The Different Girl Of Two Wor...

By _ilove_u_3000_

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This is a fanfic of Spock and Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N Y/L/N is a different girl and I don't mean a different human gir... More

Chapter 1 - see ya soon
Chapter 2 - new me Wait, what?!
Chapter 3 - guess what?
Chapter 5 - nice chat with Spock
Chapter 6 - the news
Chapter 7 - telling Daylene
Chapter 8 - out drinking again
Chapter 9 - home sweet home
Chapter 10 - I'm honoured
Chapter 11 - H-he lied?!
Chapter 12 - Why Spock?
Chapter 13 - It's not fair
chapter 14 - Now Now keep your thoughts on work
Chapter 15 - Vulcan Deceased
Chapter 16 - Do you or not?
Update! ⚠️PLEASE READ!!⚠️

Chapter 4 - lets party/my past

601 15 7
By _ilove_u_3000_


~arriving at Port of San Francisco bar, 6pm~

Jumping out of the taxi, I helped Daylene out. Once out I adjust my small black shoulder bag as we walk into the bar.

Walking in the bar seems to only have a few people. I see Jim in some black jeans and a gray shirt talking with Spock and a few other people in casual clothing, as we walk closer we grab Jim's attention. "Y/N! Aa your here and you brought such a lovely friend with you too" he says walking towards us winking at Daylene. "Yes and i told her to stay away from you" i respond blandly, Jim raises his eyebrows at my response. "Let me introduce you to my friends" he grabs my hand and motions Daylene in the direction towards the bar.

He begins to introduce us by pointing at each person. "As you meet before this is Mr Spock my Commander" "greetings, it's nice to meet you Miss Y/n on better turns", "same goes for Mr Spock" I say showing the Vulcan symbol as he does the same. I start to hear snickering around us, I turn and lift an eyebrow at them the same time as Spock causing more snickers. "I knew it was gonna be funny to see you interact with another Vulcan" Daylene says behind her hand covering her mouth, "Daylene....Stop I know what you're thinking and it's inappropriate for this moment of time" I say glaring and letting out a huff knowing she's 'shipping' me with Spock. Looking around I see Jim's friends with a shock expression.

"She'll tell you later after introducing each other" Jim speaks up, he continues "this is McCoy the Chief Medical Officer and the guy that recovered your bully", he kisses my hand "nice to meet you, it's interesting to see a Vulcan such as you" "nice to meet you too, it would've been nicer if you left her the way she was" "well you know I couldn't of done that" he respond with a chuckle.

"This is Uhura, she's a Lieutenant", Uhura walks up to me and gives me a hug causing me to freeze, she stands and begins to apologize. "It's fine Miss Uhura, I'm just not a very touchy person, I hope I didn't cause any hurt feelings" I say looking down a bit. "It's fine, I understand, this guy is the same" she says with a smile resting her arm on Spock's shoulder gesturing her head towards him making me think that they must be a 'thing' and causing a slight giggle escapes my mouth making the new friends give an odd reaction.

"Wow I've never seen or heard a Vulcan laugh before, it must be the scotch taking affect" a Scotish accent speaks coming from behind Jim. "AARR Scotty there you are, this is Scotty my chief engineer and Keenser an engineer along side Scotty" Jim says moving so i can get a clear view of who he was talking about, "So your name must be Y/n" he say walking up to me then leans in a bit covering a side of his face and loudly whispers, "when he gets drunk he talks about a girl named Y/n how he was worried about, and ever since today his been talking about you all day". Giggling I see Jim irritated making my giggles turn into laughs.

Squatting down I shake Keenser's small scaly but really soft hand as he gives a soft "hello". Standing back up as Jim speaks, "we have 2 other friends but they couldn't make it, so yes everyone this is Y/n, and Y/n who is this?" he motions towards Daylene who I completely forgot about. "Aa yes this is one of my closest friends Daylene". Introducing her I begin to see the males except Spock and keenser's body language change. "Boys, if you would settle down please" I say, getting protective and the guys begin to regain themselves. Daylene walks to my ear and starts to whisper, "Y/n I think my time of the month just started I'll be back in a sec" with that she starts to walk to the bathroom, I turn to her direction looking at her "are you going to be alright?" I ask just in case she wasn't prepared for it, she nods and says "I'll be fine I'll be back in a few minutes, with that she continues walking away. Turning around and seeing confused faces on some of the new friends, "bathroom, she does this whenever we go out" I say with a smile not tectonically lying because she always goes to the bathroom when we arrive at our destination but not with this issue.

"So what'll be your first drink?" Jim says pulling my gently towards the bar as the new friends do the same. "I'll have a Bloody Mary to start with please" I speak calmly, "wow lassie that'll get you drunk pretty fast" I hear Scotty's strong accent beside Jim speak. "Don't worry Mr Scott, it takes a lot to get me drunk and I'm planning on drinking until Jim's bank account is empty" I say with a giggle, "wow I didn't know Jim was that generous to be paying for your drinks, but how much does it take for you to get drunk?". "Well last time I went out drinking was last.....week, I have 6 straight shots of Vodka, 11 shots of Gin, 4 bottles of the finest red wine, 5 Jack Daniels and 6 Bloody Mary's, that only got me tipsy" I say while receiving more shocked expressions, "how much did you spend?!" Uhura speaks a little loud causing me to think. "Well I went to the most expensive bar around here so.....I think maybe 300 to 400 dollars" I say like its a normal thing, "holy crap I wish I was Vulcan so I could hold my liquor like that, I've never seen Spock drink more than 2 drinks so I've never seen him drunk" Scotty says envious. "Oh yes I forgot humans can't hold their liquor as well as Vulcans can" I say with a giggle.

"You haven't seen her when she's drunk from chocolate" Daylene says laughing and wrapping her arms around my right causing Jim to move over for her, "huh?" Jim questions, "well I guess you can say Vulcans get 'drunk' when ingesting chocolate, but it's just one of the ingredients that cause side effects for Vulcans that Humans think that we're 'drunk'" I say emphasising the word 'drunk'. "And for you Daylene?" Jim asks, "just a Jd and coke please" she responds with a smile.

Receiving our drinks we walk to a booth and sit down. Spock and I on the inside of the booth facing each other, Daylene next to me with Uhrua in front of her next to Spock, McCoy next to Daylene with Jim in front of him next to Uhura, Scotty next to McCoy with Keenser in front of him next to Jim. Everyone starts to talking to each other, Uhura and Jim ask Daylene question such as her subject she's doing at Starfleet, what ship she wants to go on and more, and the rest of the boys talk to each other about work as I sit down looking at my drink in my hand thinking.

'I wonder how mum, dad and tyrone are coping with everything, they haven't called my since telling me about rebuilding our race which was 2 weeks ago, they normally call me pretty much everyday to see how I'm still coping since the destruction happened'

Saying that in my head as I stare at my drink my bland face starts to turn into a worrying expression. "Y/n are you ok?" I hear causing me to come back to reality, turning my head to see who it came from, I realise Daylene had said it, making everyone look at me worryingly. "Huh? Oh yer I'm fine" I say with a smile trying to avoid any further questions about what I was thinking and feeling. Daylene rests her hand on mine knowing exactly what I'm thinking about and trying to tell me that everything is ok.

As everyone else begins to think everything is fine Jim speaks up, "Y/n tell everyone your subjects that you're doing and your scores, I'm sure you're gonna get some more interesting reactions" he says with a chuckle. "Oh yes, well we only have about 2 month until we graduate but I'm doing 7 courses" I say as I take a deep breath to continue the reactions I received was priceless including when Scott chokes on his Scotch drink, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" I hear Uhura ask in disbelief. "Well the scores aren't very good for a Vulcan but, Language 90% for all recorded Languages, Race 100%, Scientist in weaponry 95%, Engineer in Vehicles such as the Starfleet ships 91%, Engineer in weaponry 96%, Navigation 97% and Astronomy 99%" i say continuing my sentence, "I swear you can pretty much take all our jobs" McCoy states causing laughter spread through the group beside Spock and I.

"I have a question for you lassie" Scott states, "shoot" I respond jestering him to go ahead, "if you're Vulcan why don't you act like Mr Spock?" he questions. I let out a little giggle knowing very well that question was bound to be asked today, "well I'm a hybrid" I begin but was interrupted by McCoy "Spock is too but he acts Vulcan as ever", I continue. "Long story short, and without getting too deep into it, I was constantly moving to Earth from Vulcan every year. It can get pretty exhausting especially when you're told to not show emotions on Vulcan but told to show them. In the end I just couldn't handle it and I guess I just stuck to being emotional. Though for my brother that's a different story" I say with a smile looking up at everyone. A few people seemed to understand while also a few others don't believe that's the whole story, like Daylene who already knows the whole story and Spock who was analysing my every move

"But I guess that and growing up around Vulcans with a human mindset helped me be able to tell what another Vulcan is thinking or feeling" I say with a chuckle and look at Spock. "How so?" he asks intrigued. "Well for instance I can tell by their body language, the words they chose to use, their eyes and the tone of their voice even when they believe they don't understand or show the emotions, it's the same for me when I look at a human or another race, that's how I gained such a high score for the race course because of the understanding of all of that"

Spock and I look at each other in the eyes in an understanding way, "you said you have a brother, was he the same?" McCoy asks as we break eye contact. "No, he's actually nothing like me at all" I state, "how so?" Uhura questions too, "well yes he is a child from my mother and father but he is pretty much human. Tyrone is his name. Figure wise, its pretty much human but his organs are a little bit Vulcan, so no ears, no eyebrows, his blood is red with greeny colour mixed, but he has gained the logic ability, as I call it and his emotion control is perfect. He was raised on Vulcan with my Vulcan family and went to the academy'' I finish taking and sipping from my drink as my throat starts to become dry from talking.

"What about what your bully said, that your mums helping to rebuild the Vulcan race?" Jim questions more. "Oh yes, so all Vulcans have been asked to try and reproduce more Vulcan children for our numbers to get bigger, so my parents have agreed that my mum can mate with other Vulcan men for full Vulcan blood to be born, since its better for the race then more hybrids" I state.

"Did ya get asked to?" Scotty questions as a joke cause small giggles, "actually yes they have asked me, my mum asked me too, she said that there are lots of attractive Vulcan men that she thinks I would be attracted too" I say with a few giggles, "wait really? Even though you are a hybrid yourself?" Uhura asks curiously. "Yes, as long as the child will be about half Vulcan then it won't matter, I can have a child with a full Vulcan or a hybrid and as long the mate is about half Vulcan it won't matter either". "Well this Vulcan is taken" Uhura states grabbing Spock's hand causing the group to laugh beside Spock, "I thought that was the case" I say while laughing with everyone still. Jim settles down and asks, "that makes me wonder, Spock did you receive that message too?", "yes I did" he responds "and?" Jim questions further, "and I haven't thought about it as yet, it is a discussion for Uhura and I to speak about" he states causing Uhura to pull a slight worryingly face, "I'm sure you'll stay together, there are plenty of Vulcans out there who are helping, I'm sure you guys can stay together and it wont make a different" I say trying to reassure Uhura that he doesn't seem like the guy who would do that, making her give a nice smile.

The night goes on as the bar starts to become packed and we continue to talk, everyone except Spock and I get drunk and we dance on the dance floor like we've known each other for a long time as Spock monitors us from the bar.

It's around 2am as the new day starts and we're still dancing.

'So lucky it's a Friday night, well a Saturday morning, lol'

I say in my head jumping and having fun with the group. We all stop dancing as Spock tries talking to us, "it is 2am in the morning, I feel as if we should settle down and rest at our apartments" he starts. The group start moaning and protesting against him, I speak up "Mr Spock is correct sad to speak, trust me I would love to continue acting like wild animals with you guys until we pass out from exhaustion, but I feel like as if Spock is helping us" I state making the group agree with me and settle down.

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