I Have More Than A Perfect Fi...

By Skyee800

1.9K 174 27

"Strength, love, suffering and healing. The gritty surface of reality written down on every page. This is a h... More

Ocean Floor
My Heart
Slight Hope
My Temple
Just breathe
My love
Nature's touch
Piercing eyes
2001 - 2068
Out of Place
Perfect figure
Her Eyes, Not Mine
I Surrender
I Have What You Don't Have
I Love You
Violent slur
Dried Grass and Gasoline
Look Close and Listen Carefully
Here is What I Call, Home
Broken Consciousness
Whiskey And Cigarettes
Creating A Monster
The Broken, The Healed
Is This Love?
I Stand Here
I Was Told
Creating a happy place
10 Year old you vs. 10 Year old me
Book of Scars
A Widows Dance
The Fight
Perhaps an Auction
The Help

Seconds, Minutes, Hours

20 1 0
By Skyee800

How do I face you and tell you that all your hard work on me has failed?

All of the long, cold nights of trying to get me to understand that I'm okay, just for me to convince myself that I'm not.

Seconds of my mind switching from one thought to the next like a foot race, leaving me to choke on the dust.

Minutes of a calm in the storm before it picks up and washes your words away.

Hours of tears that my pillow holds so dearly.

Days of you giving me your all when I'm too weak to even give you half.

Years of hard work for it all to crumble and pour from the cracks.

I've begged for help with my eyes, screaming for a hero.

I've prayed for a sign but the only thing I see is a "dead end."

How am I supposed to look to you and tell you that I've torn myself apart, again?

How am I supposed to ask you to redo what you've done a thousand times in hopes that it'll work this time around?

How can I let you sit there, watching me fall apart before your eyes without feeling guilty?

Tell me how I got here.

How in the world did I manage to get so deep down into myself that there may not be an exit?

Tell me.

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