Pretty Rhythm: Reborned Aira...

By Hinata311

39.5K 1K 125

After Aira won the Prism Queen cup, a new girl arrived to Pretty Top. Her name is Minami Saki. Somehow over... More

After World Tour
Aira Harune? Or is it...
Love Triangle
Morning Saddness
STARs Profile
Past Revealed
Mion and Rizumu's Rage
Special Chapter: Awards goes to..... Part 1
Memory Change
Valentine's Special: Chocolate Mystery? (Kaito) Part 1
Valentine's Special: Chocolate Mystery Pt.2
Tears and Rain
The Next Day....
No more S in Mars?
MARs Not MARS Anymore....
Good Bye
Epilogue: I- No We Remember You
Pretty Rhythm: Eternal Friends (Season 2)


1.7K 54 16
By Hinata311

A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter!

(Rin POV)

A week has passed since the morning that Ai-chan was acting weird. KNIGHTs is going to face off with Callings tomorrow. Ai-chan has been normal. Today STARs are going to see KNIGHTs. To tell you readers the truth....I have a teeny weeny itty bitty crush on Satoshi, readers let me just warn you....DONT EVER TELL ANYONE!!! IF YOU TELL A SINGLE SOUL I WILL COME OUT OF THIS STORY AND YOU WILL FACE MY FURY. Ehem, anyways we (by we I mean STARs) were going to KNIGHTs pratice room. When we went in they were praticing their dance moves. They noticed us after they finished their praticing.

"Ai-chan!",Kaito called out happily.

"Sora-tan!",Yuki said energetically.

"Rin-Rin!",Satoshi called out to me.

"Tomo-chan~",Hikaru said.

"Don't call me Rin-Rin! Call me Rin!",I yelled at Satoshi.

"Aw Rin-Rin is cute when she mad too~",replied Satoshi.

"What did Ja say?",I screeched at him.

"I can't call you nicknames? Aw what a shame..."

"It's a shame that you can't be quiet!"

"Rin-chan, you and Satoshi sounds like a married couple~",chirped Tomoyo.

When Tomoyo said that me and Satoshi blushed redder that Ai-chan's hair. We a laughed.

"Anyways, you come to watch us right?",Yuki said.

Me,Ai-chan,Sora, and Tomo-chan nodded their heads.

(Aira POV)

"Rin will help you with your songs, Tomo-chan will help you with your dance timings and dance related things, I will help you with your costume coordination, and Sora will help you originize your schedule. Any questions?",I directed them.

"No",the said in a unsion.

"Ok, good now first let's start with the song."I said.

KNIGHTs were singing but got interrupted by Rin and saying

"Too fast, slow down and Yuki sing louder! Satoshi dont sing that loud!"

"Rin is always strict when it comes to singing",Tomoyo whispered to me and Sora.

"I do agree myself",Sora whispered back.

After the singing lessons. There was dance lessons. Directed by Tomoyo. They started to dance when Tomoyo said

"Ok, some of you are in sync and some of you aren't! Satoshi don't dance that fast, Kaito you need to speed it up!"

After dance lessons it was coordinating time. I looked at their Prism Stone.

"Kaito maybe you should switch this stone with this stone. It will be more... Let's just say better. Otherwise your stones are all good."I said.

Then there was scheduling. Sora looked at their schedule and started to say

"Hmmm. Here is what I think. You should make your break time a little longer. You do not want to be tired when your finished your completion with Callings, because you have a photo shooting next right?"

"I sort of envy STARs. You all have planned out you schedule very well. Your coordination is good. And both your dancing and singing are on time.",Kaito said.

"Well, since Tomoyo is good at dancing we told up her to give us tips, same to Rin too. Sora is naturally good at putting together a schedule ,and I'm good at coordinating. All you of you have things your good at. So if you know what your good at, that person can help out your group!",i said camly.

"I see...",Yuki said.

"Since your pratice if finished for today,why not get some rest? Resting is important for an idol too",Tomoyo stated.

They all nodded

~Tomorrow~Saki POV~

Today is the day that Callings face off with KNIGHTs I wonder what's going to happen....

A/N: sorry if that was short! Out of ideas.

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