My Gangster Boyfriend

By jisoobabe1

7.1K 256 106

Jace and riele are bestfriends, Jace father is the leader of a gang called "the vipers" and his the next in l... More

Author's Note
the characters
Chapter ~1~
Chapter ~3~
Chapter ~4~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~8~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~
Chapter ~12~
Chapter ~13~
Chapter ~14~

Chapter ~2~

489 22 8
By jisoobabe1

Jace pov

Its been seven freaking years since Riele left swellview, since she left me over a stupid fight. Some people will say its all my fault why didn't I run after her, tell her I'm sorry, kiss her under the fucking rain blah blah blah, well news flash idiots I apologize to no one not even my parents and Riele knew that.

I only apologize to the people I'm about to kill, like this guy who won't give me what I fucking need, oh i don't know maybe like a fucking answer. People can be so stupid sometimes, even in the face of death his trying to act tough Wow!!! Bravo genius.  *note the sarcasm*.

Anyways back to Riele, I know I was being a bad friend but don't blame me, blame Riele too, I can't take all the blame you know? I was being a bad friend and I never really paid attention to her, well I did try that once, few years ago but that turned into something much more than (air quote) "paying attention to her" because then I realized I had feelings for her that I liked her more than just a friend.

And that escalated over the years to the L. O. V. E word until she left and that was her worst mistake.

So for all of you who are wondering where Isabella came into the picture *Isabella is my father right hand man daughter* she came to me when I finally realized I had feelings for Riele what better way to hide your feelings than to get a distraction.

But what do you expect from the most feared gang leader son, but lets go back to the present I know Isabella was just with me for power and popularity but we aren't a thing anymore in fact we weren't a thing before, she literally became annoying as soon as Riele left. 

Presently she just hangs around to get my attention that's low even for her. She was so mad at me for fucking Isabella but you can't blame me, blame her for being so lovable, what was I supposed to say "Riele i like you and am using Isabella to forget about my feelings for you", yeah I definitely should have said that *note the sarcasm* bu--

"Let me go!!! " the man we're holding hostage speaks up, did he just interrupt my fucking story, oh no you don't.

"I will if you tell me what I need to know" I replied calmly.

"LIAR" he yelled which was annoying "you'll just kill me off as soon as you know" he spat out, smart man but this is going to be harder than I thought.

"If you knew I was going to kill you, why did you ask me to let you go" I waited for an answer but got none who's stupid now.

"Still you" he replied, did I say that out loud?.

"Yes you did" oh well makes my job a hell lot easier.

"Look I don't have all day, just tell me who stole from me, i don't want to torment you and honestly I'm not in the mood to torment someone, so please help both of us okay? "

"Go to hell, you asshole" he breathed out.

"Enough of being mister nice guy, Jerry get me water and a voltage machine"

"What's that?, what are you doing? "

"Well, since it's your sole mission to frustrate me, I'll frustrate you first, how does that sound"

Jerry brought a gallon of water and a car battery with wires, this is going to be fun. I took the water from him and poured it all over the floor.

"What are you doing? Please! " he begged, oh now his begging.

"Last chance motherfucker, either tell me who fucking stole from me and save yourself or we could do it the hard way and I torture you, so what would it be"

"I don't know anything please!, let me go please!!! "

"Do you want to know why we are the best? " I asked while pushing the chair he was tied to, so he could fall directly on the wet floor, i heard him groan.

"P... P.... P..... PLEASE!!! "

"Let me tell you a little secret " I whispered.

"I don't want to hear it, please let me go, please!! "

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MOTHERFUCKER! " I took a deep breath before continuing my task of spilling water on him "your going to hear the secret whether you like it or not, so the secret is............ We are super smart and we don't take shit from nobody, so if you have a fucking brain you will tell me what I need to know NOW! "

"N... N.... Never! " he breathed out.

I walked over to him and whispered a "Fuck you" and finally stab his stomach, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him cough out blood and feel a lot of pain. "Jerry!!!, let's start small so set it to 60 voltage, and make sure you dry my shoes" I said, taking off my shoes and putting on some slippers "those are fucking expensive by the way, okay let's start " I wore thick hand gloves then took the wires and placed them together till I saw a spark.

"Please, I... I don't know shit" cough a little.

"Well, your about to know shit" stepping a little bit away from the water, I looked around to see if anyone was close to it but it seemed like nobody else wanted to die. Don't get me wrong this is dangerous but I've been doing this for years.

I careful placed the wires on the wet floor, I heard the man scream and try to burst his way through the restraints but failed woefully.

"Are you ready to talk now, or should we keep going?"

"Please....... Please... I'll talk, I'll talk "

"Go ahead"

"I... I don't know anything about the person that wanted your stuff because we we're hired" he coughs out blood "B... B.. But they sent a location.... to where it would be brought to"

"And where is that? "

"I don't know its in my phone, I haven't checked it yet"

"Thank You for your cooperation "

"Please you have what you want, let me go "

"I'm sorry but you do remember you called me an asshole, right? And I don't like being called names" and with that a bullet was put through his skull by your one and only Jace Norman.

Riele should be thanking her stars that she left because I would have killed her for breaking my heart, and yes I do have a heart but not anymore. GO TO HELL RIELE DOWNS.

But if she ever came back, she's dead.

"You *pointing at one of my men* get the information I need from his phone at all cost or I'll have your head for dinner" he literally shivered in fright.

"Y.... Yes sir" he stuttered and only God knows how much I had stuttering.

"Oh and grow some balls while your at it because on no account do you stutter when your talking to me, do you understand? " I said while playing with my gun.

"Yes sir but I need a finger print" he showed me the phone which needed a finger print.

"I'll take care of that, now all of you go!! " they all ran out with full speed, I'm I really that scary?.


No proof reading.

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