Give Me Liberty, or Give Me D...

By Guacamoleninjapingas

35.3K 843 535

What if England defeated America in the Revolutionary War? Allowing the empire to remain the world superpowe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

1.7K 42 40
By Guacamoleninjapingas

(3rd person POV)

Both micro nations were clutching tightly to each other, with the ghost nation next to them was holding his knees to his chin. All three were sitting in the dark living room, staring silently at the tv as the girl on screen was slowly walking toward the basement door.

"Don't go in there you idiot! Why would you go toward the noise?!" America ranted.

Just as the woman was gonna touch the doorknob, the door behind the 3 nations burst open.

The 2 micro nations screamed and clutched tighter to each other, while America let out what was definitely a manly screech as fell to the floor.

"Sorry mates, didn't realize you two were still awake." Australia rubbed the back of his head as he got off the floor.

"Why are you barging through the door anyway? You know where the key is hidden." Wy asked, her fear slowly turning to irritation.

"I wasn't trying to fly through the door, I was running late so I started running home and ended up tripping on the porch steps." Australia defended.

"Whatever, just don't scare us like that again! We're trying to enjoy movie night." Wy huffed and turned back to the movie.

"Okay, but try to get some sleep tonight. I don't wanna be waken up to you two crying about ghosts trying to come for you." Australia grinned as he walked up the stairs to his own bedroom.

After a couple more movies, the two micro nations eventually fell asleep on the couch. America concentrated on trying to touch the tv remote, and eventually was able to grab it. After some fumbling with the buttons, he found which one was the power button and shut off the tv.

America leaned back against the couch and began to drift off to sleep, but just before he fell asleep he heard quiet whimpering. America opened his eyes and looked down to see that both of the micro nations were quietly crying in their sleep.

America thought about what he could do to help them, eventually remembering he had his flute. America took out his flute and began playing the same lullaby he played for Canada the day before.

After a couple of minutes the micro nations began to calm down. They eventually fell back asleep with small smiles on their faces.

America put his flute back in his uniform and leaned back onto the couch. As he drifted off to sleep again, a large grin graced his face as he thought to himself, 'the hero saves the day again.'

As the weeks passed, America took the time to hang out and get to know all of the colonies. He also took the time to practice his ghostly abilities, so now he's capable of touching and picking up objects with ease. Sadly he still hasn't figured out how to fly.

Now it's the final day before Britain and France come back, which America was not happy about. However, just as he thinks England is going to be coming back, Canada comes to all of the colonies with some good news. (For America anyway).

"Guys, I just got a text from England saying that the next world meeting had been relocated to Berlin, Germany. Meaning that he will be staying in Europe for now. That means that all of us need to get plane tickets for tomorrow, eh."

"What's wrong with Canada that we need to relocate?" Hong Kong exhaled in annoyance.

"Apparently a big storm is forming over the east coast of both this country as well as my own, blocking off where they're supposed to land." Canada explained.

"Why can't they just land somewhere out west then drive to it?" Australia argued.

"Their flights were scheduled to land the night before the meeting. It would take too long to drive to the location, eh."

America thought to himself in confusion, 'what the hell is a plane?'
(2 days later)

America was excitedly bouncing in his car seat as they made their way to the airport. Not only was he getting another chance to talk to Belarus, the first time he will be talking to someone in a month, but he'll also finally get to see what a plane is.

As they reached the airport, America got out of the car and looked up to see a huge metal bird flying overhead.

'Holy shit, that's a plane?!' America's jaw dropped in awe. "HAHAHAHA, that's so badass!" America laughed and stuck his arms out in the same way as the plane, and started running in figure eights making plane noises.

When America finally stopped messing around in the parking lot, he turned around to see all the other nations already entering the building.

"Oh crap!" America yelled as he began running toward the airport.

After a couple hours of going through TSA, the nations finally boarded their plane and began to take off.

The second the seatbelt light went off (even though he didn't wear a seatbelt), America jumped out of his seat and began exploring the plane. He started by going to the cockpit, watching the two pilots as they messed with the all the buttons and switches. He then went back to first class and started going backward through the entire plane.

Once he explored the entire plane, he went back to his seat and sat down. Luckily there were some empty window seats, so he didn't have to spend the entire ride phased through someone else.

He had a nice view of the ocean, he'd never seen the world from this angle before. It was pretty overwhelming for his first time on a plane. America was so mesmerized with the sight, he didn't even realize that him leaning against the window only resulted in him phasing through it.

Luckily he was able to catch himself before he fully fell out, but now he had his head sticking out of the window.

Now being able to see the ocean fully, as well as feel the wind in his face, he began to realize that maybe being a ghost wasn't so bad. Sure, he wasn't able to eat or talk to most people, but being able to phase through stuff and experience these things that would otherwise be impossible might just make up for it.

He pulled his head back inside the window and continued looking outside at the scenery. After some time he began to dose off, falling asleep for the rest of the flight.
Word count: 1086

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