
By 83836218d

51.3K 1.2K 472

Peter Parker- a normal teen in Queens, New York, goes to school most days and a high achiever, best friends w... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII

Chapter XVIII

1.4K 33 24
By 83836218d

Yay, it's finally here! I literally wrote this chapter at 3 am and in Chem class but I hope it's still decent. Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments... It means so much! <3

Avengers' Tower:

It was only till they finally managed to calm Tony down was when an uncomfortable silence settles around the room. The team were spread out in the room, they each perched on chairs or stood resting against the wall. Some sat together trying to give reassurance to each other. While others stayed separate trying to ignore the others in the room, their brain being their unsettling reassurance.

They all shared looks of discomfort and distress as they thought back to the events that they had just witnessed. Some felt the need to bring revenge while others feared what was ahead for the team and Peter. However, no matter the person, anger circulated through their veins, and not even a ghost of a smile could be seen on their faces. They hadn't realized how much they had lost until they saw that dreaded video and saw how much their friend, their son, and their companion were in such pain.

Why do such terrible things happen to the most special and pure people?

Memories of Peter flash through each of their minds, like an endless photo reel, each of them showing memorable moments hat featured the loved Peter. They missed the boy.

It was until they sudden knock of the door echoing from the side of the room brought them all out of their disturbing and painful thoughts dancing around inside their head. I spite of their concentration, their heads turned to the door and an as a tattarrattat echoed yet again. The knocking became more and more desperate every second the avengers ignored the irritating sound. It was soon just a string of pounding beats drumming from the side of the wall.

Suddenly, Nat stood up from the modern couch that she was perched on and had a determined look across her face. The look was very different from the one she heald just a few seconds ago. The anger in her eyes was still present yet her miserable smile had gone and instead was replaced with an obviously false smile. The corners were way to turned up to be real and her cheekbones looked like they were about to pop out of her skin. Her eyes gave her away. The Avengers's heads looked up in confusion from seeing one of their dear friends and teammate seem so happy after what they just watched and gawped at.

She walked over across the door where she flung it open with a swift movement. The door gave her anger away as it swung open banging against the pristine wall. The sounds made everyone in the room wince ad cringe. The door slowly backed away from the wall leaving an ugly brown mark grazed across the white glaze.

Normally, Tony would throw a shouting rage at whoever had messed up his prized apartment and make sure that everyone was reminded of the incident every day for the next two weeks. This time he didn't even cast his eyes away to the door or make any inhuman sound to show his annoyance. Instead, his eyes trailed over a patch of carpet seeming interested with its very unoriginal pattern. The only sign that he heard the noise was a small jump in his shoulders and squint in his eyes as the loud bang uncomfortably rattled through the room.

Behind the door revealed two teenagers.

One was wearing a bright t-shirt that featured a rather ginormous image of a drone placed in the middle of his chest. The odd t-shirt was half-covered up by an old, and very worn, red and white hatched over-shirt. The bottom half of his body was covered up by dusty and loose jeans that had multiple creases indented into it. Grubby converse shoes finished off the rather messy outfit along with a backpack slung around his shoulder. The plain black backpack was jazzed up with numerous iron-on felt patches. Most were to do with the Avengers and multiple featured the familiar red and blue-suited superhero, Spider Man. His floppy, dark hair matted his head sticking on to his sweaty forehead. The teenager had a smile plastered onto his face not fitting the atmosphere of the room.

On the other hand, the female teenager was quite the opposite. She was wearing black and dark grey clothing. They were rather baggy on her and contrasted well to her deep hazel eyes. Over her dark clothes, she decorated the outfit with a dark blue winter coat that wrapped around her body like a blanket. She looked rather comfortable and satisfied in her matching yet rather unique clothing choice. Unlike the boy, her backpack stayed plain with a dark black colour as the chose material and a silver zip. Her curly hair fell over her right eye looking rather majestic and poignant, the rest of it was pulled back in a messy ponytail. Loose hairs wisped out from under the hairbands grip and stuck out in a crazed manner. It looked like the teenager had just been running around for two hours along with the other one. She seemed to be the only one out fo the two who had read the atmosphere of the room - noticing the numerous frown and deep thinking faces. Her face, looking very odd against the teenage boy's exaggerated smile, presented a frown that looked like it hadn't moved hours.

The shorter boy didn't wait for the Avengers to ask him why he was here in their private (very private) abode. As opposed to that, he started rambling a bundle of desperate questions.

"Mr Stark... wait can I call you that? You see Peter called you that but I don't know if that permits me to. If not then that's okay, and I can call you IronMan or even Genius, Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist", he chuckled at his comment and his grin grew even bigger if that was possible.

In response to the beginning of this ramble, the girl nudged him, rather hard, on the side of his stomach. The boy doubled over in pain and his eyes squinted together as his body slowly recovered from the sharp jolt in his stomach.

It toom some exasperating time for him to recover while the Avengers, who were irritated that they had been brought of their 'private' session, and MJ just looked at him in angst. The teenager started his ramble again after perceiving the several beady eyes laid on him. He stood up and straightened his back, looking as if he was preparing to give a speech to his class.

"Okay, okay... I'll get back on topic", he replied to the anxious eyes and the vexed look from MJ, "my name is Ned Leeds and I-um... I was Peter's best friend and ummm you know I helped him with other things". Ned bought his hand out from behind his back and did a little sign to the Avengers telling them that he knew about Peter's alter ego. The team shared interested glances before landing their eyes back on the most intriguing teenagers.

MJ looked confused at what Ned said and his fairly obvious sign. What the sign meant, she had no idea. Despite her confusion, she carried on with the introductions.

"Michelle but friends call me MJ. Peter and I were friends but that's not the point. Anyway, Mr Stark", she scrutinized the distressed man slumped in a posh armchair, "and Miss Romanov". This time the kid took a proud look at the woman in front of her and an unexpected grin settled onto her face. Natasha returned this look of pride as she saw how confident and assured of her self. This girl is definitely a friend, not foe, Nat thought to herself.

MJ nudged Ned (who was staring deeply with admiration and interest at his hero - Tony- since he was a young boy) trying to tell him to carry on. This time with less force which Ned was very thankful for even though he did not dare say such things aloud to the frustrated MJ who he didn't want to piss off anymore. t The boy noticed her await for the next line so quickly carried on with the flow taking his eyes of the confused and slightly dazed billionaire.

"Sorry Mj, we came here to ask if you know where Peter was. You see he hasn't been in school for several days and he hasn't been responding to any of mine or MJ's text messages. None at all Nada. Not even the one where I told him I had a MASSIVE Death Star lego build. It has loads of pieces and there's- Sorry. Anyway, is he okay? Also, sorry for interrupting whatever you were doing it's just that we asked the teacher who was lookING after Peter after..." He trailed off not wanting to mention Aunt May but the embarrassed blush still showed on his cheeks.

The taller and more prepared girl carried on. "- a lot easier then we expected to be honest. She said, you guys. So, we decided to come here to the Subway so we could ask you about his whereabouts. It's not that I'm- I mean we, are scared. It's just that he is our best friend and we want to know where is he". MJ finished of her overwhelming speech with a sharp nod pointed at the man in the couch.

Notwithstanding, the man reluctantly pushed himself off the now creased chair and made his way to the door where the two of Peter friend's anxiously stood. He paused at the door frame and with as much politeness that the man could handle.

"Sorry Kids, but Pete's just sick today. He won't be back too soon but thanks for checking in." Tony announced with a fake smile and forced happiness in his eyes. MJ squinted analysing the man stood lousy in front him, she watched as his smile faltered and the faux happiness in his eyes fade as he mentioned Peters name. It looked like it hurt to say the name, why? MJ, yet again, wasn't sure yet. But finding, solving and forcing things out of people was just one of the special skills that MJ possed.

Stark moved his hand out of his pocket and reached fro the side of the clean door ready to shut it in their face to their anger. The door swung forward ready to slam back onto its frame. Suddenly, MJ reached her hand forward jamming into the metal slate that was about to close. The door paused in its movement and sung back open jamming into the wall again and revealed the same two teenagers. Ned and MJ.

"Look Mr Stark, I know that what you are saying is utter crap. We go to Midtown School of Science and Technology and we are one of the smartest students there... well apart from Peter, annoyingly he was always top of most classes. Don't treat us like naive kids and act as if there is nothing wrong. It pained you to say Peter's name and I can see the very evident tear stains on your cheekS. Also, it looks like you haven't changed out of these clothes for more than four days." MJ finalized while Tony ad the rest of the Avengers gulped. On the contrary, Ned was excitingly bouncing his head up and down trying to hype up his friend.

"Yeah!" Ned added wanting to feel important and part of the conversation.

The Avengers' mouths were all gaping open and their eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. MJ and Ned toom it to themselves to strut into the room confidently and assuredly.

"Hydra". Bucky finally voiced. The heads now all tuned to him including the awaiting teenagers.

Bucky rarely spoke around the whole team and often stayed close to Steve's side not wanting people to notice him. However, here he was talking with great emphasis and about something important that the retired assassin never brought up, ever. The topic upset him so it became an unspoken topic around the tower, this along with Tony's past and many of the others' pasts.

The soldier carried on...

"Peter was kidnapped one night and we just received a video from the culprits themselves. They were Hydra". He directed the first part of his information to the kids but finished looking at his teammates, specifically Steve. " I remember the man, faintly but enough to know that whoever was in that video was part of their organizations."

Tony moved towards Bucky with tentative eyes still not completely trusting the facts that were being spewed at him.

"I promise that, Tony. He is with Hydra which is why we care going to get him back if its the last thing we do!" Bucky ended with a rather triumph nod of his head and looked into Stark's eye saying a silent plea of forgiveness, trust and hope. He could see the worry the man felt and the pain that he had been through. The time Bucky spent at Hydra was the most horrendous he had ever faced and so he knew that no matter what he could not let Peter suffer the same fate that had been thrust upon him.

Tony studied the soldier's face for sometime before copying his nod and walked over to the teenagers now properly inviting them inside.

"Right. Get your phones out kids I want to check everything that you have sent Peter and we shall see if we can track him. Bucky's right. We need to get a grip of ourselves for Peter because like this we are as useless as Steve's excessive layers of hair gel." The end of his speech enlightened a small chuckle from teh crowd of people and a noticeable eye roll from Steve. They all surrounded him and a determined smile grew upon their face once more, none of them ready to give up Peter.




Next chapter will be about Peter, I promise!

I hope you guys like this chapter and the story makes sense so far (comment of not so I can change/explain)

Promote your fanfic in the comments so I can read, comment and vote on them <3

Next update: Next Monday (promise!)

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