You Are My Sunshine (Guardian...

By JustReadinBook5

54.4K 1.1K 363

Not my story. All rights/credits (and whatnot) go to the author. This is only partial of the whole story. Ro... More

Chapter 1- New Member
Chapter 2- Bar Fight
Chapter 3- Memories
Chapter 4- Visiting
Chapter 6- Love and Understanding
Chapter 7- Arguments
Chapter 8- First Date
Chapter 9- First Mate
Chapter 10- "Damn it, Peter!"
Chapter 12- Story Time

Chapter 5- Camping Out

4K 101 52
By JustReadinBook5

It was getting dark now. Everyone loved the ramen noodles, especially Drax. He said that it was something he never tasted before and because it was chicken flavored.

Lianna thought of just camping out outside, but some of the others questioned that.

"Why 'camp out' when you have a ship to sleep in?" Gamora asked, following Lianna and others to a hill.

"Because it's fun to sleep under the beautiful night sky." Lianna said.

"I am Groot. (I think it would be nice to sleep under the stars, Lianna)" Groot agreed. He caught a glimpse of a firefly and reached out to touch it.

"I think it's nice too, Lianna." Rocket agreed too. He thought if he tried doing the same things she was doing he would have a better chance when he asked her something special.

"Well, I'm glad two people like the idea." She said, reaching a tree on the hill. "Because there's another reason I wanted to camp out here." She pointed to the cluster of lights far from the hill. Everyone looked in awe of the sight.

"What is it?" Drax asked, fantasized by the sight of the lights.

"It's the view of my home town." Lianna said, seating herself against the tree. "I've always loved how the town and starry sky came together in one beautiful landscape."

"Wow." Rocket said, amazed by the view. "Who knew Earth had some beautiful perks." Lianna giggled a little and grabbed Rocket around the waist, pulling him down to sit on her lap. Rocket blushed like crazy, thinking for a moment, his member came out of its sheath.

"We should just set up a camp right here!" Peter said, patting the tree.

"I thought you would say that." Lianna smiled. She set Rocket aside and climbed up the tree.

"Be careful!" Rocket warned. Everyone looked at him weirdly. "What? Just keepin' her safe." He blushed. Suddenly a dome of red hair formed around everyone and the tree.

"Hey, Groot! A little hand?" Lianna called. Groot nodded and sat against the red wall of hair. He stretched out his arms around the dome, spreading out branches to hold the dome together. Lianna then climbed back down, clapping the grime off her hands.

"Lianna!" Peter said amazed, "I think you over did yourself now."

"Nope, this is..." Lianna tugged down on her hair and four hammocks fell down, perfectly weaved in a criss-cross pattern.

"Wow!" Peter looked at one of red hammocks, feeling how soft and silky it was.

"Won't it pull on your hair and hurt your head by doing that?" Gamora asked, watching Peter goof around on the hammock.

"As long as I tie it off." She said. "When I tie my hair around somethin' , it takes all the stress for me." She made her hair close in on Peter, trapping him in. Peter panicked a little, until an opening formed, and he realized the hammock turned into a floating pod.

Peter was like a little child again. "Could you turn it into something squarish?" Peter asked. Lianna giggled and formed her hair. It almost looked like a square booth with the small counter.

"I can see he likes it in that childish way." Gamora said, paying no attention to him.

"Well, we all have a little childish side in us, Gamora." Lianna put her hand on her back and showed her to her hammock. "And I can tell you like somethin' a little royal." Gamora's hammock formed a little roof and curtains hung from it.

"Go on, try it out!" Lianna gave Gamora a little push. Gamora looked at her, whose smile was saying 'I know you'll love it'. Gamora sighed and climbed into it. She was surprised how relaxing it felt. Lianna gave a soft giggled and went over to Drax.

"And I guess you want somethin'... tubular?" Lianna questioned. Drax nodded and was about to ask how she knew, but Lianna already had it done and showed him before he could speak. "Get in and try it." She said.

"Get in and try what?" Drax said confused.

"The tube hammock silly." She smiled. Drax nodded and got in. Then there was only one person left to satisfy.


He was just sitting there by Groot, fiddled away with a strand of her hair from the wall. Lianna smiled and decided to go up the tree. Rocket caught glimpse of her foot disappearing up the tree. I wonder what she's doin', Rocket thought. He got up and headed for the tree.

"I am Groot? (Aren't you gonna go to sleep soon, too)" Groot asked.

"Maybe later, but I promise you that I'll sleep, Groot." Rocket said, and started up the tree. Groot smiled to him, and released some of his glowing puffs to light up the dome a little.

Rocket finally made it to the top, but saw Lianna heading toward the house. He climbed to the edge of a branch and jumped off, sliding down the side of the dome and quietly following her.

Lianna carefully opened the door and snuck inside. She looked around for her father, and found him in no sight. She sighed in relief and quietly tip-toed to her room. Suddenly a door opened, and she rushed inside the room, carefully closing the door.

Rocket pushed the front door close and looked around for Lianna. He looked in the living room and the kitchen. Then he heard a little shuffling noise coming from the hall. He looked down the hallway and saw no one. He quietly crept down the hall until a door swung open and he saw a fabricy monster. It stepped on his tail and he yelp. He pulled his tail out from under the monster's foot and it fell with a soft 'thump'.

"Ow." The monster had a very familiar voice until it hit him.

"Lianna?" Rocket went over to the pile of blankets and comforters and moved a blanket off her face. Her face filled with confusion when she saw Rocket.

"Rocket?" She said, sitting up and setting aside the blankets and comforters. "Wait, if your here, and I heard a squeal..." It took a couple of seconds for it to sink in that she stepped on Rocket's tail. Rocket's face was quickly planted on to her chest, his mind screaming 'BOOBS' and 'BONER ALERT'.

"I am SO sorry about that, Rocket. I was just getting blankets for everyone and I didn't see you there, and I'm SOO sorry." She sounded like she was begging mercy for her life to be spared.

"Woah, woah. Lianna, calm down." Rocket pushed his face out of her breasts and looked her in the eye, seeing she was slightly tearing up. "It was just an accident, it happened many times to me before." He reached out to her face and wiped a tear away. Her face flooded with pink and she quickly broke eye contact.

"Y-Yeah." She sat Rocket up and fixed herself to sit on her legs. "I-I guess I-I kinda overreacted from that." She soon got up and grabbed the bundle of blankets. "But I'm still doin' a favor for you because of that." Lianna picked up Rocket with her hair and sat him down on the blanket bundle. "Shot gun on the walk back." She smiled and walked over to the door, using her hair to turn knob.

"You know I could've done that for you." Rocket said as she closed the door.

"Well, I'm still doin' your favoring, so don't ruin it too quick, bub." Lianna giggled. He chuckled slightly and looked up at the sky, remembering the old times, but some of the old times were also bad times that he never wanted to remember again.

"You ok, Rocket?" Lianna's voice broke his focus and he looked at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He yawned.

She smiled and said, "Let's get 'cha to bed." And stretched her legs to make her reach the top of the dome, shrinking them back to normal as she got inside. She put the bundle down by the tree and Rocket hopped off, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Why don't you get in the empty hammock over there." Lianna said, picking up some blankets some the pile.

"I-" He yawned loudly "-I guess so." Lianna smiled and he slowly made his way to the last hammock. It wasn't fancy like the others, but it was perfect for him.

Lianna watched Rocket as he attempt to get up in it with being half asleep. She quietly giggled and went to Peter first. She laid a brown blanket over him and stroked his head. She went over to Gamora and gave her a large, purple comforter, tucking her in like a little child. She gave Drax a large, pale blue blanket and rubbed his head. She looked over at Groot to find him asleep too. She smiled and gave him the big, black comforter, saving the softest one for her and Rocket. Rocket only had one foot on the hammock when Lianna came over. She smiled, knowing he was super tired, and helped him up.

"Thanks." He said tiredly. Lianna placed the soft, tan blanket over him and went over to the other side of the hammock. She got under the blanket then laid beside him, like she always did back then.

"Aw man." Rocket said, kinda sounding drunk, "This is SO soft." He rubbed his face in the blanket, feeling the warmth from it. Lianna yawned and pulled him close to her, wrapping the blanket around the both of them. She swore he started purring afterwards, but she didn't mind. She thought it was cute. And as she closed her eyes, the night soon closed in around them, creating a peaceful, resting atmosphere.

The sunlight was shining through every crack of the dome, lighting it up like a lightbulb.

Lianna awoke first. She yawned and stretched her arms, finding Rocket facing her in his sleep. She softly smiled at him and scratched his head. He yawned and stretched out his arms, but what Lianna didn't expect was for him to knead her breasts.

He was doing the some motion as a cat would knead at something, but without the sharp claws. The process was slow and soft, making Lianna give off little hums of pleasure. WHAT DA FUCK IS HE DOIN' ASDFGHJKL! Lianna was panicking and enjoying the kneading at the same time. Wait! He's asleep! He's just trying to make himself comfortable like a cat, but then why my boobs!

Rocket finally ceased the kneading. Lianna sighed with relief, but soon felt her body heat up. Rocket laid his head under her chin, his muzzle laying in the middle of her chest, breathing out warm, moist air. Lianna couldn't but let out a small moan of delight.

But suddenly she heard something. She froze up, listening to what it was. It was the sound of everyone stirring in their soon-to-end sleep.

Lianna carefully slipped out of the hammock, making sure she didn't disturb Rocket, and went over to Groot, who was still cozy and asleep.

"Groot. Wake up, Groot." She quietly said. Groot moaned and slowly opened his eyes. "Sorry to wake ya up, but you can lose the grip, if ya know what I mean." Groot gave a faint smile and yawned, his arms shrinking back as he stretched.

Lianna quickly went into action. She climbed up the tree and carefully began to lower the hammocks to lay everyone on the ground. Once everyone was out of the hammocks and laying on the grass with blankets wrapped around them, the hair untwisted their forms and shrank back into Lianna's head. She then shrank back the hair used for the dome; letting the rays of the sun wake up everyone.

Groot smiled to see his furry companion that was still asleep. He walked over to the tree and helped Lianna down.

"Thanks, Groot." She said, wiping the grime off on her suit.

"I am Groot. (You're welcome)" Groot said. "I am Groot? (By the way, how did you get Rocket to sleep again)"

"To sleep, again?" Lianna asked confused. "What do you mean by that?" She went to pick up the black comforter to fold it up.

"I am Groot. (He never really slept so much when you left)" He said, grabbing the other two ends of the comforter.

"He barely slept? Without me?" Lianna realized how much he missed her.

"I am Groot. (Yeah, I couldn't even get him to fall asleep sometimes)" Lianna just looked down in thoughtful silence, continuing to fold the comforter with Groot's help. When the comforter was folded into a neat square, Lianna laid it on the ground and sat on it, Groot joining her.

"C-Could... could he possibly 'like' me?" Groot's face filled curiosity and alarm from the question. "Because I've noticed him bein' a little clingy after the bar fight, and sadly I still remember it all."

"I am Groot? (Why is that)" Groot asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Langarians have to remember everything. The forms of other planetary lifeforms, all language universal wide, and our lives since birth. It's a natural need of Langarians." Lianna looked at the view of the town, feeling the sun's ray warm her skin as she remembered yesterday.

"I am Groot. (Well, just forget about it. You're surround by good people)"

"Heh, funny thing, I can't forget things." The both of the chuckled slightly, hearing the others begin to awake.

Lianna heard Rocket yawning and looked to see him, looking like a cute baby raccoon waking up. She smiled and went over to him.

She kneeled down beside him and scratched his head. "Good mornin' sunshine." She calmly said. Rocket looked up at her with brown, dazy eyes, smiling goofy ear to ear and leaning against her.

She giggled and said, "It's time to wake up, not a mornin' nap."

"One more hour." He moaned, snuggling against her arm.

Gamora slowly opened her eyes, finding Peter just a foot away. She jumped at first, but knew she had to wake him up. She shook his shoulder a little hard, making a rude awakening for him. Peter sat up rubbing his eyes, thinking how he got there beside her and who to thank for it.

Then he saw Rocket, snuggling on Lianna's arms. He shook Gamora's shoulder and pointed to them, both of them thinking how strange and affectionate rocket has been ever since they met again.

Lianna giggled again. Apparently, he finally got a goodnight rest for once.

"How about I let you sleep in for five to fifteen minutes?" She said, picking him up like a child with the blanket around her shoulder.

"Yeah. sure, whatever." He moaned, peacefully falling asleep on her shoulder. She got up and went over to Groot, showing him Rocket like it's their sleeping child. Groot was smiling with delight that his furry friend was actually sleeping.

Everyone was eventually awake now, picking up the blankets they mysteriously woke up with. Groot picked up the black comforter and waited for Lianna's command.

"Who's up for breakfast?" Lianna asked. Everyone perked up, especially Rocket. His head quickly popped off her shoulder.

"Um, what's that you say about breakfast?" He asked, Lianna swearing his tail was wagging. She laughed and made her way down the hill to the house, where everyone on else followed too.

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