The Mafia Leader's Little

By M00n_Fl0wer_2

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Aspiring trainee Jeongguk has been with the same company for years only for his dream to come crashing down... More



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By M00n_Fl0wer_2

Seokjin was anything but an idiotic leader, unlike other leaders at the same time.

Others could be manipulated and that was how Jackson Wang had taken over the Triad branch based in Hong Kong. Others trusted or relied on someone too much, that was how Kunpimook Bhuwakul was able to gain control over the Koh Tao underground mafia.

Those who backstabbed Seokjin never really backstabbed him, if anything they were merely puppets Seokjin had fun with until discarding of the corpse. Seokjin was very tactile and if anything, the mafia leader carefully planned things out to keep himself entertained instead of betrayed.

The very alleyway Seokjin and Jeongguk stood in at the moment was the same alley where Seokjin had killed several backstabbers after he had no more use for them. The very position Seokjin was in with Jeongguk was the position Seokjin used whenever he ended the puppet's life.

There was just one key difference between the puppets Seokjin played with and Jeongguk.

The options Jeongguk was given were ones the dead men would have wished they were given.

Those men would have bowed down to Seokjin and literally would have kissed his shoes. However, Jeongguks mind had instead blanked.

The man who kidnapped him stared at the teenager with cold eyes as he pressed the deadly weapon onto the teenager's forehead.

"Your choice sweety," Seokjin said after a fat minute of silence.

Seokjin loved to consider himself as always accurate, there had never been an instance where Seokjin's judgment had been wrong to him. Sure, killing people may seem wrong to others but to Seokjin it was just part of how he was raised and his job. Selling drugs to minors may also look bad to others but to Seokjin it was just another form of money, after all, it was not his own life which was being worsened.

On the contrary, Seokjin's life got better with each illegal drug sold, more money for him to buy ridiculously expensive items.

However, this was the first time Seokjin had been wrong.

Instead of turning away to run away or press the barrel of the gun closer to his forehead, Jeongguk did something different.

Seokjin froze whenever two small pairs of arms wrapped around his muscular body.

The action is one that Seokjin had never felt in years, at least not the way Jeongguk hugged him.

Of course, people had hugged and begged Seokjin to spare their family or whoever, however, the way Jeongguk hugged Seokjin made Seokjin want to shove the teenager away and shoot him for the internal attack.

"I just want to shower," Jeongguk whispered to Seokjin as his forehead rested against the older male's broad muscular chest rather than the cold barrel of a pistol.

Seokjin's hand was not up in the air aimed at where the teenager once stood but instead lay limp at his side from the shock of the physical interaction.

"You know what that means, right?" Seokjin asked seeing as he was trying to prove he was not wrong about his assumption on the teenager.

Yeah, Seokjin smiled to himself as he realized he was just deceived and the teenager would pull away and run away but he would not get far since Seokjin would shoot him.

One again, Seokjin was proven wrong.

A pair of thin chapped lips pressed against Seokjin's jawline and this upset Seokjin.

Seokjin had been wrong twice now about what the teenager would do. Jeongguk kissing Seokjin's jawline told Seokjin that the teenager had submitted himself to the elder in going with him.

"Okay," Seokjin said as he hastily pulled away from the teenager and headed to his car.

Jeongguk stared at Seokjin before wiping a tear quickly and following after the dangerous male. Jeongguk followed Seokjin silently and quickly since the older was bigger which gave him bigger steps.

As the duo walked, the black automobile came into view and Jeongguk wondered if it would be okay to get in the beautiful - probably really expensive - car.

Jeongguk wanted to ask Seokjin but he was still flustered from the prior scene when he had kissed the male. Sure it was on the jawline but Jeongguk was having an internal crisis if that was considered his first kiss.

Jeongguk chewed on his bottom lip as he tried to keep from crying again. The day had not gone at all the way Jeongguk had hoped, instead of being free of his kidnapper Jeongguk was about to get into a car with him.

Instead of sharing his first kiss with someone he loved, he spent it on his kidnapper.

What a joyous day it had turned out to be. Even the mocking voice in Jeongguks head sounded like it had the annoying lump in its throat meaning it wanted to cry.

Jeongguk refused to cry though. Not again!

The door to the black car was opened by the driver and Seokjin got in without a second glance at Jeongguk.

Seokjin knew Jeongguk would sit at the other window seat, after all, why would he sit in the seat right next to his kidnappers whenever the other window seat was free?

Once again, Seokjin had been proven wrong by Jeongguk.

Instead of sitting at the other window seat, Jeongguk sat right next to the mafia leader. The man reeked of the metallic crimson red liquid which covered the two but also had the faint fragrance of his cologne still there.

After the car driver had confirmed the destination was Seokjin's mansion, the car was silent. The sound of the outside world as they passed being the only source of a sound. The radio had remained untouched seeing as only Seokjin had the right to tell the car driver to put the volume up or change the station.

The silent drive made Jeongguk fidget more under the tormenting of his brain. Seokjin would be lying if he said he had not noticed how Jeongguk would fidget, sniff, and quickly tilt his head back. After getting his knee caressed by Jeongguks hand once again, Seokjin decided to ask the teenager what had him about to cry.

After pressing the button to make the window between the two males and the car driver arise, Seokjin turned to look at Jeongguk.

"What is wrong with you?" Seokjin asked Jeongguk who looked at him with wide glimmering eyes.

"D-did that count as my first kiss?" Jeongguk blurted out instead of his traumatization over the massacre of an entire gang.

For crying out loud, the teenager was soaked in blood.

Seokjin looked at Jeongguk blankly as he tried to figure out what the hell the teenager had going on in his head.

"It was not on the lips so I would think no. Unless you want to count it as your first," Seokjin said making Jeongguks eyes widen slightly.

"That means I still have my first kiss, that I can share with the person I love!" Jeongguk said excitedly.

Jeongguk would have been better off telling Seokjin that he was mentally not okay from seeing various people lose their lives.

Hearing Jeongguk say that made something deep within Seokjin bubble in sadistic rage, which would explain why Seokjin did what he did.

Jeongguks eyes were wide as Seokjin's lips pressed against his own.

Seokjin's lips were pressed against the corner of Jeongguks lips. The kiss had been perfectly planned so not the entire lips were kissed but just a smidge. Seokjin did not want to give Jeongguk his first kiss as a fulfilling one, he wanted the younger to be dissatisfied with his first and only kiss.

Jeongguk quickly pulled away but Seokjin's lips followed his own. Seokjin pulled away and smiled with sadistic pleasure at the teenager who cried once again.

"You can count that as your first kiss," Seokjin said as Jeongguk had hot tears streaming down his face.

No matter how badly Jeongguk wanted to hit Seokjin the memory of the male pressing his gun to his forehead was still fresh.

For the rest of the car ride, Jeongguk looked down at his lap. The tears that fell came to a stop after a few minutes.

The car was once again quiet.

Before long the big gates opened up letting the car into the mansion. The drive through the forest was one Seokjin personally liked, the forest is one of the few things Seokjin kept the same after killing his father and taking over the South Korean mafia.

At arriving at the mansion, the door to where Seokjin sat was open for the powerful male.

Seokjin got out of the black vehicle quite elegantly and turned back to offer his hand to Jeongguk. Jeongguk small hand slipped into Seokjin's big rougher ones as Seokjin helped Jeongguk out.

"Clean the blood out to the best of your abilities. If you can not get the foul liquid and smell out of the vehicle then inform me. Once you have informed me of the state you will do as I say," Seokjin ordered some of the men.

"Yes, boss," The men said as one told the driver where to head.

The men who were to help clean the car bowed before heading to where the car had been taken.

"Did anything of importance happen while I was away?" Seokjin asked Jaebum.

Jaebum was one of Seokjin's assistants.

"One of our men in Busan said there is a rumor of a gang overtaking other gangs and forming a large group there. He has found nothing and will report if anything happens," Jaebum said.

"I see," Seokjin said as he already planned some things he could do.

Jeongguk flinched as two maids bent down and started to take off his bloody shoes.

"W-what are you doing?" Jeongguk asked in a panic.

"They will be cleaning those shoes of the blood," Seokjin said in a blunt tone as Jeongguk looked over at him.

Sure enough, two maids were taking off the man's shoes.

Once the bloody shoes and socks were taken off, the maids went for Jeongguks bloody crop top pastel pink hoodie. Jeongguk shivered at the cold autumn air which nipped at his newly exposed skin.

Seokjin watched as the maids left the teenager in the cold after stripping him of the bloody sweater.

"Boss, shall we bathe the teenager?" One maid asked as another went to grab Jeongguks wrist.

"No one is to touch him beside me," Seokjin barked at the maid who was about to wrap her fingers around Jeongguks wrist.

Jeongguks wrist was grabbed, except not by a maid or butler but by Seokjin himself.

"Come on, I will help you bathe," Seokjin said as he led Jeongguk to the bedroom where he had escaped from.

Walking through the gigantic mansion made Jeongguk grow tired physically, the replaying of the massacre making Jeongguk mentally tired, and his first kiss being stolen made Jeongguk emotionally tired.

Seokjin was surprised whenever Jeongguk simply let him strip the clothes he wore. Jeongguk did not even flush in embarrassment as he had before whenever Seokjin saw his dick. Instead of covering the small thing, Jeongguks hands lay limp at his sides.

Unlike before, Jeongguk was easily put into the tub which was getting filled with water. Seokjin decided that he should praise Jeongguk seeing as he seemed to like that before.

"You are such a good boy for daddy. Right?" Seokjin asked as he rolled the sleeves of the bloody white button-up.


Meanwhile, Jimin hummed as he traced shapes on the fabric of Namjoons bloody dress shirt.

"Me was good boy, right daddy?" Jimin asked as he looked up at Namjoon with wide eyes.

"Yes baby, why?" Namjoon asked seeing as there was always a catch.

"Then that means Minnie can get mochi, right daddy?" Jimin asked excitedly.

Namjoon smiled as he kissed one of Jimin's chubby cheeks.

"Of course baby boy," Namjoon said and Jimin cheered. "Only if you let daddy clean you properly. Oh, and don't think I forgot about this morning. Once you take your punishment properly I will let you get Mochi," Namjoon said and Jimin whined.

Jimin also started mentally praying for his poor future ass.

Yoongi who drove quickly rolled the window up to separate him and Yuri from the couples. Yuri giggled at her boyfriends' action making Yoongi smile slightly.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked her.

"Mm, it was nothing really. Though, you did almost blow my cover a few times. You have such a cold facade but you can't go a day without cuddling and kissing me," Yuri said making Yoongi's cheeks flush pink.

"Little Yuri is nicer than you," Yoongi said making Yuri laugh.

"I guess you could say that. I think the boys would have a different opinion though," Yuri said as she recalled the countless threats with her special doll.

"You will always be my sweet little sugar plum, in either headspace," Yoongi said making Yuri's cheeks grow hot.

"Amusing how you say that to an assassin in the mafia," Yuri mused as she tried to push the blush on her face away.

"A mafias hitman and a mafias assassin. What better combination could there be?" Yoongi asked making Yuri scoff.

"Um, let's see, the cliche nerd and bully. A rich person and a poor person. A 'straight' guy and-" Yoongi quickly interrupted his girlfriend.

"You saying that seriously make me question whether you agreed to move into the mansion to be with me or just to catch some man on man action," Yoongi muttered.

Said mansion coming into view.

"Both honestly," Yuri said chirpily making Yoongi groan.

"We're going to talk about your obsession later," Yoongi declared making Yuri giggle.

"Hey, now I three fresh sources. Don't make me change if you love me!" Yuri cried out making Yoongi confused.

"Three? There are only two couples. Namjoon and Jimin being one. The other being Hoseok and Taehyung. Who would be the third couple?" Yoongi asked in curiosity.

"You'll see babe. Now, I feel like being a little so see ya," Yuri said making Yoongi glare at her.

She knew that whenever she had to avoid a question she would go into her little headspace.

"Yuri a lot and daddy none," Yuri teased and stuck out her tongue.

Before Yoongi could say anything to Yuri the female was getting out of the parked car and skipping to the entrance.

"Taetae want bath time with Tata," Yoongi overheard Taehyung say to Hoseok.

Bath time? Maybe Yuri wanted bath time too!

"Baby girl wait up! Daddy will give you bath time!" Yoongi yelled as he chased after Yuri in his blood-soaked clothes.

The keys to the bloody vehicle being thrown at some butler.

Taehyung looked up at Hoseok in confusion but Hoseok just responded with a shrug.

"Alright baby boy, let's go so daddy can go give you a nice warm bath," Hoseok cooed at Taehyung.

"Taetae wants bubbles. Lots of 'em," Taehyung said to Hoseok who carried him.

"We can do lots of bubbles for sure baby," Hoseok cooed at Taehyung.

Suddenly, an idea hit Taehyung.

"Daddy! Taetae wants to have bath with daddy. With lots of bubbles too!" Taehyung said excitedly.

Hoseok loved seeing Taehyung as happy as he was.

Who the hell was Hoseok to say no? How could Hoseok bring himself to crush Taehyung's enthusiasm like that?

"Daddy will bathe with you and there will be lots of bubbles. What about we first rinse off then bathe? That way none of the yucky blood gets to the bubbles," Hoseok tried to negotiate.

It did not take long for Taehyung to respond positively to the suggested idea.

"Taetae likey! Taetae thinks daddy smart," Taehyung said to Hoseok who in turn smiled.

The older male carried the giddy teenager into their bedroom to enter their bathroom. As Taehyung happily rambled on, Hoseok simply admired how cute the teenager was.

Hoseok got a memory from long ago whenever he had used Taehyung solely for pleasure. Those days Taehyung had bite marks all over him, swollen lips plus swollen red eyes, semen dripped out of him, tears coated his cheeks and his body was covered in sweat. Those were the dark days for the couple and it took a long time before either one of them changed.

"Daddy?" Taehyung asked as he noticed that Hoseok had a far-off look in his eyes.

Plus Hoseok had stopped walking the moment he had set foot in the cream-colored bathroom.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you, baby boy?" Hoseok suddenly asked.

Taehyung smiled and nodded.

"You tell Taetae all the time, daddy. Taetae thinks you thinking about back then," Taehyung said softly.

Hoseok's eyes widened as he hugged the male closer to his chest.

"I'm so sorry Tae, baby," Hoseok said with a wavering voice.

"Taetae forgave daddy a long time ago. Taetae loves daddy very much. Daddy, without you, Taetae would have never felt love," Taehyung whispered.

Hoseok bit his lip as he recalled just why he had picked Taehyung.

He could have picked anyone but there was one reason why Hoseok had picked Taehyung.

"Baby, can daddy get a kiss before we shower?" Hoseok asked quickly to change the topic.

The last time Hoseok had been unable to change the topic quickly enough, Taehyung had cried so badly that Hoseok had only been able to calm him by knocking him out.

"Kiss? Daddy can have all the kisses he wants," Taehyung said with his charming smile,

"Really?" Hoseok asked as he set Taehyung down and began to undress him.

"Yup! Taetae approved!" Taehyung giggled out making Hoseok's heart scream.

"I'll remind you of what you said whenever I want a kiss and you dare to say no," Hoseok teased.

Taehyung whined but nodded as he enjoyed the feeling of Hoseok's lips against his own. Before the little could wrap his arms around Hoseok's neck the older male had already pulled away.

Hoseok stripped the bloody clothes and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Come on, shower, and then bubbles!" Hoseok hyped Taehyung up.

At the mentions of bubbles Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Yay! Bubblies!"

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