the realization: a harmione s...

By ElizabethFletcher8

8.6K 210 27

amidst the war changes are made, people fall in love, and some fall out of love. find out more in the story More

horcruxes and strain
Key in the right hole
Battle of hogwarts and decisions
recognition and reminiscing
home life
burrow and godrics hallow
baby gender
New futures
kings cross
quidditch trials
Winter holiday
Epilogue (15 years later)
authors note

Quidditch quarral

400 12 2
By ElizabethFletcher8

-1 month later-
Hermione's pov:
The last month has been miserable I'm always tired I need to pee constantly and my feet ache not to mention my food cravings and mood swing. Harry has been thoughtful and patient but I can see he's teetering lily understands it James is a little better than Harry since he went through all of this with lily we've visited the burrow to tell them all that happened they were shocked but happy for us in all the events. I'm due any day now and everyone is waiting in anticipation for mine and Harry's new daughter I'm excited to be a mum but it's going to be stressful with our last year at Hogwarts. Lily and James promised to take care of teddy and adalyn while we are busy with school,head duties, and possibly quidditch.

Of course Harry is team captain and guaranteed me a spot on the team but I want to work for it after I give birth he's giving me a grace period but I know he's excited to start teaching me.

Today we were taking a relaxing day I was changing teddy's nappy when I feel something cold run down my leg and fall to the ground

Harry's Pov:
I heard a crash from teddy's room and started running when I got in the room I saw mione crashed out on the floor and teddy on the changing table I put teddy on the bed and ran to mione I asked "mione what happened?" "I think my water broke it's painful" she started crying so i screamed "mom dad get the hospital bag we're going to st.mungos" mom and dad ran in only to see me clutching mione carrying her bridal style "I'll get the bags" dad said as mom grabbed teddy me and mione floored to st. Mungos when we got their we were immediately escorted to the maternity wing I stood by mione as she screamed mom and dad came in moments after came rushing in I said "mione your doing great just think we'll have our amazing adalyn here in a few hours" she smiled at me and said "okay but then you better get me gallons of ice cream this is painful" we all laughed and I said "I promise sweetheart you'll be a great mum" "and you'll be a great dad"
-time skip-
Hermione's pov:
We've just been waiting for a few hours Harry is trying to distract me from the pain along with James. It made me realize how similar they really are then a thought dawned on me it was simple but cute "Harry?" "Yes love?" "I just realized when we get married we'll have matching initials" he beamed at me and said "I never thought about that" "that's why I'm smartest witch of my age and your not" everyone bursted out laughing Harry included then I felt a sharp pain worse than the last few hours. Lily saw she left to go get one of the healers while they boys were cracking jokes and entertaining teddy. I then screamed "isn't it great when your mother and law is more caring than your fiancé" Harry turned to me and ran over saying "I'm sorry love I was being thick" I muttered "clearly" the healer came in she checked me and it seemed I was dialated 10 cm already so she asked James to step out with teddy lily can stay since she's basically my mom and obviously Harry stays teddy can't stay so that's why James is outside. I start pushing and Harry whispers "you got this just think of her beautiful face and how good it'll be to see her" I nodded while Harry held me right and and lily my left after about 10 minutes my daughter was born my beautiful adalyn jean potter.

The healer said "congratulations mrs.potter here is your baby girl" she passed me the baby I smiled at the little girl she looked healthy and happy and that's all I want for her I looked at her eyes and one look I knew "Harry she has your eyes" he smiled and said "and your frizzy brown hair" I grinned ear to ear. Lily the called "James get in here see your granddaughter" james walked in with teddy when he saw me holding adalyn his heart almost melted I smiled and said "would you like to hold her?" He nodded and I passed adalyn to James we all smiled teddy crawled on the bed next to me and said "is thaws my bwaby swister" (a/n: I apologize I can't do baby talk well all the babies I know can't talk yet) "yes teddy that's your little sister" "Cwan I hwold her?" "Teddy sweetheart she's fragile right now she could get hurt easily I promise you'll hold her soon is that okay?" He nodded but looked sad "I'm sorry sweetie I promise soon" "okay mommy" Harry whispered in my ear "how are you so good with kids" I shrugged "mothers intuition I guess" teddy snuggled up to me and fell asleep I smiled James handed adalyn to me I said "Harry would you like to hold your first ever child" "I'd love to" I handed adalyn to Harry the look on his face to brighten I felt complete seeing him so happy "Harry I hate to be the bearer of bad news but now that I'm not pregnant we need to start studying for 7th year" they all started laughing then Harry said "oh don't think your getting out of quidditch the easily you have 4 days to study then it's my time" I saw James lean over to whisper to Harry "I had the same argument with your mother it doesn't end pretty" me and lily screamed in unison "we can hear you!" They bursted out laughing.

When our whole laughing fit was over I told Harry "you won't get your way until I get my ice cream mr.potter" he chuckled and said "what flavor?" "Hmmm mint chocolate chip" he started running out when I say "make it two cartons!" Lily laughed and said " would you like me to hold adalyn?" I nodded and passed her to lily James said "your probably exhausted rest we'll wait until Harry gets back then we can take teddy" I thanked them and passed out.

-4 days later-

The last four days we all fell in routine I would wake up at 3 am breast feed adalyn change here nappy go back to bed wake up and either made breakfast or took care of the kids depending on what lily was doing. It seems Harry got his laziness from his dad since they sleep half the day me and lily are always screaming in their faces but we found out the only way they wake up them up is for me to fake an injury harry being the protective fiancé always falls for it while James is scared taking on the fatherly roll for me which makes us burst out laughing. My grace period is up so today Harry wants to start teaching me quidditch. Luckily grimmauld place actually comes equipped with a quidditch field which is greatly convenient. Lily and me are both hesitant but Harry and James are ecstatic lily of course couldn't practice and she never did after they graduated and I only got on a broom once in my life so it will be entertaining

Harry's pov:
I'm ecstatic to teach mione quidditch but she seems hesitant. As we head out to the pitch I picked her up bridal style twirl her around kiss her nose and say "I promise you'll be fine" "Harry the reason I never played is cause I'm afraid of heights" I laugh and say "we'll get there" he puts me down we walk to the pitch hand in hand I said "let's just all hope we don't have the same incident as in first year" mione giggles at the thought mom and dad looked confused though "oh shoot did I not say how I got on the quidditch team" they shake their heads no mione says "it's an interesting story" "do you want to say it or should I" "you say it I couldn't hear the convo up their" "true okay so it was our first day of flying lessons naturally when we got up to our brooms malfoy and I were the first to get our brooms up this girl struggled quite a bit might I add" she scoffed and crossed her arms dad said "same thing with lily" the girls shock their heads as I continued "well we were about to fly when nevilles broom went wild long story short he crashed and broke his arm. Malfoy found his rememberall and decided to mess with Neville by hiding I tried to stop him mione stepped in saying it was too dangerous but I refused to listen in went flying up with no knowledge whatsoever I tried to reason with him but he ended up throwing I caught it in front of professor McGonagalls window she saw me she escorted me to the dada classroom where our captain wood was at the time and she appointed me seeker" "way more interesting than my story" dad said "I decided to just try out for the team 3rd year and that's it" "okay well we got the brooms let's start with the summoning mione you know what to do?" "I know what to do but it might not be good" "here I'll help" I stepped behind her my hand holding on her wrist "you just need to be confident just say up think of it like non verbal spells if you want the spell to work just think of the outcome" she nodded the confidently said "up" the broom came up a few seconds later I saw my parents watching on the sidelines with grins I smiled and saw her beaming at me saying "I did it I really did it when I was 11 I never thought I could do it" "see it just takes practice" she turned around and gave a bone crushing hug then said "what's next!" "I'd never thought I'd see Hermione granger this excited about flying or quidditch but now we have to get you over that pesky fear of heights" she looked at me with a mortifying look I laughed and said "I promise you'll be safe you could hold on so tight to me it'll break my ribs if it helps" she looked nervous but nodded anyway I pulled out my fire bolt I climbed on my mom and dad got on my dads since mom was still hesitant I looked at mione she looked scared so I said "my last intention is for you to get hurt like I said you could clutch me for dear life if you need I gave her my hand to take she took it hesitantly i pulled her on the back and said "you better have a strong hold" at the words she wrapped her arms around me I nodded to my dad and took off for the sky mione was squealing as we took of hold onto me so hard I almost thought my bones would break when we got to a safe speed she started to loosen her grip and started grinning "see I told you it wasn't that bad" she nodded and said "is it bad that I want to try on my own" I turned my head slightly and said "not at all" we started descending to the ground she was laughing at this point which filled my heart up with happiness this girl would be the death of me but I'm all for it. When we reached the ground I went to get the other broom that mione would use handing it to her I made sure her hand position was all good then I said "I'm gonna stay in the ground just in case I put a limit on the broom you can only go 15 feet before it directs you back down I'll raise the limit when you get the hang of it. She nodded she started getting on the broom when I gave her a reassuring kiss the saying "I believe in you" she ascended into the air almost reaching the limit but then she started flying down and back up again she looked happy riding the broom which made me happy she looked at peace I knew there was no reason for me to stay on the ground I started flying to where she was behind her I poked her shoulder she turned around and said "honestly I get why you said that clears your brain this is exilerating" I laughed and said "do you want me to remove the height block?" She nodded aggressively I laughed again muttered a few words and she said "wait you can do wandless magic?" I shrugged and said "yea I found out about it in 5th year in Dumbledore's army I thought peopled be shocked so I sticked to my wand" "why didn't you tell me?" "I thought you'd think it was weird" "Harry you think I couldn't do windless magic I guess we both had the same problem" at that moment dad came down with mom still on the broom "see you got urs on her own broom mine refuses to leave" I chuckled mione said " I realized it actually quite fun" she grinned and it made me happy "now love let's see how far you can go" she grinned and started bolting straight I tried chasing after her but damn she seems to know what she's doing she's not even on a fast broom she turned back to me "yes I did learn a thing or two without you" "wait did you read my mind?" "What you think I wouldn't learn occluemncy and legillimens what the point in reading so much if I don't put it to use" I grinned and said "you surprise me every single day" she laughed and started heading towards the ground and I followed after I whispered to dad "that girls gonna be the death of me she knows occluemency and legillimens" dad chuckled saying "you and me both" we starting going inside with the girls in front laughing at the fact that they could mess with our minds

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