- A new dimension ; Discontin...

By Ly_nxe

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Pls stop reading this it's so bad 🧍 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Fan Service Chapter
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Important, please read
Chapter 34

Chapter 33

58 6 0
By Ly_nxe

Danny slowly woke up, his head pounding. The last thing he had remembered was Kirishima sobbing, and he wanted to make sure Kirishima was okay. It was rather dark, around 11 pm. He had no idea what day it was.

He sat up, and felt his neck. It was wrapped up, it didn't burn anymore, but it still hurt. He looked at the window to see the moon glistening like always.

He got up unsteadily and opened the door, he closed it and heard a small groan, he turned to see Kirishima cuddled up with a shark teddy bear, and his eyes open and staring at him.

"D-Danny?" The boy whispered with a shaky voice.
Danny walked over, and without any context he ripped the plushie from his grip, frightening Kiri- until Danny squeezed himself in between Kirishimas arms and pressed his face into the redheads chest.

"D-Danny.." the boy said with a stutter, his face red. Boy, was he thankful that it was dark.

Danny didn't say anything, and Kirishima gave a small sigh, he wrapped his arms around Danny and pulled him close, and closed his eyes. The two cuddled together.


Danny woke up with a small yawn, and heard a click- like a photo being taken. He turned and realized he was sprawled out over Kirishima, and his face was in the crook of Kirishimas neck. He turned to see Mina taking a picture.

Danny gave a death glare, until he felt Kirishima sit up. He was now in the redheads lap, being held close and Kirishimas hands on his lower back.

"Mm.. goodmorning." Kirishima groaned, his eyes slightly closed.

"M-morning.." Danny mumbled quietly.

Kirishimas eyes widened to see himself holding Danny, his face went as bright as his hair and Danny just had a small blush across his face.
"So what happened last night?" Mina wiggles her eyebrows. "Nothing!" Kirishima said quickly.

  "Oh man Kirishima, you finally got together with him?" Kaminari asked, sipping coffee.

  Danny looked around a bit confused, he watched Kirishimas expression, which he was still extremely flustered.   "Oh, and the entire class is already awake. You guys slept like you've never slept before." Kaminari hummed,

  Danny, who realized that everybody had seen them cuddling, instantly turned his face into the crook of Kirishimas neck to hide his embarrassment.

  Kirishima huffed and pat Danny on the head. "So, we got how much supplies?" He turned his head to Mina. "Enough to last us a couple of months, which should be enough seeing how Mr Aizawa is already coming up with a plan." Mina hummed.

  Kirishima nodded.

  Danny fiddled with the bandages on his neck, already wanting them off. Kirishima looked to him and quickly swatted his hands away from his neck. "Danny, that Bandage is so you can heal up, not to play with." The boy said in a bit of a sad tone. Danny huffed. "It's squeezing my neck though, it's like the time Skulker practically choked me out." He grumbled.

  Kirishima blinked at a him, a bit confused.

  "Ghost guy." Danny sighed. Kirishima nodded.

  Danny looked up at Kirishima, then noticed none was actually looking at them; this made Danny's heart flutter a bit as a few thoughts rushed to his head.

  He gently laid a kiss on Kirishimas cheek, then scrambled from the boys lap and into the kitchen to get breakfast.

Kirishima was extremely flustered, but nonetheless got up to follow him. Danny was fiddling with some stuff, and eventually dropped a pan in frustration.

  Kirishima picked it up with a chuckle, "Don't get too frustrated, I don't want you to be harmed more then you already are." The redhead hummed.

  Danny nodded and quietly turned, and looked outside the window conveniently.

His eyes widened, then he jumped out the window without a second word.

  "DANNY!" Kirishima yelled. The boy slipped through the window after him, causing a havoc inside. Kirishima was chasing Danny down when the boy suddenly jumped into a portal, and before it closed- Kirishima got in as well.


  The beautiful emitting green of the ghost zone swirled effortlessly, causing an illusion-like beauty.

  Danny felt energy flow into him, and suddenly he went into Phantom Form, his white hair flopping down across his face as he floated. Kirishima watched as he was trying to balance himself in the air.

  "Danny..?" Kirishima said quietly. Danny turned to Kirishima. "Why'd you follow me?" Danny asked, floating over. "I.. I.. didn't wanna lose you.." Kirishima said quietly looking into the boys intoxicating green eyes.

  Danny smiled a bit, and picked Kirishima up bridal style. "I need to  find Clockwork to get us back, and if I'm right- this is pretty far from Clockworks tower- it's closer to.. my parents ghost portal.." he said quietly. He turned to see the line of ghosts like usual.

  Kirishimas eyes widened, "What—"

  "We.. we're gonna make a pit stop first, okay?" Danny smiled. Kirishima nodded hesitantly and then they were off. They flew pretty fast and the door started opening.

  "Is that phantom?!"

"Get him!"

These comments startled Kirishima and soon they emerged from the portal, and Amity looked peaceful.. too peaceful.

  Danny landed down in front of the school, forgetting it was broad daylight out.


  Danny turned quickly, then set down Kirishima. It was Dash. But how was that possible? Were they really in the right timeline? They had to be- so were things- rewinded here?

   "You've been gone for like, forever! Wait until Mr.Lancer and the Fentons hear about this!" Dash laughed annoyingly.

  "Quick question, is Danny Fenton here?" Danny asked quietly.
"Oh, he disappeared like years ago! Why?" Dash said, a bit too excited.

  Danny blinked until his phone got a text.

  'Time has been altered in your universe, something happened but I can't tell what has happened, everyone thought to be dead is, well alive.'

It was obviously Clockwork who had sent the message by the name 'Clock Man.'

  Kirishima read over the texts. He looked up to Danny. "Okay, Uh- Bye Dash." Danny said quickly, he grabbed Kirishima and flew off.

"Where are we going?" Kirishima asked, holding onto Danny for dear life. "We're gonna go see my parents."

  "Oh- uh- okay.." Kirishima nodded.

  Danny landed in an alleyway and detransformed, he intertwined his hand with Kirishimas causing the boy to turn into a blushing mess. He led him to the door, his raven hair it's usual disheveled mess. In this world he looked a lot older, around the age of 17.

  Danny was muscular, to say the least in this world; he looked amazing.

  Suddenly he knocked on the door to hear a familiar, "Coming~"

Suddenly Maddie opened the door and she screeched.

  "OH MY GOD!"

  Danny blinked, squeezing Kirishimas hand. Suddenly his mom started crying. "Danny! Come inside! Please!" She said quickly pulling him and Kirishima in.

Jazz walked in, and her mouth went agape, "Danny? Hold on— why are— what?"

"Uh-Hi." Danny said quietly.
"So- I came for some info. What happened?"


A lot of explaining went through, but something that stuck with Danny in this world was that, Danny had just disappeared, and never came back.

  Danny explained a lot, he wasn't even surprised that the reason he left was because they figured out he was phantom.

  Danny nodded, turning to Kirishima who was messing with his hair.
"So, who's your friend? Where's Sam and Tucker?" Jazz asked, twirling a pen in her hand.
  "Uh- well.. this is my friend, Kirishima. And uh- I don't know about Sam and Tuck." Danny huffed. Kirishima got a bit sad, just a friend? It was true, but was that all he was seen as? He shook his head.

   Danny quickly stood up, "I have to go. Bye mom, dad." The raven haired teen smiled. He grabbed Kirishima and ran out the door.

  "Where Are we going now?!" Kirishima asked, a bit annoyed at being pulled along.

"We are gonna go destroy those clones. I have an idea." Danny smirked.

  He pulled him into his arms and flew through a natural portal opening, and soared off to Clockworks tower.

   They were going to get rid of Reaper.


Sorry if this was all over the place lol.

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