Revenge Isn't Always Sweet!

By damonsfuturewife

28.5K 465 268

She came to Mystic Falls with one goal - Revenge. I can't say much more as it would give the story away. Hope... More

Welcome To Mystic Falls
Good Times = Bad Times (part one)
Good Time = Bad Times (Part 2)
Uncle Nik!


1.3K 34 31
By damonsfuturewife

Hey guys! How are you all doing? I know it's been a long time since I last updated, I just don't really have much time to myself anymore.

Anyways, I hope you like this update?! It's not as long as the others, but it felt like the best place to end it. We all know you love a cliffhanger... 😬🙈

Much love to you all! ❤️

Kayla's POV

Uncle Nic has been gone for 4 days, Elijah for 3. Damon and Stefan have been worse than ever, not letting me out of their sights for even a minute, except for when I'm asleep. I have been on my best behaviour, not wanting to add any more stress to the situation - it is bad enough without them having to 'take care' of me, if you get my meaning.

Damon has cooked us all some very nice tagliatelle for dinner. As we sit around the table to eat it, I stare between Damon and Stefan, lost in my own thoughts.

*Kayla's Thoughts*

Damon -  Even though I absolutely despised him when I first came, I love him. He is my dad and I do genuinely love him. The thought of anything happening to him hurts me deep inside. I know my butt has suffered a lot in the time I have known him, and I'm not denying the fact that I probably earned each and every swat, but the feeling I get when I am with him makes me content. I know he would do anything for me. He will even die for me and I'm not about to let that happen!

Stefan - He has a big heart and kind soul. He had genuine affection for me from the very first day. I know I have taken advantage of him at times, but it's not because I don't love him. He is my uncle. Of course I love him. He would die for me and again, I'm not about to let that happen!

My mind wanders off to my other two new found relatives.

Uncle Nic - He has always been in my life since I can remember. He has always looked after me, even when he wasn't there. I didn't know at the time that he was my real uncle, yet I loved him just the same. I know that he can not be killed, so I'm not worried about him as much as I am Damon and Stefan, but he can still be hurt. I don't want him hurt because of me.

And lastly there is Elijah.

Elijah - I haven't known him long, and although I am not as close to him as I am the others, I don't want him to be hurt because of me either. He is a good man, with very good morals. Given time, I'm sure that I would become as close to him as I am the others, but it doesn't look like that will happen. I wish it could, but given the circumstances, it's not possible.

I haven't ate much of my dinner as the feeling in my tummy is preventing me from doing so. I literally feel sick to my stomach. Knowing this will be the last time I see these two makes me want to cry.

I have thought long and hard about what I am about to do, and I see no other option. When I go to bed tonight, I am going to call Mary and hand myself over to her. I know that she is going to kill me, but dying in the place of the people that I love seems like a good way to go. All of them can go back to living their lives the way they did before I showed up, bringing my troubles with me.

"Don't you like your food?" Damon asks me, nodding towards my almost full plate.
"Hum?" I acknowledge that he has spoken, but if it wasn't for him motioning his head to my plate, I wouldn't have a clue what he said. "Oh right. Yeah... I'm not really hungry," I answer him.
"You? Not hungry? Has hell frozen over?" He jokes, as I am always hungry.
"Sorry Damon. I'm just tired is all."

I move away from the table, taking my plate with me before scraping the remaining contents in to the bin and washing my plate, leaving it to dry on the side.
"Is it ok if I get an early night tonight?" I ask them both, hoping neither of them object. I have something to do before I leave.

Damon's POV

"Of course sweetheart. Are you sure everything is ok?" I ask her, not liking the way she is acting right now but not knowing what I can do about it.
"Yeah, I'm ok. I just need some sleep." She answers me, grimly.
"Ok then. Goodnight and sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning," I tell her.

I watch Kayla closely and she completely takes me off guard when she comes over to me, wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight. She only ever hugs me after a 'you know what'.
"Goodnight Dad, I love you!" She says before walking over to Stefan.
"Goodnight uncle Stefan, I love you too!" I hear her tell him whilst hugging him.
"Love you too, Kayla," Stefan replies looking to me for answers.

I am completely gobsmacked! Did Kayla really just call me Dad? And I wasn't be accident either. I come back to my senses just before Kayla leave's the room.
"Kayla," I call to get her attention. "I love you too, baby girl! Never forget that!" She grants me a small smile and a nod of her head before turning away and leaving the kitchen.

Stefan and I exchange glances, it seems that both of us are too shocked to speak. I listen intently for the sound of Kayla's door closing behind her. When I do, my attention is solely on my brother.
"Stefan?" I say his name and nothing more. He shrugs his shoulders in response, no more wiser than I am.

"I'm worried Stefan." I eventually tell him. "Something isn't right."
"I know, Damon."

Kayla's POV

I know it is totally out of character for me to act the way I did just then, but I needed them to know that I do love them. I don't want to die without them knowing how I feel about them.

Taking a seat at my desk, I pull out some paper and a pen. I'm going to write a quick letter to them so they know how I truly feel. I can't say it to their face as they would know what I am planning and stop me.

The letter


Dear Dad, Uncle Stefan, Uncle Nic and Grandpa Elijah.

I am so sorry to have to leave you all this letter, but it is the only way. I can't have any of you getting hurt, or even worse, killed because of me.

I am handing myself over to Mary to protect you all. I know what will happen to me when she has me, but I'm ok with that.

I have thought this through and it's what I want to do, so please don't any of you blame yourselves for my decision. There is nothing any of you could have done to stop me, my mind is made up.

Please know that I love you all. I am so glad that I got to meet you and I'm also glad for the little time we have had together! I am proud to be a part of you all.

Please take care of each other for me? And please stop the hate you have for one another. You are all family through me, so even though I won't be around anymore, you are still sort of family.

I hope things can go back to the way they was before I turned up on your doorsteps. Please don't forget me?

I love you all!

Always and forever,

Kayla x x


I could barely see what I was writing towards the end due to the tears forming in my eyes. I hope they do as I ask. I don't want them fighting or blaming each other.

Folding the paper in half, I place it under the candle on my desk. I quickly write 'please read" on the top so it doesn't get missed when they come in my room.

Taking one last look around the room that has been my bedroom since being here, I sigh. I can't believe this is the last time I will sleep in this bed. I make my way over to my window, empty handed as I know I won't need anything where I am going. I take one last look around before leaping out in to the cold air.

I walk away backwards, looking at the boarding house through glassy eyes. "I'm going to miss you!" I say to my Dad and Uncle, even though I know they can't hear me. Wiping away the stray tears, I run away as fast as my vamp speed will take me.

I have been running for quite a while now. I don't know where I am, or how far I have gotten. I pull out my phone to search the map app. That will tell me. I am almost 50 miles north of home. Home... I feel my chest tighten as I think about the fact I will never be back at my home again.

I push away my current thoughts. I'm doing this for a reason. To save my family. I can't let feelings get in the way. I open my contacts and press on Mary's name.

The phone rings three times before I hear her gruff voice answer.
"Michaela... is that you?" She asks.
"Umm y-yes. It's me." My voice breaks.
"Where are you?" She demands to know. I stay silent for a moment before answering.
"I-I'm in Sperryville, Virginia" I tell her.
"Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you!" She ends the call.

I can't sit here and say that I am not scared. I'm fucking petrified! I don't want to die, but it would be worse for me if someone I loved died in my place. I could never live with that guilt!

Damon's POV

Still feeling uneasy about the way Kayla was acting earlier on, I head upstairs to check on her. I debate from outside her door as to whether or not to knock as I don't want to wake her up if she is sleeping. Deciding not to knock, I quietly enter her room.

Seeing an empty bed, I quickly run to her bathroom. There is no sign of her. Panic is rising in me.
"STEFAN!" I shout for my brother whilst frantically searching the rest of the house.
""What's wrong?" Stefan asks catching up to me.
"She's gone!" Are the only words that I can say.

Rushing back to her room for any clues to her whereabouts, I see a piece of paper on her desk. I almost rip it as I open it with too much force. As I read the letter, left for us all by Kayla, I feel myself go weak. For the first time in my vampire existence, I feel weak.

I steady myself on her desk as Stefan comes running in to the room.
"Damon..." his voice doesn't register. "DAMON!" He shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I hand him the letter, watching the grave look spread across his face. I am pretty sure my own face mirrors his.
"We need to find her. NOW!" I tell him, pushing passed him.

I vamp down the stairs, Stefan close behind and grab my cell and keys. I call Klaus whilst getting in to my car.
"Salvatore?" Klaus says as he answers the phone.
"Where are you?" I demand in a hurried tone.
"Not far. Why? Are you missing me Damon?" He replies.
"Cut the crap, Klaus! Kayla has gone!"
"WHAT? What do you mean gone? Where the hell is she?" He now demands to know.

I pass the phone to Stefan so he can explain. I hear him telling Klaus about the letter, before reading it to him. My eyes begin to water the moment Stefan starts as I her hear words calling me Dad again. I have to find her. I can't live without her! If anything happens to her... I shake my head, not even bearing to consider it.

Kayla's POV

I've been waiting for almost three hours. My nerves are all over the place. I feel my phone ringing for the millionth time. Pulling it from my pocket, I see it is Mary calling. I swipe across the screen to answer it.
"We are in Sperryville. Where exactly are you?" She sounds desperate.
"I'm north west off Main Street"
"We'll be there veeery soon," she lets me know, sounding very creepy. Well, creepier than she has sounded before.

Around 10 minutes later, I see a four headlights coming my way. My palms are beginning to sweat. In the time I have been alone, I have decided that I am just going to go to her and hope she makes it quick. I won't beg and plead. I won't give her any extra satisfaction in my death.

Eight people get out of the two cars. Three males and five females. I don't know which one Mary is until I see her face. She looks like a much older, evil version of my Mum. Her hair is completely grey, unlike my Mum's.

I am frozen to the spot, standing there watching her come closer to me. The rest of her coven surrounding me from all sides.
"Come with me," she says, walking passed me and heading in to what I can only describe as a small forest.

It takes a few seconds, but my feet finally remember how to move as a follow her wordlessly. All my memories begin to run through my mind. I have read before that your life flashes before you when you're about to die, so this must be what's happening?

We stop when we are deep enough so that no one who happens to be walking by could see us.
"Incendia," Mary says, raising her arms. In a perfect circle, a fire lights, surrounding us all like a wall.
"Grab her and tie her to the tree," Mary instructs. I don't know which ones of the people she is talking to, but two of the men carefully walk towards me.

I hold my hands out towards them, putting up zero resistance. I want this over and done with as quickly as possible. There is no point in struggling, dragging it out.

The men tie a rope around my stomach and chest area, wrapping it around the big tree they put me against. I know I am about to die, so I ask Mary one question.
"Why?" I look in to her eyes, waiting for her answer. "I know I am about to die, I just need to know why?"

She stares at me, seemingly looking for an answer, or maybe the right words to use.
"You are an abomination to our kind." She states simply before carrying on. "You should never have existed in the first place. You mother should've gotten rid of you before you were even born."

All of the witches stand in a circle again, leaving a few feet between them. Their arms stretched out to their sides. They start chanting.
"You're the only abomination around here!" I tell her, meaning every word!

I start to feel the life quite literally being pulled out of me. I don't fight it. If anything, I give in to it. I relax my body and let the darkness creep up me. Just as I am about to close my eyes, I hear a cracking sound to the right of me. It sounds like twigs snapping. The witches hear it too as their attention turns to the noise, trying to see what it is.

Through the flames, I see faces appear. Faces I can't really make out.
"KAYLA?" I hear a voice shout. The witches seem worried now.
"DAD?" I shout back, recognising his voice. I begin to panic now. I don't want them here. They will get hurt because of me. I begin to pull on the ropes that's keeping me tied to this tree.
"DAD! PLEASE RUN!" I yell, knowing he can hear me over the raised chanting.

I begin to hear another voice chanting. A single voice. It's saying something different to the rest of them. I strain my hearing and recognise her voice. It's Bonnie Bennett. What the hell is she doing here?

A gap appears in the flames, big enough for me to make out Damon, Stefan, Uncle Nic and Bonnie. I watch as Damon runs through, heading straight for me. As he gets to a few feet in front of me, he falls to the floor, grabbing his head and screaming in pain. Stefan soon follows.

"NOOOOOO!" I scream, not bearing to see what is happening right in front of my eyes. This is the last thing I ever wanted to happen! That's why I came here! Uncle Nic looks like he is weighing up his options before Mary hold her hand out, pointing to him. With a couple of words, Nic is flying through the air, stopping near the top of a tree. He looks like he is trapped. He roars in anger. I watch as he struggles to break free from whatever is holding him in place but it's no use. Their magic is too strong.

I look towards Bonnie, pleading with my eyes.
"HELP THEM. PLEASE?"  I yell, tears are spewing from my eyes as I beg her.
"THEY'RE ALL LINKED," she yells back. "THEY'RE TOO STRONG!" She shakes her head and her face scrunches up. It looks like she is trying to hold back her own tears. Trying and failing.

As I look around at the people I love, all getting hurt because of me, something stirs within me. I begin to breathe wildly. My chest heaving. I don't know what is happening to me, all I know is I can't control it.

"AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" the scream escapes my mouth from deep inside me. I raise my arms, focusing on Mary. My body begins to tingle.
"STOOOOOP!" I yell as loud as I can, throwing my hands out in front of myself.

To my shock, Mary falls to the floor. I watch as uncle Nic falls from the sky, quickly followed by the first of Mary's coven. One by one they begin to fall, starting with the one closest to Mary.

I stare at each one as they fall, not understanding what the hell is going on. I look to Bonnie to see if she is the one doing this, but she just shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders slightly. Then they're all down. Every last one of them.

As the last one fell, Damon and Stefan jumped up off the ground. I feel a huge sense of relief, knowing that they're all ok, before everything goes black.

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