broken as i • a kylo ren story

By hydrangearen

17.9K 724 1.4K

••••• completed but iffy ••••• "he continued to hold onto you for dear life, and you let him. he needed this... More

part one
i (i)
ii (ii)
iii (iii)
iv (iv)
v (v)
vi (vi)
vii (vii)
viii (viii)
ix (ix)
x (x)
xi (xi)
xii (xii)
xiii (xiii)
xv (xv)
xvi (xvi)
xvii (xvii)
xviii (xviii)
xix (xix)
part two
i (xx)
ii (xxi)
iii (xxii)
iv (xxiii)
v (xxiv)
vi (xxv)
vii (xxvi)
viii (xxvii)
ix (xxviii)
x (xxix)
xi (xxx)
xii (xxxi)
xiii (xxxii)
xiv (xxxiii)
xv (xxxiv)
xvi (xxxv)
xvii (xxxvi)
xviii (xxxvii)
xix (xxxviii)
part three
i (xxxix)
ii (xl)
iii (xli)
iv (xlii)
v (xliii)
vi (xliv)
vii (xlv)
viii (xlvi)
ix (xlvii)
x (xlviii)
xi (xlix)
xii (l)
xiii (li)
xiv (lii)
xv (liii)
xvi (liv)
xvii (lv)
xviii (lvi)
xix (lvii)
thank you

xiv (xiv)

258 15 32
By hydrangearen


you woke up extra early the next day because you couldnt contain your excitement. you decided to spend the entire day with jaxx because you wanted to make up for lost time. you got ready real quick and headed next door to his room and knocked on it.

"go away. kylo already told me at the crack of dawn that training was cancelled."

"training? what? it is me, kuts." you were a bit puzzled on why your brother was talking about training and kylo. suddenly, the door opened and appeared a sleepy jaxx.

"oh, sorry. i thought you were some stormtrooper. come in!"

"stormtrooper? what are you even talking about? since when do you train with kylo?"

"since like yesterday...i think? i am surprised that he didnt tell you, considering that you went to his room last night."

"how did you know that i went there young man? were you following me?"

"ah, so it is true." jaxx smirked.

"oh shut it j. and no, he did not tell me. i was way too busy carelessly blabbering away that he probably forgot. i will ask him later i guess...anyways, get ready for the day. i want to spen-" then it hit you.

you had work in an hour.

"no no no! no!"

"whats wrong kuts?"

"the day that i can finally hang out with you is also the day that i have work! i can cancel or shouldn't be a problem. right?"

"nonsense. you are going to work! i will just come over to your room later tonight. it will be alright...we have all the time in the galaxy to spend together from now on."

"fine jaxx. just tell me if you change your mind! i will see you later i guess...i have to get ready."

"bye bye!"

you were displeased that you had work. your brother insisted that you went, so you decided to try and get the day over with already.

"rey, i see that you listened to me."

"hello. and yes i did, i want snoke dead as much as you do.

"so, do you remember the plan...or do i have to go over it with you again?"

"i am not stupid. also, the plan may not even work. people are unpredictable and you should know that."

"what is that suppose to mean?"

"just hurry up and lets kill this man!"

kylo called over 2 stormtroopers to handcuff rey. kylo and rey then made there way over to the elevator so that they could arrive at the throne room.

work couldn't have gone by slower. all you could think about was taking a nice shower and then hanging out with jaxx. you werent in the mood to really talk to anyone, so it was convenient that your cleaning crew didnt do much of it.

"hey y/n! how is it going?"

"go awa-" you cut yourself off as you looked up.
"hey piers!"

"why the bad mood hm?"

"sorry about that. i just want to get work over with and it feels like it will never it end!"

"ah! i feel your pain big time. some shifts feel like they were over in a millisecond and others feel as if they are going on for decades!"

"exactly! well, what are you even doing here? not many people use this hallway."

"today i finally got a day off. since etta is working, i couldn't really spend it with her. so i decided to just roam the halls until her shift is over." he chuckled. "but, i will let you continue scrubbing. have a good one!"

"you too piers!"

after that little conversation with piers, the day moved a bit faster. it was finally time to clock out, so you rushed back to your quarters and started getting ready.

"this will be...easy. right?" rey asked in the elevator. she was starting to get more anxious each level the elevator brought kylo and her to.

kylo could tell that she was getting nervous and he didnt want to add to it. he knew that adding to it wouldnt work in there favor at all. so, he simply just looked down at her.

"thank you for that." rey rolled her eyes.

kylo was also getting worried. just like rey said earlier, people are unpredictable. this plan of his may not even work, and that is what he feared.

the door of the elevator opened and it revealed snokes throne room. rey had never been in it before, so she looked around for a brief second. she turned her attention to snoke, and she almost froze from fear.

"well done, my good and faithful apprentice. my faith in you is restored. young rey. welcome."

the handcuffs on rey unlocked and she shook her hands.

"come closer, child. so much strength. darkness rises, and light to meet it. i warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise."

the lightsaber that kylo was holding suddenly flew into snokes hand.

"skywalker, i assumed. wrongly."

snoke placed the lightsaber right next to him. kylo thought to himself that this was becoming far too easy.

"closer, i said."

rey started to be pulled closer to the supreme leader. rey decided to go along with what snoke was talking about so that it would draw attention way from what kylo was about to do.

"you underestimate skywalker, and ben solo, and me. it will be your downfall."

"oh. have you seen something? a weakness in my apprentice. is that why you came? you young fool." snoke laughed. "it was i who bridged your minds. i stoked rens conflicted soul. i knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. and you were not wise enough to resist the bait."

little did snoke know that kylos plan was working perfectly right now. rey also knew it, and that made her the slightest relieved.

"and now, you will give me skywalker."

snoke put his hand up to reys cheek, causing her to shiver a bit. his touch made her feel disgusting. she noted to herself that when this was over, she needed to wash her face 10 times over.

"then i will kill you with the cruelest stroke."

"no." rey had to put up a brave front. she knew that displaying any fear to snoke would not help at all.

"yes." snoke replied. he then used the force to throw rey up into the air. he became to probe her- which was not apart of the plan.

"give me everything."

kylo started to panic a bit. he knew he had to act fast.

"no! no! no!" rey called out. she then let out a painfully loud scream. rey then suddenly fell to the ground and immediately got back up.

"well, well, i did not expect skywalker to be so wise. we will give him and the jedi order the death he desires."

probing this information was not something that rey expected. kylo knew that he should have know better to not think about that, and he mentally scolded himself. but on the brightside, the information that snoke just gathered wouldnt be of any use, for he would be dead before he could act upon it.

"after the rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island."

rey then reached for the lightsaber that was next to snoke. kylo didnt want rey to do that because that would mess up the plan, but there was no way of stopping her. thankfully, snoke made the lightsaber do a full 360 instead of landing in reys hand. before it returned to him though, the saber hit rey in the head- causing her to stumble a little.

"such spunk."

rey next used the force to get ahold of kylos lightsaber, igniting it. seeing this, all of the elite praetorian guards readied their weapons.

"you have the spirit of a true jedi!

rey then started charging at snoke, only to get lifted up and thrown down. the lightsaber rey held then fell infront of kylo. he knew that now was showtime.

"and because of that, you must die."

rey then was moved so that she was now kneeling infront of kylo.

"my worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to lord vader. where there was conflict, i now sense resolve. where there was weakness, strength. complete your training, and fulfill your destiny."

ren picked up the lightsaber and stood up.

"i know what i have to do." he said. he knew that rey knew what he was going to do. rey continued to play along with snoke to distract him.


"you think you can turn him? pathetic child. i cannot be betrayed, i cannot beaten. i see him mind, i see his every intent. yes. i see him turning the lightsaber to strike true."

kylo mentally laughed at his masters words- he truly had no clue what was happening. while snoke was ranting on, kylo started to shift the lightsaber that was next to his superior so that it was facing his abdomen. kylo knew that when he would turn it on, the lightsaber would slice snoke in half.

"and now," snoke continued on, "foolish child, he ignites it, and kills his true enemy!"

just like that, snoke was split into 2. his force hold on rey disappeared and she was set down onto the ground. kylo used the force to bring the lightsaber that just pierced through his own master forward. rey lifted her hand and grabbed onto it.

both kylo and rey were glad that he was dead, but there was no time to celebrate- they had guards to kill. highly trained guards. kylo ignited his own saber and started attacking the red armored soldiers.

the numbers of the praetorian guards started dropping at a high rate. both rey and kylo had some close calls, but all worked out in the end. one of the guards somehow able to get kylos lightsaber, leaving kylo without a weapon. another guard started attacking kylo, choking him with their red-shiny weapon. rey killed the second to last guard and then noticed the situation kylo was in. she tossed him her lightsaber and kylo caught it- piercing the guard right in the face. they looked around one last time to make sure all of them were dead, and they sure as hell were.

"so, your plan did work i see."

"what can i say? i am pretty genius."

"okay. i will be on my way now. i hope whatever reason that sparked you to kill your own trainer was worth it."

kylo started to think. was killing his own master worth keeping you from undergoing his torturous training?

"goodbye rey. i appreciate you for doing this."


with that, rey was on her way back to wherever the hell she came from. kylo didnt know where, and he didnt really care. kylo started making his way back to the elevator when hux appeared.

"what happened?" hux simply stated. he was appalled at the scene he was looking at.

"the girl murdered snoke." kylo lied. he knew that telling the truth would not benefit anyone.

hux just stood there, looking at snokes lifeless body.

"our supreme leader is dead. we have no ruler." he stated out loud.

"what do you mean we have no leader?" kylo began force-choking the general. "i am our leader now. i am supreme leader kylo ren!" he seethed.

"long live the supreme leader" hux managed to say out loud.

kylo walked into the elevator and let go on hux. he made his way to his room and just sat on the bed.

he tried to process what just happened. he killed snoke- his master, because of you. he asked one of his biggest enemies for help, because of you. he was shocked, appalled, disgusted, intrigued, and confused- all at the same time. did that seriously just happen? or was this all a sick dream?

you heard a knock on the door and in walked jaxx. the 2 of you decided to go get food at tge cafeteria together. you shared many laughs and eventually made your way back to your room with him.

"i cant believe he actually did that!" you laughed, gasping for air.

"i know i know! and then he had the audacity to yell at me!"

"oh man. that is hilarious. some of the people on this ship...i just cant with them!"

"exactly. ah...kuts, i am getting tired. i am going to head out. is that cool?"

"of course jaxx. if you are up for it, we can hang the whole entire day since im off."

"sure! yes yes!"

"okay, is 12 okay? since you have training or whatever with kylo?"

"that is perfect."

"what do you even do during training? i mean, you should be pretty good already considering i trained you on tatooine."

"we only did started yesterday...but we did simple stuff. well, it was simple for me at least. and yeah, you training me helped a lot because we did similar stuff yesterday as we did back there."

"oh. jaxx, can i ask you something?"

"sure. go for it."

"do you miss tatooine?"

"not really. i honestly like it here. i dont know why people hate the order so much. they treat you fairly well in my opinion. what about you?"

"yeah, i like it here too. i could seriously get used to it. but i dont know about that one jaxx. they treat us well because we are technically with them, but the resistance...i doubt they treat them as well as they do us."

"i guess you are right. anyways, goodnight kuts."

"goodnight jaxx."

hearing jaxx say he liked it on the finalizer made you happy in a sense. you were glad that he was treated well on this ship, you really were. you knew that your and his life back on tatooine was not like your lives with the first order at all. you couldnt tell if it was a good or bad thing, but in that were leaning towards good.


authors note

uh did kylo fr just-
lmaoooo but i switched up the throne room scene a bit so that it would match up with my story plot. i just wanted to note that for you all lol. also, i dont know if you all noticed, but in a way earlier chapter, kylo said he was 27. i made him a bit younger than he actually is because i dont really like it when there is a big age gap-oops.

- i.t

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