Winter holiday

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~three weeks later~

3rd persons pov:
It's been one week into winter holiday. Harry and Hermione came to the conclusion they should have their wedding on New Year's Eve since that was near the time last year that they got together. So preparations were in order.

Harry's pov:

Hermione and I were to be married in a mere weeks which was causing both of us stress. I've been worrying immensely for her since she usually refused to sleep until at least 3 am every night putting up preparations.


"Yes Harry?" "For my sake and your could you please take a break you've been stressing way to much it can't be healthy" "Harry I wouldn't be able to rest even if I wanted to" "hoe about we just cuddle maybe that might help and some tea"

Little did Hermione know Harry had a trick up his sleeve he was going to cuddle with mione the give her some tea laced with a sleeping draught and dreamless sleep potion

"That'd actually be nice thank you Harry" "of course I'll be right back" he kissed her cheek and went to prepare the tea. When he came back she was already snuggled into their bed gazing off

"Sickle for your thoughts?" "I've just been thinking how fast everything has moved we literally got together a year ago now we're getting married in a week we have kids already and amazing friends and best of all the war is over and your alive"

I tucked into the bed wrapped Hermione in my arms stroking her hair  with one hand and her hip in the other hand. "Thank you Harry I needed this" "no problem mione" at that moment Hermione grabbed her tea have a small sip and a mere second later her eyelids began to slowly shut signaling that sleep took over but before she feel asleep she heard a strong but faint voice saying "sleep well mione you needed it"

~The next day~
Hermiones pov:
As I woke up I saw light shining in through the bedroom which made me confused how did I end up here? I peered to my right to see the black haired green eyed man that I love looking at me "good morning mione" "good morning Harry" "how'd you sleep love" "actually I slept great thank you I wouldn't have token the potions if you hadn't given them" "well I'm not happy about that but at least you got some rest" "how are adalyn and teddy?" He chuckled before saying "you really are a mum now" I blushed at that before saying "well your a pretty magnificent father but you never answered my question" "their fine their with mum and dad"  smiled before saying "now time for wedding planning" he chuckled before we continued with the day

~wedding day~

Harry's pov:
Today was the day I got to marry the love of my life I couldn't be more ecstatic I knew mione has been stressed beyond her wits but the night I gave her the potions helped immensely but now it was my turn to worry what if it isn't perfect what if she says no what if my tie is cricked what if death eaters find us that's probably the last thing to happen since this is a private wedding and we have protective wards and fake location so no one knows the location until it's time to apparate in.

"Mate how are you? what are you thinking" "honestly I'm stressed out of my wits but I'm excited to marry her" Ron put a hand on my shoulder before saying "if your worried about what she'll think we all know Hermione she loved anything and everything anyone does for her you both worked your arses of for this now you just go marry the girl and have fun" "alright thanks mate" Ron was right now all I have to do is watch the girl of my dreams walk down the isle. My nerves seemed to settle knowing that today is supposed to be the best day of my life.

Hermiones pov:

Today was my wedding and I couldn't be more excited but I was also nervous. Everyone in the room helping me seemed to notice Ginny was the first to speak "Hermione no stressing that's our job today you should just be excited for today I'm betting to you that Harry is just as scared as you are" abruptly I said "I'm sending him a patronus I need to hear his voice" all the girls seemed to understand I thought of the time Harry comforted me in the tent in the Horcruxes hunt I said the words "expecto patronum" but was shocked by what came out instead of my normal otter patronus my patronus was a doe which shocked everyone but regardless I still sent my message the patronus made its way to the other side of the manor while everyone got ready

Harry's pov:
While getting ready I was the first to notice a silvery mist float in along with a patronus which looked like a doe. Dad was the first to speak "I believe that's Lily's-" dad was cut short when the patronus started speaking but the voice wasn't mums instead it was lighter it said "Harry this is Hermione I needed to hear your voice I'm sure your just as nervous if not more as me if you get this send me your patronus I miss you love you kisses" Ron was the first to speak after saying "when the bloody hell did hermiones patronus change" "no idea she never told me but I better send one back"

Hermiones pov:
While getting ready I saw a patronus make its way back the patronus was a stag so I immediately knew it was Harry's it said "Hermione I love you I hope your happy I'm excited right now and don't think your off the hook we're talking about your patronus later"
"Hermione are you ready?" "Yeah I'm ready" dad and I started walking down to the beach I was in a slimming off white off the shoulder gown with a train that goes 3 feet behind me my veil is the same off white with diamonds near the trim that match the hem of my dress by hair is in a perfect bun with a few hairs framing my face my make up was simple but amplifies the natural beauty we rounded the corner to the front where the alter stood I saw all our friends and family with Noah at front with Holding adlayn and mum sitting beside him with teddy in her arms he had the rings at the ready. The rings were a rose gold for Hermione and gold for Harry. When we turned to the entrance I looked to the front to see the love of my life with a large smile. He was wearing a nice dark blue muggle suit when our eyes meet I knew this was the best decision of my life we walked down the isle everyone wasn't commenting about how beautiful I was in the dress when we made it to the alter dad put my hand in Harry's I have my bouquet to Ginny while Harry took hold of my hands before whispering "even better than the Yule ball" which made me blush we exchanged our personal vows before the priest said the words "do you Harry Potter take Hermione granger to be your wife" "I do" "and do you Hermione granger take Harry Potter to be you husband" "I do" "you may now kiss the bride" Harry took no time wasted in kissing me passionately as I returned it. He spun me bridle style as everyone cheered. I threw the bouquet in the air and Ginny was the one to catch it

We had the night of our lives at the after party Harry and I were going to go on our honeymoon after midnight since we wanted to enjoy the countdown with everyone we would be having our honeymoon in Paris we'd travel in both the Wizarding and muggle side of Paris.

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