Clockwork Angel's (DISCONTINU...

By PaperBagBoi_

12K 676 114

Nineteen century England was a large place for anyone. The Pines Twins were sent to England after their paren... More

What happened?
Back to Annebeth's
Cracking the code
Powers of an Angel
Rescue misson?
The Key to the Gear Heart
Angel's Blood
Who would do this?
A package
Almost Eaten


777 47 16
By PaperBagBoi_

Third person

Cruel months passed as the twins were held against their will. They've been forced to show their special abilities that they never knew they had.

It was hell.

Not being able to see each other. They did learn things from Ms. Ward and Richard. They weren't human and that's what frightened them the most.

During the month they've learned how to summon their powers, but not much to control them yet. Dipper tired many ways to escape, but nothing worked. Everytime he's gotten close Ms. Ward or Richard caught him trying to free Mabel and running.

They were punished of course after or mainly tortured. Dipper mainly because he was the one who started it. Burned, cut, starved, dunking their heads underwater, and much more horrible things.

One day something happened that pleased Annebeth. She was less rude and harmful towards the twins after that. She thought it was progress from all her other tries.

"Leave her alone!" Dipper yelled at the top of his lungs.

Dipper and Mabel tried to escape again and didn't even make it to the door. Mabel was first for once because Annebeth wanted to psychology torture him.

"You never seem to learn," Annebeth screamed across the room, "My dear lad, you'll learn to stop trying."
"Leave her alone, I promise I won't do it again!" Dipper pleaded, "I promise, please!"
"No!" Mabel yelled, "Ahh!"

All of a sudden Dipper's eyes started to glow a bright blue as marks started to appear.

"Stop it, Stop it, Stop it!" Dipper yelled.
"Ms. Ward!" Richard raced towards Ms. Ward.

Annebeth smirked and was helped up by Richard. Dipper froze and realized what he had done. He was terrified that this crazy woman was right about him.

"Take him to the other room," Annebeth chuckled, "We have to do work on him."
"D-Don't touch my brother! He didn't mean too!" Mabel yelled, "Don't hurt my little brother!"
"Go on, Richard! Hurry." Annebeth smiled.
"Leave him alone," Mabel's eyes flowed and Richard froze.

Mabel's eyes widen and mumbled a few words. Richard let go of Annebeth and stepped back. Mabel stopped and tears started to go down her face.

"That felt wrong...." Mabel cried.

Annebeth's smile was from ear to ear. She had finally made them crack and now the real torture began. They have separated once again and started to work on them. Ever since that day they've given up on hope on escaping this mansion. A few weeks after the whole discovery a letter arrived for Ms. Ward.

"Ms. Ward?" Richard said.
"These blasted children are getting on my last nerve!" Annebeth yelled, "They're worth so much and I can't even make them do a simple thing!"
"Ms. Ward," Richard spoke louder.
"What is it, Richard!?" Annebeth shouted.
"A letter us arrived for you about the clockwork," Richard explained.
"What now?" Annebeth huffed.

Richard handed her the letter. Annebeth opened the letter and started to read.

"P-Pardon?" Annebeth gasped.
"Is something the matter?" Richard asked.
"They want the twins now," Annebeth panicked, "It'll be my head if they can't do what they're supposed to do."
"Should I head there and tell them they're not ready ?" Richard mumbled.
"That won't do," Annebeth cried, "What am I going to do?"
"We can work them day and night?" Richard suggested.
"These bloody children aren't learning fast enough!" Annebeth screamed, "Even if we did do that it still wouldn't be enough."

A large explosion was heard from the main floor. The walls shattered and broke from its foundation. Richard protected Ms. Ward from the pieces of ceiling that crashed down.

"My word," Annebeth muttered, "Now, what could that be?"
"Annebeth Ward! By the Council of the Underworld you are under arrest," A woman shouted.
"Blasted! Richard, get those brats out for here and I'll handle these Hunters," Annebeth chuckled.
"As you wish," Richard raced away.

Annebeth walked toward the door and saw five hunters. She smirked and chuckled as she started to turn into a human like spider creature. Terrifying.

"I'll send you back to the underworld when I'm done devouring your corpse!"
"William, now!" Cathy shouted.
"Vincula haeream" William shouted.
"Hisss! You think these pathetic chains will hold me!?" Annebeth spat, "Have a stronger demon handle me."
"Tele encampus!" William shouted.

Meanwhile, Richard went to revive the children and take them to a secret location. They're hands were tied with ropes as they walked with Richard.

"Where are you taking us now?" Mabel asked.
"Somewhere else where no one will find you," Richard explained, "They figure out that you are here and want you."
"What..." Dipper hissed.
"They'll do worse things to you than us," Richard finally smiled.
"I'm scared," Mabel muttered to Dipper.
"It'll be okay," Dipper told Mabel, "We'll be okay."

Richard heard footsteps above from them. Dipper held Mabel's hand as best as he could. Richard was too busy listening to footsteps to noticed what Dipper was doing.

He started to untie the ropes around Mabel's wrist. Mabel nodded no, but Dipper nodded yes. He knew that this would be there only chance to escape. The only chance to go back to their normal lives or what they have of it.

Mabel went along with running because she knew that they'll never get another chance like this. They both still had some Hope even if it was a little. As Richard walked ahead the twins slowly stepped away and began to race away. Richard heard their footsteps and went after the twins.

Mabel and Dipper haven't eaten anything in weeks, but they needed the little energy they had left to run. Dipper looked back for a second and saw Richard grow extra legs.... spider legs. He grabbed Mabel's hand and ran faster with her.

"The stairs!" Mabel cried.

They raced up the stairs and closed the door and placed something to lock it. Richard kept banging on the door and punching the thick wood. They cheered and embraced one another. It didn't last long as they one of the spider legs go through the door.

They both ran away and tried to find an exit to this place. They cheered and shouted that they were finally free. They jumped and raced through the halls. They both froze as they saw Annebeth but as a massive spider.

"Get back here you little brats!" Annebeth screamed.

They heard other voices and tried not to bump into anyone else. Mabel pulled Dipper the opposite direction because she saw someone else. They lost the man but Annebeth was still following them. One second she was there and the other she was gone.

The twins split up as they Richard bloody and bruised coming towards them. Riehard followed Dipper until he was at a dead end. Dipper stepped back and saw a broke table leg on the floor. He grabbed it and started to threaten Richard.

"Stay back or else!" Dipper shouted.
"Why are you going to do? You are a weak child how knows nothing about this world," Richard groaned.
"Stay back!" Dipper yelled.

Richard pinned Dipper to the wall and a wide smiled appeared on his face. Richard's tongue stretch and licked Dipper'a neck and cheek.

"I'll just tell Ms. Ward that you died," Richard whispered in his head, "Then we'll have your sister and do more test, torture, sell her."

Richard flew back and banged his head against the wall. He wasn't moving. All of sudden Dipper grabbed he leg of the table and started to hit Richard,

"You're a terrible bloody man!" Dipper screamed.


"A monster!" Dipper yelled.


"I didn't want to be here," Dipper shouted


"I just wanted to go back home!" Dipper screamed louder.


Dipper started to him the body harder and faster than before, "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

Dipper stopped as he realized what he had done. He killed someone and his blood was on him. He dropped the leg and covered his mouth.

"I've killed a man," Dipper muttered, "What have I done?"
"Stop there!" A blonde man yelled.

Dipper looked at him and stepped back. He didn't speak and looked at him. He saw his bright yellow hair and black bottom, golden honey eye, freckles painted on his cheeks and nose, and tan skin.

"You're coming with me," He yelled, "Don't do anything that you'll regret."

Something came over and Dipper ran towards him and hugged him. He whispered a few words and the young mans body went unconscious.

"W-Whay did I do?" Dipper muttered to himself.

Dipper placed the young man down and laid him down softly. He mumbled sorry and raced away. As Dipper ran he kept seeing people. He just wanted to find his sister and get out.

When he finally did Dipper held her hand. They both raced out the door. They couldn't believe it at first. They stepped out the door and kept running. They heard people yell at them to come back.

"We're free!" Mabel cried, "FREE!"
"We just need to keep going until we get into the woods." Dipper smiled, "They'll never find us!"

They were close to the outskirts of the woods. They were so close. Tears of joy started to fall down Mabel's eyes. They were free.

Everything went black for a second.

Mabel looked around and only saw trees. They were safe or that's what she thought. Mabel sat up and looked over towards her brother.

"Dipper, we did.... it," Her eyes widen, "Dipper?"

She couldn't see her little brother. She stood up and looked around. She saw Dipper on the ground bleeding from his side. Mabel raced towards him and held him.

"Dipper?" Mabel muttered, "W-Wake up..."

Mabel's eyes widen when she heard voices and footsteps coming closer towards them. Mabel was weak, but she had to do everything in her power to move Dipper and herself. She looked around and found a hollow tree that they were both small enough to hide in.

Mabel went inside first and pulled Dipper from underneath his arms. She placed Dipper's head on her shoulder. She clapped her hands together and started to mumbled a few words.

"I know I haven't praised your word my dearest angels, but please hear me now. I-I'm scared and- and I don't know what to do. People are trying to hurt us and Dipper is hurt."

Her ring glowed a soft white. Dipper groaned and opened his eyes to see Mabel mumbling words.

"Mabel?" Dipper whispered.
"Dipper!" Mabel cheered, "You're awake."
"W-Where are we?" Dipper asked.
"Inside a tree, but we have to stay quiet," Mabel told him, "You're hurt and we need to stay quiet so they won't catch us."
"Ugh," Dipper held his side.
"Did I hurt you?" Mabel asked.
"A little," Dipper whispered.
"Sorry," Mabel whispered back.
Dipper and Mabel muttered under their breath, "Angels, please help us."

The eyes in the angels necklace glowed and a sharp pain started to come in Dipper's side. He screamed in pain and Mabel covered his mouth.

"Dipper!" Mabel whispered yelled.

They heard a female voice coming outside of the tree. They saw both saw light purple heels and a violent dress.

"Excuse me down there?" She said, "Can you come out?"
"N-No!" Mabel shouted.
"Please?" She asked, "I promise I won't do you any harm."
"L-Leave us alone," Dipper shouted.
"Are you alright dear?" She asked Dipper, "You don't sound so well."

Mabel felt something warm on her hand and finally realized how much he was bleeding.

"Dipper, we have to take a chance and ask her if she can help us," Mabel whispered.
"No," Dipper whispered.
"You're bleeding extremely and... I-I can't risk you leaving me too," Mabel mumbled.
"What if she's like Annebeth? I can't lose you either, Mabel," Dipper told her, "She might do the same things that Annebeth did but worse. She might sell us."
"But what if not? We can go home," Mabel told him, "Everything can go back to normal."
"Ma'am?" Dipper shouted.
"Yes, dear?" She said.
"Why did you show to Ms. Wards house?" Dipper asked.
"We can't tell you, but we came to take her in," She explained.
"Did she get away?" Mabel asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," She told them.
"You're like the police than?" Mabel muttered.
"Yes," She told them.
"I-If you help us..." Dipper didn't want to say, "We'll tell you what we know about her."
"Is that so?" She smiled.
"Yes! But after you help us we get to go home!" Mabel told them.
"We have deal,"

Mabel crawled out and than helped Dipper out. The later thought that they would be properly clothed and clean, but she was wrong. Her eyes widen she saw the twins.

"Can we go now? He needs a doctor," Mabel begged.
"Of course," She said, "My name is Lillian."

Mabel helped Dipper wall and Lillian started to think about what happened to them. All she knew is that now they had a lead about what Annebeth was doing.

Mabel saw four men near the carriage. Dipper wasn't looking so good.

"We're almost there," Mabel muttered.
"I can see," Dipper mumbled.
"We have a problem," Will told Lillian.
"I know that Annebeth and Richard are gone," Lillian said.
"Richard is dead," Jackson told her, "A bloody mess that was."
"We were told not to kill anyone," Lillian frowned, "Who did it?"
"He did," Bill pointed at Dipper, "That's why he's a mess."
"Pardon," Lillian exclaimed while looking at the twins.
"My brother would never!" Mabel told them.
"A-Annebeth, s-secret plans... buy-" Dipper fainted.
"Dipper!" Mabel went down with him.
"You two search the area and you two come with me!" Lilian told the boys.

The cipher twins went with Lillian and put Dipper inside the carriage. Mabel held him holding him and putting pressure on his wound.

Mabel was worried and happy at the same time. They were free, but at what cost?

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