Meet You Again -YunGi-

By angel_youngmi

5.1K 433 85

Yunho as a grim reaper and Mingi as a powerful goblin. What is their history with each other? Find out in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


1.4K 92 18
By angel_youngmi

"Yah, Jeong Yunho!"

Yunho was about to bite on his sandwich when he heard his name being called, but as he knew the voice well, he ignored the voice, rolling his eyes as he ate his sandwich. Yunho yelped when that person smacked his head before growling and glaring at him.

"Hyung! I'm eating! Don't do that!" Yunho huffed, rubbing his head with a pout.

"Who told you to ignore me, brat."

Yunho huffed again before looking at the man with a sweet smile, battling his eyelashes while at it making the man cringed at the display in front of him. "Yes, Hongjoong hyung? What can I do for you today?" Yunho asked sweetly while trying not to laugh at him.

Hongjoong then pulled out a small envelope and put it on the table, pushing it towards Yunho. Yunho whine when he saw the envelope as Hongjoong chuckled, already anticipating this kind of reaction from the younger.

"I'm still not finished with what I have right now! Why are you giving me new ones?? And it looks thick too!!" Yunho poked the envelope while pouting before sighing and took the envelope, opened it and took the mini cards that were in the envelope.

"For your information, it was not me who decided to give all of this to you." Hongjoong said while trying to grab one of Yunho's sandwiches which the younger one quickly slapped Hongjoong's hand while still looking at the mini cards.

"Go buy your own sandwiches, hyung. These are mine. Don't you dare." Yunho glared at Hongjoong briefly before reading the mini cards again. Hongjoong made a face, leaning back on his seat. "Usually you will let me eat it. You're in a bad mood, huh. What happened?"

Yunho huffed, puffing up his cheeks. "The usual, hyung. I don't understand how the people that I have to take turned out to be so stubborn! Wooyoung and Jongho always got nice people while I always have to endure them yelling at me or even trying to fight me!"

"They won't be able to hurt you though."

"But it's annoying!! You don't know how much I wanted to hurt them when they were throwing tantrums because they don't want to cross the door!" Yunho huffed, threading his hand through his hair. "They even broke a few of my favourite cups too!"

Hongjoong looked at Yunho with pity, leaning forward to ruffle the younger's hair. "I'm sorry, pup, but there's nothing I can do about it. Even the one that I just gave you wasn't from me. The higher ups gave it to me and told me to give it to you."

"Why are they giving me so much work?? Is it because I'm new to this?? But I never fail yet, though.. Even if some of them were very annoying, I still got to make them cross the door." Yunho pouted, taking his sandwich again and eating it.

"I'm not sure, pup. Maybe you did it so well because truthfully, no one could really do it like you did. They would give up when the dead were too stubborn to cross the door and it ended up with them being the wandering ghosts."

"Huh? We can do that?? Like we can just give up on not sending them across the door??" Yunho gaped at Hongjoong and Hongjoong shut Yunho's mouth with a flick from his jaw because the younger was still munching on his sandwich earlier.

"Eat with your mouth shut, brat. Of course not! The one that gave up was punished right after. Do you want to be punished?"

Yunho widened his eyes and shook his head, swallowing his sandwich first before talking, "I don't want to be punished! Why do you think I would make sure that every person that I have to take will cross that door??"

Hongjoong shrugged, "Just making sure, that's all."

Yunho was about to say something when the door of the cafe was pushed violently and 2 people rushing in with one of them shouted.

"Yah! Ahjussi! How could you just walk away like that after you hit me with your motorcycle?! Do you think you could just walk away like that and I won't come after you?? Ahjussi!"

"Aish! Nothing happened to you anyway! Why are you following me! You don't seem to have any injuries at all! Stop following me!"

Yunho bumped his head onto the table, groaning loudly as Hongjoong look at Yunho pitifully. "Aigo-yah.. Good luck, pup.." Hongjoong chuckled as Yunho sprung up from his seat and taking his fedora hat that he had put down on the table and wears it. "I didn't even get to finish my sandwiches." Yunho huffed and turned around to face the 2 people that is currently arguing right now before he remembered something and turned back to Hongjoong.

"Are you coming back home today, hyung?"

"Uh. I'm not sure yet. Maybe."

Yunho shook his head, giving Hongjoong a small smile, "Same answer every time huh. See you if I see you then, hyung." Hongjoong chuckled and nodded his head, grabbing Yunho's sandwich and eating it while he watch Yunho approach the 2 arguing people.

Yunho sighed a little, taking out 2 mini cards from his pocket inside his jacket before clearing his throat. "Shin Jae Hong. Kim Yo Rin. 28 June 2020, 8.13 PM. Death by motorcycle accident." Jeong Yunho stated, making both man and woman stop arguing and look over to him.

"It's you guys, right?"

"Who the fuck are you??" Jaehong hissed, trying to push Yunho's shoulder but the grim reaper was quick to avoid it, staring at him without any emotion on his face. "Both of you have died. Please come with me for your journey to the afterlife."

"W-what? I c-can't die now! I'm just 26 years old!" Yorin said while she put both of her hands on her mouth in shock.

"Stop fucking, kid!" Jaehong shouted at Yunho and the latter sucked a quick breath, trying to calm himself down from beating the shit out of this old stubborn man. "He's just making this up!" Jaehong turned to shout at Yorin afterwards, making the young woman look at Yunho warily.

Yunho rolled his eyes subtly before disappearing in front of them and appearing at their back, clearing his throat and both of the dead turned around in shock. "Do you believe me now? Let's go because I'm on a tight schedule right now." Yunho snapped his fingers and the 3 of them suddenly appeared in a big room, with cups of tea displayed on the wall while there was a single table in the middle of them with 3 chairs.

Jaehong and Yorin sat on the chair quietly while Yunho started to make a cup of tea.

"Why are we here? You said that you'll lead us to the afterlife." Jaehong said looking around the big room.

"Before that, I'm going to give a cup of tea to Yorin-ssi." Yunho explained and put the cup of tea in front of Yorin.

"This tea will help you erase all of your memories in this life before you are reborn."

"Why should I erase my memory..?"

"It's better this way because it won't pain you when you are reborn later. You will have a new chance in life and a new opportunity."

Yorin nodded his head but Jaehong suddenly shouted at Yunho in an enraged, standing up from his chair. "Then where is my tea?? Why didn't I get one??"

Yunho glared at Jaehong, not saying a word but he let out his vicious aura making the old man falter and gulping in fear before sitting back down. "You don't deserve this tea for what you've done in your life." Yunho said with a malicious smirk on his face.

"W-what do you mean?"

Yunho stared at Jaehong, his eyes turned serious and vicious. "This is not your first accident. You did a hit and run for 3 times and this is your 4th one. You hit those people and let them die while you were running away thinking that it would be alright because no one else was at the site. Unlike your 4th one. You also left your wife when she was pregnant and ran away because of your debts but you made her as the guarantor too. Making a living hell for her and her daughter."

Jaehong paled as he kept quiet when Yorin gasped. "Y-you?? Are you my bastard father?? The story that the grim reaper-ssi told us just sounded like what had happened to my mom!!"

Jaehong frowned, looking over to Yorin awkwardly. "Did you live in Insadong?"

Yorin widened her eyes, "YES! OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD MOM HAS TO WORK BECAUSE OF YOUR DEBT?? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Yorin shouted, punching Jaehong's chest several times as Jaehong could only let her do that.

"Oh, Jaehong-ssi, you will be sent to the underworld instead of heaven. Your future will be decided by Lucifer instead of God. And it won't be pretty." Yunho warned him with a smirk on his face, making Yorin smirked, huffing in delight before she quickly took the cup of tea and drank it before Jaehong could take it away from her.

Jaehong paled even more and went on his knees, pleading to Yunho, "P-please don't! Give me another chance! I'm so sorry!"

"It's too late now that you're here. We gave you plenty of chances for you to change while you were alive." Yunho glared at Jaehong as he smiled down at Yorin as she finished her tea. "You can go to the door, Yorin-ssi. The stairs will lead you to meet God."

"W-what about me?" Jaehong asked while still kneeling on the floor.

Yunho snapped his fingers again and the floor under Jaehong opened up, resulting in the old man falling into it in an instant. "Reap what you sow, Jaehong-ssi."

Yunho huffed after both of them were gone from the big room, scratching his forehead while closing his eyes, feeling exhausted. "Next.." Yunho said to himself and he disappeared from the room, going to his next destination.


"I'm home..." Yunho announced tiredly, his fedora hat in his hand as he took off his shoes and entered the big mansion that he shared with the other grim reapers that Hongjoong had chosen.

"Oh! Welcome home, pup! Do you want to eat something?" Seonghwa, another grim reaper and Hongjoong's right hand man came up to Yunho, ruffling his hair. Yunho gave him a small tired smile, nodding his head. "That would be awesome, hyung. I didn't get to finish my sandwiches and I couldn't eat afterwards. Too many cards today.." Yunho pouted, making Seonghwa chuckled lightly.

"Go wash up and meet me in the kitchen." Yunho nodded and headed to his room but as Yunho went up the stairs, Seonghwa suddenly remembered something but he was too late to warn Yunho about something. Or someone.

"What the fuck?! Who are you?? Why are you in my room?!? HYUNG! A STRANGER IS IN MY ROOM!" Yunho shouted as he gaped at the man that was sitting on his bed in his room.

Seonghwa sighed, already expected the reaction from Yunho and quickly appeared in Yunho's room. The stranger only looked at Yunho without any emotion on his face.

"Pup, calm down. I forgot to tell you about Mingi."

"Who the fuck is he? Why is he in my room?? You told me that I could have this room all for myself!" Yunho whined, stomping his feet on the floor. He doesn't need this now. He's very exhausted and he just wants to go shower, eat and sleep in peace.

"I'm sorry, pup. But from today onwards, you will have to share this room with Mingi as this was actually his original room before you came here."

"W-what?? But why?!?! We have plenty of empty room in this mansion!"

"Because I chose this room. If you don't like it then go ahead to the other empty room." Mingi said nonchalantly as he leaned back on his back on the bed.

Yunho hissed, pulling Mingi's arms to pull him out of his bed. "NO! I LIKE THIS ROOM! YOU GO AND CHOOSE THE OTHER ROOMS!"

"I don't want to. Let me go."

Yunho then turned to Seonghwa helplessly while pouting. "Hyung....."

Seonghwa looked at him apologetically, "I'm sorry, pup. If you don't want to change rooms then you'll have to share with Mingi. He's actually the owner of this mansion so we couldn't really tell him off."

"What?! B-but! Urgh! FINE! J-just stay away from my stuffs!" Yunho huffed, going into the bathroom that was attached to his room to go shower.

"He really doesn't remember me, huh." Mingi said softly, watching the bathroom door as Seonghwa sighed softly. "You know the rules, Mingi-ah. Are you sure you wanna do this?" Seonghwa asked carefully and Mingi nodded his head.

"He's my fate, hyung. Sooner or later he would remember me again so it's better this way."

Seonghwa nodded his head in understanding and went out of the room, leaving Mingi with his thoughts.

"I'll punish you for a bit, bub. Before you remember me again because of your foolish actions 5 years ago." Mingi whispered softly and closed his eyes.

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