City Boy (TodoBaku)

By _Calv_Haii

81.6K 3.1K 4.4K

At his final attempt, Enji Todoroki created his 'Perfect' creation. A dual quirked user that was forced to be... More

Chapter 1: Sadness
Chapter 2: Dull
Chapter 3: Betrayal
Chapter 4: New kid
Chapter 5: Art Class
Chapter 6: Interest
Chapter 7: Words can Cut
Chapter 8: No Love Interest
Chapter 9: Fight
Chapter 10: Someone Else
Chapter 11: Wonders
Chapter 12: unhero-like
Chapter 13: Shine
Chapter 14: Confidence
Chapter 15: Haunted House
Chapter 16: Trigger
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Pain
Chapter 19: Concern
Chapter 20: Cool Down
Chapter 21: Sorry for being me
Chapter 22: You Should Be Sad
Chapter 23: Can I Die?
Chapter 24: You're you....
Chapter 25: Cuddle Weather
Chapter 26: ...Talk
Chapter 27: Another Perspective
Chapter 30: Too Easy
Chapter 32: Worn out
Chapter 33: One Tragic Day
Thank you!!!!
Chapter 28: Try Having Friends
Chapter 34: I Want You Back
Chapter 35: Evidence.
Chapter 29: Human Heroine
Chapter 36: Is he.... Him?
Chapter 37: Save Shoto
Chapter 38: Quiet Chaos

Chapter 31: I'm Not Dead

872 42 0
By _Calv_Haii

(( My wattpad account is a pain in the ass! It's literally moving shit that's not supposed to be there. In my drafts, the chapters are all numbered. Somehow, it all got mixed up and it's pissing me off.
I want it fixed and I tried everything....))

Shoto Todoroki's Point if View:

"O-our father..." he repeated. "Excuse me?" I raised a brow and my two companions looked at me confused, asking for an explanation. I looked at him, up and down.... I don't get why but I feel something familiar about him.... who is he?

"I'm confused as you are" I say to them. "Hey, remove your quirk for a minute" Katsuki said to Shinso. "Sure.." he said in uncertainty.

The villain's eyes turned back to normal, it wasn't as dull from before. "....who are you?" I ask. He glared at me but stoped. Why though?  Instead of glaring at me, he glared at my friends.... why is he glaring at them when I'm the one literally in front of him?

He remained quiet, like a snake, he was waiting for an opportunity to strike.  I sigh and close my eyes. "Fine... I'll start, My name's Shoto, Yours?" I ask. "Shoto, don't tell the villain your name!" Katsuki yelled at me. "Todoroki, don't give him information about you" shinso added.

I face palmed at shinso... "You just did" I slightly chuckled. The villain raised a brow at me. "Are you really a Todoroki?" He asked. I averted my gazed towards him and I nodded. "....Are you really Shoto?" He narrowed his eyes on me.

I sigh and nod again. "What's it to you!?" Katsuki yelled at him, clearly intimidated that the villain knows my identity. "Who are you anyways?!" He asked again. "....tch" the villain hissed at him. "Why did you attack the city?" Shinso asked. He too, didn't answer his question.

"What's up with that?! You're only answering his questions." Kat said in pure frustration, which I found slightly adorable.... he does seem cute when he pouts slightly and act like a child.

I... Think I have an idea... "hey guys" I spoke to the 2. "Let me ask the questions.... Just trust me in this" I say, pushing them away. They made it seem like they were headed towards the elevator...

I sigh and looked back at the frozen villain. "So... Let's talk, i guess?" I ask myself. "What's your villain name, again?" I started. "...dabi" he spoke quietly. "Dabi...  weird... okay, I'm fine with it. What happened with the scars? They seem... painful" I say and he nodded. 

I then pointed to the metal stitches on his face and body "Are these like... so if you use your quirk-" I trip slightly, absolutely faking everything but ... it's psychology. Wait for the next scenes.

"Shit" I hiss, "well that was dumb" he added. "Shut up" I say to him in a slightly higher octave yet in a joking manner. "I thought you wanted to ask questions? why are you making me shut up?" He argued.

As I made it seem to look having difficulty standing up, i smirk slightly at this tiny accomplishment.

He's talking back on his own will.
A little sneaky psychology fact I learned, being clumsy, tripping or doing things that make you seem dumb will attract mental predators.
By doing these, he's acting on hid own now.

I know he's a villain, meaning,  he'll take opportunities like me, a "vulnerable" person which he'll think of me as easy prey. Seeing how he's talking right now, and not stuttering or careful with his words, we can see that he's going for sweet talk.

It sounds completely complicated but it's facts?

He snorts as he chuckled lightly...
Wait... what? What's happening?  Hmm... this did not go ad predicted.
He's showing... affection, openness, he's laughing and it's not fake.. what?!

So... lemme puzzle this... he's convinced I'm the prey but he isn't going for the kill.... I'm literally in front on him, holding my leg, slightly rubbing it. "Anyways.... dabi; your quirk is ... what?" I ask.

".... Cremation" he says, no longer stuttering but I can sense fear and nervousness. He's the bad guy here, why is he nervous? Okay, why the hell did I try to go for psychology attacks? This isn't working, it's just fucking with me.

I nod at him and ask "is your quirk that bad that it burns your skin like that?" I ask. He nodded. "Yeah.... that's one of the reasons our father hated me" his eyes then opened wide as he realized what he said.

"..... you said the same thing earlier... 'Our Father'.... who are you? Do you know me?" I ask, now really mind fucked. " ......" he remained quiet.
He but his lip tightly, blood spilling from the sides.

"Who are you? It's not like Touya cane back from the dead... Is he dead? I-I...what?" I give up. What is the truth, the hell is happening?

"I- I'm....not.. Dead..." he spoke bitterly.

I felt the water beside me and I just now noticed... he's free..  he melted the ice....

I look up and he was standing tall, I was sitting down and he was towering over me. He smirked widely and raised his arms, blue flames danced around his figure as the lacquer hues covered his scars, completely embracing him back...

"T-t...Touya?" I say with complete and utter confusion....

As he bring his arms down, I close my eyes as I tried to make another ice barrier but couldn't seeing how his flames' heat was too much that it dried out my whole body...

Black consumed me as I patiently waited for the rough hit to force down on me....

Jagged hands covered my torso and liquid and quiet whimpers envelope me as the villain clutched me on to his own body. His cries where quiet but were very audible for me to hear since his head was facing mine, resting on to my shoulder.

His eyes squeezed shut as he trembled in pure anxiety. "S-sorry for leaving you behind" I whisper to him...

His grip held on to me tighter and his eyes started to get puffier. "What... happened? " I ask still in shock"
"After you left... I was stuck again, alone in my room. Father couldn't go to abroad with you because of his work....." he said while sniffling...

My heart's pumping really fast,

Is this really true? Is it really him?
If it's him... then.... finally, i wouldn't have to say good bye to him. I at least didn't left him behind with a goodbye because he's alive!

Touya, you're the only sibling I had that will actually try and understand me, to the point where he'd actually go through what I was doing.

A small  tug of muscles on my cheek went upwards,  forming a small smile yet genuine one. I hugged back, feeling the heat he emitted. It wasn't hot, it was clear he didn't want to hurt me.

Soon, I as well felt water come down my mismatched orbs as he wept on my clothes. I felt around his back, feeling his clothes and lean muscle, he's really alive.... he isn't dead. I closed my eyes as well and hugged him even tighter than before....

For the first time in a few years, my walls were all down. Not one was raised. I knew this was my brother, he isn't just a stranger...

"A-are you alright? Did he hurt you when you came back? Is he still abusing mom? T-tell me" he fired questions after questions. He held my face, looking at me for answers... and well... he removed some parts of the make up I was wearing. I pat his shoulders, rubbing his back accordingly to calm him down.

"Hey, calm down a bit" I say and he nodded, he let go of the hug but he was holding onto my shoulders still.
".... Can I ask first.  Why did you leave" I say not really wanting to tell instantly the whole abuse thing.... I'm still getting over it, it's still haunting.

"I-i....." he started, looking at my eyes for answers. It was clear he wasn't also too happy about the topic, nor was he comfortable about it.

"I faked my death...

Father wanted to train me, so when you came back, you had someone like me as like a partner or a body guard. He only taught me self-damaging skills like being able to self destruct, literally anything that could be a ticking time bomb.

He wanted to use me in his disposal...
Like if You or him were in danger, I'd be there to take the shots. Believe me I want to protect you.... but not in that way. I know I can help you in hero work; you were pretty lucky you are now a student in U.A.

When I told him I wanted to be a hero he only laughed at me. He saw me like an inferior version of himself in me....." he took deep breaths and wiped away the tears.

He looked at his fellow villains and he sighed in relief when he saw that they were unconscious.

"- He planned to use us as weapons...
You probably know that much...
But what you don't know is that since  I am the "self-destruction" dog he thinks of me as... he plans on killing his rival and pinning it on me...

So basically.... Homicide." He sighs and looks at me.

"Have... you been well? What happened when you left Japan?"

It was his turn to ask the questions..
The question pierced my brain in an instant...

What should I tell him?

I'm practically crazy?

I have a couple of attempted suicides?

"Shoto? Hey... what happened? Did he stop using you? " he asked again. I grit my teeth in response. I can't not lie to him, he's my brother.  I just got him back.

"I.... no .." I answer in full honesty. My breathing hitched and in defeat and nodded a no. I looked down in guilt, i probably wasted his effort...

Why can't I stop people from using me?

Why can't I just make my own decisions....

Why aren't I allowed to be me most of the time...

....... Once again... I'm a failure....

The thoughts overwhelmed him once more and that made the 2 teenagers from before stand up and go for their friend.

They didn't leave the boy,  they were too afraid on what would happen. Yes, they trusted the two toned haired male but... they can't be not cautious on what will happen,  he is with 3 of the known villains in a certain insidious group of villains.

They were hiding behind pillars so they just eaves dropped on the conversation...

Both of them were holding onto their mouths as they tried to stop themselves from uttering a single noise....

Millions of thoughts ran through their mind...

Was Shoto Todoroki really abused?

....I thought he was Mr. Perfect.

How are they related?

Is The Number 2 Hero really that disgusting? 

Why did he make his children into weapons?

Was the torture really that bad to make a person into a villain?

Shinso tapped on Katsuki's arm, he whispered "Don't tell anyone what you're hearing, or else I WILL kill you" he glared. "You do the same, brain freak" the other hissed.

".....I'm really sorry for Todoroki" Shinso whispered. "I know... " the other acknowledged. They listened and listened to the two other sibling's cries and confrontation.
"Shoto, what happened?  Did he stop using you? " the black haired male ask, echoes bouncing back through the lonely basement.

The two hiding boys looked at each other, scared of the answer that may come....

They peek through the concrete pillar and notice that the other male wasn't breathing properly..
The way how shoto held his chest, hitting his own abdomen just to try and breathe...

"SHOTO!" The two launched themselves onto the teen and looked at Dabi in anger.

"What did you do?!" Both boys said in a dark manner. "I-I. ... I just asked a question" the raven haired male spoke. The 3 averted their attention on the teen; Shoto already stood up, running away to the bathrooms.

"Damn it" Katsuki muttered, following the boy. Shinso was alone with the Villain so he trapped him in his thoughts for the mean time. He knew if he went to Shoto, there was a possibility that the villain would free the others and that's a possibility he wasn't willing to take.

It'd be the lives of the whole U.A. even the life of the one he wanted to go after. He hissed silently, seeing the blonde following the taller male.


Shoto Todoroki's Point of View:

Placing both hands on my throat, I released all the bile that rushed through my veins... memories,
head aches,  and burning lunacy.

They just all had to come at me, all at once. I felt as if I'm the most fragile thing in earth....

You are though...

You're just a weak fucker with daddy issues-

....I felt a warm hand on my back and I looked to my side to see Katsuki.

"Kat? Why... are you here? " I manage to ask before throwing up once more.
"I never left... sorry for hearing everything.... I'm really sorry. I won't tell anyone, I promis-" I cut him off and say "I get it, I trust you. It's fine.." I say and smile as I wipe my mouth.

I feel disgusting... I went to the sink and rinse my mouth. "I badly wanna scrub the soap on my tongue" I say looking at the soap dispenser.
"Dumb ass, Don't do that" he scolded.

Flushing the toilet, I look at him, he looked puzzled still. "Is there something... wrong? " I asked slightly nervous. "No, it's nothing... just processing things" he spoke silently..

"...Oh..." the sudden realization that they heard everything.... they took 4 seconds to realize I wasn't breathing. It only meant they were close by.
I looked down and watched my fists tighten and the veins gets more visible....

Veins... blood.... cuts....

I.. miss cutting... I really haven't done it in a while. What should I do? Katsuki's watching though...

Does it matter if he sees? He already knows your pitiful ass.

Oh... yeah.

A sudden chill ran through my spine as it crawled upwards, making my head numb and neck slightly sore.
Looking through the pulsating veins,
I put a finger on the old and new scars..

With a swift movement, Ice formed at the tip of my finger tips as I realized I went in deep... huh...  I miss this feeling ... but I hate the numbness it comes with it. Crimson covered my arm as the liquid dripped down, like an unscrewed tap that's just dripping and dripping...

Katsuki wasn't even looking at me..
He's still bothered of what he heard...

Figures, I really thought he was the type that wouldn't change his perception of me....

Turns out you're wrong.

The ash-blonde was still dazed.

Turns out he's still thinking of what he's gonna say after this.  He's just probably after your money, fame and fortune...


....Hah? What is this? Are you really saying that?

Don't you remember the people you also defended? You said the same exact things!

As the crimson dripped from the boy's wrists, the water from his orbs did the same, they streamed down to his own flesh. Revealing the carefully hidden scar he abhored so much that he'd rather tear-off the damaged skin than to show it to people.

He wiped the water that went by and accidentally wiped his own red fluids on his own bare face. He looked at his wrist and saw the messy substance.

"I can't believe myself" he whispers to himself. The ice that stuck to his fingers melted down, he was completely lost. He acted in pure foolishness.

He glanced upwards and saw the frowned expression of Katsuki.
He probably thinks of me as a monster....

I mean... look at his face, he seems disgusted. Why are you even alive?

"Yeah... Why am I even alive?"
I whispered...

"Sho.... " he whispers as he grab both my shaking hands. He held them tight, not wanting to let go. "You said earlier...  you trust me. Can you trust me enough... to tell me what you're thinking?" He gave me a pleading look but with a careful tone.

I hesitantly nodded and then stopped...

...what should I choose, yes or no?

"can... you turn around" I ask. He nodded and turned around, still holding onto my limbs. ", tell me what's on your mind?" He asked, straying his uneasiness away from his voice.

"...Do you hate me now?" I spoke ever so silently, I'm afraid to tell him the truth, I can't lie to him. I'd feel to guilty to ever talk to him again if I ever did that. "What?! Of course not!" He yelled in pure compassion.

"Did you ever change your perspective of me?" I ask, still tense.

"Yeah..." he nodded even though he was facing the other way. "Oh..." I say, trying to hide my disappointment.

"I-It's n-not that! I meant... It changed b-because I can finally understand you. I-I've been trying to make you open up from the start....

I'm really sorry I had to learn these things in this situation" he explained.
"Oh.." I say in understanding.

Does he though? Does he even understand you?"

Shut up!

"What? I haven't said anything" katsuki retorted. "Um... sorry. It wasn't for you " I say. "My voices are super loud..." I say silently dragging myself out the door. I feel so guilty for telling him to shut up!

I quietly crept back to the villains...
"Shinso? Hey?" I call out. I saw him sitting on a chair, I went to tap his shoulder but suddenly his body slumped instantly, showing that he was unconscious.....

Wait .... he's.... unconscious?

I instantly looked around, looking at everywhere and no where at the same time... Where are the villains?!

"Shoto..." I heard my brother behind me. "Touya?" I ask. My eyes toon the sight of a shadow hole, a hand emerged and completely grabbed onto my being, bruising and cutting some parts of my arm in seconds.

I pressed on the ring and large sirens erupted, I look at the hand and saw how most of my body was almost swallowed.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, I let the days of despair haunt me eternally, knowing full well if I don't fight back, it will happen...

But I really don't know if I don't want it... or maybe not...

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