Signs of Light (l.s.)

By louhazbeenhere

166K 4.5K 9.5K

"I don't have to hear you say it to know you love me." Harry began losing his hearing when he was 13, now he'... More

Chapter i
Chapter ii
Chapter iii
Chapter iv
Chapter V
Chapter vi
Chapter vii
Chapter viii
Chapter ix
Chapter x
Chapter xi
Chapter xii
Chapter xiii
Chapter xiv
Chapter xv
Chapter xvi
Chapter xvii
Chapter xviii
Chapter xix
Chapter xx
Chapter xxi
Chapter xxii
Chapter xxiii
Chapter xxiv
Chapter xxv
Chapter xxvi
Chapter xxviii
Chapter xxix
Chapter xxx
epilogue part i
epilogue part ii
New Story
Edinburgh is For Lovers

Chapter xxvii

2.5K 90 115
By louhazbeenhere


Harry pulled his beanie down lower over his ears as he walked through the park, damp grass clinging to his boots. A crisp breeze stung at his cheeks and nose, but the sun that was peaking out from behind the clouds was a good enough reason to walk. He'd been catching up on work all day from home and packing because he and Louis would be going to Paris in a week. He'd decided to walk last minute to get his prescription from the pharmacy before their trip.
He was going to pick Louis up from work after his errands, excited for the dinner they planned on making together.

He looked down at the marks his wet boots made on the sidewalk as he took his last step out of the grass and smiled softly. He'd been feeling better about losing his hearing completely, and grown more comfortable going out in public again without Louis beside him, although Louis' company always made it better.
Harry walked the last block to the pharmacy and slipped inside, warmth washing over his face. There was hardly anyone inside, only two employees and a woman and her daughter in the candy isle. Harry walked through the isles, trying to waste a few more minutes before going to the pharmacy counter, and trying to find sweets for himself and Louis. He ended up with a couple Flake bars and a few Tunnock's caramel wafers in his hands before he finally made his way to the counter.
He set the candy down and got his phone out, preparing himself before a young woman came up to the counter. She smiled at him, the same woman who had been here the last few times he'd come in for his prescription.
Harry held up his phone for her to see.

Hey Alice
Just my prescription please.

She smiled and nodded before turning back to the shelf of pre-ordered prescriptions and grabbing Harry's. She handed him the small bag and rang him up for the sweets, waving with a smile as Harry walked away from the counter.

The cold air hit his face in a gust as he walked back outside. He walked back through town and towards the park, smiling fondly as he passed their favourite breakfast restaurant, closed in the late hour of the afternoon. Harry checked the time on his phone, he still had an hour and a half before he had to pick Louis up from work. He tucked his phone back in his pocket and decided to take the long way back to the flat, walking around the park instead of through it. He had only taken this route a handful of times since moving to London, usually preferring the grass to concrete, but it was still beautiful.
The sidewalk sloped into a slight hill near the far end of the park, before evening out and coming to a cross section at Aldenham St. He crossed between rushes of cars with a large group of people, and stumbled back onto the sidewalk. There was a newer restaurant on the corner that he'd heard about but hadn't been to, he'd have to take Louis there soon.
Louis... He smiled at the thought of his boyfriend. Harry reached up to pull his beanie further down over his ears to block out the chill, his fingers gently grazing the surgery scars. His heart didn't stutter anymore when he touched them, he thought maybe they were alright. Louis thought they were alright, he'd press kisses to the small scars any time Harry felt anxious or self conscious about them, each kiss saying 'I love you, every inch of you is perfect'.
Harry hummed a soft sigh, thinking about how eternally grateful he was to have Louis in his life. He reached the corner of Aldenham and Chalton St. and pressed the button to cross. As he waited for the light to change, he looked around at the shops he'd never even noticed before: a dimly lit cocktail bar, a tiny used book store, and a small store with jewelry in the window. He walked towards the jewelry shop window, looking over his shoulder to keep an eye on the light. There were a handful of necklaces and bracelets on little stands, a rack of earrings, and a small glass case that held a few rings. Harry looked over his shoulder again and watched the light change, time to cross. He stuck his hands in his jacket pockets and turned back towards the street. A step into the street, he changed his mind and turned around, walking back towards the jewelry shop. He looked in the window again and stepped inside.

"Hello! Can I help you find something, sir?"

Harry walked next to the counter, looking down at the jewelry in the glass cases.

"Sir? Can I help you find anything?"

A small collection of men's rings caught his eyes and he leaned down to get a closer look.

The woman moved from the shelf she'd been standing by, over to where Harry was standing. She set her hand down on the glass to get his attention, a curious smile on her face, watching the young man's face as he admired the rings.

Harry looked up. "Sorry!" he said in quiet surprise.

"It's alright, honey. Can I help you find something?" She smiled at him, mouth quirked up to the right.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and reached for his phone, opening the notes app.

Sorry. I'm deaf, I didn't hear you

The woman looked at the phone and nodded, she held her hand out for it. Harry handed her his phone and watched her type her response.

You're perfectly alright dear. Can I help you find anything?

Harry looked back at her words and nodded slowly, thinking.

Yeah... maybe? I'm not sure.

The woman laughed softly at his response and typed back.

Just let me know if you need any help. I'm Olivia.

Harry nodded and thanked her before continuing to look at the rings behind the glass.
Louis. Louis. Louis. Harry's mind raced as he looked at the rings. Louis' delicate hands. The way he touches your skin. Louis. Always. Always Louis.
His mind stopped racing and it felt like his heart stopped for a minute too when he saw it. In the last glass case, a soft gold band, engraved with delicate roses and a small crystal rested on baby blue velvet.
Harry looked up to find Olivia, then looked back down to make sure he didn't imagine something so perfect for Louis. When the gold band was still sat on the blue velvet, Harry made his way across the shop and gave a small wave to Olivia, trying not to look too excited. She smiled and followed him back to the glass case, picking up a pen and piece of paper on her way.

Which one caught your eye, love? She scratched out in delicate script on the paper, clearly torn from a small journal.

Harry pointed to the ring, hand shaking slightly. She raised her eyebrow and smirked softly as she opened the case. She took out the blue velvet box that held the ring and set it on the counter in front of Harry.

Lucky man? Her script fell across the page.

Harry's cheeks flushed and he nodded, biting back a massive grin. He took the pen from her out stretched hand.

I'm the lucky one. But yes, its..for him.

Olivia smiled and nodded, pushing the blue box towards Harry. He picked up the delicate ring from its velvet hold, admiring the engraved roses, the soft gold, the single jewel in the middle. Olivia turned the paper to him again.

The flowers are my favourite part of that ring, little Juliet roses.

Harry looked at her, wide eyed. He looked back at the ring, his mind racing again with images of this ring on Louis' left hand. Louis. Louis. Louis.

It's perfect.

She grinned and scratched down one last note.

I can see your love for him in your eyes. Congratulations, dear.

Harry's felt his chest tighten, in a good way for the first time in months.
He gave her a soft smile, eyes watery.

I'll take it please.

Olivia set the ring back in the baby blue velvet, and met Harry on the other end of the counter. She slid the paper to him again.

When are you asking him?

She smiled as he read it. He took the pen back and wrote shakily.

Honestly, I'm not sure. I just know I want to be with him forever, and this ring was meant to be his.



"I'm going to marry you one day." He whispered against Harry's curls. "Happy birthday, my Hazza."


Louis sighed happily and flopped down on the bed. He and Harry had just finished unpacking from their trip to Paris, and now they had nothing to do but relax for the rest of the evening before returning to work tomorrow.
Harry tossed his jumper over the back of his desk chair and walked towards the bed. He grinned down at Louis and climbed onto the bed beside him. He wrapped his arms around Louis' chest and tucked his face in against his neck, pressing kisses to the soft skin.
Louis hummed under his touch. He turned his head and captured Harry's lips with his own, moving his hands along Harry's back as he held him closer.
Harry moaned quietly as Louis gripped his arse through his joggers and giggled as Louis turned him over on the bed, hands still cupping his bum. Louis rubbed his nose gently against Harry's and pulled back to sign.

Hazza. A fond smile played at his lips. Such a good trip, baby. But I'm so happy to be home with you.

Harry lifted his head to press a kiss to Louis' lips. Me too.

They shared kisses and touches throughout the night and into the early morning, before falling asleep tangled together barely four hours before Louis' alarm was set to go off.

When his alarm did go off, Louis leaned back and pressed snooze before rolling over, pulling Harry tighter into his arms and tapping his fingers along Harry's skin to let him know he was getting up. He laughed quietly when Harry wiggled in his arms.

"Don't want to get up yet." Harry groaned against the pillow.

Louis chuckled and kissed Harry's shoulder. He squeezed Harry tighter before pulling away and climbing out from under the covers. Harry didn't have to be at work until later in the afternoon; he and Niall were going to help Andrew narrow down the last two tracks for his album and get some final studio work done. Harry had offered to let Louis take the car, and Niall would pick him up and drop him off later.
So Louis let Harry stay in bed asleep as he got ready for the day. He slipped out of his boxers and took a quick shower, returning to the bedroom with a towel around his waist to find Harry still asleep. Louis pulled the blinds up an inch to let in a sliver of light before he dug around his in drawers to find a shirt and trousers. He settled for baby blue skinny jeans and a peach coloured jumper, ruffled his hair a bit, and pulled on a pair of socks with little stars on them before saying goodbye to Harry.
He crouched down by Harry's side of the bed and brushed a soft curl from his forehead, placing a kiss there instead. Harry smiled in his sleep, and Louis brushed a quick kiss against his lips before leaving the room.
He pulled on his trainers and a jacket, made sure he had his wallet and the car keys, then he slipped out the front door, locking it behind him and got in the lift.


When Louis was finished with work for the day, it was only 3:00, Harry would have only just gotten to work, so Louis had plenty of time. He climbed into the car, turning it on and blasting the heat, and then started making his way towards the other side of town.
There was a store by Niall's flat that he'd mentioned when Louis had brought up the idea to him...he'd been almost more excited than Louis, immediately pulling out his phone and bringing up the search engine.
Louis pulled the car against the curb in front of the store and turned it off. He sat for a moment a took a few deep breaths before stepping out into the cool, early evening air. He stepped inside the shop, a tiny bell went off overhead, and he made his way to the rows of glass cases. He looked through two cases before a short, dark haired woman made her way over to him.

"Can I help you find anything, dear?" Louis looked up at her, her name tag read 'Diana'.

"Uhm, yes actually." Louis looked back at the glass cases. "Could I see that one please?"

Diana nodded and grabbed a set of keys to open the case. Louis grinned excitedly as she pulled the small gold band from the case and handed it to him.

"I know it's rather simple, but it's definitely one of our nicer gold bands." She said as Louis admired it.

"No, it's perfect." Louis assured her. "Your uh, your website said you can do engraving?"

She smiled and pulled out a piece of paper with example engravings. "We can engrave on the inside or outside of the band, depending on the design. What did you have in mind?"

Louis fiddled with the band in his fingers. "I was thinking 'I love you'? I know its simple.. but my boyfriend is deaf, and that way he'd be wearing it all the time even if he can't hear me say it."

Diana smiled softly. "That's beautiful. Do you want it in text, or in sound wave?"

"How would I do it in sound wave?" Louis looked up from where he was admiring the ring again.

"We've got a special machine; we can have you say it and record your voice and engrave your voice on the ring."

"That's-- that's perfect." Louis' heart was pounding in his chest as he handed her back the ring.

"Alright, c'mon then, love. Let's go get this ring personalized."

Louis' heart thumped against his chest as he followed Diana to the tech room in the back of the shop. She opened the door and Louis into a room with a little sound recording setup.

"Alright, let me just set up the software, and you'll be good to go."

She fiddled around with the software and microphone, making sure everything was perfect before guiding Louis towards the set up.

"Just speak in a clear, normal voice. Alright, love?"

He nodded and moved closer to the microphone. His hands shook slightly as he watched her press 'record'.

"I love you, my Hazza."


Hello! Hope you're all doing well.
I thought I'd just write this chapter as a little background on how they both went about choosing engagement rings, since I didn't mention the planning at all in the last chapter.
I kind of love that Louis was so intentional about his ring, he knew he wanted it engraved and wanted it personalized just for Harry, but he chose it a whole month after Harry chose his. And Harry just happened to come across this shop unintentionally, not even planning on buying anything, and Louis' literally perfect ring was right there waiting for him.

I just love that :)

I've been putting together the next bit of my story and wrapping things up, there will probably only be a handful more chapters, hoping for 5 more, and then an epilogue. xx

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