The Rabbit

By gay_elfs

162K 5.8K 3.2K

What if Izuku did jump? What would happen if Shigaraki found him? What if he was put into UA as a traitor? Iz... More

After death
Home sweet home
The exam
The newbie
The news
The sleepover
Starting class
First day in hell
'New' friends
Fucking with a Pomeranian
Raid (Short)
The hard drive
The start
All Might
1-A sleepover
The festival
The small problem
A/N got tagged
Hosu city
To grandma's house we go
Till next time
Night with Stain
The beginning of the battle
Battle of quirks
fuck (A/N)
✨Full rewrite pending✨
New Book Teaser!

End of camp

2.4K 107 117
By gay_elfs

Handing the terrified pomeranian to Kurogiri and Dabi, Deku and Shinsou went back to the camp. They ran quietly to where Koda was, “Koda.” Deku whispered. The boy turned around. “We’re going to go now. Did you want to come with us for a while?” Shinsou asked. (I swear, these two are siameze twins) Koda nodded. “Ok. After training camp go with that green haired kid. His name is Deku.” Shinsou said, snickering a bit. Deku elbowed Shinsou and made sure Koda knew what they were doing and wouldn't tell anyone about this. Once that was done, Koda ran off while Deku and Shinsou shadow traveled to a bathroom, stashing their outfits.

A few minutes later the two appeared in the training field. “Where is he?!” Deku asked, out of breath. Aizawa looked at Deku with a sad face. “No,” Deku hid his face and fell to the ground. “Man it’s hard not to die of laughter.” He thought.

Once Deku was ‘calmed down’ Koda came running out of a part of the forest. His aunt was relieved but she wouldn't worry about him right now because her friend may have a concussion. Deku leaned over to Shinosu, who just got there. “No wonder he doesn't feel safe.” He mumbled. Shinsou agreed.

Koda wasn’t interested in his aunt anyway so he didn’t mind. He ran to Deku and Shinosu. The two knelt down as Koda got closter. “Are you ok?” Deku asked. Koda nodded. Shisnou was clearly scanning over him for any ‘new’ scrapes or scars. Once he didn’t find any he smiled. “Glad you're not hurt.” He said.

The group that wasn’t tending to the wounded watched this happen and found it more than odd. The kid who hated heros about an hour ago now ran to them before his own aunt. Aizawa was the first to step forward. “Did something happen?” He asked, looking more tired and annoyed than usual. Koda hid behind Dekus arm, scared of the man. Deku laughed nervously. “Some villain was about to kill him. Me and Shinsou got there just in time.” Aizawa grunted and left it alone, too tired to care right now.

Mandalay perked up from her spot next to her hurt friend at the word “kill” She got up and walked over to the group. “Who almost got killed?” She said, suddenly interested in Koda and his few scrapes. “D-Deku saved me from the v-villain that killed m-mom and d-dad.” Koda stuttered. Mandalay paused and looked at Deku. “How?” She asked in awe. Deku shrugged, "He lost his balance at the edge of a cliff when we were fighting.” The students didn’t think much of this ‘heroic’ feat but Mandalay knew what the man looked like and his quirk. Falling due to balance was the most believable excuse Deku could come up with since he was barely touched. Luckly, for pro-heros everyone was stupid.

-Packing up from camp-

Deku walked up to Mandalay. “U-um, Mandalay?” She looked at him and put down a clipboard she was writing on. “Yes Midoriya?” Deku smiled, “I w-was wondering if K-koda could come to UA for some time. I want to teach him how to defend himself.” Mandalay's face lit up, “That would be great! I can give you my phone number and you can tell me how he’s doing!” She bounced with joy. Deku smiled brightly, a genuine smile too. After exchanging info Deku left to find Koda.

Deku walked into the main building and looked around. Eventually, he found Koda on a couch playing a video game. “You ready to go?” Deku asked, sitting next to the boy. Koda looked up and smiled. “Yup. I have my bag. When are we leaving?” He asked. Deku checked his phone, “A little less than 10 minutes.” Koda smiled and paused his game. Now, Koda is a pretty smart child. In the night he was given to think about it, he had come to the conclusion that Deku knew the Rabbit. I mean like from his perspective it’s obvious. He covered for the Rabbit and Ace said to go with him. “Mr. Deku?” “Just call me Deku.” The green haired boy said. Koda nodded, “How do you know the Rabbit?” Deku choked on air. He did not expect that.

Quickly calming down Deku looked at Koda. “What makes you think that?” He asked, face still red. Koda shrugged, “It’s kinda obvious. You covered for him last night and you already knew I was going to go back with you.” Deku facepalmed. “That’s pretty far fetched.” “Damn he’s smart.” Deku thought. Koda wasn’t backing down though, he knew he was right. “No it’s not.”

Saved by Shinsou. “Time to go.” He said, tossing Deku his bag. “Ok. Come on Koda lets go.” Shinsou smirked evilly, “Oh, and you forgot this.” He said, tossing Dekus Rabbit mask. Ah, I was wrong. Deku caught the mask and tried his best to hide it from Koda but as his luck would have it, he already saw. “I knew it!” Koda shouted, fist bumping the air. Deku glared at Shinsou. “You son of a-” With that Deku tackled Shinsou.

Koda let this go on for a few seconds before blasting the two with water. Deku stood up with a wet mop, Shinsou next up but his hair was straight (HA) down and covering his face. “Aww man! Now I’m wet!” Deku winned. Shinsou fixed his hair, rolling his eyes. “Let’s go before Erasure decides to leave without us.” That was enough to convince Deku to shut up, bag his mask, and run out with Koda on his back.

The three got on the bus with a few looks, mainly because of Koda. They all sat in the back since no one was really back there. 

Rabbit- Hey y'all. I may have picked up a kid.

Handyman- What happened?

Rabbit- Muscular. Btw he’s dead.

Flame boy- I assumed so.

Vampire- So who do you have?

Rabbit- {Image above}

Mamaguri- We don’t have an extra room.

Rabbit- He will be staying at my house

Insomniac- Also tomorrow's game night. Is Stain still coming?

Handyman- You’re going to have to ask your boyfriend

Vampire- I hope he does

Rabbit- It’s cards against humanity night, right?

Mamaguri- Yup. See you three soon

And with that Deku put his phone in his pocket. “Koda, do you want to meet the league?” Deku asked very quietly. Koda nodded. “Ok. We’ll head over there tonight.” He said, looking at Shinsou. “Stains still coming tomorrow?” Deku nodded. “Who’s Stain?” Koda asked, keeping his voice low. Deku pulled his phone back out, him and Koda read about the Hero Killer for the rest of the bus ride, leaving Shinsou to a well wanted nap.

-Time skip to… idk 5?-

Deku, Shinsou, and Koda walked up to Dekus house. He opened the door, letting the other two in first. “Mom! Can I talk to you?!” Deku shouted, closing the door. “Coming!” Inko shouted from the kitchen. Deku led Koda to the table and sat him down.

Inko came in and saw Koda. She looked at her son who was in the chair next to him. “Who’s this?” She asked, walking over to the table more. “This is Koda. For reasons I will not tell you he wants to stay for a month or so if that's ok.” Deku said. Inko smiled, “That’s perfectly fine.” “I’m also taking him to school with me.” Inko nodded, “Would you like something to drink?” She asked Koda. “What do you have?” He asked. “Well,” She thought for a second. “I have milk, tea, hot chocolate, apple juice. That’s about it.” Koda smiled, “Can I have some hot chocolate?” He asked. Inko nodded and went back to the kitchen, “Dinner will be ready soon.” She said before disappearing into the other room fully.

-After dinner-

“Me and Shinsou are going to head to the league. Mom, do you want to come?” Deku offered. She shook her head. “Ok. Come on Koda.” “Wait, you’re taking Koda?” Inko pouted. “Yeah. I’m going to introduce the League. Do you want to come now?” Deku asked with a sly smile. Inko nodded. “Ok. We’re out! Let’s go.” Deku said, lifting up Koda and putting the kid on his shoulders before walking out the door after the other two.


Shigaraki was staring at Bakugou who was now passed out in the bonds. He was interrupted by his phone ringing.

Rabbit- We’re heading over. My mom’s coming too.

Handyman- Make sure everyone is in some kind of outfit. Katsukis in the main room.

Insomniac- Awww. He’s gonna ruin game night.

Rabbit- Anyway. I’m going to drag them in through my window. We’ll be there…

Shigaraki heard a few thumps from down the hallway.

Rabbit- Ow. We’re here…

Handyman- Moron.

-Back with Deku-

Getting off the lump of people, Deku walked over to his dresser and grabbed his outfit and his mom's outfit that she wore when they ran into Stain. “Koda, can you come here please?” The boy quickly maneuvered his way around the limbs of Inko and Shinsou and walked to where Deku was. “We’re going to need you to wear an outfit because Katsukis in the other room.” Koda nodded.

-Time skip-

Brought to you by Arson

Inko and Shinosu were dressed and waiting for Deku and Koda at the bar. Deku had finally found something for Koda (Don’t ask how he has clothes for everyone in his closet) He smiled proudly while looking over Koda. He was wearing a striped hoodie, black jeans, combat boots, and a mask. “Do you like it?” He asked hopefully. Koda looked in a mirror and smiled. “Yeah.” Deku beamed before tossing on his contacts and hoodie. “Lets go.” He said, picking up (I just realised his name is spelt Kota) (Sorry) a hooded Kota and grabbing his mask before leaving the room.

Deku walked to a booth and set Koda down. “So Kota, League. League, Kota.” Deku said. “That’s Shigaraki,” Deku started, pointing at the krusty boy. “Dabi, Toga, Kurogiri, and Ace.” They all waved when pointed to. Deku looked over at Bakugou. Seeing he was still asleep Deku looked at Kota. “We need a name…” The boy started mumbling. “For now what about Loki. He’s a god of tricks and mischief.” The league mumbled agreements, liking the temporary name. “And let's just call my mom Ma’am.” Inko agreed.

“I kinda thought you would be more against us kidnaping Katsuki.” Deku said, rubbing the back of his neck. Inko shrugged, “I still feel bad for Mitsuki but he kinda deserves it.” Deku nodded, knowing she was referring to the bullying.

Everyone sat spread out around the room for a few minutes just talking. Soon Bakugou started to stir causing everyone to go quiet.

Bakugou opened his eyes, blinking a couple of times. He tried to move but found he couldn't. It took him a few seconds bet he remembered the events that happened. His head jerked up and scanned the room.

He was in a bar. To his right, Kurogiri was drying a glass, Shigaraki was looking at photos, and Dabi was over to the side leaning on the wall. Over to his left he saw Toga playing with knives, and someone leaning on a booth (Inko). Bakugou looked at the booth and visibly tensed. In it sat, Ace, Rabbit, and what looked like a kid.

Deku hopped out of the booth, “Ah, Katsuki. So nice of you to join.” Drawing everyone attention to the now awake kidnapee. Bakugou took a deep breath, “What do you extras want?” He growled. Deku pouted, “That’s not very nice.” Bakugou hissed, “I don’t give a damn!” He tried to move more but was stopped by chains basically covering his torso and legs. “Well, you might as well get comfy. You’re going to be here awhile.”

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