The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]

By noticemesenpai2000

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Sehun has social anxiety. He is anti-social and has a lot of trouble approaching and talking to people unless... More

Twenty One


154 12 23
By noticemesenpai2000

"Need some help with that?" Kai asked in amusement, watching his boyfriend's face scrunched up in concentration as he cut up some yellow coloured paper into a circle. Well, more like a horribly deformed egg.

He groaned, putting the scissors down with a deep frown marring his face. "I hate this shit."

"I don't understand how someone who's so good at art can be so bad at crafts," Kai laughed as he took the scissors, easily cutting the papers into perfectly-shaped circles. "I thought those two things went hand in hand."

"You kidding? I have better chance of cutting my own hand off with these damn scissors than a proper circle," he grumbled.

"I guess you can't be good at everything."

"You're surprisingly good at this though," Sehun noted.

"Yah, why the hell did you get blue lights? What part of yellow lights didn't you understand?!" Kyungsoo yelled as he held up some string lights.

"What? I precisely remember you saying blue!" Kris retorted.

"Blue was for the neon lights!"

Kris widened his eyes, "Oh shit, I totally mixed those two up..."

"You idiot! You think I have time for this buffonery?! I have a whole prom to decorate!" Kyungsoo smacked him over and over again with a nearby ruler as Kris uttered out a string of ow's and sorry's, trying to escape Kyungsoo's wrath.

Sehun sighed as he looked around the crowded, messy art room. It'd been like that all week since they were on duty for prom decorations. Multi-coloured scraps of paper littered the floor, random stationary strewn about on the desks, loud chatter around every corner and the occasional "WHERE'S MY GLUE(or any other random utensil)?" that had everyone searching about.

It was nothing like the quiet, peaceful sanctuary he came to at the end of the day to relax. Not that there was any time to relax because there was so much work to do, mostly thanks to the measly budget the school had provided for decorations so they had to DIY almost everything. Not to mention they had finals in two weeks, so work at school only turned into work at home at the end of the day as he tried to cram all the contents of the year into his brain. Obviously spending so much time with Kai made him neglect his studies for quite a while. On top of all that, he'd taken up a few extra shifts at the dojo to bring in some extra cash since money was really tight at home. His mother opposed it completely but he wouldn't budge, knowing she needed the help more than she liked to admit.

He just had a lot on his plate and barely any free time for himself to just unwind and relax.

Thankfully, Kai accompanied him to the art room almost everyday and helped out as much as he could, but sadly that was about the only time they spent around each other lately.

"I can't believe all this shit we're working so hard on will get thrown away after prom anyway. Feels like a waste of time," he mumbled as he watched Kai work.

"Of course it's not. All these decorations are part of what makes prom night so special."

"I wouldn't know. I never attended prom," Sehun said with a shrug. "Still had to work on these dumb decorations every time though. It's like the worst part of my year."

"Seriously?" Kai looked dumbstruck at the revelation, "You never went? But why?"

"I was never really interested I guess? I never had a date, I don't dance, I don't like punch, or most people at school... The whole experience just seems easily replaceable with some fries."

"But still..." Kai looked scandalised, "You are gonna go this time, obviously!"

"Eh... I'm not sure. I feel like I'll be too worn out by the time prom comes around anyway," Sehun shrugged, rubbing his eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous... You have to go! I mean..." He trailed off, suddenly seeming a little uncomfortable as he scratched the back of his head, "You really need a break."

"Yeah. One that involves sleep, a good manga and snacks in bed for a whole week after this shit is done."

Kai rolled his eyes, "You'll change your mind."

"Don't think so."

Kai didn't say anything but only winked at him playfully, before looking around the crowded room to check if anyone noticed.

"No one's watching us," Sehun rolled his eyes, "Everyone's busy."

"Huh? Oh, sorry... It's just that a lot of people have been asking me about you lately. They're... Starting to notice," he sighed uncomfortably as a few girls giggled somewhere beside them, probably at something completely unrelated but Kai seemed a little paranoid.

"So? We don't know most of these peasants and we probably won't see any of them again after graduation. Aside from the occasional random person from school out with their parents in a public place and awkwardly trying to avoid them."

Kai bit his bottom lip, seeming unconvinced. "That's true but... I don't know. I just don't want all this attention. I don't want them to think there's something going on between us."

Sehun cocked a brow. He didn't know why but that kind of annoyed him. "But there is something going on between us."

His eyes widened slightly at Sehun's dry tone but he quickly scrambled to fix it, "I-I mean... Let's face it, people in school are assholes. They love spreading rumours, gossip and talking shit behind people's backs. And there can be a lot of insensitive jerks and bullies... I don't want any of that around you. Around us."

Sehun crossed his arms, "If anyone says anything, I'll roundhouse kick their ass to the ground. I really don't care what anyone thinks about me."

Kai looked at Sehun fondly for a moment, a small smile tugging at his lips. I wish I could say that too.

Sehun sighed, "But I get it." He knew Kai was popular and had a spotless reputation around school. He didn't want to ruin that. It was enough that he came out to his parents and his friends. That was more than enough for him. Sehun didn't want to push him into something he wasn't comfortable doing, until he was.

Yet part of him was still kind of disappointed. That Kai still cared so much about what everyone else thought, even after being together for a good few months now.

Ah well. It'll take some time...

"Thanks," he smiled genuinely at Sehun, subtly taking his hand under the desk and squeezing it. Sehun couldn't help smiling a bit too, gazing up at Kai.

"Sehun! Hurry up with those cut-outs!" Sera called out.

They immediately broke apart and Kai reached for the scissors to continue his job.

"I got it babe," he said as he ruffled his hair affectionately. Sehun grinned at him gratefully.

"You're the best."

His pen flew across his notebook, music blasting in his ears, laptop sat in front of him with endless practice questions. It was just another Saturday afternoon spent studying after Sehun got back from his shift at the dojo.

He sighed exasperatedly as he threw his pen somewhere off to the side of the desk.

It was also his birthday that day, but he couldn't even begin to try and enjoy it. He had so much studying to catch up on. It was his junior year and he needed to chase those grades if he was hoping for a scholarship at any college.

His mother wished him the moment he was home and got him a mini-cake with a single candle and his name on it. It was sweet, and he hugged her and said thanks, but he never really was into cake. So he ended up taking a few bites and leaving the rest in the fridge. Tao was the first to text him with a heartfelt birthday message. Shortly after it was Amber with a simple "hbd you child. can't believe you're 9 already" followed by a "would have loved to hang out but stuck at home cramming :("

In the end he was just thankful she remembered because she rarely remembered birthdays, including her own. It just wasn't her thing. So he replied with a polite "no worries I didn't wanna see your ugly face either way."

No other texts were received.

He threw his head back in frustration, both at his intimidating syllabus and how lame his birthday always was. And because he really missed Kai. He knew his boyfriend also had a lot to catch up on himself. Kai wasn't too big on studying but when finals time came around, he was off cramming just like everyone else.

Deep in thought, he almost didn't notice his phone buzzing. He picked it up to find a new message.

Kai <3:


Look out your window ;)


But it's too far away...

Kai <3:

Get your cute ass up, lazy

You won't regret it


Hey my ass isn't cute!

It's sexy

There better be dinosaur out there

Or I'mma be pressed

Kai <3

Yeah yeah, it's sexy as hell

Just look already

He rolled my eyes but stood up anyway, a cheesy smile spreading on his lips. Kai always knew how to make his day. He finally made it to his window and pulled the curtains, wincing at the sunlight that came pouring in. Squinting, he looked down and found Kai standing there, leaning against his bike with a sheepish smile.

Sehun gaped, opening the window and rubbing his eyes, almost not believing he was really there. Dressed in a full-sleeved maroon sweater that was just a little too tight and equally tight black jeans, he was even more dazzling than the sunlight assaulting Sehun's eyes.

He waved and Sehun waved back wordlessly. He then reached into his backpack and pulled out a rolled up banner. Sehun watched as he slowly unrolled the banner and held it up over his head, still grinning toothily.

"Happy birthday, babe"

It was somewhat clumsily written but it was large and clear to see even from his floor. He found himself flushing as he looked down at his boyfriend. Oh God... How sweet can he get?

He suddenly threw away the banner and reached into his bag again. Sehun watched curiously as he pulled out yet another banner and unrolled it.

"Go out with me?"

"You're supposed to be studying," Sehun reprimanded but he was smiling shyly nonetheless, unable to contain his happiness on seeing Kai.

"I figured skipping one day of studying wouldn't hurt," he replied, "But skipping out on your birthday definitely would."

Sehun felt the heat rushing to his face at that.

"Just... Get up here already!" He yelled, hoping he wouldn't be able to see how red his face was from the distance. Kai's grin only seemed to widen at that and he began to make his way into the building.

Heart thumping with anticipation, Sehun made a beeline for his closet. He had approximately three minutes to change into the sexiest outfit he could find. Two minutes if Kai was as excited to see him as he was. He grinned goofily to himself. Maybe my birthday wasn't going to be so lame after all.

He eventually pulled on a black hoodie and a blue jean vest. Just as he was zipping up his black skinny ripped jeans, there was incessant knocking on the door. Smoothing his hair back with his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror one more time before making his way to the door. Be still, my heart. He didn't know why he was so excited to see Kai behind that door, but that day, he really was.

With a deep exhale, he finally turned the knob only to find a grinning Kai at his door.

"Happy birthday, baby," he said as he stepped towards him, wrapping him in a tight hug. Sehun immediately relaxed into his hold and hugged him back.

"You're such a goof..." He giggled, savoring the closeness with him that he'd so dearly missed. It felt like it's been forever since he just held him like that.

"Look who's finally seventeen. You're almost not a kid anymore."

"And you're almost not a pedophile anymore," Sehun rolled his eyes as he pulled back, ushering Kai inside. "You sure you can miss a day of studying though?"

"Of course. I am smarter than I look," Kai scoffed.

Sehun cocked a brow.

"Come on, rest is also important. And so is celebrating my boyfriend's birthday."

"We don't have to..."

"It's your birthday, dude. You look miserable."

"I just have a lot of shit to do."

"Shit will have to wait."

Sehun crossed his arms. "What if I actually have to take a shit?"

"That can wait too. Shoes. Now. We're wasting daylight."

"But... But..."

"Yes I will spank your butt if you keep standing around like that. Come on," Kai rolled his eyes, making the other immediately grab his own behind and scurry off to his room.

"Remember this place?"

Sehun blinked, surprised when he found himself staring out at a familiar river.

"You serious? You're taking me to the same place Tao took me out on that date? Which you were not so subtly stalking me on?"

He grinned from ear to ear, "Exactly. I brought you here to erase the memory of Tao and replace it with a memory of me."

Sehun clicked his tongue in disapproval, "Wow. How sweet of you to think of yourself on my birthday. I'm honestly so touched."

"Come on babe, don't be like that. I promise you won't be disappointed. I made a bit of an upgrade," he cooed, taking Sehun's hand in his own and tugging him towards the dock where a bunch of different yachts were floating.

"This should be good," Sehun mumbled to himself, until he found himself standing in front of a medium-sized yacht with "El Dorado" written on the side.

"Welcome aboard the El Dorado, where love is afloat and lunch is on a boat!" The Captain said, ushering them aboard. Huh. Sehun cocked a brow but his boyfriend only chuckled.

"After you."

Sehun cautiously stepped on to the boat, looking around curiously. The Captain led them to the cabin and opened the door. His eyes widened considerably as he took in the sight in front of him. In the center of the room was a dining table for two, splayed out with all sorts of delicious-looking food. Sizzling steak, French fries, fried rice, bowls of mushroom soup, with two candles and roses in the middle just for good measure. And a bottle of wine.

"We're having soup on a rocky-ass boat?" He had to ask, unable to keep his sarcasm inside. "And these candles look like a fire hazard."

"Yeah, which is probably why we should hurry up and get to that." Kai said, leading Sehun to the table.

"You two get comfortable. I'll be up on the deck. Just ring that little bell if you need anything!" The Captain chirped before taking his leave, closing the cabin door behind him.

"Is this wine?" Sehun narrowed his eyes, picking up the bottle.

"Don't worry, it's non-alcoholic," Kai reassured. It wasn't long before their Captain started up the boat and they were on their way. Kai poured them two glasses of wine, handing one to Sehun. "Cheers."


Kai squinted thoughtfully before speaking up, "To your beautiful smile... And wonderful ass."

"Pervert," Sehun chuckled, taking a sip. He grimaced. "This fake wine is horrible."


After they had their lunch, which Sehun devoured wholeheartedly having been to busy to have a proper meal over the past couple of days, they went up on deck to enjoy the rest of the yacht ride. And Kai was right- it was quite the upgrade from the time he went with Tao. They stood against the railing, looking out at the expanse of sky and water, with Kai's arm wrapped around Sehun's waist the whole time. He definitely didn't regret missing out on some studying for this.

"This is nice," he admitted, resting his head on Kai's shoulder. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet... There's still more."


"We were just getting warmed up," he grinned, ruffling Sehun's hair affectionately.

After they finally arrived at the dock, Sehun was about ready to call it a day, but clearly Kai had other plans. They were soon on his bike yet again as he drove them to their next destination.

Which, surprisingly enough, turned out to be Kai's own house. Sehun got off, frowning as he took off his helmet.

"Are you gonna make me meet your parents again on my birthday? Because I'm so not down. The last time was traumatizing enough." He shivered at the memory. Kai chuckled.

"No, don't worry. They're not around. And I brought you here because I have a surprise."

Sehun cocked a brow, "Don't say surprise and then end up saying let's Netflix and chill. Because I'd much rather stuff my face in books all day than watch a movie."

"I know this whole concept of patience is a little foreign to you, but please try for me." Kai said as he turned off the ignition and got off the bike, leading Sehun towards the house.

"Someone really doesn't want to get booty tonight," Sehun huffed.

"I wasn't aware I was getting booty but..." Kai smirked, "I think you'll change your mind after you see this."

"I'm so not looking forward to this."

"Good. The lower the expectations, the easier it is to impress."

Sehun frowned when they walked right past the front door but didn't question it as he was being led around the side of the house.

Finally they stopped in front of a little shed out back and Sehun hugged himself, looking around suspiciously.

"I see... So this is where you murder your victims and harvest their organs to sell on the black market. Either that or it's your Christian Grey type BDSM playroom. And I honestly don't know which is worse."

"Don't be so naive, Sehunnie. This is much worse than both of those options," Kai said sinisterly as he popped the key in and turned the lock excruciatingly slow. When he finally turned the knob and the door swung open, Sehun froze at the sight that met him.

It wasn't one of blood and gore and torture devices, nor was it a wide array of different sex toys and bondage equipment.

"It's your new art room." Kai whispered into Sehun's ear.

Amazed, Sehun took a step inside, examining the room from corner to corner. The shed was quite spacious, with a hardwood floor and blue walls. There was an easel by the wall right next to a table and a shelf chock full of all the art supplies he could have ever dreamed of. Paints, pastel, water and oil colours, all sorts of pencils, canvases, sketch books, and a wide variety of each. All expensive-looking. Off to the other side was a medium sized retractable couch that could be extended into a bed, with a coffee table in front of it. There was even a mini-fridge and a projector, probably intended for Netflix and chill.

Sehun didn't even know what to say. He was amazed by all the effort Kai had put in to do this, all just for him.

"You... What? My art room?"

"Well it's definitely not for me so..." He stood in front of Sehun, handing him the key. "All yours."

"Kai, this is..." Sehun held the key in disbelief. He never really could have his private space to paint. The art room was great sure, but it wasn't always empty, or available, and painting in his room was too inconvenient because it almost always resulted in a huge mess. Plus, he never really could afford most of the material that Kai just bought him.

"Feels like moving in together, right?" He chuckled, "Don't worry, the only key for this place is with you."

"B-But... Your parents..."

"They never used the shed anyway," he shrugged, "It was always locked up with a bunch of useless junk inside it. So I cleared it all out and sort of renovated the place. What do you think?"

"Are you kidding? Kai, this is fucking amazing. I can't believe you did this for me... When did you even have the time?!"

He shrugged, rubbing the back of his head, "I had to shave off a couple of study hours."

"And how are you gonna make up for that? You're dumb enough as it is. No offense."

He cocked a brow, a sly smile playing on his lips, "I don't know, how do you think I should make it up?"

"You're gonna need a tutor, probably... Maybe I could- Hey, wait a minute! This was your plan all along wasn't it!"

He stepped closer, "Maybe it was."

"Well that's unnecessarily elaborate. You could have just asked for my help. You didn't have to do all this."

He rolled his eyes, "I wanted to do all this. I thought about how to make you happy on your birthday, then I realised, what makes Sehun happier than art?"

"Well, there is one thing..." Sehun said shyly, holding the key to his chest as if it was the most precious thing to him. Kai's smile widened.

"I'm a person, not a thing. Dummy."

Sehun glared at him but there was no malice behind it, especially with that little smile threatening to break out on his lips. He turned around to look around the room in more detail, examining all his new art supplies. Kai took a seat down on the red couch, watching his boyfriend gush excitedly over his new paint, pencils and canvases for a good fifteen minutes.

"I fucking love you!" Sehun said, practically jumping on Kai and hugging him tightly. Kai was taken by surprise at the sudden contact but wrapped his own arms around Sehun, laughing softly. "Thank you, Kai. I really mean it."

"You're welcome. As long as you're happy."

"Happy? I'm gay as hell! The happy gay. But I'm also like gay gay so I guess it goes both ways."

"Whatever makes you gay, Sehun," Kai chuckled. Sehun pulled back a little so he could lock eyes with his boyfriend, eyes suddenly serious.

"You make me gay."

Kai smiled, "Which gay are we talking about now?"

He grinned, "Try to guess." Kai's eyes trailed down to his pink lips, a flash of desire going through them. Just as he was about to lean in, Sehun spoke up again.

"Can I... Ask you for a favour?" He mumbled, suddenly seeming bashful as he looked down at his lap. Only then he actually realized that he was sitting on Kai's lap, his legs on either side of Kai's and their faces dangerously close.

"Sounds dangerous," Kai hummed. "Go ahead."

"Can I draw you again?"


Sehun nodded shyly. It wasn't exactly what Kai had been expecting. Dare he say he was expecting something more provocative than that, from the way Sehun had been looking at him so intensely. But he didn't mind. It was Sehun's day, after all.


"But... Um... I want you to..." He fidgeted, face going slightly red. Kai lifted his eyebrows up at him.


He traced his fingers down to Kai's collar, tugging it lightly. "I want you to... take this off."

Kai stared at him, a little dazed as if he couldn't believe Sehun just said that. He wasn't even able to meet his eyes. Eventually his lips quirked up slightly.

"You could have just said you wanted to draw me like one of your French girls."

Sehun groaned, "Shut up. Nevermind."

He went to get off Kai's lap but the elder held on to him before he could even move.

"I'm kidding. I don't mind. But I do have one condition," he smirked mischievously. "I want you to take it off for me."

Sehun's eyes widened at that as he looked down at Kai's chest. No doubt he always wanted to run his hands all over him, and had fantasized about it more times than he liked to admit, but when it actually came down to it...

Sehun was always so goddamn shy.

It didn't matter how many dirty jokes he made, the truth was that he was inexperienced and had no idea what he was doing when it came to anything even remotely sexual.

He definitely wasn't about to pass up this particular opportunity though. So he slowly trailed his hand down to the hem of Kai's shirt, pulling it up a little to reveal some smooth caramel skin. Kai audibly sucked in a breath when Sehun's fingertips grazed the skin of his hip and the latter looked up to meet his eyes. There was a certain intensity to them that Sehun hadn't quite seen before and it made him gulp, unable to meet that gaze any longer than a few seconds. He pulled Kai's shirt up the rest of the way, with Kai lifting his arms up to help him take it off completely.

Sehun took in his beautiful chocolate abs and his lean, toned frame. His arms were particularly delectable, thanks to all the gym and basketball practice. Not to mention, dancing really helped shape his muscles in all the right places in all the right ways.

"How do you want me to pose?" Kai asked softly, watching him closely.

"Um... Lean back on the couch."

Kai shrugged innocently, "I don't know how."

Sehun chewed on his bottom lip. He knew what Kai was doing. He didn't mind it, he wanted every opportunity to touch Kai. Actually, it was taking everything in him not to just run his hands all over his hot boyfriend.

He gripped his shoulders, pushing him back against the couch. He then lifted one of his arms, resting his head against his palm. He lifted the other arm to just rest against the couch. He held his chin, gently pulling it up a little, adjusting his hair with his fingers. It was a casual, relaxed stance, and it suited Kai perfectly. Sehun smiled in satisfaction and finally got off him, albeit hesitantly.

"Can you hold that?"

"Sure... As long as you'll let me hold you after," Kai smiled softly.

"Only if you're staying shirtless," Sehun muttered as he moved his new easel and stool and situated them right in front of Kai. He marvelled at how smooth the wood felt underneath his fingers, squealing internally. He couldn't believe all this was really his now.

For the next hour, they settled into silence as Sehun got to work. He'd wanted to paint Kai for a while now but never really got the right opportunity, or the right headspace, with all the stress he'd been dealing with. It felt great to just unplug for one day, just him and Kai.

"How are things going with your mom?" He found himself asking as his pencil flew across the canvas. Kai grimaced a little.

"Not great. She's been giving me the cold shoulder for a while. I guess it'll take some time. Dad's been keeping her in check whenever she tried to go off on me."

"That's good to hear."

"Yeah... I just kinda wish I could hear her side of the story too. This stuff just made me realize how little I knew about my parents, though I always blamed them for all my problems."

"It's okay, we kids are ungrateful assholes like that."

"You're not," he chuckled, "Look at you. You study hard and you work your ass off to help your mum with expenses. I wish I was even half as awesome as you are."

"I'm not awesome..." Sehun mumbled coyly. Kai quirked a brow at him. "Okay I am pretty awesome. But you're awesome in your own way as well. I mean... You took time out of your day to do this for me, as a birthday gift. You're sweet and considerate, you're sexy as hell when you dance and... You're really hot in general. Like seriously."

"Thanks, I'm flattered. But that's about where my list ends," he laughed softly. "I'm just saying... You should give yourself more credit, and more slack. You're doing way more than anyone else your age, Sehun. You're doing great."

Somehow, those three simple words really warmed his heart. You're doing great. It meant a lot to him. Maybe he really deserved a break. Possibly one that involved molesting his incredibly sexy boyfriend with the six-pack, but a break no less.

"I'm done for now," he mumbled, smiling at the portrait he just drew. Just a half-naked Kai lounging casually on the couch, a gorgeous, effortless smile on his lips. He was proud of himself for once- for being able to capture that genuine smile like he always wanted to. It reminded him of the first time he drew Kai, and how far he'd come since then. How far they both had come, together.

"Can I see it?" He asked softly, making no move to get off the couch.

"You already know you can't," he replied, picking the canvas up and resting it against the wall.

"Yet..." Kai said, holding a hand out, "Can you come here now because you've been unreasonably far away for way too long."

Sehun shyly walked over to Kai, feeling his heart thump against his chest for no particular reason. He took Kai's awaiting hand and the latter pulled him on to the couch next to him, throwing an arm around him.

"Missed you," he whispered, placing a soft kiss to the side of his head as his fingers played with his hair. "Your hair's longer."

"Huh? Oh yeah... Haven't had time to trim it recently," Sehun said, relaxing against his hold.

"Mm... I like it long. Looks better on you. I miss the glasses though."

"I got kinda used to the contact lens."

"Well you're still handsome either way. Just that the glasses gave you that cute nerdy look."

"I don't wanna be cute anymore, I'm a grown man now," he huffed.

Kai cocked a brow, "Is that so? Why don't you prove it?"

Sehun's breath hitched. He wasn't sure if Kai had meant for that to sound suggestive, but it sure as hell did. And it sent inappropriate images through his brain. Things he'd only seen in the mangas and... Other relevant material. He found himself inadvertently blushing at the thought.

Okay was it wrong that he really wanted to experiment, just a little? Without being cock-blocked by his mother this time?

"I..." He looked down at his lap bashfully, "Well..."

"You okay?" Kai asked, seeming concerned as he took in his boyfriend's jittery state.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just..." Gee, well. The talking clearly isn't gonna work. I should just go for it. I'm a grown man! Exhaling slowly to calm his racing heart, he placed both his hands on Kai's shoulders. Kai watched him patiently, anticipation and curiousity shining in his eyes but also something more.

Sehun's eyes trailed up his body that they were now familiar with. His hands though, were itching to touch, but he kept chickening out. Okay... Just kiss him. You've done that before.

There was so much tension in the air that he could probably cut through it with a knife. His heart was still pounding, his mind completely blank now that they were at such close proximity. He closed eyes and leaned in, letting his lips brush against Kai's. Except his aim was completely off and he was kissing the spot right under his nose. Wow, way to mess that up. Kai didn't laugh though, he didn't even react, he just waited for Sehun.

He moved lower, kissing Kai square on the lips this time. He waited for Kai to take the lead like he always did, but this time he didn't. He was idle. Oh, right. I initiated this. I'm in charge.

It felt foreign at first, leading the kiss, coaxing Kai along with him. And Kai responded wholeheartedly but didn't fight for dominance. He let Sehun take the lead, and while letting Kai take initiative was nice and comfortable, this was intimidating, but exciting. He wasn't confident at first, but he found his confidence eventually when Kai held on to his waist, when his breath hitched, when he gasped softly into his lips. He cupped Kai's cheek, tilting his head so he could deepen the kiss. His tongue brushed against Kai's plump lips, slipping past to taste the sweetness beyond them.

He found his hand slowly trailing down his cheek, his neck, his chest, his abs, feeling the skin and muscle underneath as their lips danced passionately yet gently. Kai moaned softly and the sound had all of Sehun's hair standing on end. There was a certain bubbling in his stomach, a dizzying electricity that went straight to all the wrong places. He was desparate for Kai's touch.

Pulling away from the kiss, his eyes met with Kai's that were now clouded over with passion and desire. His lips were red and parted, his chest heaving slightly as he gasped for air. Kai cupped his cheek gently, studying his face.

"What can I do for you?" He asked huskily, a gentle smile on his lips. But that didn't help the blush that travelled up to Sehun's cheeks. It was a simple question, but one that held so many implications, so many options that were so hard to choose from. Kiss me. Hold me. Lick me. Bite me. Devour me. Take me. There were so many things Sehun fantasized about. But he decided to start with the simplest.

Taking hold of Kai's hand that was on his cheek, he moved it down to his chest. "T-Touch me," he mumbled, looking anywhere but at the intensity of Kai's eyes. Kai leaned in, his lips brushing against Sehun's ear.

"Where?" He whispered, lightly biting on his earlobe. Sehun sucked in a breath, feeling even more blood rush south. Kai was absolutely enticing and he wanted every bit of him.

God forgive me, I am such a bad boy.


He could practically feel him smirk against his ear as he began to tug at Sehun's jacket to take it off.



Okayyy to be continued. Maybe ;)

Gee, well this took forever. Sorry guys! I'm back now! I hope this 5.8k word behemoth of a chapter makes up for the long wait.

If it doesn't, this picture of Kai's upcoming solo definitely will.

My body is so not ready *Drools*

I'll try not to take so long with the next chapter though. But I've been really really busy lately so bear with me please! Thank you guys for your patience.

Please don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps lift my spirits and motivate me to write more!

Song of the day: "Just Me And You" by Taemin. This whole Taemin album is honestly such a masterpiece that I can't even pick a favourite. Seriously. Support Taemin!

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