My Boyfriend

By saabelz

579 177 32

"There are different kinds of guys and their characters reflect in their love-life. That's why I said we all... More



35 15 5
By saabelz

Dedicated to Sal_belz, kemmzy98obiohaAngela and Iremiide   for the constant votes it means alot.

As soon as she entered her friends had her cornered by the door. Their eyes shinning bright with anticipation. Ene and Uriel looked sleepy but that didn't hide how excited they were to hear all the gist.

"Did he drop you?"

"Where did you people go to?"

"Did you kiss?"

They all started questioning her with the exception of Salihat who was trying to close to door properly as they had left it partly ajar. Funmilayo was overwhelmed and didn't even know where to start.

"Oya na give us gist." Daniella said smiling and shaking her hands as if to show how impatient she was.

"You guys should let her sit haba." Salihat said holding Funmilayo's hand. She pulled her away from the other girls and made her sit on the couch. The girls followed suit.

Funmilayo couldn't contain her excitement anymore as she pulled Uriel in for a hug and started screaming happily before Ene asked to tone it down indicating that it was late already. Funmilayo reduced her voice but continued to hug Uriel.

"Why are you hugging only her?" Daniella asked joining the hug.

"Me too."Ene stated smiling as she went in also. Salihat stood smiling at them.

"What are you doing there aunty?" Daniella glanced at Salihat and the other girls looked at Salihat waiting for her to join.

Daniella pulled Salihat in and shouted.

"Group hug!" Salihat smiled putting her arms around her friends. They stayed like that for a few seconds.

"Uhm..ah..aah.. ok I can't breathe ..well again." Uriel said and they pulled away laughing.

"Funmi give us gist na." Ene  dragged a plastic stool,positioning it in front of Funmilayo and sat down. Uriel remained sitted beside Funmilayo on the couch while Salihat and Daniella laid down on the fluffy rug on the floor.

Funmilayo smile didn't falter for even a second. The girls stared at her amused.

"So you guys know he sent his driver to come pick me up." Funmilayo started.

"Ooooh we know that one na. Jump to the part you guys kissed. " Daniella said   and Uriel threw a throw pillow at her.

"Who said they kissed. You'll not calm down." Uriel laughed as Daniella gave her the middle finger.

" girls now." Funmilayo said still smiling. She didn't like how they were interrupting. They are kept quiet and she continued "so he took me to O'liv but showed up late."

"Musty Musty he really wanted to impress you o. O'liv that's very expen.." Uriel didn't complete the statement as the same throw pillow she threw at Daniella hits her head. "Yeeh " she saw Daniella laughing.

" You too calm down."  Ene glared at the both of them for interrupting.

"Abeg continue. You people should allow her finish na." Ene said

"Wait o before you continue. He came late for your date. The one he set himself. Hmmm" Salihat spoke from where she was laying. She was already assuming that it was a lie.

"Yeah he said he was at a meeting or something like that." Funmilayo shrugged like it was not a big deal. She believed he was caught up in a meeting.

"Ok o continue." Salihat was reserving her real comment for when she finishes the gist.

Funmilayo carried on with the gist. She continued to narrate all that went down during her date with Mustapha. The view at the restaurant, the food and all. The girls were smiling listening to her. Screaming few hail words when necessary. They took her phone scrolling through snaps she took.

"God when we hugged I thought I was going to faint." She blushed remembering how she felt when he wrapped her arms around her. "His arms are strong, pure muscle. Don't get me started on his smell.hmmm." she closed her eyes hugging her breathing in as if he was there hugging her. 

"Osheeey Mr Muscle." Daniella said and they laughed.

"Then he pulled away and we were staring at each other for a long time then he started leaning in..."

"Osheeeeey Naija Romcom"

"I can perceive the sexual tension there."

Uriel and Daniella made comments as the rest found themselves laughing even Salihat was enjoying the gist though she had her reservations.

Remembering how they had stared into each other's eyes, Funmilayo face reddened.

"So you he kissed you!!!" Daniella gushed. She was so excited for her cousin. The girls were making cute awwww sounds.

"No we didn't kiss." The girls excitement was short lived and Daniella glanced up at her asking

"What do mean you didn't kiss?"

"I turned away at the last moment." Funmilayo said as if she was regretting it. Salihat smiled at her giving her a thumbs up.

"Why????" Uriel cried out not believing Funmilayo could turn down a kiss from Mustapha as she knew it was something Funmilayo wanted.

"Babe I surprise o " Ene stated. She wasn't the only surprised one. They all were but unlike the others Salihat was glad she didn't kiss him and at the same time worried b'cos she knew Mustapha.

Sighing a little Funmilayo looked down at her hands then glanced up.

"I wanted that kiss as much as he did, probably more than but I.....I don't know...I feel like Mustapha is the kind of guy that has girls falling all over his feet and I didn't want him thinking I'm some cheap girl ... easy to get. When we left the restaurant..." Funmilayo explained.

"So how was his reaction?" Ene asked and it was her turn to be glared at by the others and she quickly shut her mouth letting Funmilayo continue.

Atleast she didn't get hit in the face with a throw pillow.

"When we left the restaurant he wasn't talking to me and I was instantly regretting my action like I told him he has to earn the kiss. I was able to get into the car when he said we should go out again saying he was going to earn that kiss. His driver brought me back and as soon as I got out his call came in. He wanted to make sure I got back safely and that's it. By the time Funmilayo was done, she was grinning from ear to ear like Cheshire cat. Her friends looking at her amused.

"Awww that was a nice date." Uriel said

"I know right. I honestly thought he was  going to get mad or something but he didn't. " Funmilayo replied

"Yeah he acted like a real gentleman man should." Daniella said and Ene nodded totally agreeing with her.

"You think? Or he just wanted you to think that he is and it obvious its working." Salihat said like it was common sense. Ene was signaling to Salihat, trying to get her to stop. They all knew where this would lead and they weren't ready for such at least not for the night but Salihat wasn't letting it go.

"What's do you mean by that?" Funmilayo asked not smiling at her friend. She couldn't understand why Salihat was trying to bad mouth Mustapha every chance she got.

There goes STA401. Daniella thought to herself as she knew they would be up all night settling this upcoming quarrel and she had an eight o'clock lecture the following morning.

" it simply means that Mustapha is trying to play you like all the other girls he has been with and you my friend is falling for his charms. First, he shows up late for dinner. Didn't he check his schedule before fixing it...."

"I told you he was caught up in a meeting."Funmilayo said getting angry.

"And you believe. Ofcourse you did. Then he received a call from his 'cousin  sister' and he.." Uriel interrupted Salihat saying

"Sally, a call from his cousin call isn't a crime unless if you're insinuating it wasn't his cousin "

"Exactly my point, I don't trust that guy one bit." Salihat said

"And who puts you in any position to trust him or not. You weren't even there so how would you know it wasn't his cousin sister who called." Funmilayo said defending Mustapha. She felt Salihat was just trying to make up excuses for not liking him.

Salihat knew she might be wrong about the call but she didn't trust Mustapha and found all his actions suspicious.

"Ok what about the kiss and the apology. Mustapha never apologises to any girl. He sees women as object and doesn't respect them at all. Nice of you to reject his kiss. At least you thought well but don't think you've won. You don't know this guy. "  Salihat said feeling upset and frustrated that her friend wouldn't listen and non of the other girls seem to be taking her side on the matter.

"And you think you know him?" Funmilayo asked eyeing her friend.

"Yes! I know him more than you do." Salihat replied her angry friend.

"Ofcourse now. From the gossip your cousins tell and the rumours you hear obviously you know him. You know everyone living in Abuja..Well he apologised to me and if he just wanted to hook up with me I'm sure this first date would be a turn off for him but it isn't my dear." Funmilayo countered.

Daniella sat on floor starring at them. They were her friends but Funmilayo was her cousin first and she's supposed to have her back always but right then she didn't even know who to back.

"How many times would I tell you that it isn't just rumours or gossip. I've met one of his ex. If you like believe me and if you don't that's your problem I've tried my best. I thought yoruba girls were smart." Salihat said and that tipped Funmilayo off.

Funmilayo stood up from where she was and tried moving in Salihat's direction but was held down by Uriel and Ene.

"What's your problem ehn? If you don't like the guy it's ok but don't bad mouth him after all he hasn't done anything to you. " Funmilayo started shouting ".. see me see this hausa bitch oo. You that is smart. Say one more word let me slap the so called smartness out of your head."

Salihat not liking what Funmilayo was saying also stood up to fight her but was held by Ene who left Uriel alone holding Funmilayo as she held Salihat.

Daniella was standing in between the two of to prevent from clawing each others face like cats.

"Who do you want to beat. Funmi?" Salihat asked raising her voice.

"Uriel leave me let me beat the devil out of this hausa goat" Funmilayo tugged at Uriel's hand trying to free herself.

"I'm kanuri!kanuri . Kei ne busuru (you're the he-goat). You're crazy. Salihat gave back her own insults.

They continued raining insults at each other. Everyone in their compound were probably awake now. Daniella tried calming them down.

"Funmi please it's ok."

"I know what's wrong with you. You're jealous. " Funmilayo said not listening to Daniella's plea.

"Jealous of what? Is it your relationship with him I should be jealous of or your strong yoruba ynash. " Salihat fired back.

"Efi mi le kin lu werey yii (leave me alone let me beat this mad girl)" Funmilayo shouted and she was able to pull out of Uriel's grip as she lands a slap on Salihat's face. Salihat feeling angrier than ever pushed Ene away and kicked Funmilayo in the stomach. The two girls tried hitting each other but were prevented by Daniella who stood between them and got hit a little.

"Ene, Uriel please hold them." Daniella said and the others held the girls in place. "What's wrong with you guys!!" Daniella found herself shouting at them. The girls always quarrelled but never had any of them gone physical like that. It saddens her but what pained her the most was the cause of the fight.

"I can't believe it. Why would you girls come at each other like that. All for what? A guy! The so called guy is probably snoring on his bed and you both are here fighting b'cos of him." Daniella frowned at them.

"It's her fault."

"She started it." 

Funmilayo and Salihat started Ene interrupted.

"Please just stop. Does it matter whose fault it was or who started it! You should have handled it like the adults I thought you were instead of exchanging blows." Ene said to the both of them.

Ene and Uriel released their hold on the girls when they were sure they wouldn't attack each other.

Funmilayo and Salihat sat on opposite sides far from each other as much as the tiny parlour could let them. Throwing daggers at each other.

"I can't be in the same room with this bad belle " Funmilayo said as she stood up and went into the room.

The girls were in an awkward silence. No one thinking of breaking it. They sat for awhile until Daniella stood up and went into the room. Leaving Salihat, Ene and Uriel in the parlour.

Salihat also didn't want to be in the same room as Funmilayo so she went to lay on the couch.  Ene and Uriel didn't know what to do. With Funmilayo in the room and Salihat in the parlour they seemed divided and didn't know where to be without making it look like they were picking sides.

They decided to sleep on the fluffy rug. Uriel went into the room to get a blanket for Ene and herself  and a cover for Salihat. When she got to the room Funmilayo was in the bathroom. She informed Daniella of the sleeping arrangement and their reasons. Daniella understood and also wanted Salihat not to feel alone but she couldn't leave her cousin so she wanted Ene and Uriel with her.

Uriel returned to the parlour and went to place the cover on Salihat who she noticed was crying but she didn't say anything. She covered her and went to lay on the rug with Ene and whispered what Daniella said to her and Salihat cry.

"What a long night."Ene sigh as she closed her eyes.

Ene: what a chapter. Sighs

Uriel: I know right. Never saw the fight coming. But I want to see the votes and comments coming. Laughs.

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