Show You How To Love

By ratchetpentaholic

30.8K 1K 94

In this world, we get bracelets the day we are born. They count down until the time we meet out soul mate. Ki... More

Chapter 1-Butterflies
Chapter 2-Best Friend Talk
Chapter 3-Kevin
Chapter 4-Tension
Chapter 5-Dog Days
Chapter 6-Winning
Chapter 7-Three Years Later
Chapter 8-Drinking and Dancing
Chapter 9-The Morning After
Chapter 10-Reactions
Chapter 11-Nerves
Chapter 12-Smut
Chapter 13-Giggles
Chapter 14-Clubbing
Chapter 15-The Family
Chapter 16-Ketster
Chapter 17-Double Date
Chapter 18-Double Date Pt 2
Chapter 19-Mini-Golfing.
Chapter 21-Teenage Avi
Chapter 22-Home
Chapter 23-Scomiche
Chapter 24-Scott and Kirstie
Chapter 25-Dinner
Chapter 26-Telling
Chapter 27-The End

Chapter 20-Kidnapping

830 30 3
By ratchetpentaholic

Kirstie POV
Today we have Pentatonix Rehearsal. I slip on some leggings and a crew neck sweatshirt that had the Beyonce album cover on it. I pull my hair into a ponytail, and slip on my glasses. I meet Avi in the car, and we drive off to the location of practice. When we get there, we hear someone, Mitch probably, scream.
"Run!" He yells. We attempt to make a break, but instead, I feel something hit me in the back of the head. I see Avi with tears in his eyes, screaming at someone behind me, and all things fade to black.
After seeing my girlfriend get hit in the back of the head with a brick, I snap into action. We gather Scömiché into a room and lock ourselves in. I grab my phone and text Kevin.
Call the police and sent them to the meeting place. Do not walk in.
I hear sirens, and a drill in the lock. A member of Afro Blue hits me in the head, and everything goes black.
Kevin POV
"Please don't hurt anyone!" I plead the officer.
"We'll try our best sir," the officer replies, and they walk in. I hear gunshots, and almost cry. I decide to say a little prayer.
'Hey! Please let them be alright,' I pray.
Scott POV
Kirstie woke up, an was fine, until she saw Avi lying on the floor, a little amount of blood surrounding his head. She screamed. The officers yelled for a stretcher, and they pull Avi away. We walk out, and Kevin and Esther engulf us in hugs. Kirstie climbs in the back of the ambulance, and we follow behind in a car, hoping for the best.

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