predestined | jace herondale

By concupiscentz

231K 4.4K 989

he was my escape from all the insanity that surrounded me; things I thought were only legends. More



1.6K 38 2
By concupiscentz

"Any word on Magnus?" I quietly asked Jace as I sat in his room, on his bed in just his shirt, messing with my hand.

Jace sighs, looking at me from the piano bench he sat on, "No-"

"Alec must be devastated." I looked down at my hands, "I feel terrible-"

"Don't beat yourself up about this- none of this is your fault, okay?" Jace got up, "Alec's strong- he's determined to get him back and we will."

I look at him; hesitant, "Jace."

"I know we will." Jace walked toward me and crouched in front of me, placing his hands on my knees, "I got you back, didn't I?"

"Did you?" I stare at him, "Did you really?"

Jace put a strand of my hair behind my ear, "You're the same Zee you've always been."

"No, I'm not." My voice was quiet, "How do I come back after everything I've done? I hurt you- all- and because of me, Alicante is to ashes-"

"The same way I did." He sat next to me and pulled me into his hole, "And I'll be here to help you, no matter what."


"Iz, hey, are you okay?-" I hugged her when Jace and I had heard, as she stood with Alec and Simon.

"We came as soon as we heard-" Jace hugs her as well, earning a look from Simon.

"Great." Simon began, "Hugs for everybody else."

"Simon-" Isabelle sighs, looking between us all, "The heavenly fire, from when the sword exploded, until it leaves my system, I can't touch anyone with demon blood."

"For how long?" Simon stammered, "Are we talking days, weeks, months?"

"I don't know- I don't know." Isabelle replied, "But- I'm gonna be fine, okay? It's manageable."

Jace noticed the tension, gesturing between everyone, "What is going on here?"

Alec cleared up the confusion, "Isabelle and Simon were kissing when this happened."

Jace's eyes widen, "What?"

"No way-" Excitement filled my chest.

Isabelle changed the subject quickly, "Please tell me you have a lead on Jonathan."

"Yeah, we tracked down a mid-level demon known for associating with the Clave on Wall Street." Jace replied, "He didn't have any information on Jonathan."

I exhale, "But- he did have news on Lilith."

Clary questions, "What kind of news?"

"She's uhm- gathering an army to take down Magnus." I look right at Alec.

Alec sighs slowly, "She'll kill him-"

"And if she does, the rift will reopen." Jace added.

"He sacrificed everything to save us." Alec swallowed hard, "If he's going up against Lilith, I have to be there with him-"

"But, Alec, if any of us went to Edom, we'd die right away-" I mentioned, "You can't-"

"The atmosphere is demonic, but- maybe I can go." Isabelle suggests, "My heavenly fire might protect me-"

"No, no- only someone with demon blood can survive there." Alec denied, "Simon-"

Simon began, "I don't have my mark anymore, but- I'm sure if you give me enough swords, maybe I can-

"No." Alec turned toward him, "I need you to turn me into a vampire so I can go."

"What?" Jace cuts in, "Alec, are you out of your mind?"

"What else am I supposed to do?" Alec shoots back, "Please, just let me try this-"

Isabelle shook her head, "Absolutely not-"

"Izzy's right." Simon rambles, "I'm a terrible sire-"

Clary began, "We'll find another way."

"What other way?" Alec snapped, "Huh? Tell me. Tell me something- any of you?"

"Alec-" I sighed as he stormed off, making nod towards Jace to go after him and turn towards everyone else, "Okay, we've gotta figure something out-"

Clary nods, "Let's look in the archives under anything that even mentions the word Edom."

"Okay-" Isabelle nodded, "I'll meet you there-"


"She said the heavenly fire in her veins would shield her against Edom's demonic atmosphere." Meliorn told us, after coming to the Institute saying he needed to speak to us.

Alec questions, "Why would she take that on herself?"

Meliorn replies, "She didn't want all of you putting your lives at risk."

"And you didn't try to stop her from going?" I ask.

"I did." Meliorn told me, "But, she convinced me it was the only way to save Magnus- she begged me not to tell you."

Jace shot back, "Yet here you are."

Meliorn was honest, "I wanted to honor my word, but the thought of Isabelle in danger, all alone- I had to tell you."

"Thank you, but- what can we do?" Alec asked.

"I think I might have an idea." I spoke up, looking between them, "Just- try and hear me out?"

I looked at Meliorn, "Can you get all of us into Edom through the Seelie Realm?"

"I'm afraid not." Meliorn said, "My queen just sealed our borders- I know not why."

"Even if we could, we'd die." Clary reminded me, "We've been over that."

"Yes- but, what if I could create a rune that binds Downworlders to Shadowhunters?" I thought out loud, looking between them, "I don't know, it could be like a temporary parabatai rune- but for- Downworlders- we could share skills, powers and immunities- stuff like that-"

"As creative as your mind is-" Jace began, "Bonding one Shadowhunter to another, that's one thing- this is different- a lot more dangerous, remember what happened when you runed Valentine back to life?"

"I can make this work, Jace." I pushed, looking between him and Alec, "Please trust me on this."

"We don't have any choice- we're running out of time." Alec exhales, "I'm with her on this."

Simon nodded along, "If it's the only way to save Izzy and Magnus, I think it's worth a try."


"This isn't actually a council meeting." Alec said to Lorenzo when Jace and I joined everyone, "I brought you here to help us save Magnus and my sister."

"Help you save the warlock who stood by and watched while his father turned me into a reptile, left to dine on dead flies?" Lorenzo scoffed lightly and turned to leave, "May your precious boyfriend spend eternity in Edom, goodbye and good riddance-"

Alec grabbed his arm and stopped him before he could go anywhere, "If it weren't for me, you'd still be eating dead flies."

Jace exhales, "This isn't just about Magnus."

"It's about Isabelle, too." Simon said.

I add in, tilting my head to the side lightly, "And the fate of every other living creature on the planet-"

Alec persuades him, "Help us, and you'll forever be known as Lorenzo Rey, the warlock who helped save the world."


"You ready?" I asked Simon after drawing the rune on my and Clary's arm, waiting on Simon so I could bind us to him.

"Bubbie Helen would kill me if she knew I was getting a tattoo-" Simon hesitantly held his arm out for me, but quickly pulled it back before I could use my stele, "You sure one of you guys doesn't want to go first?-"

Lorenzo shook his head, "Absolutely not."

"No, thank you." Meliorn playfully smiles.

"Simon." I stared at him, "Trust me- please?"

"I've never doubted you before, Young." Simon exhales slowly, then held out his arm for me, squeezing his eyes shut, "Go-"

The rune was pushing back, making me start to grunt slightly as I tried to force it onto Simon's arm, the lights starting to flicker.

Jace looked around when they did, "Zee, this is a lot of resistance-"

"I got it." I shot back at him, clenching my jaw, pushing harder, "The angels wouldn't have given me this power if they didn't want me to use it- so I'm going to use it."

I forced the rune on his arm despite the resistance, grunting as I stepped back, breathing heavily.

My eyes widened when I felt completely different, looking around, being able to smell and practically see everyone's blood.

Jace stares at me, "Are you okay?-"

"It stings a little." Simon looked up, holding his arm.

Jace shot him a look when he replies instead of me, "I was talking to my girlfriend-"

He was cut off when I shrieked, speeding around the room when I tried to take a step, Clary doing the same.

I fell onto the ground when I stopped, groaning lightly, as Clary stopped on her feet, "Whoa-"

Jace pulled me up to my feet, as Simon breathes out, "So, I guess it worked?"

"Yeah- it did." I held Jace's hand, flipping my stele in my hand, "Who's next?"


"You really sure this will work?" Simon asked me when we all gathered around the pentagram that Lorenzo drew on the ground.

I sigh, "We're about to find out, aren't we?"

"This is incredible." Alec watched the magic dance amongst his fingers, feeling it course through him.

"Okay, so, Alec gets magic, Zee and Clary get vamp speed, and what do I get?" Jace said to Meliorn, "Pointy ears?"

Meliorn replied, "You'll learn my true powers next time you take your lover to bed."

"Sucks to be you-" I lightly smirk at Jace, "Not like we're going to hook up in Edom or anything-"

"Impressive, if I do say so myself." Lorenzo stood up after completely drawing the pentagram on the ground.

Alec questions, "And you're positive this can get us into Edom?-"

"Not just in- out, too." Lorenzo replied, "Although, it feels like a waste to ignite such craftsmanship. I suppose thus is the ephemeral nature of my art."

"Let's do this." Jace nodded, "Maybe, if we're lucky, we'll find Izzy and Magnus in the same keep."

Simon asks, "Right, where's the keep?"

"We'll use the ring that Magnus gave Alec to track him once we arrive." Clary told him.

Alec breathes out, "Okay, everyone ready?"

"What could go wrong?" Simon muttered under his breath, "It's just Hell."

"This might burn a little." Lorenzo warned us, before using his magic to activate the pentagram.

Slowly, we all stepped right into the flames that had erupted, and it felt exactly how it should've, all grunts and groans leaving our lips as we under.

I stood up when I arrived in Edom, looking around, "Jace? Simon? Clary?-"

"Hey! I'm right here-" Clary's voice sounded, rushing over to me as she had landed a few feet away.

"Hey-" I began, but shut up when I heard a sound behind me, quickly pulling her behind a rock, pulling out my kindjals, "Quiet-"

I turned to face the person right as they did, Simon putting his hands up, "Whoa- easy!"

"Sorry-" I huffed, putting my kindjals away, "I freaked, alright?-"

Simon put his hands down, "This place is scary enough without you trying to stab me-"

"Where is everyone else?" I looked at him.

Simon admits, "I thought you could tell me."

Clary exhales, "I think we're on our own."


"Oh my god!" I shrieked as Simon, Clary and I almost ran right off a cliff from using our vamp speed, "That-"

"Was very close." Clary pulled me back, shooting me a look, "Edom is definitely not the Brooklyn Academy of Art-"

"Absolutely nothing like it." I softly laughed, breathing out as I walked with Simon and Clary.

Simon looks at me, questioning, "Given the chance, would you go back?"

"To school?" I blinked, "My mundane life?-"

When Simon nodded, I lightly shook my head, "I wouldn't trade the Shadow World for anything-"

Clary and Simon both look around in unison, making me start to giggle and lightly hit their arms, "Let me explain-"

"Before, I always felt like there was something missing- like I wasn't living my life to the fullest- I don't know, I just felt- empty." I hugged myself, pursing my lips, "And then I met Jace outside Pandemonium and after a while- my life finally made sense."

"Becoming a Shadowhunter has made me the best version of myself- and it's given me so much, too." I continued, "I mean- I found my mom, and- found out my dad was an evil psychopath- and that we had a brother that we didn't even know about-"

Clary shrugs, "It's been eventful."

"But- most importantly," I purse my lips, sighing through my nose, "I fell in love with Jace."

"I love him- so much." I looked down at my feet while we walked, "He just- makes me feel- whole- and I never want to let go of him-"

"And even now, despite everything that we've been through, I feel-" I stopped, putting a hand over my stomach, feeling an overwhelming feeling of hunger, "I feel-"

"Hungry?" Simon pulled out his flask, "Yeah."

"No-" I pointed, taking a step back, groaning lightly, "I'm not going to do it-"

"Zee, I did it-" Clary lightly nudges me, "Do it-"

"Come on, this is good stuff- medical grade, totally organic." Simon places it into my hands, "Trust me."

I glared at him, before slowly taking a sip, gagging immediately, shoving the flask back into his hands, forcing it down.

"Yeah, I know." Simon nodded, taking a sip, "Still wouldn't trade the Shadow World for anything?"

I shot him a look, "Not even for a second."


"I'm simply doing what any High Warlock would do." Lorenzo's voice filled our ears as we neared the keep.

Magnus replies, "If we succeed, then what?"

"Then I stay here with you." I heard Alec say, "I'm never leaving you again-"

"Magnus!" I rushed in, throwing my arms around him, "You're okay-"

Magnus hugged me tight, "Biscuit-"

Clary told them, "Jace and Meliorn are on the way-"

"But- where's Isabelle?" Simon questions, looking at Magnus, "Is she here?"

"Isabelle?" Magnus slowly pulled away from me, looking confused, "Should she be?"

authors note:

there's only one more chapter of this book left.

heart been broke so many times, i- i- don't know what to believeeeeee

thank you for 58k !

go read redamancy !!

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