know, the one I told you about?" He started to leave, "Good night Princess-" He tried to leap, but his tail was being pulled back.

"Wait. Stay the night." She let go of his tail, "After all that has happened today, with Adrien and getting akumatized, I really need a-" She corrected herself, "I need you."

Chat looked at Marinette, he awkwardly smiled, "See, it's a bit of an embarrassing thing, but I've never actually never had a sleepover. I don't even have a sleeping bag!"

"That's okay, you can sleep with me!" Then, realizing what she had just said, she blushed furiously, "O-only if y-you're comfortable with th-that." She stammered.

Chat blushed red, Marinette wanted him to sleep with her? But he would do anything to make his Princess happy again, he'd just have to suffer the embarrassment. "Yeah, okay!" He said, rubbing his neck.

"Great! I'll go get my pajamas and I'll make a pair for you too!" She rushed off to her desk to avoid any more embarrassment.

Chat's stomach grumbled. Right! With all that had happened, he had not eaten dinner, "Hey Princess, I'm feeling hungry."

Marinette blushed, then she realized that he was actually hungry, she stared at her untouched cup of noodles, "Here, eat this." She shoved the cup at Chat Noir, "I'm gonna go see if we have a quiche or something."

"Can I come too?" Chat asked, imagining the yummy foods he could eat.

"Now now, kitty," She flicked his bell, "How would I explain to my parents what the famous Chat Noir was doing in my room at this hour?"

"Fine." Chat pouted, "But bring us some dessert."

Marinette giggled at Chat Noir's cuteness, "Don't get into trouble, okay?"

"I can't promise that." He smiled as she rubbed his head and went down to get food. Once she was gone, Chat got to work.

He laid out a blanket on her balcony and lit a candle in the middle. Marinette came up with a platter full of food, she saw the picnic he had set up, "Oh Chat..." She set the food on the floor.

"You like? I know you didn't get to go on your date with Adrien, but now you get to go on a picnic with me!" He said excitedly.

"It's ... ON FIRE!" She was right! The candle had caused the blanket underneath to catch on fire. She quickly took the water she had gotten for them and poured it on the fire, dousing the flames and Chat Noir.

Chat yelped like a cat. Marinette giggled, "Silly cat." She heard footsteps coming towards her room, "Hide!" She said as Chat Noir dove under the covers of her bed.

"Marinette?" Her mom said as she opened the trapdoor to Marinette's room, "Was that a cat?"

"Actually, it was. There's this black cat that keeps coming to my balcony at night. I spilled some water on him and he yelled." She said truthfully.

"Okay?" Marinette's mom said, "I trust you. Good night sweetheart."

"'Night, Mama." Her mom went back down the trapdoor, "You can come out now, Chat."

Chat giggled, "Nuh-uh. You have to come find me!" He said like a little kid.

Marinette smirked, she knew exactly how to get him out of hiding, "Are you sure you don't want to come? I have croissants!" She said, tantalizingly. Chat sniffed the air and followed the scent of freshly baked croissants. "Found you!" She tapped him on the nose.

"You may have found me, but I've found the love of my life!" Marinette blushed, then she realized he was talking about the food. What a glutton. He snarfed down his whole dinner. "Wow! I love everything your family makes Marinette!"

"Do you like the quiche? It's my recipe."

"You know what? Since it's your recipe, it tastes a thousand times better!" He licked his fingers clean. He hadn't even bothered to use a fork and knife, he just dug in like an animal.

Marinette giggled at how funny he looked with quiche all over his face, "Here, let me clean that off for you," She wiped his cheeks free of the food with her finger. She was going to wipe it off on a napkin, but Chat just took her finger and licked it clean of the food, "Ew! Chat!" She wiped her finger on a napkin, "What was that for!?"

Chat shrugged, "It's too precious to go to waste! Speaking of which..." Marinette had some food on the side of her mouth. Chat gently took his finger and wiped it away. He grinned mischievously.

"No Chat. Don't!-" Too late. He already licked his finger clean. "Ugh. Why do I even bother with you Chaton?"

Chat stopped licking his fingers to look at Marinette, "Did you just call me Chaton?"

"Yeah, so?" 'Shoot Marinette! He can't know you're Ladybug!'

"Only Ladybug calls me that."

"Oh. I just thought it was cute, like Chat, Chaton. If you don't like it, I'll stop."

"No, it's fine, I'm just not used to it." Chat admitted. He licked the rest of his hands.

Marinette laughed, "Are you sure you're not part cat?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure I-" BEEP BEEP!! "Oh c'mon Plagg!" He looked at Marinette, "Can you add a mask to the pajamas?"

"Already one step ahead of you." Marinette answered, cleaning up the picnic and heading to her desk. She held up the pants and mask. "I didn't have enough fabric to complete the shirt so do you, um... mind being shirtless?" She blushed.

Chat blushed furiously too, "O-of course not. Anything for you, Princess." He grabbed a slice of quiche and ran into the bathroom with the pajamas. He detransformed, "Seriously Plagg, you couldn't have waited any longer?"

"Sorry, no can do, kid. When a kwami's gotta eat, a kwami's gotta eat. So, did she have any Camembert?" Plagg said.

"No. But try this." He held up the quiche to Plagg.

Plagg stared at it, "Ew! It's green and gooey! I don't want to eat that!"

Adrien laughed, "Isn't your cheese usually green and gooey? Anyway, eat up. This is your last meal before the morning."

Plagg grumbled and took a bite, his eyes widened, "This is sooo good! Now you have to marry her!"

Adrien laughed as he finished changing, he put on the mask Marinette made him, "I hate that I can't be Adrien right now. How can I apologize to her as Chat Noir?" He sighed, "This is going to be one long night."

He started to open the door, but Marinette yelled, "I'm not done changing!"

Tikki looked at Marinette, "Are you sure this won't confuse him?"

"I'm positive." Marinette said as she put on the red spotted mask, "You can come out now!"

Adrien walked out in his Chat Noir pajamas to see Marinette in Ladybug pajamas. "Marinette, is that you?"

Marinette blushed at the shirtless Chat Noir, "Y-yep! Now you won't feel crazy going to bed with a mask on!"

Adrien smiled, she always put others' feelings before her own. But he wanted Marinette right now, not Ladybug, "I apurr-eciate it, I really do! But I want to feel like I'm sleeping next to my Princess, not My Lady." He slowly removed her mask to reveal her beautiful face, "I would do the same except I'm really Chat Noir. If I reveal myself, you could be in danger with Hawk Moth!"

"I guess you're right." She blushed, she could've revealed herself! "Well, I'm gonna go change into normal pajamas now. You brush your teeth. I left a black and green toothbrush in there for you."

"You mean clean my fangs." He said, baring his teeth.

Marinette giggled, "You're not a vampire."

"No, but I am a cat." He exited to the bathroom.

Tikki flew over to Marinette and put her hands on her hips, "Someone's got a huge crush on Chat Noir!" She teased.

"Tikki, he's in love with Ladybug, remember?"

"But he also told Ladybug he likes Marinette, remember?" Tikki countered, "He likes both sides of you!"

"Princess!" Chat yelled from the bathroom, "Are you done yet?"

"Just give me a sec!" She finished changing and she fed Tikki some of the remaining food, "Go have fun with Plagg now!"

"I will!" Tikki said as she flew out on the balcony, waiting for her boyfriend.

Marinette stared at her at her bed, then at her burnt blanket, "Oh come on! How are we supposed to keep warm now?"

She felt a tickling sensation that went from her waist, crawling up to her neck, "I'll keep you warm in the night, Princess." He whispered, mouth slightly touching her ear.

She blushed a deep red, "C-c'mon Ch-Chat! It's time for bed!" Chat lifted her up, "Put me down Chat!" She giggled.

"At your command Princess." He threw her on the bed.

"Chat? Chat!" She landed on the bed, "Chat!" She scolded, "Naughty kitty! Do you know what naughty kitties get?"

"Kisses?" Chat hopefully asked.

"Nope! They sleep on the floor!" She pointed to the ground next to the bed.

Chat pouted, "Please, Princess?"

"Aww. How can I say no to that face." She looked him in the eyes, "No."

Chat mischievously grinned, "Fine." He grabbed the pillows from her bed and threw them on the floor, "How do you like that?"

It was Marinette's turn to smirk. She got up off the bed and stalked closer to Chat Noir, "Fine. Naughty kitties do get kisses." She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"M-Marinette! Umph!" Once her arms were around his neck, she flipped him so that he was lying on the bed, her on top. "W-what are you d-doing Purrrincess?" He was blushing red and purring now.

"What I've wanted to do for a while." She answered, whispering in his ear, "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this a lot." Chat started whimpering, "Or maybe I shouldn't do it at all."

"Do it!" Chat begged her. He just wanted to kiss her, but poor Chat...

"Your wish is my command." She said in a low voice. Marinette leaned closer so that her whole body was on top of his. She cupped his face with one hand and pulled his face onto hers. But before their lips could even touch, Marinette stopped, "Nah. This doesn't feel right." She took her free hand and grabbed the pillow next to her, she shoved it in his face, "How do you like that?" She laughed uncontrollably.

Chat glared at Marinette, "That was cruel, Princess." Then he smirked, "Now come and give me the well-earned kisses I deserve."

He tried to grab her face, but Marinette just threw another pillow at him, "They have to be well-earned, Mon Chaton. If you can catch me, you get one. Fighting akumatized villains should be a piece of cake after you get me!"

Chat laughed, "Don't you mean the other way around, Mari?"

Marinette didn't even flinch at the nickname, it suited her. "Nope!" She said, popping the 'p', "I'm a master at these sort of games!" She sent a hurricane of pillows at him.

"Two can play at this game, Princess." He started launching pillows at her.

"Thanks! Now I have more pillows!" She smirked and threw more pillows.

It turned into a full blown pillow fight until Chat called a timeout, "T!" He sat on her bed, exhausted.

Marinette sat behind him, "You make things too easy Chaton..." She started stroking his bare chest.

"N-not fair Purrrr-incess! Y-you ch-cheated!" He said, trying very hard not to purr.

"So? What are you going to do about it now? I told you I'm the best!" She smugly said. She'd stopped stroking his chest now.

Chat took advantage of her talking and turned around, grabbing her face and pulling it towards him. Without a moment's hesitation, she kissed him back. She reached a hand up and ran a hand through his silky smooth hair. She placed a hand on his chest, pushing her body against him.

Chat Noir wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Unfortunately, Marinette was very ticklish on her waist, so instead of leaning closer, she retracted back. But Adrien wasn't letting go of her. The two teens tumbled off the bed and onto the floor. Luckily, none of them got hurt, at least not badly.

"Chat! You're hurt!" Marinette said, breaking away from the kiss, "Come over here." She led him to her desk where she had a small first aid kit. "Now this is gonna hurt a little, so be warned." The cut was on his side, close to his waist, so Marinette had to bend down to reach, making Chat very uncomfortable.

"Wh-where is it?" He asked, she was practically breathing on his waist now.

"Right here," She touched the skin around the cut, making Adrien tense, "I'm going to have to clean it." She opened up an alcohol wipe and rubbed it on the wound, causing Chat to take a sharp breath, "There, done." She stuck a bandage on it. Then she kissed it, "Some extra good luck for the black cat."

Adrien's face turned red, "Thanks Ma-Marinette." He stammered. Had they really kissed? Or was he dreaming?

"No problem." Then she looked at the time, "Chat! It's midnight! We should go to sleep now!"

Chat pouted, "But Princess, I thought the whole point of a sleepover was to stay up as long as you possibly can?"

Marinette laughed, "Have you been doing research?"

Chat shrugged, "I don't get out much." They sat down on the bed.

"Well, you're right. No one actually tries to sleep on a sleepover, we mainly keep ourselves busy until we're so tired we can't move a muscle." She frowned, "But you're no ordinary boy. You're Chat Noir, superhero and protector of Paris. You can't afford to sleep late."

"Please?" He gave her baby-doll eyes.

"Fine." She said in defeat. "So, any ideas?"

He looked at her long, wavy hair, "Well, I happen to be quite the hairstylist." He patted his lap, inviting her to sit, "Come, I'll do your hair."

She sat cross-legged in his lap, blushing slightly, "Okay, show me what you got." She challenged him. He started to part her hair into two parts and braided it, When he was finished, he leaned back to examine his work, "What? What did you do to me!" She got up and looked up in the mirror, "Chat, this is beautiful! I guess you really are a hair genius." He had braided her hair and intertwined it like vines to make a bun. But Chat didn't move, "Chat?"

Chat was frozen in place, then he spoke, "Princess, you look so... beautiful." Then he smirked, "Off T." He said, lunging for her. He caught her in a dive roll, making sure that they didn't get hurt like last time. He landed on top of her, elbows propping him up, "You know, I've landed in this position with Ladybug many times, but she's never let me do this..." He leaned closer, "-Mph!"

Marinette stuffed a pillow in Chat's face, " Didn't I only say one kiss?" She wagged a finger at him, "Anyway, we need to get to bed now, any later and you'll collapse!" She said, snuggling into bed.

"Ugh. Now you sound just as serious as Ladybug. Actually, I'm beginning to see how much alike the two of you are-" Chat said, jumping in beside her.

"No we're not! Now good night!" She turned off the lights and turned on her side, facing away from Chat Noir.

"If you're so different from Ladybug, you won't mind me doing this, now would you?" He wrapped his arms around her and placed his head in the crook of her neck, "Good night, Princess." He kissed her neck before closing his eyes.

Marinette finally turned to face him, "Thank you Chaton. This was exactly what I needed tonight." She said as she fell asleep in his embrace.











I-I have nothing to say. 🤧😌😭 (If you are there, I thank you so much for reading my first fanfic! 🙏) And I know that the picture isn't perfect, but 🤷 *Shrugs*

Oh, and by the way, I sometimes referred to Chat Noir as Adrien because he's not in his costume, but he's wearing a mask so she only thinks he's Chat.

- Midnight 🐱❤️👧🏻(For those of you who don't understand my crazy emoji language, it says Chat loves Marinette.)

P.S. "T" means "time out" sorry if that caused any confusion.

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