Dear My Devil

Por daemarshmallow

5.2K 626 287

[COMPLETED. 3RD FANFIC] - sneak peek - "Stupid cunning two-faced bitch. I hope you get punched in the throat... Más

1 | persona non grata
2 | you are?
3 | accomplice
4 | bumped
5 | goodnight
6 | secrets
7 | like this
8 | made a devil
9 | the guy with two names
10 | blacken my heart
11 | staining my soul
12 | sandwiched
13 | so what?
14 | girls be girls
15 | kitten-like lips
16 | rumour
17 | tire
18 | the furthest
19 | bewitched
20 | goofy
21 | sssssunbae
22 | pretty face
23 | intoxicated
24 | real talk
25 | fate or fade
26 | RUBY
27 | spoken words
28 | all or nothing
30 | do it right
31 | start over
32 | my devil (18+)
special 1 | tripolar

29 | helicopter

100 14 5
Por daemarshmallow

🎵 Helicopter - CLC ❤︎

= I'll figure it out, cause all my idols made it look so easy. And if they made it all that far, then I can be a star and I'll shine for everyone who's with me here. =



I moved back more when Jongdae leaned in but was really hating how the couch was huge and spacious. He continued moving towards me and I kept sliding back on the couch until my butt finally reached the corner. In the end, I laid back on the couch and he soon closed the gap between us.

He pulled down his mask again to reveal his sexy lips, and it made me stare hard. I gulped without taking my eyes off them.

"You will regret it," I said, getting ready to devour those lips because I couldn't care about other things anymore.

"Why?" He said, and quickly dived in for a kiss before I could expect it.

Such a tease!

I blinked in surprise, suddenly losing my train of thoughts. I was going to say something but now I can't remember. Jongdae leaned in again and I closed my eyes waiting for round two.

"Are you really, really, really okay?" He said softly, tugging locks of hair behind my ear for me. My cheeks burned again when he lightly brushed a finger across my face. The way he showed concern in this tender loving manner made me fall for him even more.

And I never get tired of saying it. Every day, every time... I grow fond and fonder of him, and I now understand why people say love is endless.

I bit my lip inward and nodded to his question.

I am really okay.

Sure it hurt knowing that my debut dream was ruined, but it didn't destroy me because at some point it stopped being my number one priority. Thinking that way made it much easier to accept what had happened.

So many things have changed since I became a trainee, and I have stepped out of the dark to see how my life is blessed in so many ways. From making true friends, meeting Jongdae and wanting to be a better person, facing my trauma and overcoming it with him, and learning that my parents never once abandoned me... all of it patched up the black hole in my heart.

I have been cured in the heart and mind by the people around me and I am happy again. So happy that a crushed debut dream became a really minor issue to me.

I could look into Jongdae eyes now and swear from the bottom of my heart that I am really, really okay.

So I reached his cheek to feel the warmth off his milky skin and smiled tenderly at him. "I've never been happier than this. And I really, really, really love my life right now."

A glad tear escaped my eyes and I brought my lips to his, hoping that I could convey my utmost gratitude to him through it. Our lips touched and we stayed there to enjoy the simplicity and innocence of a kiss, and to appreciate just how pleasant everything has been for us.

We pulled away after a while and broke into big silly smiles. Jongdae hugged me up and repositioned me so that I was sitting on his lap and facing him.

I hooked my arms around his neck like a clingy girlfriend and gazed lovingly at him.

Damn those beautiful eyes... it always gives me the butterflies.

What now?

Jongdae was looking at me too until something behind me caught his attention.
"O-Oh god," He suddenly gasped, and instinctively tried to stand up but fell back on the couch again because I was still on his lap.

I turned my head to see what scared him and broke out laughing because I now remember what I was trying to tell him earlier.

"Guys..." I laughed out to the two females who were standing behind us in awe. "They're the butlers of this house - Susan, and Meredith," I gladly introduced them to Jongdae, and the three of them briefly exchanged greetings.

"Butlers? I thought you said there's a nurse in the house," Jongdae muttered softly only for me to hear. I quickly sent the duo away so that Jongdae could breathe again.

"There's a nurse andddd two butlers in the house. I forgot to complete my sentence," I chirped back at him who seemed really distressed, probably thinking that he had ruined his first impression in front of my dear butlers.

Like my chauffeur Jack, Susan and Meredith have been in this household for years so they are pretty close to my family too. I've always been on good terms with them because the duo cooks the best meals ever. On my bad days, my only source of comfort would be their warm homecooked food.

"But it's okay for them to see us. You can trust them the way you trust me," I assured him. "And you need to try their food," I highlighted, "Meredith makes the best meals."

"Next time, babe." Jongdae sighed before getting up from the couch. "I have to go for my next schedule or the members will kill me."

"Already?" I pouted disappointingly because I was just getting excited about showing him around my house.

"Now that I've seen you, I should get going," he smiled and ruffled my hair. "I'm just glad to see you smile again."

"Okay then. You should go before my parents get back," I chuckled and went to send him out.

"The next time I step into this house, it'll be to greet your parents." Jongdae winked the last time before we parted at my door.


One day.. two days... three have passed, and I was getting more energetic as the days went by. Today is the day the doctor would come by to give me a check-up, and I can't wait for him to say that I am almost recovered and able to roam on my own again.

As soon as I got the doctor's approval, Jongdae was the first person I thought of. He had been so packed with EXO activities the last few days that he barely had time to rest or even reply to my texts so I wanted to pay him a surprise visit.

I dialed his number anticipating through the phone, and he picked up after several rings.

"Hey," he answered solemnly, and my smile fell immediately.

"Oh no. What's up? You sound so dead."

"I'm alright. Just a little too tired from work," he replied exhaustedly.

"Can't you take a day off? Health comes first, mister. I don't want you to overwork yourself."

He chuckled softly, "yes ma'am. I did take some time off because I know I need to rest."

"Uh," I said, in my head already deciding that I would go see him since he's off.

"Don't come," he added before I could suggest anything. As if he could read my mind. "Cause I'll be sleeping at home the whole day and I'll need some time to myself. Just stay with Susan and Meredith or Jack, okay? I'll find you on the weekends."

"Okay then," I replied in disappointment... but I wasn't going to listen to him at all.

It didn't matter if he would sleep on me the whole day, I just wanted to be by his side the same way he did for me when my days were rough and exhausting.

We hung up the phone soon after and I was out of the house and on my way to his place. This time, I summoned my chauffeur Jack to take me to Jongdae's place instead of taking public transport. Other people would think I'm a spoilt kid for having these privileges, but Jack has never been happier to hear me wanting a ride. All these years, I rejected his service so he was really happy knowing that I would finally open up to him.

"We're here, my lady," Jack chirped, evidently in good mood as he stopped the car in front of Jongdae's apartment.

"Thank you, Jack. You're the best," I grinned in delight before hopping out the car.

"Call me anytime when you need a ride! I'll come pick you up," he offered again through the wind-down window. He had been saying that since I got into his car and I could really sense his enthusiasm.

Ahh, that makes my day.


I rang the doorbell the third time to no avail and was starting to wonder if I was at the right door. I had to cross-check the address that Jongdae gave me with the unit number to be sure that I was at the right place.

It is Jongdae's unit but no one was answering the door.

Could he not be home?

I rang the fourth time, and it was my final attempt. If no one opened, then I would have to call him.

But even calling didn't work so it got me wondering if he was too fast asleep. From what I know, Jongdae isn't a deep sleeper so he would've known if someone called his cellphone.

Bad thoughts began to flood my head.

He's okay... right? He better be okay.

I stood at the door and paced back and forth, thinking about my next move. Then my eyes went to the door lock as soon as I recalled something.

"2-1-0-0-0-0," he whispered once into my ear previously.

How can I forget?

That was the mystery code that I never thought about thereafter but now it makes sense. I reached for the door lock and entered those digits as the passcode, and one try was all it took to unlock the door.


I entered in tiptoes, not sure why I was acting like a thief but I was being really careful and quiet.

As his girlfriend... this doesn't count as trespass, right?

"Hello?" I said softly, looking around the house.

I walked towards the spacious center that was the living room, and on my left was the balcony. The far end was an open kitchen that connected to the dining area, and the dining table was a rectangular countertop long enough to fit in three chairs.

The house was so quiet and empty that I started to wonder if anyone lived here. I walked in a bit more and passed the living room into a hallway on the right until I stopped in front of a closed door, which I believe, is the door to Jongdae's bedroom.

My hands were on its way to open the knob when I hesitated, once and twice, before taking a step back. My conscience was suddenly kicking in and telling me that it was not right to be intrusive, even though I was already IN his house.

I quickly fished out my phone and dialed for Jongdae, thinking that I should at least tell him where I am now and figure out where he is.

But when the line went through, I heard a ringtone coming from the bedroom too. I pulled my phone away from my ear to listen outward and confirm that I wasn't actually hearing things.

And I was right.

Jongdae's phone was ringing from the bedroom but he wasn't picking up. I hung up the phone and slipped it into my back pocket, and the ringing from inside stopped too.

Screw my conscience, I'm going in.

With a twist of the doorknob, I pushed it open and held my breath nervously as I scanned what was before me.

Jongdae was lying uncomfortably in bed, looking pale and lifeless. I ran up to him immediately.

"Jongdae ya," I exhaled anxiously, sitting by his side and trying to shake him up from sleep, but he was too tired to respond. I quickly checked his forehead and he was burning like crazy even though he was under the sheets and breaking out in sweats.

This dude was running on a high fever.

"Uh," I breathed in and out to calm myself down, but tears were welling up my eyes because I was just too worried.

"What should I do..." I murmured out loud as the tears spill themselves and my hands went up to cup my mouth. My mind was blank and my heart was aching as I watched Jongdae suffer silently to himself.

I've never had to take care of someone and it made me so lost for a moment.

"Not the time to mope, Kim Jisoo. Don't be a weakling," I told myself and wiped the tears away to get my shit together.

It was time for me to get down to work.


"Ginger, garlic, lemongrass... and what?" I repeated Meredith's instructions through the phone as I dumped the ingredients one by one into the heated pot.

"Rosemary," she answered. "Oh, add thyme if you have them."

The phone call was on speaker while I was preparing a chicken noodle soup meal for Jongdae in his kitchen. Meredith always made it for me when I am down with a cold, and it works wonders each time so I wanted to make it for Jongdae.

"Stir for a minute or two, and then add the chicken stock and a cup of water," she continued instructing. "When it boils, add the chicken and-"

"Hold on, hold on, I'm not following," I interrupted her, still stir-frying the ginger and friends. "He doesn't have thyme though," I mentioned. "...He doesn't have anything in his kitchen," I complained while scanning his kitchen once again.

Before this, I had to go to the nearby supermarket to get all the ingredients because the only food stock that he had at home was kimchi and instant noodles. I also stopped by the pharmacy to get all sorts of flu medicine for him.

"Okay, so after stirring... pour the chicken stock and some water," I reminded myself as I did those steps. The rest of the meal prep session was just me and Meredith phone-chatting until my chicken noodle soup was ready.

"It smells disgusting but he better love it," I commented after sniffing the pot once. I quickly covered with a lid before the smell contaminated my nose further.

Don't get me wrong, I think I am a great cook, but I hate lemongrass.

The only time I ever consume it is when Meredith makes this dish and forces me to eat it in order to get better. Even so, the smell of lemongrass from the noodles makes me turn away every time.

"Anyway, thanks Meredith, you're the best," I sent her a kiss through the phone before hanging up.

I wiped my hands clean and went back to check on Jongdae. The hand towel that I placed over his forehead was still there but it wasn't cool anymore. I resoaked it into a bowl of cold water and was going to put them over his forehead again when he started to fidget a little.


"You're awake?" I asked softly, leaning in more to check on him. Before cooking the chicken noodle soup, I had woken him once to eat the fever-reducing medicine but I doubt he remembered that.

Jongdae frowned in discomfort at first and slowly peeled open his eyes. I used the towel to gently wipe his face and around his neck while he stared back at me, probably surprised by my presence.

"Soo ya," his voice was soft and raspy.

"Are you feeling better?" I touched his forehead again. It was still warm but not burning like before.

He exhaled loudly and tried to sit up but I pushed him back down using my finger to his forehead.

The same way he did to me in training camp. Hah.

"Stay down, idiot," I said sternly, and then continued to wipe around his neck with the towel.

"Soo ya." He called me again. Probably trying to convince me that he was feeling better or whatsoever.

"You better listen to me when I say stay down," I warned again, not planning to give in at all.

"No, but I-"

"What?" I snapped back before he could challenge me. "You wanna pretend that you're okay when two hours ago you were burning up like crazy?"

I didn't want to sound harsh but my concern for him just came out of my mouth this way.

Jongdae bit his lip inward and blinked tiredly, and I already wanted to apologise for my harshness.

"Soo ya," he patiently called me the third time and I finally gave him the chance to speak. "I need to go to the restroom."


I lingered outside the restroom, feeling my face flushed to the max. God I am so embarrassed for forcing him to stay in bed when what he needed was the loo.

I paced back and forth, trying to maintain my cool and also tried to justify my action. Technically I'm not wrong because he should still stay in bed after he's done with the loo anyway.

When Jongdae came out of the restroom, I spun around to look at him. His lips were still pale and he looked so haggard but... he's handsome as always. Beauty doesn't change, you know?

Shut up, Jisoo.

"Soo ya," he made slow steps towards me and enveloped me into a hug. I could still feel his whole body feverish, but I hugged back anyway.

"You scared the hell out of me," I buried my face into him and sighed out loud, at the same time feeling relieved because he was much more energetic than before. He was like a dead fish just now.

I pulled away from the hug and turn to frowns. "Why didn't you pick up the phone? Why didn't you tell me that you were not feeling well?" I started to throw light punches at him. "I'm your girlfriend and I have every right to know!"

He caught my fists to stop me and let out a small smile. "I smell food, did you cook something?"

I let out a huff and glared at him, trying my best to stay serious but he wouldn't stop smiling back at me. What am I to do with this adorable idiot?

Minutes later, we were seated at the dining area with the meal pot presented in front of him. I took off the cover to reveal the chicken noodle soup and warm smoke immediately escaped the pot.

The aroma of lemongrass also filled the air and got me covering my nostrils.

I saw Jongdae's eyes sparkle over the meal that I prepped for him and smiled along. So this was how Susan and Meredith feel every time they cooked for the family. I could now understand how rewarding it feels.

"It's the first meal you ever cooked for me," Jongdae smiled brighter, looking between me and the pot.

"Yeah, and it happened to be with lemongrass," I chuckled. "This is what Meredith makes for me every time I get sick. Eat up, it should help you feel better too."

Jongdae wiped out the pot in minutes and drank all of the soup deliciously, but I shook my head because I could never relate to that. "How can you like that taste? It's like... lemon... and grass," I whined nonsensically and got him laughing away.

"I hate lemongrass too," he confessed while cleaning his mouth with a tissue.

"Wait, what? You do too? And you drank all of that?"

"But I like what you make for me," he smiled. "You know, I didn't actually think you would be good at cooking."

I stared back. "Why? Because I look like lazy spoilt kid?"

"Honestly... yeah?" He giggled. "You have Susan and Meredith making your meals so I didn't think you would learn how to cook."

"You're such a stereotype," I rolled my eyes back at him. "But it's true that I don't cook for myself or anyone. I just learn it from them because they used to be my only friends at home... back when I thought my parents didn't want me," I laughed to myself, staring down at my hands now.

Thinking about how childish and stubborn I was in the past makes me so embarrassed about it.

Jongdae reached for my hand, gently brushing his thumb over. "Now you've got someone to cook for."

"You?" I raised my eyebrows and he nodded eagerly like a kiddo.

I soon recovered from the sentimental moment and slammed my hand over his forehead. Not forgetting why I am here in the first place.

"Time to eat your medicine and go back to bed," I instructed in a firm voice. There was no way I would let him sit around and chitchat with me when he was still feverish. "I'm your doctor today," I proudly announced, as if I had waited for this moment to come.


I tucked Jongdae in bed, making sure his blankets were up to his chin and briefly smoothen out the crinkles until I was satisfied with the whole setting. When I met his eyes again, he was simply staring up at me. "What?" I asked.

"How are you feeling?" Jongdae asked me back, even though he's supposed to be the patient.

"Me? Good," I said, but I was feeling a headache close to the back of my neck. Even though my doctor said I was well enough to get out of the house, I had to be careful not to overstrain myself and I was supposed to refrain from moving too much or doing any sort of physical work.

But I did do some chores in the past few hours to take care of patient Jongdae.

"What did your doctor say?" He probed me.

I bit my lip for a second and debated how much detail I should go into. "He said I'm fine."

"And?" he prompt me once.

"He said I can leave the house."


"And I'm able to move about on my own," I muttered unwillingly.

"Jisoo," his voice turned more serious.

Damn him. He's the one lying in bed but why am I being questioned now?

"Kim Jisoo."

I couldn't bring myself to lie to him further because I promised to be truthful around him.

And also because he knows whenever I try to lie. Ugh.

"Kim Jisoo!" Jongdae reached my hand for my attention.

"Fine! He said I'm not supposed to be doing any chores because it might strain the back of my head," I muttered towards the end like a loser and looked away.

In case Jongdae gets angry at me I wouldn't want to meet his eyes.

"But I'm not the patient right now, you are! You're the one who's burning up with a fever! Mine's just a headache!" I reasoned before he starts nagging back.

"You feel a headache right now? Why didn't you tell me? Since when did you feel it?!" He held my hand firmer when I was subtly trying to slip it away.

I wasn't intending to tell him about the headache but me and my careless mouth just added fuel to the fire.

"It's not about my headache you idiot, the problem now is that you're-"

"The problem is that you're not recovered and you still think you're well enough to care for me? I'm perfectly okay, Jisoo. You shouldn't have come here. You should be getting all the rest you can at home instead. All of this is so unnecessary."

I shook out of his hand this time. Can't he just appreciate how much I care for him?

"What so unnecessary about me being here? Is it so wrong that I want to come see you? Is it so wrong that I worry about you? Is it wrong that I want to do something for you? I'm your girlfriend not your daughter so don't expect me to listen to everything you say."

"Go home." He ordered with great authority before a fight could even happen and it caused me to scoff. I rolled my eyes and glared back before spelling him a big fat "NO".

"I said go home. And don't come here alone again."

"NO." I repeated stubbornly, facing away from him.

"Jisoo ya!" He raised his voice and it made me turn around. 

"What? What! WHAT! You're gonna chase me away now? Just because you're sick and I'm having a stupid headache, we can't stay together?" I yelled back like a kid. No way I was going to let him win this conversation. "Don't even try to kick me out mister, I'm going to stick right NEXT to you," I climbed into his queen-sized bed, scooting under his blanket and clinging onto him.

"No-" Jongdae struggled to get up but I quickly sat on top of him to make sure he stayed down. Being sick made him weaker than usual or else he would have been strong enough to throw me off the bed.

"No, YOU listen to me!" I straddled his body to pin him down. "No one's moving, no one's leaving." Then I swooped down to hug him, leaning my face onto his chest as my body stayed atop of him. Sticking to him like a gum.

"Can you... please... get off me," he growled slow and softly.

"No!" I refused time after time, still hugging him like a koala bear.

"No, Soo, you don't understand," he cleared his throat awkwardly and covered his face with both hands. "I'm... getting turned on."

That's when I suddenly turned conscious of the way our bodies were touching and how I was riding on top of him. Blushing was now an understatement because it felt like my whole body was set on fire.

So... what's next?


A/N: Do you like the story spicy or sweet? 🙈🙊 I wanna know!
Vote/ comment, thanks ~


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