Stray Kids Little Space Imagi...

By Lixiesunshine_12

173K 3K 475

Requests are open!! Imagines I will write: •member x member • SFW (NO NSFW) • little space or baby space More

Authors Note
Sickies- Chanlix
Promise- Chanbin
Amusement Park- Minsung
Headache- Chan x skz
Missing you- Minsung
Cries- Chanlix
Little Secret- 2min
Little Secret (Part 2) - 2min
Shy baby- Hyunin
Accident- Minin
Any Requests?
Mornings with a Little- Hyunin
Felix x Skz- Kingdom
Little Morning- Chansung
Jealousy- Jeongin & Minho x Skz
Author's Note
Flower Crown - Seungjin
Finally! - Changmin

Cuddles- Hyunjin x Jisung x Seungmin

12.5K 203 24
By Lixiesunshine_12

Little! Hyunjin
Caregiver(s)! Jisung, Seungmin
Requested by: hyunjinponytail

On a usual day for Stray Kids, their dorm was loud and today was no exception to say the least. Currently Seungmin and Felix were in the kitchen working on making a recipe that Felix wanted to try making, Chan, Changbin, and Minho were working out, and Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Jisung were trying to find a video game to play in the boys' shared living room.
After much debate, the boys in the later group had finally decided to play some Mario Kart. At first everything was going relatively smoothly. There was occasional yelling from when Jisung's character would be hit with a red shell or when Jeongin would accidentally ride his car off the side of the track, but the boys were overall just enjoying relaxing and playing games together. That was until Hyunjin started to become more and more frustrated with not winning the game.
Even though Hyunjin has always been dramatic, he was not a sore loser. However, little hyunjin was almost the opposite. Ever since last time they were playing videos games while Hyunjin was feeling small and he almost hit Felix because he kept beating him in the game, Jisung was always reluctant to let Hyunjin play video games while he was little, but today Hyunjin had been feeling big so Jisung didn't give it much thought when he wanted to play with them. What Jisung didn't know was that the way they were sitting, Hyunjin in Jisung's lap with his arms wrapped around him while they played with Jisung stroking the boy's hair between rounds along with the frustration of losing was slowly making Hyunjin slip farther and farther into his little space.
"Jeongin, stop cheating!" Hyunjin suddenlty yelled at the younger boy, "It's not fair!"
Jeongin quickly turned his head to look at the older boy, "I'm not cheating, you just suck at Mario Kart!" Jeongin retorted back.
"You are cheating and it's not fair," Hyunjin whined back, "It's not fair!" At first Jisung thought the slightly older boy was just frustrated but once he started whining, Jisung knew that was sign he was slipping. Jisung then went to move the boy off of his lap to the seat next to him so that he could look at him properly.
"Hyunjinnie baby, are you feeling little?" Before Jisung could even finish his sentence Hyunjin was aggressively shaking his head no. "Are you sure baby? You know you're supposed to let me know if you're feeling little."
"I'm not feeling little, I promise, I want to keep playing," Hyunjin said back as he moved to crawl back into Jisung's lap. Jisung let the boy wiggle his way back into the position they were in before. He didn't quite believe him, bet decided to let it slide for now.
The boys were able to play a few more rounds without any interruptions, that was until Jeongin used his character to "accidentally" push Hyunjin's off of the track, effectively making the boy fall into last place again. Hyunjin quickly ripped himself out of Jisung's grasp and stood up and threw his remote to the ground while glaring at the younger boy, "You did that on purpose!"
"Did not!" Jeongin yelled back, "you were just in my way"
"You're such a meanie! A big meanie! I never want to play with you ever again." That was when Jisung knew it was time to step in. He stood up and looked at the now very obvious little.
"Hyunjin, stop this nonsense. It is just a game, we are just having fun." Jisung hugged the older boy since he knew that usually did the job when it came to calming the little down. Jisung pulled away from the hug and sat down and brought the little back down onto his lap this time facing him. "Now, if you keep up with this yelling, we will stop playing. Understand?"
Hyunjin just nodded while looking down, still mad at Jeongin and not fully ready to play with him again, "I don't like to lose."
Just as Jisung was about to say something to comfort the little, Jeongin retorted, "maybe if you didn't suck you wouldn't lose all the time." That was the final straw that for Hyunjin. He jumped off of his caregiver's lap and went up to the younger boy and shoved him hard enough to cause Jeongin to fall to he floor. He then got on him and started hitting him. Jisung jumped and ripped the older boy off of Jeongin.
"That's enough, Hyunjin" Jisung scolded the boy as he dragged him to the corner of the living room and place him down facing the wall. "Now you will sit here in timeout for 15 minutes while you think about what you did. No looking away from this wall, understand?" The little didn't answer and just sat pouting facing the wall.
Jisung got up and went to the younger boy who had already gotten himself up from the floor, "are you okay?" Jisung asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. He didn't hurt me, just shocked me is all. I probably shoudn't have pushed his buttons like that." Jeongin angered apologetically.
"He needs to learn to react properly, he had always been like this while playing games and its time he learned." The younger boy just nodded and he walked off and went to his room. It was at this time that Seungmin also walked into the room after hearing all of the commotion.
"What happened," The little's second caregiver asked as he looked around and noticed Hyunjin in the corner. Jisung then went on to explain the whole situation. "We really need to learn how to help him control his emotions while playing games," Jisung just nodded in agreement.
All of the sudden the little shot up from his position in the corner, "stop talking about me like I'm not here! I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't! Jeongie was being a big meanie and deserved it!" The little yelled at the top of his lungs.
"Hyunjinnie, you're timeout is not over, I suggest you sit back down right now," Seungmin scolded the little.
"NO NO NO!" The little yelled over and over while stomping his foot.
It was then that Jisung had had enough. He walked over the little and gently, but forcefully grabbed his arm. He then proceeded to give the boy three decently hard slaps to his behind. Jisung hated using physical punishments but it was times like these where it was the only thing that worked. Hyunjin looked up in shocked but then tears came and he started crying. "Now will you listen to me?" the caregiver asked the little. Hyunjin just nodded in defeat. "You will sit back down and finish out your timeout or you will get more spankies understand?" The little just nodded as Jisung brought him back down to his spot in the corner.
After that Jisung and Seungmin went into the kitchen while they waited out the little's punishment, they didn't want to cave hearing the boys sobs. They didn't like punishing him, but they knew it was the right thing to do. After the rest of his timeout was over both caregivers walked back into the living room and found the boy still in the corner crying. Seungmin went up the boy and picked him up putting him on his hip.
"I sowwy daddy, so sowwy," the very little boy cried into the younger's shoulder.
"I know sweetie, you know you did wrong, though right," Seungmin asked as he walked them both to their shared bedroom with Jisung trailing behind. The little nodded in answer.
Once they got to their bedroom Seungmin placed Hyunjin down and the bed and went to lie with him, Jisung doing the same. "How about we just cuddle for a while, and then after that you go apologize to Jeonginie? How does that sound?" He asked the little. Hyunjin just nodded, not really wanted to apologize the younger boy, but would do it knowing that that's what his daddys' wanted.
"Good boy" Seungmin praised while stroking his hair. The two caregivers proceeded to cuddle their little until he was able to fall asleep with his nap for the evening. Normally once the boy was asleep they would get up and work on somethings, but today they both just silently agreed to stay and cuddle the little. They all needed it.

Word Count: 1414

A/N: This one was really interesting to write, so thank you for the request! I hope you enjoyed it!

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