Forbidden: Two Worlds [Jennie...


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The people with the least, tend to give the most. A lesson Jennie learns as she grows interested in Y/n, a po... Mehr

S1C1: Perspective
S1C2: The Expensive Basket
S1C3: Ice Cream and movie Parties
S1C4: The Second Basket
S1C5: Unnacceptance
S1C6: Mr. Park and Grampa's Attic
S1C7: Nini
S2C1: Breakfast
S2C2: Stress and Exhaustion
S2C3: Pit of the Stomach
S2C4: The USB
S2C5: The Brownie Cake
S2C6: Guilt
S2C7: Let's Celebrate!
S2C8: Three Rules
S2C10: Pinkie Promise
S3C1: The Corner
S3C2: Coffee
S3C3: The Missing Piece
S3C4: Nostalgia
S3C5: A Numbing Restart
S3C6: Officially Introduced
S3C7: The Studio
S3C8: Demo Complete
S3C9: Home Cooked Meal
S3C10: The First Night
S3C11: The Problem
S3C12: Interview
S3C13: No More Games
S3C14: Girlfriend's Intuition
S3C15: A Gecko Without A Tail
S3C16: Atlas No More
S3C17: Debut
S3C18: Weightless Trophies
S3C19: Torches Passed
S3C20: Forbidden
Author's Note: Thank You

S2C9: Empty

2K 62 10

Season 2 Chapter 9


Narrator POV

Y/n took the steps to make his contract work official with YG Entertainment. The first pay was actually enough for him to quit his job and safely apply elsewhere for more production work. This freed him up to remake and fix problems with the original instrumentals that they wanted to edit. His nights were late and his sleep was less than usual. During these weeks, the Blackpink girls had gotten close to him and come to really love him. He became a big brother figure of sorts. Between that and Chunhei, he was able to stay sane during the work.

The Blackpink girls spent their time with him hammering out the different songs and fine-tuning them so they fit them as closely as possible. After finishing with Y/n, they spent time with the person writing the lyrics for the songs. The lyricist was someone who's worked with YG Entertainment many times before.

With any luck, this comeback would be something special that broke the stale formula that Hwang thought was perfectly fine for whatever reason. Unfortunately, everything has to go through her. It's sad that they had to pretend like they loved every second of the previous couple comebacks. I just want to make them happier with their music this time around. This is a thought that was constantly on Y/n.

"It didn't take you long to be the talk of the town." Park Namkyu, a producer that Y/n had met from JYP Entertainment on a forum, said as he scrolled through his phone.

"I mean, the amount of hype after that short instrumental teaser is huge." Tan Yeonghwan, the other producer he met from GH Entertainment, confirmed. "Hell, he clicked right in with us on the forums. We learned more from his way of looking at music than we have working with our companies. The things he's done with the samples and things we gave him? He's got a unique way of looking at it."

"I still want his brass pack." Namkyu teased.

"Sorry, man. That's my secret weapon. Can't just give it away." Y/n laughed.

The familiar clank of glasses and plates of the KBQ filled the air. The three sat at their usual table, drinks in hand and empty plates. The waitress dropped the check off at the table and the three looked down at it. Y/n began to reach for it when he was startled by the two he was there with.

"No!" They said together.

"We will split it." Namkyu said with a chuckle. "You just relax and enjoy the success."

Y/n was always hoping that he would be able to make the lives of the girls a little less stressful. In a way he had found his own happiness in being a producer, so he wanted to help them be happier with their work and career. Even if it's just a little bit.

Yeonghwan stretched with an exhausted yawn before slouching into his chair. Both Y/n and Namkyu took a sip of their drink.

"I'm so tired." Yeonghwan whined.

"Tell me about it." Y/n's head lazily rested in his hand.

"Oh, right. You're working on Blackpink's album." Yeonghwan recalled.


"That has to be a pain. The big three are already a pain to work for, but it's obvious Hwang doesn't care much about what music they release for them." Namkyu's voice was tinted with an annoyance that was easily understood as coming from a place of experience.

"So you finished all the beats for them?" Yeongwhan asked.

"Yeah. I had to pull a couple all-nighters, but hey, I managed to get it done." Y/n exclaimed with excitement. "They should actually be finishing up their recording sometime today actually."

"I'm thankful that GH is fairly okay when it comes to putting care into the music." Yeonghwan said thankfully. "I guess we're looking for a new producer as well. I guess we have a girl group coming out soon and none of their current in-house producers fit the sound they want, so they're looking everywhere to try and find a fitting one."

"You can't do the job?" Namkyu asked.

"Apparently not. At least they never asked me. Though they might not want me on that one, they want the producer to be their permanent producer. They want it to be consistent. I guess they have the idea that having a consistent team will help make them popular." Yeonghwan explained.

"Doesn't really matter how consistent the team is if they don't do well or don't play and work well together." Y/n reasoned.

"Exactly." Both Yeonghwan and Namkyu agreed simultaneously.

"Damn, I should get going. I promised Chunhei I would make some cookies with her tonight." Y/n noticed the time and got up from the seat and said his goodbyes before he hurried off.

Jennie POV

The air was heavy with our panting as we finished our last run-through of the new song's Choreography. Unfortunately, it was the same sort of thing we always have: just changes a little. It was that way with everything minus the lyrics and instrumentals. Thanks to the fact that we have Y/n and the new lyricist that had previously worked with YG and just didn't get hired much because of his worth. Our upper staff would much rather give us the cheapest or in house team. Which is what led to our last few releases have been basically cookie cutter.

I sat down at the table that was up against the wall and grabbed a fresh cold bottle of water. I relaxed back into the chair and took a large drink. I checked my phone to see that Y/n had texted me and I could feel the stupid smile spread over my face. I responded with apologies for taking so long to respond as well as lots of hearts and "I love yous".

"Uh oh, Jennie unnie's talking to her hubby." Lisa teased.

"Shush!" I gave her a stern look while her and Jisoo laughed.

Rosie wasn't even paying attention since she was busy eating her melon and reading over the lyrics of the songs to make sure she has them memorized, so she was spaced out. I let out a sigh before replying to another message from Y/n and relaxing back into the chair.

"Manager-nim, this was the last schedule for the day right? We finished recording all of our parts earlier today." I asked.

"Let me check." He pulled out his phone and looked through it. "Yeah, you guys are free to go after this."

"Yay! Let's celebrate!" Lisa said happily.

"Oh, can we get cake?" Rosie asked with wide eyes.

"Oh, and chicken!" Jisoo added.

"We should!" Lisa agreed. "What about you, Jennie? What do you want?"

"I'm gonna celebrate with Y/n, I think," I said thoughtfully.

"Oh, right. You've been too busy to really spend time with him recently." Rosie realized.

I got up and put my coat on with a stretch. "I'm gonna go ahead and get going. I'll text you guys later and let you know what I'm doing."

"Okay. Be safe, Jennie," Jisoo said in her motherly tone.

"You want me to drive you over?" Our manager asked.

"That's okay. I'm gonna take an Uber. I have my mask and hat, I shouldn't get noticed. Besides, I wanna stop and get an ice cream cake. He's been wanting one."

"Okay, remember to keep me updated. I don't wanna have to worry."

"Yes, Manager oppa," I said in a pretend annoyed voice like a kid getting lectured by their parent. "Love you guys, bye!"

They responded in kind as I closed the door. I pulled out my phone and called for an Uber. Thankfully, they got me someone close and they would be up there soon. I limited the conversation so there was less of a chance for the driver to place my voice and figure out who I am. I promised to tip them well if they ran me to the store and then my destination.

Trying to pick one of the cakes was hard. I had no idea what one I should get. I mulled it over in my mind and decided on one I thought both Y/n and Chuchu would like. Ice cream cake, obviously. I quickly decided to hurry so that I could get to their place. I decided that I wouldn't call or text Y/n to tell him I was coming so I could surprise him.

I wonder what's wrong... He hasn't replied at all since earlier today before we went to the practice rooms. That was almost 5 hours ago... My stomach churned wondering what could be wrong and if he was okay. Thankfully, the ride wasn't long and as I had promised, I tipped the driver well. He was appreciative and drove off.

Oh, good! The light in the kitchen is on so he's definitely home. I walked to the door and put the code into the pad. I opened the door and happily announced my presence.

"Hey, baby. I'm ho-" I stopped when I noticed him sitting on the floor against the counter, sobbing.

I threw the things from the store onto the table and rushed over to him and knelt down by him. I cupped his cheek and picked his face up so I could look into his eyes.

"I'm here. What's wrong, Y/n?" He threw his arms around my waist and buried his tear plastered face into my chest. "It's okay, baby. I'm right here... "Talk to me, what's wrong?"

"They... They took her... They took Chunhei to live with our aunt..." He sobbed. "She went behind my back with her connections... I should have known with how quiet it was and fought it..."

My heart sunk and I held him tight. His aunt took his everything. Chunhei was his light and the reason that he worked so hard. She took the person that believed in him most when no one else did. He would have done anything to see her smile and succeed. He gave up his dream to guarantee that she would have what she needs. This breaks my heart and I wish I knew how I could make it better... but I know I can't... Nothing I say could make this hurt less, but no matter what happens, I love you.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n..." I said softly, as the tears escaped my eyes. "I'm... I'm so sorry..."

To be continued...


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