broken as i • a kylo ren story

By hydrangearen

17.8K 709 1.4K

••••• completed but iffy ••••• "he continued to hold onto you for dear life, and you let him. he needed this... More

part one
i (i)
ii (ii)
iii (iii)
iv (iv)
v (v)
vi (vi)
vii (vii)
viii (viii)
ix (ix)
x (x)
xi (xi)
xiii (xiii)
xiv (xiv)
xv (xv)
xvi (xvi)
xvii (xvii)
xviii (xviii)
xix (xix)
part two
i (xx)
ii (xxi)
iii (xxii)
iv (xxiii)
v (xxiv)
vi (xxv)
vii (xxvi)
viii (xxvii)
ix (xxviii)
x (xxix)
xi (xxx)
xii (xxxi)
xiii (xxxii)
xiv (xxxiii)
xv (xxxiv)
xvi (xxxv)
xvii (xxxvi)
xviii (xxxvii)
xix (xxxviii)
part three
i (xxxix)
ii (xl)
iii (xli)
iv (xlii)
v (xliii)
vi (xliv)
vii (xlv)
viii (xlvi)
ix (xlvii)
x (xlviii)
xi (xlix)
xii (l)
xiii (li)
xiv (lii)
xv (liii)
xvi (liv)
xvii (lv)
xviii (lvi)
xix (lvii)
thank you

xii (xii)

297 14 62
By hydrangearen


you woke up the next morning to a bang on the door.

"what the hell?" you spoke as you headed for the door. you opened it and it was wyatt and peter.

"oh, we didnt mean to wake you...sorry. we just came to tell you that jaxx is okay...just like last time." peter said.

"no no no! it is fine. i seriously appreciate that you guys do this for me. it means a lot, seriously."

"its no biggy. we got to go though, catch you later y/n!" wyatt gave you a nod and they both left. you then closed the door.

"might as well get a head start for the day." you mumbled to yourself. it was a bit convenient that they woke you up early. you needed to go to the medbay, so it all worked out. you got ready and put on your uniform. you decided that you would get food after getting your burn treated, and you did exactly that.

"hey y/n! im glad to see you. is everything alright?" aubree asked you as you walked in.

"hi aubree! yeah, im here to get a burn treated. it isnt anything serious." you replied with a small grin.

"oh my! okay. i will get a nurse for you right away. you can have a seat if you want."

"thank you! no rush though..." you then sat down onto a chair that was close to you. within minutes, a nurse called you back and they started examining you.

"my name is nurse kylie. i will be treating you today. would you tell me what is the problem?"

"hello! im y/n and i just have a burn near my stomach."

"okay. i will get that tended to right away. would you lift up your shirt for me?"

"sure!" you did and she started looking at singe.

"hm. you're right, it isnt too bad. i will get some antibiotics and some ointment. you will be on your way in no time."

"sounds good!" with that, she left the room. she returned within seconds and started to nurse the wound.

"this almost looks like a lightsaber wound." she mumbled to herself. you heard it and lightly chuckled. "all right, you are set. if it starts irritating you, just come back and we will help you. have a good rest of your day!"

"thank you so much kylie! and you too!" you walked out of the medbay and waved goodbye to aubree. you had about 15 minutes before your shift which was a perfect amount of time to get food and eat.

you reached the lunch room and grabbed some pancakes, sausage, and cup of fruit. you chugged down some orange juice to top it off. you made your way over to your cleaning crew and begun work. you cleaned, scrubbed, and sweat like crazy. before you knew it, your work period was over and you were heading for your room.

you opened the door and jumped back.

"kylo? why and how are you here? i swear i locked my door..."

"you did, but i got somebody to open it for me."

this was your first time in 3 days seeing kylo after the incident. it was a bit awkward- at least for you, but you tried to hide it.

"so, what do you need?"

"you need to get ready. we are going to see the supreme leader in 15 minutes. sorry about the late noti-"

"the supreme leader? meaning your master? why? what is going on? is he going to execute me? i am not ready for th-"

"oh calm it down chickenface. he isnt going to kill you, i think...."

"uh what the fuck! what do you mean you think?"

"im just messing around. if he wanted you dead, he would tell me to do it."

"thanks for the supportive words! i appreciate it so much!"

"yeah whatever. i will come back in 10- be ready by then!" he then left your room swiftly.

that was really werid you thought. but, you had to hurry..get ready in 10 minutes was not your strong suit. you decided to take a quick shower since you were previously sweating. just as you finished smoothing out your clothes, you heard the door open.

"do you not know how to knock?" you somewhat yelled at kylo.

"lets go. snoke doesnt like waiting on people."

"well...after seeing my beautiful face, he wouldn't mind waiting" you gave kylo a big smile.

"you are overly confident."

"and you arent?" you raised an eyebrow.

"you got me there. lets walk."

you and kylo walking side by side to wherever this snoke guy was located.

"are we there yet? this is getting boring."

"you sound like a little child."

"do you have something against little children?"

"not re-"

"exactly. speaking of little children, is jaxx going to be at this small meeting?"

"no, he will not be."

"oh...okay" you sounded disappointed because...well you were.

the 2 of you stepped onto a elevator and it took you up at least 3 stories.

"okay. when you arrive, you need to kneel before the supreme leader-" you cut kylo off.

"stop right there. i dont kneel before anybody. i dont care who this man is. he can kill me before i do."

"see the thing is, he might literally do. i am way nicer than him by 1000%, and i am not that nice. so, you may say that now, but later... i dont know."

"i guess we will have to see then." you said right as the elevator doors opened.

it revealed an extremely large room with a throne in the middle. there were guards with red armor on each side of it. kylo pushed you a bit to start walking. you obeyed and then suddenly you heard a loud, booming voice.

"y/n l/y/n. i am glad to have finally met you in the flesh."

you assumed that was snoke, because you saw that kylo was already kneeling next to you. the man looked like he was decaying before your eyes. he was wearing a gold robe that was in fact hideous. he was also bald and had piercing blue eyes that looked like they could suck your soul right out of you.

"supreme leader snoke" you nodded your head at him, still not kneeling.

"i see that you are not kneeling before me...has my apprentice not informed you to do so?"

"oh, he has. but, i do not fall onto my knees before any person."

"i see." with that, snoke used the force to make you in fact...kneel before him.

"much better. now, i have heard some things about you that intrigue me."

you rolled your eyes because you were already starting to dislike the man. did he really find it a necessity to make you kneel infront of him? it wasnt even a big issue.

"like what. what have you heard about me, supreme leader?"

"i heard that you were able to hide the fact that you are force sensitive."

you gulped and let out a small breath.

"who told you that?"

"that is none of your concern. we will start our training together as soon as possible. off you go."

those 10 words made both you and kylos heart drop. kylo feared that his superior would say that, but in the back of his head...he knew that it was coming. he didnt want you to have to go through what he did when training with snoke. deep down, he didnt even wish it on his biggest enemies.

you on the otherhand were shocked. you didnt want to train with the hotdog water smelling man that forced you to kneel before him. you knew that training with him would be no fun at all.

"master, i thought i would be training both of the siblings together." kylo spoke as he stood up.

"you must have been mistaken, kylo ren. now as i said, you are dimissed."

you were about to speak your mind to snoke and kylo could see that. he pulled you back to the elevator before you could so that nothing escalated.

"your master is a fucking dickhead! i am not training with that man at all. i refuse. it will not happen. i would pick training with you over him anyday. at least you arent hard on the eye like how he is. i almost puked just looking at him. and his skin! oh his skin! get that man a skincare routine! what does he use on his skin? a porg's eyeball?" you ranted to kylo in the elevator. he loved how in a serious situation, you could also bring some happiness into it.

"it will be fine y/n. i have a plan."

"what does that mean? you know what, i dont care right now. actually, i do care...but not that much. you get what i mean...right?"

"yes i do. it is a bit late, you must be tired. i will see you soon."

"no, i am actually wide awake now. hearing snoke say he wants me to train with him put me on high alert."

"okay then. i am heading back to my chamber. goodbye."

"chamber? why do you say chamber? anyways, i am going with you. i am stressing right now and the last thing i need is to be alone."

kylo was flabbergasted at your statement. "why would you want to come to my room?"

"i dont know, i just...want to. im bored. it is boring in my room."

kylo knew that fighting with you would only make you want to go into his room more. "fine, but our rooms are pretty similar."

he walked you both back to his quarters. you walked in and you felt like screaming.

"holy shit! this is huge as fuck! our rooms are definitely not similar!" you hollered as you walked over to the huge window of his. you had a window just like this in your room, but his was way bigger.

"it is the same concept, so pretty much is the same." kylo said as he just stood there.

you started roaming his room and came across a door. you opened it and it lead to another room.

"you have a room inside of a room! i might just become a commander so that i can have this!" you screamed out the room so that kylo could hear you. he smiled to himself...he really did enjoy your company.

you walked back out into his main room and threw yourself onto his king sized bed. your bed was extremely comfortable, but this...this felt like you were on a cloud.

"your room is just so...amazing! i could literal cry!" you spoke into his sheets. the entire time, kylo just stared at you. he loved watching you you sprung back up and opened the door to his bathroom. it was way bigger than your own. you then noticed a bunch of bottles on the sink. you picked one up and starting cracking up.

"w-why do you have so many hair products! this is so funny!" you managed to get out of throat as you laughed like crazy.

"i have to keep my hair fresh okay?" he rolled his eyes.

you opened the bottle and smelled it. it smelled even better than your shampoo and conditioner, which you thought smelled pretty amazing. you set the bottle down and walked back over to kylo. you then practically climbed him like a tree to reach his hair.

"what are you doing?" kylo asked, genuinely confused.

you took a big sniff of his hair and fell onto the bed that was conveniently behind you.

"your hair...smells like...lets just say that when i die, i want to be cremated into that hair product."

kylo bursted into laughter. you had never heard him laugh before, and that sent you into a laughter overload. he saw your face when he started laughing, which sent him into even more of a laughing spree. he collapsed onto the bed next to you and you both continued laughing together for a good 10 minutes.

the laughter eventually died down and you turned to face kylo. he had the same exact idea as you at the same exact time. you both stared into eachothers eyes for what felt like forever.

gazing into one another's eyes felt like nothing around you existed. you and kylo both started to feel this warm sensation in your chests.

you eventually broke the silence by saying, "i really like you kylo. i mean it."

"i like you too. and i mean it." he gave you a toothy smile which caused one to grow on you as well.

"alright im going to get going. but i will be returning tomorrow. i need to smell that hair product of yours again. is 7:30 fine?"

"uh...sure. thats good" kylo stated as he sat back up. for some reason, he already started getting exciting for tomorrow. you started heading for the door until you stopped to say-

"see you tomorrow deadhead."

"later dipshit!"


authors note

i had to make up for the short chapters! i hope you liked it :) i love reading the comments so please...continue them ahhaha

                                                                      - i.t

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