Eclipse Of The Heart (ON HOLD)

By satiricalgrey

214 9 2

He was fire and she was rain. He was the sun and she was the moon. He was right for her, but she was oh so wr... More

Chapter 1 - "The Fantastic Foursome"
Chapter 2 - "If looks could kill, I would be six feet under"
Chapter 3 - "I'm not the only f*cked up psycho here"
Chapter 5 - "Wrapped around your finger"
Chapter 6 - "He was burning into my soul"
Chapter 7 - "The tables have turned"

Chapter 4 - "Let the games begin"

19 1 0
By satiricalgrey


To say getting ready for this damn party was a chore, was an understatement. We had decided to pretty much put aside the whole of Saturday to prepare. I was going to just get myself ready, but no, Lily being Lily insisted on helping me.

"Don't you need to sort yourself out first before helping me?"

"No Luna, this is a big night for you. If you want to succeed in this little venture of yours, you have to look your best." She was tending to my hair now, putting it in loose waves that cascaded down my back which, according to her, accentuated the ombre in my hair.


"No buts. I am not even gonna think about getting myself ready until you look like an absolute goddess!" She smiled at me in the mirror. "Oh, and your dress better be bloody amazing! Otherwise all my hard work will go to waste." Luckily we had similar taste in clothes, so if she didn't like what I had chosen, I would be very surprised.

Throughout the whole 'making up' process, Lily refused to let me look in a mirror - she wanted to see my reaction to her 'masterpiece'. I did trust her, but I was a little skeptical since she had been doing my make-up for way over an hour, putting countless products onto my face.

"If I end up looking like a made up doll, I'll kill you." I warned her whilst she was doing the finishing touches.

"Do you honestly think I'd let you look like that? Jesus Luna, what do you think of me?" She laughed at my remark, putting her hand to her chest as if she was in pain.

"Well.." I continued, winking at her.

"Wow, I am feeling so attacked right now." Before we knew it we were in fits of laughter, tears threatening to stream down my face. "Stop, stop, stop! I will not let you ruin my work of art! Now go get your dress on whilst I get myself ready." She collected her stuff then walked to my little en suite.


"Are you ready yet?" I'd been sitting on my bed for about half an hour now, waiting for Lily.

I heard a little shout from the bathroom. "Almost, one second!"

"Hurry up before I bore myself to death! I told you we should have gotten ready separately!"

"Oh shhh! I think I'm done. Close your eyes okay? I will to." She sounded so excited, like a little kid.

"Yeah yeah, fine." I groaned, but I couldn't hide my smile. "They're closed."

I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards me, for a second I feared that she would bump into me.

"On the count of three, open." If I could have rolled my eyes then, I would have."1...2...3!" We both took in the other standing infront of us. Lily looked gorgeous, she was wearing a cute t-shirt dress in deep cobalt that made her blue eyes pop. She had straightened her hair so it came below her shoulders, and was wearing this bright red lipstick that matched her hair - she looked amazing.

"Wow! You look hot!" She beamed, clapping her hands. "If he doesn't like this, he's insane!" I laughed at her remark, I still hadn't seen myself yet. She ussured me to the mirror, I swear she was more eager than I was.

I looked up, taking in my appearance. I glanced over my shoulder at Lily, I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. I had decided on a black body-con dress that came just above the knee and hugged my curves. My hair and make-up looked great, if I do say so myself, I must remember to praise Lily on her skills. My make-up was pretty minimal, but the stand out was the black liner on my eyes, which I was thankful for since my eyes were one of the only things I liked about myself.

"Oh and great idea with the shoes, you look badass!" Did I mention that I was wearing my usual black Doctor Martens? Now I know that sounds weird, pairing them with such a nice dress, but it just made the look more me. I took myself in again in the mirror, I did look like myself, but there was something else there, something I couldn't put my finger on. "You ready to go?" I nodded.

Let the games begin.


This was an absolute mad house! It's not like I'd never been to a house party before, but this was absolutely insane! There were way more people than I expected, at least a few hundred or so, how they all fit was beyond me. Lily was clutching onto my arm, I could tell she was a bit intimidated by all this, since she wasn't exactly a socialite. For her sake, I looked around trying to find someone we knew, but wasn't surprised when I found no one. I had expected this, I recognized most of them to be year 12's, and since we barely even spoke to anyone outside our year group, we were well and truly screwed.

"Er, should we go get some drinks or something?" Lily looked way out of her comfort zone, but I could see she was trying to put on a brave face. The music was blaring so loud that she didn't hear me when I told her I'd go get them, so I just nodded. We started towards what I guessed was the kitchen, since there seemed to be less people there. But just as I stepped through the door, someone walked straight into me. Just as I looked up to see who it was, the speakers started to play Blank Space by Taylor Swift. Now if that isn't ironic, then I don't know what is.


It was almost an hour in and it was already chaos, this has to be the most mental party Mitch has ever had. People were already pissed out of their minds trying to get it on with anything that breathed. I looked around, I knew everyone here, there wasn't really any new faces except a few newbies from the year above. I finally managed to find the twins, but that was useless since Jake was already throwing up and Johnny had his hands all over some blonde I'd never seen before. I rolled my eyes before setting off to try find Mitch, this was his party after all he must be somewhere. I didn't even think about looking in the kitchen, but low and behold, that's where he was, with a girl might I add.

I started towards him, but as soon as he spotted me he gave me that look. That look that said 'can't you see I'm busy', I knew what he meant straight away so I went to walk out, beer in hand, to find someone else that wasn't already preoccupied. But just as I was leaving, I walked straight into someone and nearly spilled half my drink down them.

Relief then shock washed over me as I realized who it was staring up at me. I had hoped she'd come, but never in a million years did I think she actually would! It then occurred to me that I was now staring, jeez she looked amazing, I didn't want to take my eyes off of her.

"Blaine." She said simply. "Are you gonna move anytime soon so we can get past?"

"Oh, erm.." Why the hell was I acting like such a goon? "Hey Luna, I wouldn't suggest going in there, Mitch is with some girl."

"Well where else are we supposed to get drinks?"

"I er, I could get you one?"

"No, it's fine" She said coldly, then sauntered off. I caught myself gazing at her as she left, but quickly snapped out of it. What was wrong with me?


"What the hell was that?" Lily stopped me in the hallway.

"What the hell was what?"

"That with Blaine. The opportunity was literally right there, he bumped into you for Christs sake." She threw her hands in the air.

"Lily, don't you understand how this works? I'm not going to just throw myself at him, I'm gonna let him do the chasing."


I rolled my eyes at her. "You'll see. Now watch and learn my friend."

I dragged her to what appeared to be the living room where most of the guests were assembled. I made sure to every so often look around to make sure Blaine was somewhere near by, so he could see me. After a few drinks, Lily came out of her shell a bit and started to mingle with some other people, she actually looked like she was having a good time. I took this as the perfect opportunity to get the games underway, so after checking with Lily that it was okay to leave her, I made my way up the stairs to the second level of the house. I made sure that Blaine was looking then, just before I reached the landing I saw him out of the corner of my eye leaving the group he was previously talking to.

As I had expected, most of the doors upstairs were locked, it didn't take a genius to guess what was going on in those. After checking almost every room, I finally found one at the end of the corridor that was empty. By the looks of it, it was a guest bedroom since it was barely furnished and just had a large double bed against the wall. I closed the door behind me and went over to the window, drink in hand. There were at least a dozen people in the driveway, all of which looked drunk to the point of no return. It made me laugh to be honest, the fact that people felt the need to get so off their face to actually have fun, then not remember a thing in the morning. After a moment, I heard the door open behind me, I smirked knowing exactly who it was.

"Luna?" Turning around to face him, he shut the door behind him and took a step closer.

"What do you want Blaine?"

"Are you okay? Why are you up here by yourself?" He took another step towards me.

"You haven't answered my question." A small smirk played on his lips as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I er, I wanted to apologize, ya no for the other day. I'm sorry for doing what I did to Lily, and for what I said, it was stupid. And as for the slap, I deserved that; I acted like a complete arsehole."

"Yeah you did act like an arsehole. Just so you know, I'm not apologizing for hitting you."

He laughed a little then and kept his eyes on the ground. "Nah, I didn't think you would." I walked past him and sat on the bed, making sure to brush against his shoulder. "Now, can you answer my question? Why are you up here?" He sat down next to me, making it a little to obvious that he was resisting from sitting too close.

Oh shit, why was I up here? Quick Luna, think, think... "I-I... I just wanted to take a breather from the party, it was getting a bit much, its mental down there." Ah well I could have said something worse.

"No way, a girl like you getting intimidated by a party like this?" He was teasing now, falling right into my trap.

"A girl like me huh?" I shot him a death glare, but he took it lightheartedly. It seems we were going down the sarcasm route now.Yay.

"Er, actually Luna, there's something-" Before he could continue some guy barged into the room, startling both of us.

"Oh thank god your here, I've been looking everywhere!" Blaine and I looked at each other, then back at the guy standing in the doorway. He took in our confused expressions as he continued hurriedly. "Luna, Its Lily, somethings happened! I don't-" But before he could continue I was on my feet racing out of the room.

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