My Little Nightmare || Bitty...


75.1K 3K 1K

With Y/N now graduated from high school and now living with her parents, she doesn't have much to do besides... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

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Raine and I sat face to face on her bed. I had my legs crossed as I spaced out starring at her pillows. We had caught that little devil not long ago and were meant to be discussing options for taking care of him. I knew it would be hard, taking care of Nightmare whilst hiding him from my family. This was going to be tough...

"So, since you have that issue, we need to find out how to actually take care of him.." Raine started, breaking me out of my trance. She had her hand rested on her chin, questioning herself as to what we were to do next.

"isn't that what we're discussing? Can you really not think of anything else to say?? I know I've got that issue and that I need to find a way to look after him!! I need to know how too!!" I yelled, getting irritated by her idiotic words.

"Look Y/N, I know you're stressed but I need you to calm yourself.." She explained, talking in the most soothing voice possible. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Let's just get on with ideas already.." I whined, annoyed with how long it was taking.

"Okay, now let's see... I guess it would make sense to sort out the situation with your parents first..?" She started, scratching the back of her neck.

"Well first off we coul-"

"Is this really the best option to be talking about all this right in front of him??" I asked, giving a nervous look towards Nightmares cage.

"Not really, but we can't leave him alone.."

"Let's just talk about something besides that, maybe that'll be better.." Raine suggested, grabbing some spare paper from her desk drawer.

"Now let's see, what will you do with him when you're at work.. Hmm.." She mumbled, thinking out loud as she tapped the end of her pencil against her lips.

Getting bored with her useless suggestions, I started to check up on my messages. Just as I turned my phone on my eyes wandered to the time. 2:36 pm. My eyes diverted and went to my fingertips which were unlocking my phone.

A sudden rush of shock ran through my body as realised what I had just read. I'm about to be late for work..

"So what I was thinking is that we co-"

"Raine we have a problem." I interrupted, Raine stopped and looked at me.

"What do you mean we have a problem?" She asked, lowering her hands to sit comfortably in her lap.

"I have 20 minutes till I'm meant to be at work.." I mumbled, my body starting to ever so slightly shake as I began to panic

"W-What do I do..??!" I spoke, freaking out.

"uhh, UHHH. I-I don't know! Just take him with you!!" Raine suggested. She tried to sound as happy as possible. I understood that she was trying to keep me calm but I don't think that's really what I need right now.

"How's that going to work??!"

"I don't know?!? There's no time!!" Raine shouted, moving to the other side of the room. She opened her closet in a rush, slamming the doors into the walls as she searched through the hanging clothes as soon as possible.

"Here! Take this!" She said, throwing me a spare pair of my uniform?


"QUESTIONS LATER! JUST GO CHANGE IN THE BATHROOM!!!" Raine replied, waving her arms around as she threw open her bedroom door and dragged me into the bathroom down the hall.

Locking myself into the bathroom, I quickly began to undress, panicking to get dressed. Hastily shooting my arms through my sleeves after much-stressed failure, I hurried out of the bathroom.

Raine had Nightmares cage in her hands, rushing out of my room.

She shoved the cage into my arms, checking around all corners for her mum.

We both ran toward the front door.

"There's a bus stop just down the street, it should drop you off nearby!" She shouted, out of breath. I panted, giving her a nod when she turned back.

Tripping over my own feet, I rand own the street, turning around for a second to thank Raine.

As much as I hate to say it, I do appreciate her helping me. As annoying as she is and as much as I can barely stand her, she does help a great amount when I need her the most.

After a couple more seconds of sprinting, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I stopped for a minute, holding my hand over my stitch as I winced in pain.

My throat cold and strained as I struggled to catch my breath. I saw the bus stop up ahead.

Down the main road, I could see a bus coming from the distance and another turning the corner. How am I supposed to know if that's my bus or not..?!?

I knew that there was no time and I knew that even if it wasn't my bus, I still had to book it.

Using whatever amount of energy I had gained from my short rest, I pushed the pain of my stitch aside and ran as fast as I could towards the approaching buses.

Seeing one of the buses stop at the footpath, I slowed into a jog closing the gap between me and the bus.

Out of breath, I let out a strained sigh as I stepped on board.

Once the other passengers paid and continued to the seats, I pat myself down for the fifteen dollars mum had given me when she dropped me off.

Taking the two notes out of my back pocket, I slid it into the machine, taking my ticket once it spat it out to me.

Once I got to the seat, I let my body sink and relax, letting out a sigh of relief.

Finally.. thank god I made it....

The bus started moving as I caught sight of the timetable and stops on a slab of plastic. Picking up Nightmares cage to take with me, I stood up and read the stops.

After a second of confusion as to why my street wasn't on there, I questioned whether I got on the right bus.

T..There's no way... Right??? This has to be the right bus...

I double-checked through the stops.

Well, shit...

Published 6th September 2020 7:18 pm


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