An Impromptu Rescue

By Lana_Organa

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When Regina is about to be executed, by her own knights no less, she starts to give up on the idea of getting... More

Queen in Distress
Being Conscious
The Lion Tattoo
Hidden Meaning
Healing Hearts
Inner Conflictions
A Dual Compromise
Plan Initiation
Saving the Outlaws
Taking a Moment
A Trail For Two
Veiled Affection
The Road to Love
Her Final Decision
End of the Road
A Heart's Turmoil
No More Hiding
Out in the Air
The Beginning of the End
A Fork in the Road

Embezzlement and Carnage

85 6 0
By Lana_Organa

A/N: Hey! I kept my word this time!

I hope this chapter has been worth the wait and you'll be somewhat satisfied. Feel free to leave a comment on the way out after you've finished reading!

Enjoy! :)


An Impromptu Rescue: Embezzlement and Carnage

Once Regina had begun to reach the village she carefully dismounted her horse, deciding walking would make it easier for her to play the part of a lost traveller. However, the brunette still attempts to make as little sound as possible so that the element of surprise is on her side.

She continues to purposefully walk through the woods, leading the mare behind her. After what feels like an eternity of trudging forward does the village finally come into view. The disguised queen quickly ties the reins of her horse to a low branch nearby, making sure it's secure before moving further into town.

It's quiet, though she supposes that's to be expected considering what she knows took place here several days before. However, it's almost too quiet.

Unnaturally quiet she realises.

Nevertheless, Regina continues forward, looking around as she goes in an attempt to gain some idea as to where Snow might be hiding.

All of a sudden she's hit with a stench, causing her to wrinkle her nose. She can't quite put her finger on what the source of the smell is, so the disguised queen attempts to block it out by placing the crook of her elbow to her nose and persists with her search. She moves slowly to the centre of town, looking through windows and open for any sign of life.

For any sign of Snow White.

Suddenly the stench becomes stronger causing Regina to cough as her shirt is not longer enough to keep the smell from wafting up her nostrils. But she doesn't let it deter her from her search. So, she pushes herself forward, determined to find the insipid girl. And the brunette knows she will.

Soon the disguised queen comes to the top of what appears to be a ditch. But it's not the ditch itself that causes her to stop in her tracks. Her eyes widen at what lies before her; at least a hundred corpses litter the ground, the majority seeming to have been carelessly thrown down after having been slaughtered. The stench now suddenly makes sense as the brown-eyed woman recognises it as the all too familiar smell of rotting flesh.

"We went further than I though." Regina murmurs aloud to herself, the order she gave to her men a mere few days ago ringing within her ears: Kill them all. The brunette shakes her head as an overwhelming sense of guilt settles within the pit of her stomach.

I'm the cause of this.

She feels sick. Sick as she realises she's become everything she said she wouldn't – she's become exactly like her mother.

"What have I done?" Regina whispers in disgust. No wonder the people look at her as the 'Evil Queen'. These innocent people didn't deserve to die at her hand. No one did. The Queen's eyes then land on a wanted poster of Snow White that is pinned to the back of one of the bodies by an arrow. No longer able to stomach the consequences of her actions, the brown-eyed woman averts her gaze from the carnage. Now yes, she's seen her fair share of dead bodies before – hell she's killed them herself – but she's never stopped to see the full extent of her destruction.

All of this in the name of revenge. The brunette scoffs, because that's exactly how she justified this massacre.

All in the name of Daniel.

Tears form with her brown orbs at the revelation that she's justified her actions in the name of her beloved fiancé and how she has unknowingly tainted his memory in doing so.

Regina then becomes consumed by a wave of self-loathing and a need to run far away.

"Turn around! Slowly!"

At the sound of the voice the brunette's back goes rigid as she inhales a sharp breath. Even after all these years she would recognise that sickeningly sweet tone anywhere. So, going against her best instincts, the disguised queen steels her expression and does as the girl says. But instead of meeting the face of the princess she had been expecting, the brunette comes face to face with an arrow. Not wanting to appear overly alarmed, Regina simply takes a small step back and slowly raises her hands to signal that she isn't a threat. So much for the element of surprise she thinks to herself bitterly.

But as she stands there not knowing what else Snow might have up her sleeve the brown-eyed woman tries to answer the question that has come to the forefront of her mind;

What do I do now?


The Merry Men had managed to make it to the manor undetected. Now the group is gathered a few yards away from their target as they do a final check of the tools they require.

First up is Little John and Alan whose job it will be to distract the Lord himself throughout the entire duration of the heist. The next pair is Much and Arthur, they'll be the first to make their way into the manor via the servants' entrance and will cover the upper levels. Will and David will soon follow, their job being to deal with the back end where the main stash is said to be kept. Finally, it's Robin and Tuck's job to cover the front, all the while keeping out of the way of Lord Braxton himself, as Alan and John continue their diversion.

Once they've all got enough to give to the people of Sherwood Forest, Robin will make sure the others manage to sneak out through the kitchens before giving the signal to either John or Alan and then meeting up with Tuck and his horse. From there, the pairs will split off to take separate routes back to the rendezvous point. Then they'll stay the night before packing up the camp and making their way back to Sherwood.

To Robin's it's a perfect plan. He's thought out every single detail enabling them to get in and out unseen. Now it's only a matter of time before it's kicked into action.

With that thought in mind, the thief heads over to where the jokers of the camp are getting ready. "How are you coming along men?" he asks when he knows he's near enough to be heard properly without having to interrupt them.

"Give us another minute." the blue-eyed man hears John answer.

"Alright then." the outlaw replies, turning to head back to the others.

Once he's reached where they're all gathered, Robin addresses them, "Alright, once Little John and Alan are ready they'll set off with the rest of us taking the hidden trail up to the manor soon after they've left." He watches as the men nod in understanding. "And we're all clear with the rest of the plan?" he asks. Once again the men nod in confirmation. "Then I suggest each of you grab what you need and make sure you're ready."

The Merry Men waste no time in gathering the tools they require, before forming into their assigned pairs and discussing how they would go about filling their bags.

"Announcing Sir Durham and Sir Reginald at your service!"

Robin and the others turn at the sound of Little John's booming voice, only to then burst out laughing at the sight in front of them.

Both John and Alan are adorned in leather and garments of fine linen completed with full cloaks lined with furs. In short, the signature clothing for anyone wanting to convince a Lord that they are of proper nobility. And if you consider the way both men are posing with their arms folded across their chests and their heads held high, it would seem impossible to think otherwise. However, to the rest of the Merry Men, the pair look like a couple of pompous fools.

"How dare you!" Alan – or rather Sir Durham – exclaims in an overly posh tone as he marches over to Much and jokingly pushes him to the ground. "You shall fall to your knees when in the presence of nobility!" the camp joker states, causing the laughter to continue.

"Oh, forgive me my Lord!" the miller's son replies, playing along as he bows over Sir Durham's feet as best he can from his current position on the ground.

"All is forgiven simple-minded peasant." Alan says, moving his hand in an almost shooing motion. "Now run along and do whatever it is that you peasants do."

The guffaws only get louder as Much scrambles to his feet, walking backwards and starting a series of bows, uttering a Thank you Sir Durham in between each one.

"Alright, that's enough." Robin states once he's managed to gain some control over his own laughter.

At his command the Merry Men follow suit, regaining their composure. Once everyone has calmed down the thief addresses them, "Five-minute warning." The band immediately moves into action, getting into position as Little John and Alan mount their horses.

"You know the two of you do look very convincing in that attire." Robin comments to the jokers as he comes to stand in front of them.

"Why thank you, I expected just as much." Sir Reginald quips causing the blue-eyed man to chuckle.

"So, you know what you're doing?" he asks, though it's more of a statement.

"Of course, we do! How dare you think otherwise." Sir Durham scoffs.

Robin backs away with his hands held in surrender, "Just making sure. But in that case, you know what you need to do." He then turns to face the others upon receiving two affirmative nods.

After gathering the attention of the men in front of him, the thief states, "Remember once you've filled all your sacks with all the valuables you can carry, come back here to collect a horse. Then take your designated route back to camp." He then waits until he receives various of what he assumes to be confirmation before continuing, "Then I wish us all the best of luck. Merry Men, let's get to work."

After a couple of enthusiastic hollers, Little John and Alan kick their horses into drive, setting off to cover the short distance required in order to reach the manor. After some distance has been put between them and the group, Robin gives the signal to start moving.

They move swiftly, sticking to the thick foliage the forest provides to aid in keeping them hidden. Before long they're arriving near the back end of the manor, crouching down behind the bushes outside of the servants' entrance. The blue-eyed man moves closer to where the main entrance into the house is so that he can catch the signal from John and put their full plan into action.

He watches as the faux dukes dismount their horses before handing them off to what appears to be a stable hand. The pair then walk up the steps before a valet knocks on the large wooden doors. About a minute passes before it's opened by what the outlaw assumes to be a footman. He must ask for their names as the thief hears Little John announce in his booming voice, "I am Sir Reginald, Duke of Chutney," he then turns to face Alan as he continues, "and this is Sir Durham, Duke of Blighty."

"Yes, and we were hoping to discuss a small matter of business with Lord Braxton." Alan adds, just loud enough for the blue-eyed man to be able to make out what's going on without appearing suspicious.

The footman must accept their response as the door is opened wider, enabling the pair to make their way into the manor. But just before either make a move, John motions for Alan to enter ahead of him. Anyone else would have thought that the gesture was simply one out of courtesy. However, Robin knows that that motion is the signal he's been waiting for. So, he makes his way back to where the others are hiding before nodding at Arthur and Much, silently telling them it's time.

They return the nod, making sure to have what they need before moving from their crouched positions and through the servants' entrance. He waits a few minutes to ensure that the pair have managed to make it in somewhat safely, then he signals to David and Will. The second pair pick up their bags before swiftly moving to the entrance and ducking inside. It's only when Robin is sure that they've had enough time to make it to their designated position does he nod to Tuck to indicate it's their turn. The friar returns the nod as they both gather their equipment. They then move stealthily to the servants' entrance and duck inside.

Upon entering the thief immediately notices the lack of activity within the quarters which he's silently grateful for. Leaving no time to waste, he and Tuck make their way to the front of the manor, making as little noise as possible.

Robin can't help but smirk to himself. Let the fun begin.


"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Regina forces her expression to remain impassive as she holds her hands in surrender before answering with as much calm as she can muster, "My name is Wilma. I'm just wandering from village to village in the hopes of gaining a warm meal whilst on the road."

The brunette doesn't fail to notice how the girl in front of her narrows her eyes suspiciously. "Where are you travelling to?" Snow asks.

"All over the kingdom really." the disguised queen replies nonchalantly, not sure where this is going.

"Doing what business exactly?"

Geez. She sure likes to ask a lot of questions. Managing to quickly form a response that she believes to be convincing, Regina answers, "I'm looking for a buyer. My family's mill is on the market, but I've yet to find anyone with an interest."

It must meet the former princess's approval as she finally lowers the bow and arrow. The brunette exhales the breath she didn't realise she had been holding, letting her hands fall to her sides in the process.

"How long have you been on the road?" Snow asks as she puts the arrow back into her quiver.

"Uh, around a week." Regina replies, trying to sound as casual as possible.

The green-eyed girl nods her head, "Not too long then."

"Not long at all." the brunette mutters.

"Well, I'm afraid you won't find many people here to offer you a warm meal." Snow sighs, walking past the brown-eyed woman.

The woman moves to catch up with her as she asks, "And why is that?"

The princess stops abruptly and Regina watches as she heaves a heavy sigh. "Because they were murdered." she replies and the disguised queen doesn't miss the thickness of her tone.

Even though she had already known the answer, a lump still manages to form itself within her throat and the disgust she had felt moments earlier comes back to settle in the pit of her stomach. "I'm sorry." she manages in a quiet murmur as she brings a hand to rest on Snow's shoulder.

The girl turns and gives her a watery smile. "You know what the sad part about it is?"

"What?" Regina asks, swallowing the lump down as she lowers her hand.

"I'm the reason they were killed." the princess states, "This whole town is dead dimply because they helped me."

The brown-eyed woman forces herself to keep eye contact with the girl in front of her, refusing to turn away from the pain and grief that is so clearly evident within her green orbs. "I'm sue that's not the case." the woman replies, trying to offer some semblance of comfort even as the words leave a bitter taste on her tongue.

Snow offers her another sad smile, "Unfortunately it's the truth."

This time Regina has to lower her gaze so that the girl in front of her doesn't notice the shame that's written on her face. It's not the truth and we both know it the brunette thinks to herself resentfully.

"Anyway, you still need something to eat right?" Snow asks, causing the woman to look back up.

She clears her throat before replying, "Um, yes I suppose I do."

"Then follow me." the girl says, suddenly chipper as she turns around and starts walking in her previous direction.

A silence settles over them and Regina can't help but feel slightly awkward. After all, she had planned to slice her step-daughter's throat with the dagger sitting heavily within her boot as soon as she got the girl alone. And that's exactly how she's got her – alone.

So, what the hell is stopping her from doing exactly that?

The brown-eyed woman doesn't know. All she knows is that once she even starts to think about taking the dagger from her boot, an image of the dead villagers' corpses flashes across her mind and causes a sick feeling to form in the pit of her stomach.

Seeing the cold and lifeless bodies has shaken Regina a lot more than what it has in the past, and for the first time she's seen the true consequences of her actions. Actions that she justified in the name of her Daniel.

The revelation of who – or more rather what – she has become causes an overwhelming amount of self-loathing to consume her. So much for not becoming like her the brunette bitterly says to herself. She had allowed to let her grief and anger consume her until she became everything she never wanted to be and more. And now that she's come to that realisation Regina won't let it continue.

She knows it's not too late for her to find redemption. She knows because over the last several days with Robin and his men, she's felt something other than anger or sadness. She felt free and she felt happy.

And because of that, Regina refuses to no longer be the 'Evil Queen', refuses to live a life where she's miserable and alone.

And it's in that instant she realises that that's the reason why she's been hesitating to kill Snow. It's plain and simply because she no longer wants to.

So, it's with that thought in mind that she continues to follow Snow as the disguised queen makes a silent vow to herself to attempt to fix some of the damage she's caused. And why not start with where she's caused the most devastation?

The brunette stops when they reach a simple shelter decorated with twigs and leaves giving it the ability to blend in with the rest of the surrounding forest. Regina can honestly say she's impressed, when the girl had run away after the huntsman had let her escape, the older woman had expected her to perish almost instantly. But despite her privileged upbringing the princess has seemingly been able to make her way out here in the real world.

"I know it's not much," Snow says breaking the brown-eyed woman from her thoughts, "but for now it's all I've got."

"For what it's worth, it seems almost homely." the brunette replies.

The green-eyed girl laughs in response. "I believe you're the first person to say that." she quips.

Regina can't help but chuckle as she replies, "Yeah, I suppose that's not something you hear every day." They then exchange a small grin before the woman asks, "So, what brings Snow White to this neck of the woods?"

"Ah, so you do know who I am." Snow replies. "I was hoping to manage to be able to keep my identity a secret."

"I imagine that would be quite a challenge," Regina counters, "considering how your portrait is plastered on every tree in the realm."

The princess nods her head as she murmurs bitterly, "Especially when it hangs above false accusations."

The brown-eyed woman simply hums as another lump begins to form in her throat. Once clearing it she moves closer to the shelter as she asks, "Why did the Queen charge you with those charges?"

Making her own way to sit within the shelter, Snow sighs, "She blames me for ruining her life."

Swallowing against the now large lump and sitting down where the girl indicated, she questions, "Did you?"

She notices the green-eyed girl pause before she levels their gazes. "Yes."

They stay like that for a moment before the intensity becomes too much, a new bout of emotions makes themselves known and she has to turn her head away. It's more than clear that the girl next to her is sincere in her words and that's the reason why tears prick at the back of the brunette's eyes. If she wasn't already certain in letting Snow live, she sure is now. So, clearing her throat she brings her eyes level with the princess's as the disguised queen comments, "I'm sure she played her own hand in ruining both her life and yours."

Snow furrows her brow in confusion as she grabs two bowls that are filled with what appears to be broth, "What do you mean by that?"

Regina simply smiles, accepting the bowl that's being offered to her. "It doesn't matter." Then they both consume their bowls' contents in silence.

When it continues to drag out, the brown-eyed woman decides to break it as she questions, "Is there another reason as to why you're staying within the same place for so long?"

"Who says I've been staying in the same place?" the girl retorts, placing her empty bowl on a nearby table. The brown-eyed woman merely gestures around her, causing Snow to chuckle. "I suppose I see your point." she murmurs. After a short pause she answers the question, "Well, if you must know, one I reached the village and saw the devastation that that...woman had caused I decided to give the people the proper resting place they deserve."

"You've been burying them." Regina states in reverence as she nods, turning her head away.

"I have." Snow replies simply.

They fall into another silence as the disguised queen tries to push past the guilt that sits in the pit of her stomach. "Would you mind if I helped?" she asks, meeting the princess's calm, green gaze and feeling the need to clarify the brown-eye woman adds, "To bury them I mean."

The girl smiles at her, "That would be lovely thank you." Regina returns the smile as she places her empty bowl on the small table. "But are you sure it's not trouble?" she then hears Snow ask.

Bringing her attention back to Snow, the brunette sincerely replies, "It's the least I can do."


"Alright Rob, that's the last I can fit." Tuck says as he tries to stuff the last valuable into his sack.

Tying his own sack before tossing it over his shoulder to carry it the blue-eyed man nods, "Don't worry, I'm sure we've managed to get enough." He then waits for the friar to tie his own bag before they set off towards the back of the manor and in the direction of the kitchens.

The pair moves as quietly and quickly as possible whilst carrying bags filled with various valuables. Upon entering they find the others already waiting for them, all the sacks clearly filled to the brim. "Alright you each know your designated route," the outlaw states, looking at each member individually, "all that's left to do is wish you luck."

He receives nods in affirmation before they head out, save for Tuck who hangs back. "You given them the signal yet?" the friar asks.

"I'm on it now." Robin replies handing his sack over, "But start getting the horses ready, I'll meet you there." He then dashes off in the direction of the main foyer of the manor, being sure to stick to the shadows.

Upon entering the sizeable room, the thief hears the vague murmuring of voices. "Please, tell us more about this prized steed of yours." the unmistakable voice of Alan says and Robin can't help but roll his eyes. Horses? Are they serious?

However, it proves to be somewhat effective as Lord Braxton then goes into extensive detail of what the outlaw assumes to be one of his most cherished horses. Chuckling internally, the blue-eyed man continues to make his way further into the room, stopping when he manages to find a position where he's hidden from everyone save Little John's direct line of sight.

It takes barely a minute before their gazes meet and Robin gives him a nod, silently communicating that they've been successful and are good to go.

The bear-like man responds by giving him a very subtle nod of his head as he turns his attention back to the men in front of him. More than confident that John will pass the message onto Alan, the thief goes to make his way back to the kitchens.

Suddenly, he spots movement out the corner of his eye. Turning his head in the direction of the movement the thief hopes to catch its source, but upon doing so his blood runs cold. It just so happens that the thing that made the movement is lurking directly outside one of the front windows. A window that Robin happens to be moving directly in front of.

He freezes as he stares the black knight in the eyes. For a moment neither moves and it's in that instant that the blue-eyed man recognises the face of the guard, as it's the same guy he was shoved by in the town square. And that's when the outlaw knows their time's run out.

I've got to get out of here. Robin tells himself as he starts to make his way back to the kitchens. He moves as swiftly as he can, urging his legs to go faster as he barrels down the halls, not bothering to stick to the shadows. The thief doesn't even stop upon reaching his destination as he continues to run out the door.

Robin only stops upon reaching the horses at their earlier meeting point, letting out a relieved breath when he spots only two. The rest managed to get away.

"It seems so." he then hears Tuck say, making the blue-eyed man realise he had spoken his thoughts aloud. "Is something wrong?" the friar then asks, obviously noticing something's wrong.

The outlaw lets out a sigh as he faces his friend, "We've been spotted. One of the Queen's knights caught a glimpse of me."

"But how can you be sure he knows you're a thief if he only got a glimpse?" Tuck questions, securing the last pack onto his saddle.

"He may have bumped into me a few days ago." Robin replies sheepishly as he cringes, "and he was already suspicious then."

The friar simply shakes his head as he fixes a glare on the thief before turning it to the heavens. "Almighty God help us." he mutters.

"Alright, I stuffed up," the blue-eyed man states exasperatedly as he swings his leg over his horse, "but can you scold me later, after all we need to focus on our escape." Tuck mirrors the motion and in almost no time at all both men are urging their horses forward through the forest terrain.

However, they barely make it halfway down the trail the band used earlier before they ride directly into the horde of black knights that have already cornered David, Much, Arthur and Will. Several more guards surround them with their weapons raised the friar and thief have no choice but to bring their steeds to a halt.

"What do we do know?" Tuck asks from beside him.

But before the blue-eyed man can give a proper answer to the question, a gruff voice declares rather loudly, "As you can see, you and your men have no choice but to surrender."

Robin turns his head to discover that the source of the voice is none other than the knight that he had only seen moments ago, only now a grin of a predator that's caught its next meal replaces the shock that was written on his face earlier. And as much as the outlaw loathes to admit it, the bastard is right – they're more than outnumbered. So, despite his best instincts, he slowly raises his hands to indicate his surrender. He notices the rest of the band hesitate before they comply, though reluctantly.

Robin then finds himself silently repeating the very same words Tuck had spoken earlier. Almighty God help us.


She had noticed a little while ago that the sun's point in the sky had shifted to mark past midday and figured it's probably time for her to make her way back to the rendezvous point in case any of the Merry Men arrive.

"I can't thank you enough for your help." Snow gushes as she moves forward to hug Regina.

The brown-eyed woman hugs her back, albeit begrudgingly as she replies, "Don't mention it." She lets the embrace linger and Regina is almost isn't surprised when she finds herself not wanting to wring the girl's neck. So, when she pulls back it's with a smile as she adds, "I wish I could do more."

The princess returns it, taking the disguised queen's hands in her own, "You've done more than enough." The woman then positions herself next to her horse's side, allowing Snow to aid in getting herself onto the saddle, silently appreciating the help. Once her feet are in the stirrups, Regina grips the reins with an expert hand as the green-eyed girl gently pats her left thigh. "Ride safely." she says.

"I will." the brunette replies looking down at the person she had been so determined to kill only a few short hours ago. But now she realises just how wrong and destructive revenge really is. Her gaze then flicks towards the seemingly unending rows of graves and guilt settles yet again within her stomach causing her to swallow thickly. "And perhaps I might come back to continue helping." Regina offers, turning her gaze back to the girl at her side.

Another smile makes its way onto the princess's face as she nods, "That would be much appreciated, thank you."

The brunette gives her a small smile with a slight nod, "Well, until then. Take care of yourself, Snow."

"You too, Wilma." Snow replies giving a wave.

Returning the wave, Regina digs her heels into her mare's side, encouraging her forward and into a slow gallop. Thankfully the terrain is relatively flat and there aren't many fallen trunks, enabling the brown-eyed woman to guide her horse with ease and keep them at a generally fast pace.

It doesn't take the brunette overly long to reach the outskirts of the camp the Merry Men had set up as their rendezvous point – which Regina is grateful for.

She starts to slow down but doesn't fully command her mare to stop until they've reached the centre of the makeshift campground.

After carefully dismounting Regina looks around to try and gage whether the merry band of thieves have made it back yet. Realising that the only other horse in sight is the one she had left behind, the brown-eyed woman lets out a relived sigh – she's managed to make it back in time.

She then leads her horse over to where the other one is standing, grabbing some rope along the way. Once the brunette stops the mare, she proceeds to remove the bridle before using the rope to tie a halter around the horse's head. Then using what's left of the rope Regina ties it around one of the tree branches nearby. Once she's sure it's secure she continues to remove the rest of the tack and the few packs she had taken with her.

Giving the horse one final pat, Regina then makes her way back to the centre of the campground determining that that would be the best place to wait for the Merry Men's return.


About an hour has passed since she entered the camp and Regina's starting to grow worried. She's more than sure that someone should have come back by now, but she's seen or heard nothing. Not knowing what to do the brunette does the only thing she can do in that moment – sit and wait.

She hates it though, hates not knowing what's going on, especially since her thoughts start to grow restless and all the worst possible scenarios come to mind. The brown-eyed woman needs to know that the Merry Men are alright – to know that Robin is alright – however she has no way of assuring herself.

The woman isn't sure what's making her more worried, the fact that she has no idea as to what's going on or the idea that something dreadful may have happened to Robin.

But there is one thing Regina is sure of, I've got a bad feeling about this.


A/N: Seems like the Merry Men have managed to get themselves into a spot of trouble. So what's going to happen next I wonder?

Guess you'll just have to stay tuned.

The next update may not be until about a fortnight's time, but if I can get it up earlier I will.

I'd love to know your thoughts on a chapter, so feel free to leave a comment!

Thanks for reading :)

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