Sexualities // Muke {Complete...

By suburbanmuke

211K 11.6K 4.6K

In which an asexual and pansexual fall in love. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Cool new fic now
Fics n stuff

Chapter 17

4.9K 329 56
By suburbanmuke

*Michaels Pov or something*

Michael had fucked up. He'd fucked up really bad. Really really bad. And he knew that the second Luke had turned out to be in his apartment while Calum was groping him in ways he hadn't been expecting when Calum had arrived in his apartment with a bag of popcorn in hand.

Michael hadn't even been thinking about Luke, just his own fucking relief. He had never wanted to push Luke into do anything, he loved him too much for that, but using his own hand had started to become practically painful, and when Calum had pushed him against the counter, he just melted into him. Michael was selfish, that was it.

As soon as Luke had left, Michael had grabbed some clothes, consider he was only in boxers when Luke arrived, Calum had always been quick with Michael, then especially. And ran down the stairs, the elevator already being gone. Michael thought he had no chance of catching up with Luke, even when he was taking three stairs at a time, but somehow he just made it.

It didn't work though. Of course it didn't, what Michael had done was unforgivable, but he still wanted, needed it anyway. Maybe they were an odd pairing, and yes it was strange, but Michael loved them.They had a chemistry and a connection that Michael had never experienced before. They understood each other, even without words. Michael could understand everything just by watching Luke's eyes, and Luke the same with Michael. He'd never had that with Calum.

But Michael managed to screw most things up, from when he bit someone hard enough to draw blood when he was four to now, his whole life had been one disaster after the other and all of them had been his own bloody fault.

He tried to find Luke again, he had to try again, he didn't know what to do without Luke. He loved him. But there was no sign of him, all the lights off in his apartment, with the curtains closed, and no answer to the doorbell. And so eventually Michael gave up trying to find Luke, texting Luke all the way home instead, ignoring stupid typos he made.

There was no answer, and when he rung, leaving a few messages despite how uncomfortable he felt about it, but Luke had turned off his phone and it all felt pointless again. He couldn't take the way Calum had hurt him either, the words must've of hurt so much, and suddenly all Michael felt now was hatred towards who was his best friend.

So when Calum was sitting in his apartment still, draped across the couch, only boxers on still and eating the popcorn he had brought, watching some movie on Michael's own Tv, and everything just then made him tip over his fucking boiling point.

Michael slammed the door behind, making Calum look up, a small smile playing on his lips,"Gonna finish what was started or what?" He smirked, and Michael stormed over to him, throwing him out of the chair forcefully.

"Wh-What the, what the fuck is your p-problem," Michael screamed as Calum scrambled up from the ground, looking at me questioningly, as if he was so fucking confused as to why Michael was yelling at him.

Calum shrugged, raising an eyebrow,"Come on Mikey, don't fool yourself, it would've never worked, you would've broken it off within he next month, I just got the ball rolling a little quicker," Calum explained, his voice light and he acted like it was all simple and light hearted,"And you liked it Mikey, you know you did."

Michael glared at him,"Y-Y-You selfish little p-prick, how d-dare you, you knew how much I l-loved L-Luke, how m-much I love him n-now, b-but you just couldnt except my hap-happiness, I c-can't believe you, just g-get out!" he yelled, his voice growing louder and more frustrated as he spoke, until he pointed at he door, signalling for Calum to leave.

Calum looked at Michael, his eyes slightly pleading, as if he would be able to beg for some form of forgiveness,"Michael, you don't mean that," he choked out, his cocky composure gone, but Michael just laughed slightly in response, mostly in disbelief that Calum still doesn't get the message on how he feels.

"C-Calum, just leave, I d-don't want to see your face ah-again," Michael replied, his voice deadly in lowness and a dark type of calm, and finally Calum must've of realised that he'd fucked up bad, because he picked up his clothes, shoving them on, and then rushed out the door, Michael glaring after him and not another word being said between them.

And that was when Michael collapsed on the sofa, and all anger turned to sadness and he once again realised how much he had fucked up.

Holy shit I suck

So this took a while cause my mum started yelling at me all day on Friday and then I got real bad that day like really really bad but I'm a lot better now, like yeah, but now she's taking away my phone and iPad over night, which means between homework and looking after my puppy and all that, I don't have much time to write, so I've been handwriting chapters at night but yeah chapters are gonna take a while for a bit now sorry sorry


Okay I might be double updating cause I accidently wrote another chapter for this instead of for my other fic oops l8r sk8rs

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